(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi Joilin,

Didnt know that GNC is selling it...was thinking of getting it to brew tea...but not sure where to get it..

I suggest u read the instruction or give GNC a call to check?It safer rather than overdose



seemed like we are all sort of in the same boat. #1 w me, but bcos i am still trying to bf my #2 since we both hv latch issues... am spending alot of time w him rather than my #1...


drink alot of water/fluid, latch as frequent as possible and u shd see ur supply establish. my supply just came in after 10 days and i hope i can maintain ... sm times supply will b established in weeks so keep drinking up... now i water parade v frequently...

Gd morning mummies n daddies:

finally woke up and had a long rest after such a long time..feel like a cow, pumping, latching n feeding bb..sometimes my mum or sis called i can't even remember wat day or date it it's liao..

yesterday so happi, hubby brought mi out to toa payoh even i m on confinement..i even drink bubble tea which i m nt suppose to..but then hack care liao..WTH loh..

it's always good to go out n take a short walk n relieve some stress n unhappiness.


i always use the football style to feed bb, like tt i can see bb if he falls aslep n i also got 2 free hands to reach for things if i need. if i really tired n bb still latch on i just slide down n raise bb up for mi to nap awhile..haha

SillyHp: woa..my boy bb shower is on next sunday...hee hee..next week most prob gotta go out shopping for decorations to deco my hse for the event..


Our boys share the same birth date right? 10 July [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't intend to deco house lor... just deco myself hahahah

Bubbletea- my brother n sister were drinkin infront of me ytd. Me was drooling Liao. Sucks can only drink cold drinks after 40 days but think I will hack care. Will drink once reach 35 days

i also! i love koi bubble tea!!! gonna drink to my fullest after confinement!

how many days are your confinement?? 35?? not 31 ar? haha.

my baby was born on 21st july. i thought 21st aug can drink already!

So stressed yesterday night! Couldn't sleep at all cuz bb chloe keep waking up for feed, same old same old stories lar.. wake up every hour to look for nipples n breastmilk.

I had caesarean, though wound is not painful, but i know i shouldn't exert myself moving here and there.. sekali the wound doesn't heal properly inside then have problem for next pregnancy, but CHOI!

Anyway, i was so stressed yesterday night, at 5am, i couldn't take it anymore and decided to bottle feed her with FM, bb rejected the teats and suckled so hard on my nipples. But i have latched her for soooooooooo many times in a day, i can't have proper rest T_T. I msged my babysitter at 5am, "how to bottle feed her? she rejected" she replied "be persistent". then i tried wah really can! She down 10ml FM straight away (b4 that she had BM too). I passed bb to confinement lady, ask her to bottlefeed her whenever she is hungry, she also thinks i so poor thing, have to keep latching bb till so tired, cannot rest T_T. I slept till 8am, bb can drink from bottle le, she really has good sucking skills. For the following feed, i latch her again, thank God she is not confused! Still love my nipples hehe..

So now my method is to alternate between direct latching, bottle feed with FM, or bottle feed with EBM if i need more rest.

Really like what you ladies mentioned here, motherhood is not just about TBF, we have to enjoy every moment of it, bonding with our bbs rather than feeling stressed, miserable and stressed out.

Take it easy, now bb is sleeping, and i have just pumped out *drumroll....... 50ml on day 5, is a great achievement for me.. happy happy!

Everybody jia you oh~ i am also listening to relaxing music, bossa nova/jazz.. help me to relax and chill..

Sharing a pic of my beloved #2, Rayden... simply love this look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharing a pic of my beloved #2, Rayden... simply love this look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4304082.jpg]

Hey everyone.. I'm back..

I delivered on 17 Jul. Exact date that Leola's dad wanted her to come out.

Can't wait till I'm out of confinement now.. dun like having a stranger in e house

Am craving for Koi and coffee bean ice blended now..

jayamum - Same problem as you..but this time is my own mother and sometimes my MIL. My mother will kert standing RIGHT next to me when I breastfeed. And my MIL will be hovering around the bed.

I dun understand why some people dun understand breastfeeding is rather private. Doesn't mean I have boobs and you have boobs means you can come see my boobs.

