(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

suntan >> Sorella sells disposable cotton panties for pregnant mum. You can try to get them at major dept. stores.

I bought 3pks of 5pcs, hopefully it's enough.

lasery2k>> for me feelin EMO again... like when im back in 1st trim.

lost of appetite.. not yet... still binging!!


DQ attended oredi lor. yesterday was last lesson but will be going back for a make-up class for lesson #3. are you attending TMC's too? starting 2 May?

mrslong napisan is nappy detergent - also recommended by Mrs Wong

anyone know how much is napisan? think it was discussed over the weekend by some mommies but cannot recall whether the price is mentioned?

Morning mommies,

just woke up :p on leave today cos gg to HDB for our 2nd apptm. Finally gg to get our own house!!! Theeafter wld be Reno n buying of furnitures before we can shift in. Till now still haven't buy much of bb stuffs yet cos no place to put. I am so way behind my checklist!!!! It's gg to be a super busy month ahead!!

F8 mommies,

I called allison yesterday regarding 13th June n timing. She said she will get back by today. Will let u mums know once she reply.

DQ >> Scare wait BB wear leg warmers like very hot le...hehehe.

It's to be worn @ home or go "gai-gai" one also can rite?

I'm also walking very slowly now & hv difficulty bending down, now when shower, want to scrub my leg/foot, also difficult, hehee.


can let bb wear leg warmers when u go places that have air con, like restaurants or shopping center. Think at home dun need.

mrslong: i raise my legs one at a time over toilet bowl to scrub... hahaha... but instructed my HB to wait outside toilet till i finish shower as not locking the doors incase anything happen(as using common toilet at IL there lor).

At my mum there no need bother as there's always someone near toilet when i go shower or wat de ... hahaha wonder y my own brother n mum is more kan cheong then my ILs...

ica >> oh so napisan is only to wash nappy...not used to wash BB's clothes one rite? :p

suntan >> Noted, thanks!

xbeaniex >> I have a shower screen door, so if wanna use my toilet bowl to prop my leg up, means got to go "outside" the shower area. hehee. maybe shld ask my HB come in & scrub my legs for me! Machiam like queen! hahahaha.

Yup me too, love to eat esp fried food nowadays... (nuggets, kfc, chic cutlet) the only thing is i am starting to feel tired easily again. usually when i reach home after work, i will laze ard, watch tv before i go for a bath, but now, without realizing i will doze off for 1-2 hrs till hubby has to wake me up! so now must make it a point to bathe right after i reach home! but after that, i cant sleep and end up awake till 1-2am, which explains why i am so tired at work everyday.

like now.. counting down 2.5hrs to lunch, 7.5hrs till i knock off. zzzz

mrslong: my HB did suggested that lor... but not nice at my ILs there ma... hahaha at my mum there nvm ... my Mum knows my HB joins in shower is to do something for me ... hahahaha...

beannie, me too..gotta lift the leg put at toliet bowl n scrub the heels n toes..i also don't dare to lock the shower door incase i fall or wat..

at my mum place, the door spoilt...so any 1 can just bang in n save me..haha

ya..it seems like our own parents are more kan jiong then any 1 else..ok lah..i gtg stop here for the day..need to go work aready...haiz..govt job no internet access is so bored..

sweetkiss: u r so cute... counting dwn the hours ... actually i m like back to 1st trim. too... sleeping spell is back, no appetite... and i doze off to slp on sat night at 8pm+ when i promise to watch soccer match with HB de... hahaha.. but lucky me.. HB also doze off with me very soon ... and slp till morning...

Braxton Hicks - my prenatal class's physio facilitator was telling us, when you have Braxton Hicks, it will go away if you are doing something else. For eg, if you got Braxton Hicks when you are sitting, try standing up and the false contractions should go away. If the pain does not go away, it could really be real contractions...

junie - maybe you can try putting a small stool in your shower area?

