(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


tao nan is phase 2a... sure higher chance than nanyang phase 2b... u r a v lucky girl! dun hv 2 worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Chelz, you are indeed lucky!

Haha, my hb pri sch closed down already. He attended Maris Stella sec sch, I called and asked couple of weeks back and found out it is affiliated with the pri sch... so it was a relief to us regarding my boy's P1 registration. But it is so tempting to register for Cath High - so near my house!

PV: My friend who is old gal of Nanyang primary just registered her daughter this yr. she said that the type of PV that the school wants are child pshychologist!!! How many can fit this type of criteria!!!???

If use my IL's address, catholic high & st nic's are within the 1-2km distance & both me & my boy are Catholics so will be Phase 2B. If can no need PV best...where got time & energy unless me not working lah.

But its more because I don't hv any special skills, Hehe.

Oh so it would be Nan Hua for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos I m ex-student. Does cousins counts? Lol cos most likely my niece n nephew also gg to Nan Hua.


Chij st nics MUST be within 1pm. If no then cannot phase 2b. I know bcos my fren is buying a property within that 1pm so that she can reg for st nic's


Cousins dun count only parents. Nan hua good sch leh

JP: huh? Must be 1km? Think cuz also v.popular I guess. Actually Ai Tong is just a 2 blks from my IL's plc but wld be phase 2C cuz if no PV / association, think better dun even dream of hvg my boy enrolled there.

Like that think I need to move hse within 1km of gd Catholic schools liao.

But I also agree going to gd schools may not be ideal for all. I hv a friend's friend whose daughter was from Rosyth. Struggled with her studies & very stressed. In the end, pull her out & enrolled in a neighbourhood school.

Suntan: Nan Hua is a gd school. At Clementi right? Being an old boy/old girl wld definitely helps.

im quite neutral about having my kids to go gd schs.. unless me or my hubby are alumnis then of course good la, if not im more into convenience, for my parents to fetch or my kid to walk home alone when she is older.

i feel that can study means can study.. cant press the cow head to drink water. my cousins are from gd pri schs but they are overloaded with homework & supplementary classes. even when they do well in exams, they are grounded all the time because when compared to their classmates, their marks were lower. then end up the mum throws more assesment books to them, so poor thing leh.

bdmummy - your hubby old Mrist boy huh? My hubby also but baby Keila is a ger leh... My old school is Rulang unless I want to shift back to west side near my parents... doubt so...

chiam er - simei also has a few primary schools see if coming years going to move house or not le...

Yup nan hua is at clementi near Mrt there.. Both me n my sis r from nan hua. We used to stay in west coast beside the school when it's at it's old location. Lol time to dig out my old report bk!

I happen to stay right next to a popular pri school (Catholic High). From convenience & distance perspective, it will be the obvious choice. Wake up 30 mins before school starts also no problem. Guess I will need to PV to get my boy in via 2b. Every morning, parents create traffic jam at my block’s carpark to drop their kids off (side gate to CH is via my block’s carpark) and if my boy ended up not getting a place and have to attend some other schools which are not walking distance, then it will be so super sian…I see a lot of boys in my block and the other blocks next to CH are attending some other schools nearby – I wonder is it because their parents did not volunteer or deliberately did not want to send them to CH…or worst, volunteered but still did not get a place!

i think most prob mine will be going to St.Andews boys..all the boys at home goes there...mine shld be the 4th generation at home to be enlist into St.Andrew liao i think.

Plus my FIL is alumin shld be easy to get in right?

lasery: lol! I also have not settled my boy's cc or playgroup when he is 18mths..not yet thinking of P1.My sis just registered her son in St Andrew's. She has no link, but she shifted house (rented) and did PV to get in. So her son will stay in the St Andrew's village till old. Hahaha!

I stay in Jurong West and the only good Pri sch around within my reach is Rulang I think. But also won't know if I will be shifting house in a few years' time.. all too early to say.


u r lucky, Nanhua rejected my PV. sighhh

and i stay within 1 km of NH but i dun wanna take the risk . in the end, sold my hse and nw thinking of where to rent.

Vivi, wah u sold ur house cos of the school??? Actually beside my blk alr have a primary school. But most likely during the day S will go to my mom's place n my nephew same yr as S. My niece would be gg nan hua so I guess her bro will follow n so will S.

Now school only 1 session right? No more am or pm?

vivi: you can be like my sis- super kiasu, rented and shifted house twice so that her daughter and son can get into the pri sch of her choice. Now she finally bought a permanent place and not shifting anymore. But I really admire her for what she did becos of her children and I think I may become like her too. LOL.


ya. i bought it becos i wanna get in nanhua.

I like nan hua cos it has after sch care too beside being a good sch.

anyway the unit is too small for me as i bought it before #2 came along. Now with #3 , lagi worse. no space n room for them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Actually hoh, now I more worried about getting Kayden into a good childcare than P1 school. Haha!! I had placed him on the waiting list at Little Skoolhouse International at AMK Hub and Learning Vision at Grassroot Club since he was 2 months old. Till now also no sound no news.. I think maybe no chance of going in liao. Do you think I should call up to check with them? Will it make me sound like super KS?