Now back at home, i will lock myself up in the room to breastfeed. :p

Haha I had my bubble tea yesterday liao! I've self declared my confinement over already .. =D

Seriously I feel like totally OK now already.. maybe 30 yrs later I will suffer like what the old folks say... but heck care. I'll think about it 30 yrs later =D

Cecil- my confinement is 30 days and I'm breakin jail on mon! Yeah! But my mum said cold drinks n food have to be taken 40 days from e start of confinement. I bargain with my mum then she said I can take cold drinks after 35 days which is next fri

SillyHp: yeh yeh our boys share the same birthday...10 july..aiya, i donit to deco..still look same, just need to rid off the tummy fats then i will be back to my oldself liao..

vivi, cecil: i don't care le..WTH with confinement lah..as long my meals are tonic and 'bu shen zhi' can aready. esp my mum everyday also boil tonic soup bring over to my MIL place. i think 'bu' enough liao..'bu' until i going sore throat i think.

yeh, u are rite cecil, koi bubble tea, half sugar n no ice with mini bubble..

woa vivi, u really so strict do confinement for 40days ar..i think i m the most rebelious mummies around here..be4 confinement even end, had been chomping dwn on those junk food le..

shann, don't so stress over BFing..yesterday just brought bb dwn to clinic to get some heat rash cream. the doc was telling me, it's good to BF and top up with FM to let bb sleep longer, so we can have ample of rest too. if bb is waking up like every 2 hrs(which is short sleeping time), we shld increase bb intake of milk liao..

now my hungry ghost is happily zzz away after emptying 1 full breast n a top up of 50ML.. i think his intake for tt amt shld be 100-120ML le..n he's only like 3weeks old..

me n hubby was talking abt his intake of milk..at the rate he is eating, sooner or later we both will go bankrupt.

Lasery- Tis confinement I only do 30 days n I drank alot of plain water. Also hack care Liao. My prev confinement I did 40 days n never even drink a sip of water . Totally follow e rules. My hb said I double STD

Shann- I typically latch my #1 hrly for 3 mths n I nvr give in to fm . Resulted me to be super tired n often bad temper. Am glad u hv found ur solution. Way to go!

Keropi- tats wat my mum said la. But u can check with e elders. My mum said minimum 35 days. My Confinement endin on mon so I can take cold drinks on sat onwards keke

wow - all bubble tea fans... count me in... next gathering must find a place serves bubble tea liaoz...

all about BM

I'm doing 100% EBM now... can monitor my gal's milk intake better... find that she always sleep at my breast so decide to 割爱 and to feed EBM all the way...

Today is my gal's 满月, tomorrow my CL will be leaving liaoz... after that it will be only me and my gal during the day... doubt I can come in as often liaoz.... *sob sob*

Eliss- dun worry everything shld be ok. I will be alone with BB next week onwards. Will treasure the time

together as I will be going back to work in sep n BB will be in infant care Liao

i am looking at the thermos BP and thinking of getting a flask and a food jar... wanna ask experienced mummies

1) Flask - how big should i get? it will be used to hold hot water for my gal's EBM

2) Food Jar - for solid food when Keila is at least 6 mths old, thinking of getting the SK3000 with a capacity of 0.47l, is it too big?

Eliss- is it the same as e tiger brand 1? Taka n isetan have good deals during their pte sales. Can kiv. I bought the flask at 19 bucks.

my bb shower was on 24th (last sat).. i started eating sea coconut dessert liao lor.. hahaha.. then i open the fridge and drink ice water.. wahahha.. my mom tell me confinement 40 - 50 days even..

actually this confinement... besides not washing hair.. i was quite relax on myself.. cause no one offered to help me with my confinement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my MIL didnt do for me.. i didnt hire a CL.. my hubby took 2 weeks leave, helped here and there but he not steady to carry bb.. so i gotta bathe for bb.. i ended up machiam no confinement.. haizz long story la.. but made me super disappointed with my ILs...

but its ok.. now i have a FAMILY liao.. so i will be family focused.. think no evil...