Eliss>> Oh ya, maybe can put a stool. Thanks for the idea...why I never think of that ah? I find that my "creativity" seems to diminish as my tummy gets bigger, haha.

wow, normally i just lift my legs up one at a time and do a quick scrub when i bathe. but i can't sit on the small stool to wash my underwear anymore. my tummy gets in the way and i feel very uncomfortable leh.

so normally i just do a quick rinse and soak them. when MIL not watching, i'll throw it into the washing machine with my other clothes.

My MIL is very particular abt washing undies in the machine lor... even if the whole load is just solely my clothes. To her, even if hubby's clothes accidentally got washed with mine, hubby can't wear them anymore. crazy rite? she thinks is unlucky coz women are "dirty". but we just dun care... and she told me, cannot hang my clothes at the side of the bamboo pole where my FIL will walk under, coz very suay. sometimes feel like telling her, doesn't my FIL or hubby come out from a woman's privates? duh..

Sweetkiss >> Your MIL very traditional le. Now, I wash my panties at the sink cuz can no longer squat down.

Luckily, my MIL is ok with me washing my clothes & undergarments with her son's. Though i'm not staying with my ILs, my MIL comes over our plc once a week to help us do hsewk & laundry.

Sweetkiss i just throw mine into the washer but then there are only me and hubby in the house. last time my mom also won't allow me to use the washer but as she gets older, she's more easy going. if i go back to KL, back to my ILs place, i will have to wash my undies myself. some old folks are very particular one la

sweetkiss: I understands ur MIL situation...

Mrslong: i oso got to wash in basin liao.. hahaha ... can't squat dwn le...

even shower my dogs, they got to accomdate to me... they either sit in basin or stand on toilet bowl so that i can wash them... hahaha


my MIL also like that!! But at least for me, i am used to washing my own undergarments, even when i am at my own parent place. Its jsut that now for my clothes, need to wash in a separate load as the men clothes..so sickening..

suntan: my mum since young also trained me to do that myself le.. so at anywhere also no different de... but i can understand sweetkiss is becos at my ILs place the family is like that de... but who cares ... at my own new flat i do whatever i like ... follow my house rules ...

But i do agree that our own parents and more kan cheong and treat us better. At least when i go home to eat, sure have black chicken soup, salmon and birdnest. But at in-law's place, nothing "special" are cooked.

mrslong: ur MIL so gd to help u with housework!

ya she is so traditional until i cannot tolerate... to her thicker clothes require more sunlight so have to put at the far end of the bamboo pole to get max sun..

but to me, heavier clothes should be at the side nearest to our strength so easier rite?

When I did it my way, she actually re-arranged everything in my face and mumbled that I dunno how to do laundry!

In the end i had such a hard time carrying out the bamboo pole lor.. so heavy.

I was so upset I complained to hubby & cried. hahaha

suntan: my MIL 6mths ago also say very loud will cook special for me to eat... but hor think my own family is the one never say cook special meals for me end up the ones preparing the most special food for me ... hahaha i dont like salmon becos of got fishy smell, my dad buys another fish (dun know what fish) very sweet n smooth flesh... no fishy smell ... n cost like $2.50 for a palm size fish... 0.o

suntan>> ya, my MIL comes to our plc every Tues to help me & my HB with the hsework & cook for our meals. Very nice of her lor.

She used to cook for us abt 4 days of different meals, put in fridge in containers, we just come bk from work & microwave hot. But now I tell her dun cook so many days, cuz food put in fridge after 1 day also not healthy. And my mum said, preggie woman eat "overnight cooked food" will hv a lot of "wind".

Anyway, my MIL ia retired and is those "must-do-something" type, hehee. Of cuz, my HB pays her an additional mthly allowance.

I got to say my MIL treats me well lah...cuz my HB is also the only son & child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So 1st grandson for the family.

In fact, all the good stuff are prepared by my MIL for me to eat/drink :p Cuz i only go bk to my mom's plc once in a mth or so only.