Jonas: You mean Endeavour Primary school? I think that one also a good school in our neighbourhood. Was thinking of putting Kayden in there in the first place cause near house ma. Forget things still can run home to take.. haha!! That was my mindset when I was young.

vivi: Have a good pri sch as back up but dun have good pre primary school edu, I also scared Kayden might not catch up in school and need to struggle.

The thing is i m not within 1km but the boys at home are old boys from st.andrew

My son great granddad, grand dad, my hubby are all st.Andrew boys.

Plus my FIL donate 10k to the sch monthly...i think shldn't be tt hard to get in rite...=X..pull pull pull the strings i can get. ya...the new St.Andrew village i will passby very offen. it's very nice loh. now is hope the boy won't become gay/ gu niang coz all monks until JC leh..

Lasery: Wah.. $10k donation a month ah?? That is alot lei.

Jonas: I also don't know lei.. have never thought of doing PV there. Hubby sure say I KS and moreover he wanted Kayden to go Ai Tong like him.

Childcare: Just called up Little Skoolhouse Internation.. they say I am the 11th person on the waiting list. They will only take in about 8 to 10 kids in Jan intake.. Plus they have another 5 kids on another waiting call sibing programme. I think Kayden no hope in getting in le.

wowww..we parents think too much and v farrrr!! When can we stop worrying? Recently I read a news regarding an army recruit tryinng to escape by swimming..I started wondering how K would cope in camp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I registered m in January this year for Feb 2012 intake. just received letter from the school last week to inform me that the school has increased the fee & my bb is still on waiting list : D

heloooo~~ back to forum hur hur..

My gal is so light T_T i don't know exactly what's her weight now but i think below 9kg, last measure was 1 month ago, think she was only 8.4kg.

I need to help her gain weight, my friend asked me to give her Similac Neosure (for premmies actually) cuz it's more fattening. Gonna give her avocado more often too cuz it's also fattening right..

can bb eat Meiji yoghurt?

Shann - I heard s26 is for mass build up dun noe how true... Yogurt - i giving baby K those yogurt tat we are eating now - non fat no added sugar natural yogurt, she usually have three spoonful of yogurt as her 2nd meal...

shann = there's this petite yogurt brand for 1+ for bb to eat... :) Ntuc have de.. usually comes in 6 small bottle.. packaging is in blue & white de.. comes in berry, vanilla flavour de.. :)

Ann : u're on waiting list for learning vision and little skool house... gosh, these 2 are my choices too.. & and kinderland... lol~~ my hse downstair the pcf sparkltots is also on waiting lists worz... die lorz...


i registered him at Odyssey & Eton house but both are on waiting list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya they r old boys there...i haven enlist bb L on any of the school leh..oh no...i think i m the last 1 here liao...better take leave nex mth go see the schools.

the better schools are no where near my place and i don't wanna put him too far as my maid or my MIL can't go far to bring him back n fro school. unless the sch provide school bus.

school bus most prob the sch will provide... just like kinderland that i wanna to reg galen in.. they provide.. but XXX... :) don think i will be able to cope with the $$$ monthly... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow u r putting ur bb is elite pre-schs... my opinion is odessey is a better choice.


LSH and LV-grassroots can don;t wait list unless u r staff at grassroots and you already have an older child at LSH

i asked about my daughter's enrollment for lsh last year. i was told that priority is given to siblings and siblings waitlist already over and beyond the number of places available.

lv usually takes in folks who works at the centre...i.e. lv at NCS, they take in NCS staff kids first then public... and fees are dirt cheap...

bb sydney will attend carped diem @ hilltop with his sister. his fees increased by $150 by the time he enrolls but we will get $100 rebate from his sister's fees... so kind of net net...

hershey: I have thought about Kinderland too but have not been there to see the school before. That time at motherhood fair, Kinderland got booth. They say if sign up at motherhood fair, guarantee a space and no need to be on wait list but I don't dare cause I don't know good or not. Hubby also think better to see then pay. But now if I go Kinderland, then have to waitlist liao.

Chez: Odyssey & Eton house quite far from me. Hehe!! Good schools always need to waitlist one lo. Sian!!

JP: Sorry.. I don't get what you mean. Do you mean I don't even need to place Kayden on waitlist cause will never get in unless I am a staff at grassroots or I have an older child in LSH??


yes. for LSH, i had inquire from the staff before. sibling wait list is very very long already. lv at grassroots also difficult to get in because lv located at grassroots, ncs is usually meant for the staff of these companies. and don't forget siblings too. both lv @ grassroots as well as LSH got struck off my list because they had already told me that it is near to impossible to get a place.


Mummies, anyone know of any nice Chinese restaurant which is accessible by mrt? Want to bring my grandparents out to celebrate my grandpa birthday.