anyway, mommies, dun worry la.. when i came home with bb.. i also dunno what i shud do.. how i shud do... no one taught me too.. even bathe for bb i watched you tube the CL do and i learn.. hahaha.. funny right? but i mastered it anyway...

how to swaddle bb properly i also watch youtube and some videos de.. hahahahahha.. im a cyber mommy...

everyone else taught me different versions of things. but i choose to follow the same theory like when i was pregnant. listen to everything but adopt those that some logical to you. of coz some research to understand the issue is also essential la...

i remember i was gong gong and even woke celeste up in the middle of the night to feed and after 2 days.. i tell myself i can prob last this way for 3 days and i will be total drained liao.. so i went ahead with feed on demand. so midnight only got about 2 feeds.. normally at 1-2am and 4-5am or sometimes even 6am.. like tat i got more energy..

all these are thru expereiences, we make mistakes but we also corrected it to follow our lifestyle and body ma.. dun wory so much first.. we are all here to support u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the rest, jus play by ear.. we are all learning also ma..

Phy, your bb is super cute. What a great pict.

Eliss, did you figure out how you'll cope with your meals? My mom is leaving next mon, dunno how I'll cope without her. Right now when bb cries, only my mom can comfort her.

Babycoco and Eliss,

When I had my #1, was very gungho. Insisted MIL leave after 1 month and I wanted to try taking care of BB plus myself on my own.. Hee, ended up could look after BB but not myself coz I didn't know how to cook meals! Been working for so many years and suddenly wanted to be SAHM.. Haha, I flopped terribly at that and sought my MIL and Mum's help. They then started coming to help me cook on alternate days.

Looking back, if I were to do it again, I would get tingkat for the first month when I was on my own. Then 2nd month on I would start to plan such a way that I could do marketing on weekends to cook for myself and hubby.

Don't fret. Start sitting down and think how to take care of yourself first... coz must take care of ourselves before we can look after the kiddos.


I got myself

1) 700ml termal flask for hot water

2) 1.4l food jar (too big)

For food jar, good to get smaller one if you intend to just cook porridge or puree. I got a bigger one with 3 different compartments.

WOWOW.. Sometimes, i just have difficulty in catching up in this forum... LOL~~ Alway have to read from where i stop.. But then i also forget where i have stop reading... LOL~~ >_<'''

Cheerymum & Sean thanks for concerning.. I will think +vely, juz for the sake of my baby galen..

But ever since galen's umbilical cord drop off, his tummy started to get bloated, like say, day by day.. but i burped him regularly.. I just dono y he end up like tat.. hai~~ :C

Been in and out of Singapore Baby Clinic, KKH, juz becoz of his tummy.. But now doc told me that, it is his intestines have got alots of wind, i/o his tummy have got alot of wind.. >_<''' puzzle.. How come the wind end up in his intestine??!! confused...

But becoz galen is active, normal feeding & pooing & peeing.. Doc nv admit him.. But give him e follow up.. Gosh~~~ worried... :C

I still tot of giving gripe wind to reduce his wind.. But now i dono whatelse can i do to help him ease his discomfort.. Though i have fed him ridwind b4 every BF.. but it doesnt seem to help much.. T_T

sean, my bb also has those frown lines on her forehead, always look like she's so many problems, hee. your bb is cute, looks like who? you or your wifey?

Hershey: My bb also feeling very dicomfort...i have always wanted to bring him to the clinic..but dun want end up the doc just say :"it like that"...then waste my time ..U can rub the ru Yi oil on his tummy also.

Babaycoco:i think most bb has...i also dunno...i only really saw him "frown" like this when i wanted to take pic of him...i think should be look like me...that what most pple said..wahahaha

Hershey, my baby too... Lots of wind in stomach. Tried all methods to help her but the wind like alot stuck inside her body cannot come out. Seeing her discomfort makes me so worry. Her poo is like little bit little bit since yday.

Sean :

i noe i a waste of time to go in & out of the SG Baby Clinic & KKH.. But, sometime it is just the feeling.. S if, i goes down to KKH or BB Clinic my worried will be lesser to half.. something like that..

