(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

sun tan,

my weight was 62.8kg when i admit...took at MAH then went in the suite n nw i went back using the same machine n it's 60.1kg....cannot b 2 days in hospital i can gain few kg rite coz oni today i went take

our memories went so fast recover 1...some might remain forgetful


hi mummies.. I'm so tired and exhausted. bb is so cranky and cries nonstop, refuse to sleep since 9pm and it's nt the first time.. she will only settle down if i give her my breast. At first i tot is growth spurt but i realize it is just comfort suckling that she wants. Cos i offered her bottle she rejects.. everyone tried to carry her also no use. yet i cant keep giving her my breast cos its sore from her sucking for too long.. Pacifier she also rejects.. Wad shall i do??


its like take 1...if u no wan then u can bottle feed at intervals....she rejects bottle at first then u dun give in, wait later she hungry liao she'll sure to take the bottle no nid to worry

if nothing serious try not to give pacifier lah...not easy to quit that when they grow up....like my boi, now 19mths liao still sucking that

Yawn... Me too ... Yawn ...

Just finished latching and pumping...

Eyes can barely Stay open...

Uguys still got energy to chat...

Yawn... Back to slumberland..


No leh, but I tot all must go back to PD for a follow up checkup abt a week after discharge? U discharging later? If yes then I think ur bb's PD wld make arrangement with u.


Wah, latch then pump.. I m only pumping, so for half hr I have got nothing to do so surf net loh.


yup!! can discharge once PD says bb can go hm....i already settled my bill liao....my 1st i no come back PD....my boi got jaundice so he says can juz go polyclinic no nid come back here so far

sigh my bb still awake. Already offered her a bottle and she finished half, reject it and keep crying till i have to give her my breast.. I'm gg to break down soon!

Sweetkiss, not sure if this will help. How about getting someone else to feed and carry her first while you try resting your nipples? If baby don't see and smell you, she may not behave this way.

Sweetkiss, I got the same problem with u last few days!! Today I try giving him bottle and put him on the bed even he is crying. Try coaxing him again n again. Manage to work for me. But u gotta be hard hearted cos he will keep cry. Try putting a clothing of urs on the cot so he can smell u..

Just finish feeding n nw pumping. 5 more min n I can knock out!!!!

Haiz.. Last nite my baby stomach not well, guess is alot of wind. She cant sleep well and drink well. Vomit out most of the milk. Drink halfway and cry. So heartpain to see her like that.

gd morning mommies..

sigh. i had a fever last night and i took a panadol. Wonder if i can still give baby my BM?

if not i will throw it away =(

anyone here took pills to stop milk supply? any side effects??

My in laws, mother and husband told me to gradually stop BF because they say that i'm undergoing Post Natal Depression soon if this goes on.

Cecil >> Do whichever works for you. Most important is Happy mommy = Happy Baby.

Phy >> Wow, sounds like magic pants man..Just wear and lose weight..I dun mind trying. Actually I think it works like the binding the malay massage does for us. Also put on for 8 hrs. Later me go call the shop see if buy more can get discount not. Have you gotten yours yet?

Cecil- panadol is safe . I didn't take med to stop bf. Wat I did wAs to reduce my pumpin times n pump till soft when engorge. Hth

ok... i juz called my doc.. she asked me not to make a rash decision cos stopping the milk production is irreversible.... so i should gradually stop and let my body stop the supply instead of taking medication.

suika - yah so for now i will pump lesser.. i m currently not latching already...

so we shall see how!

heard that cabbage leaves can reduce engorgement (indirectly reducing milk supply ) but may cause blocked ducts? how does it feel like having blocked ducts??? i wonder if i have...

Cheerymum:it happen to my bo last 2 nite as well..abit cranky..dont want to sleep..can feel that he is not comfortable...vomit out milk..When i saw him vomit the milk out...my whol heart just broke into 2...sigh

What i did was every 4 hours will rub the ru yi oil..carry him in a stand up pose instead on lying down..keep making him burp, massage his leg in a cycling motion...n i try to feed abit of the gripe water..but he rejected also...hope he will be back to normal self..


not yet. U stay near the shop? I'm eyeing the lana pants. Only need to wear for 4 hours. Ya, works like the massage we get. Diff is tt gotta wear when doing some work or exercise. Masseur told me this is a good time to wear corset/slimming pants coz our flabby tummies not harden yet.

I don't mind trying lor. U let me know later? Today I intend to go rebond my hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My girl Vera is 5 weeks old now. My pregnant weight is 58kg. After giving birth until now i loss all my pregnancy weight n back to my normal 48kg. Still trying to shake off another 3kg


but y wana stop? stressful to wake up for feed? wad i do is latch during the day n FM at nite...esp when i'm back to work

if u really wana stop, dun latch n pump lesser....shorten ur pumping time slowly

blocked ducts can cause fever....pump till u no engorge then slowly ur body will not produce so much

To all Mommies:

BM or FM...it doesnt matter.what it matter is happy parenting makes happy and healthy kids. There no prove that BM will make a superman too. Most important for us is to learn and explore with our kids everyday..stay as a family units..love and care each other..grow old/up with each other...other things are just compromise...


u lost all ur weight so fast? that's so good....how u did that?


ur confinement finish yet? if hvn juz ren awhile more lor....mine oni gonna start soon

Sian... Today need to go out but it's raining so heavily! It's gg to be a challenge carrying bb n walking in the rain man...

i strongly agrees w sean!! i went thru the depression part...not v good lor esp when bb cries w me

leave bb to someone else n go dwn take a walk it's good oso....esp for those 1st time mummies...the changes might b too overwhelming for us


haha ya hor  I'm blur already

sigh, hoping for rain to stop. Want go out to do hair. Holding full month party next saturday.

sun tan,

i ask PD liao....nxt wk see doc to check but can go polyclinic no nid come back to him so troublesome....heehee

now waiting for her results to be out n off we go liao

Suika >> ending next thurs, hee..can't wait.