Sweetkiss: careful when carrying the heavy bamboo pole..... pregnant women really cannot carry too heavy stuff and a bamboo pole full with clothes can be very heavy. no matter what, our baby is our #1 priority, dont go and care wat MIL thinks. If she wants to rearrange the bamboo in such a way, then maybe she shud be the one to carry it back in.

For those that like otah, can check out this BP thread.. its her last day of her BP so do order if u all like otah! But don't eat too much cos otah have alot of preservatives de! My family likes this alot! http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3875943.html?1272248723

Sweetkiss thicker clothes at end of pole - not afraid that the pole will snap? so hard to bring it in - poor girl. can tell your MIL that you dunno how to do, so let her do it? hahaha...no la, then she'll think that you're rude

yesterday i managed to cut my toe nails. had to sit on a chair, cross my leg like some ah pek, and put the waste bin below my legs. but then some of the nail clippings went flying off, dunno where and landed somewhere on the floor. but i couldn't see where they landed - vision getting poorer + floor tiles are very light beige. hahaha

mrslong: u r so lucky to have a nice MIL. i need to bear with it for like another 3-4 mths and i will move to my own house. can't wait! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene: it rained just now but stopped already.. i'm at bugis by the way.

Pris - re diaper shells, if you are not fussy over the designs, u can acutally pick them up v cheaply from those heartland baby shops. I paid abt $4 each. Designs are the cutsey baby types with pictures of little ducks and animals type.

Sweetkiss>> Ya, me considered blessed liao...but becuz she's nice, sometimes I want to tell her dun do this or that, I also paisay. So end up ask my HB to go tell her, heehe.

Sweetkiss -- its heavy rain here.. cant even see the opposite block.. lol...

MIL-- jus had cold war with MIL cause... she angry that i never sweep the house lor.. then she everything also wanna chap one leg.. then keep sighing... my mom brought some herbs and dried mushrooms cause she knows my MIL cooks very unhealthy food here.. but my MIL keep saying all she have...

recently my mom made the cordyceps for me to drink.. she say.. "haiya, i pregnant also never drink this kinda thing... bird nest also no need to drink la.."

then i told her that my mom wants to bu me till i deliver ma..

then she sounds very "red eye".. then hubby say.. "not u cannot drink... its that time u cannot afford ma.." then MIL keep quiet..

last confinement, she never help me at all, then ask me for ang bao even... sigh...

my mom ask me to ren a bit more lor.. until i find a place to move.. then my mom say.. "i also never ask her to drink, why she kpo so much?"

my MIL cannot tahan pple better than her one.. she thinks she is always right, always the best... i told my mom.. im at the verge of "WAR-ing" with her liao..

xbeaniex>> For TMC, no need to bring BB's clothes...so for my BB, he shld be going bk with the set of clothes provided by TMC.

But for myself, I'm gonna wear nice nice go home, hahaa.

Serene just being kaypoh here. why your MIL asked for ang bao after your last confinement? she's family woh?

jaclyn/ica: ya lor. i just dun care loh. i still do it my way as a form of protest!

By the way i keep seeing this Bio-x spray recommended in magazines. can be used to spray at insects and even beds to kill bedbugs. so i bought 1 to try. ytd spotted a few baby ants at my room door so sprayed at the door. Guess wad! suddenly, a mass of medium sized black ends came crawling out from one tiny hole in the door! yikes... the spray really damn gd. killed all the ants. haha.. saw another one which can be used for baby's cots. i think i might try that too..

serene: i chatting with HB to go shop for nice new clothes for bb to go home from Hosp as my mum also says that lar... when HB just mentioned to my MIL, my MIL tell my HB no need purposely go buy ... pasa malam buy can ready... i was like -.- (to my MIL lar : not ur child i know... )


My MIL also like tat.. i handwash my own undergarment...

I only wash my own clothes using washing machine.. when my hubby wan to put in his clothes wif mine my MIL dont let!!!! and alway open my washing machine to check if i wash...