But at times, my bb will hold his breath until his whole body & legs turned purple... >_< Scary... for at least a minute...

Yup.. i did just tat.. I use tat Ru Yi Oil to do massage for him.. From front to back, from the tip of his spine to this butt, his palms, his feed... Almost his whole body cover with ruyi oil smell le.. It did really helps.. But my mummy told me not to do so many time, coz their skin very delicate.. if too much oil, will burn their skin.. So i alway limited to 4 times.. hai~~

Now is cooling time, he can sleep for 5 hrs straight w/o cranky...

Cheerymum :

ya.. is like so panic.. Nothing much can we help to ease them.. The wind like cannot go off de.. Plus the stomach bloated like a ball.. See le, also heart pain..

Dont even rem my daughter go thru this stage.. hai~~

Her poo is real pooing or just fart pooing??

Mind is, fart than got a bit pooing.. But doc say that doesnt count as pooing.. Nid those real lots of pooing that counted..

Sometimes, 1 day he poo 1 or 2 real pooing de..

Dono is it norm not.. hai~~ Now i do recording his pooing.. wait for the next follow up than ask the doc again.. >_<


your baby's sooo cute! looks like he enjoys being in that position and being burped! hehehe..


your baby's a deep thinker huh? very cute


i do these exercises for my baby to help get rid of wind - i'm not using ru yi oil, ridwind or gripe water:-

1. cycling using the legs

2. push legs to tummy, hold 10 counts, then straighten

3. massage tummy/stomach in a circle, clock-wise direction


GNC's fenugreek I take 2 capsules, 3 times a day. the directions on bottle says to take 1-2 right? but salesperson said can take up to 6 capsules. most important is drink lots of fluids and rest well


you're doing really fine! must kowtow to you oredi

Hershey:Can totally understand that feeling. Cos i was observing my boy...if still unwell maybe i will make a trip down liao..at least feel assured if it nothing serious and making him feel better..

Did u let the PD about bb holding breath part?cos it really sound scary when the body become purple...it will be good if doc know what happen.

Ru Yi oil i never rub whole body..just a few drop and rub on my palm till warm then rub on his tummy. It true not to rub too much...if not also not good for the skin..

Hershey, don't use too much ru Yi oil on baby. The oil somehow is able to go into their blood stream. My friend's baby was hospitalized bcos of that and the doc scolded my friend for using so much ru Yi oil on her newborn baby. I only applied twice a day for my baby. Each time is just 2 drops. I use on her stomach only.

ICA:hahaha...i also dunno what he is thunking about too...he started to make noise to respond to what we said to him liao...n lots of expression...

I think yr excerise part on getting the wind away it good...i must give it a try liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you're bottle feeding your baby? if yes, check that the teat does not have any air, and try to let baby sit in a almost upright position when feeding. also when making FM, just swivel to dissolve the powder - less air. if you're BF, then could be the diet bah


dun use Ru Yi oil on baby. i used it once but my baby din like it. so i've stopped. my mom told my cousin who's a PD that we used once, she scolded us. said cannot simply use as baby's systems still delicate. even cornstarch also not to be used

Wow... Confinement for 40 days??! When I was pregnant, I also drank cold drinks! Haha...

I miss koi really badly!

Vivi - think toa payoh, Chinatown, marine parade, illuma all have! Check their website?? I love their chin chow w milk tea! 25% sugar!

Lasery - yah confinement food is so heaty that I've fever liao!

My baby is ten days old but her umbilical cord still haven drop!


ica :

oh.. yes,yes.. I did cycling his legs.. and do the pushing to his tummy.. but i nv count to 10... LOL~~ massage his tummy in this way too.. Sometimes, it really helps him to big pooing or farting.. But then, his tummy is still big big de.. >_<""

Sean :

Ya.. just like wat u say.. Doc told me "is like this one, not to worry.. after he release his breath he will be back to norm" -_-'''

Cheerymum :

Gosh, so serious... hmmm~

I do 4 times a day, but each time is like u just 2 or 3 drops only.. After still his tummy bloated, i juz use johnson baby lotion to do massage le..

His stomach bloated like coming close to 2 weeks le.. -_-'''