It's funny, I realise I cannot drink milk in the day. Baby gets really fussy and won't sleep. I think maybe it makes my milk 'windy'. Drinking a glass at night is fine, just not in the day. Lidat how do I replace my calcium loss?

For latching mommies that are having a hard time at night, I found a method which works for me. When baby cries for milk I latch him lying down sidewards. He on his side facing me. He will suck on my boob until satisfied and bcos it's so comfortable, he falls asleep easily. I wait awhile then carry him back to his cot. If my Hubby not around (like last night cos he went to queue for iPhone) I will just let bb sleep on my bed.

Works well for me cos I can drift off to slp while he suckles. Not so tiring to carry!


that's nice....my confinement will b abt 40days instead...but after manyue can bath liao lah...juz the food intake will extend to 40days

Thanks suika...i realise that going into post natal depression for mummy can be very unkowningly and scary...when PD told my wifey that bb will be discharge a day later due to jaundice...and wifey cry for the whole day...i start to realise that it more serious than i thought it will be...

From then on...i realise making sure that mummy n bb are healthy and happy is more anything than anything else....


am hvg it. all bcos i think i owe my #1 her portion of love while i spend so much time w #2. been crying almost everyday. so heart pain to see that when my #1 wants me, i cant be there for her to spend time w her. feeling so guilty

Cranky Babies at night

Last night my boy also... he tortured by from 8pm till 11pm... I latched him from 8 to 830pm then prepare him for bed. He got up and cried. No choice I gotta picked him up again.. then hor, he wanted to latch on again!!! This repeated till 11pm... I really buay tahan already and raised white flag... went into #1's room to wake my DH up.

Guess what? My DH just cuddle my #2 and pat pat a bit. That's it!!! #2 fell sound asleep within minutes!!!! So, I realised that #2 just missed his Dad's cuddles coz everynight my hubby will cuddle him and spend some time with him.. last night DH was tired and after settling #1, he fell asleep too..

Then this morning... #2 was playing in his cot from 8am to 9am (after a feed). I slept lor... at 9am he cried...checked on him and found that he regurgitated some milk and he was lying beside his vomit. So, cleaned him up and lay him down again.. again he cried cried... Sigh, wanna feed again... after feed, he got tha satisfied look on his face.. I lay him down in his cot again... then went out of bedroom to have simple breakfast..

He cried again.. why? Becoz one of his socks came off!!!

Haha, babies... really can be quite fussy!


do u set aside some time to spend with #1? I know it's hard... my #1 doesn't want my attention all the time but I still feel guilty when I can't spend time with him. Especially now that he is able to articulate his thoughts well, he wants me to do quite a bit with him, like painting, drawing, play, read books etc..

I try to at least be able to put him to bed at night...or play with him after he got up from his afternoon nap.


Actually u can cut down on time spend with #2? Sometimes I let my mil carry #2 or settle him for naps while I attend to #1...

i just did the thing that i said i wont do.

i let my maid handle bb last night. i checked on her for the 2am feed then i went to bed.

i must be so tired, i was suppose to wake at 7am to pump milk but due to the weather, i woke at 8.45am..

Engorged but rested. Preserves my sanity and my husband's. Sigh....otherwise we will start quarrelling soon due to lack of sleep.

Jellypurin-am worse. My #1 is at Hm with hb while #2 n me at my mum's place. Keep thinkin of #1 and neglectin #2. feels so guilty for both ESP #2 as I'm with him 24/7 n yet I still do this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Helloooooooooo Mummies,

Im BACKKKKK!!! Waaaahhhh I miss the motherhood forum so muchhhhh..

Congratulation to all the mummies who have delivered.

Im still juggling with my new life with baby. Not sure what is right what is wrong. Everyday is a learning process. No matter what, stay strong and never give up.

Ignore all the negative people and only focus on the babies. That is the most important lesson that i have learnt.

My MIL refused to leave the ward for the whole time i was at the hospital. She kept carrying the baby and i had no privacy to give BM to my baby. Because of this i suffered terrible engorgement. The pain was unbearable and i almost gave up BFing.

Things are a whole lot better now and i have learnt to say F Off in a polite way to my MIL. She is very upset with me, But who gives a damn. Luckily my husband is understanding. If not, big disaster.

Keep going girls, All will be well.

Rock And Roll!!

My #1 is at my mum's place. I miss her alot too. Feel upset when I see hb bringing her out while I can't go together with them as I need to stay home taking care #2.

Grace: initally i have my hesistation on my maid too...but during the whole process she with us..(from my wifey last month of preggie, till she deliever, till she know bb have juandice and cant discharge...)...she has shown alot of care and concern toward my wifey and bb too...that y i start to allow her to help to change BB diaper at nite..or even feed at nite.Of cos, either my wifey or i try to wake up to be around..i guess it more about the trust adn feel...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess getting as much rest as possible is what u need to do now. So maybe u can let her help out with the bb...until u are in full gear..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I let my maid handle the baby during the day. I feel that we shld let the maid touch the baby n slowly she will hv a bonding with the baby thus will love her n taking gd care of her. Of course we must monitor her and don't trust 100%. Maid can be a really gd helper. If u treat her good, she will treat u and the baby good too.


Hi mommies,

For those taking GNC fenugreek supplement, may I know how many capsule u take a day?

I started off taking 1capsule daily but no result so I increased to 2 and now to 3 capsule lately. But I am not seeing any Improvement to my milk supply. Can I continue to increase the intake?

