(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

peanut: my confirmation nv state anything. only something like thank me for the good work bla bla.. i just tendered. my HR put the confirmation letter dated 1 jul but only passed to me ytd... my resignation letter also dated ytd. as a staff, do i have the right to reject the confirmation?


Hi Mommies! Please be informed that THE LITTLE WARDROBE $10 vouchers given out in the goodie bag has a seperate clause given to me directly. We are only allowed to use 1 voucher per item and it cannot be combined (meaning multiple vouchers for 1 item. You can use 2 vouchers if purchasing 2 items.)

Sherine of Little Wardrobe has been very kind to sponsor these as well as Skip Hop plates + bowls to us, so lets not abuse the kindness ya! Thanks!!

charliebrown: Haha!! Your idea seems good.. take MC. Actually I can go on 3rd or 4th Aug since I am on leave cause only intending to go overseas with the family over the weekend.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone whom bb still can't walk & call mama & papa? Mine still unable to do both but everytime ppl ask me about it - i feel so stress... I thought is normal for a year old boy...

Playdate @ Royce Gym

Date: 26 Jul 2011, Tue

Time: 1.30pm

1. mrslong

2. eliss

3. charliebrown

4. suika

5. sweetkiss

6. babycoco

Keropi: Nothing to be stress about. Baby Kayden also can't walk yet nor call papa or mama. But I am not hurrying the progress. Different baby developed at different speed. Enjoy while you can. When they start to walk, you will go crazy. Hehe!

yes keropi, its perfectly normal. my boy started walking around 14 mths-15 mths. my girl #2, has now started walking pretty well, short distances without support before she turn one next week.

different kid , different time ;) enjoy while it last.


don't worri too much on it...mine also can't walk yet..he started his 1st mama at 10mths only. so it's very different for each baby. imagine mine started to crawl on all 4s at 11mth then now he finally can stand on his own for 10sec without support (wobbling)..hahaha...but ok lah..boys are normally slower in walking..

girls are reletively faster in development.

keropi- at times I also feel this way eh..

but bb really have diff development one..

BB JL can say mama papa, but dun really like to call eh... can stand and walk, but dun really like to also... so im still waiting for his 4-5steps.. always stop at 3step then sit down again...

But with the FP walker, he like leh..


no worry, my ger can walk when she hold something (eg: chair, walker). 2 weeks after her birthday, she started to walk a few steps by her own.

as for my boy, same, can stand on his own for few mins, walk when he hold onto something. my mum n my sis caught him walk 1 to 3 steps on his own, but i didn't see it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so let see, if he will be like my #1, start walking after his birthday.

once they start walking, it will be headache for us.

keropi: my girl is 1 already and also not walking. dont worry, like other mummies said once they can walk (and run!), big headache. anyway a teacher friend of mine who's into early childhood development said that crawling (incl creeping, shuffling on bum etc etc) is an impt stage for speech and language development. the longer the baby crawls, the better! will have less problems with speech later. i can vouch for that re my bro. he apparently didnt crawl at all and later had a stutter problem, altho it's all fixed now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the photos by fotokraft.sg are online! Only about 2/3 have been uploaded due to the large quantity and huge file size so stay tune for more. we'll try to upload the rest ASAP. FYI, some mommies were so impressed with Simon's work that they engaged him for their darling's birthday party. So if you are keen to have him for your parties, do act fast!



peanut: oooo, that's very interesting - crawling linked with speech and language development. this is the first time i'm hearing this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i only know that the food texture that our babies eat also plays a role in speech/verbal development

Mommies: I want to ask ... Anyone have any idea of where to google for Children Home/Orphanage in SGP ?

I am planning a GIFT DAY for children day with my Colleagues. And I don't seems to google much informations.

ica: interesting right? i dunno the science behind it tho. just happy to let my girl crawl all over the place haha! ya i heard abt the food texture thing too. somehow related to exercising the jaw or something like that...

hi mommies,

anyone has bought Chair Harness before?

I am thinking to get one for emergency use especially for my upcoming trip in the next few months...

pls let me know if any of you have bought before...thanks!!

my bb cant walk too. i dun think it's any cause for concern. my cousin didnt walk till 17 mths. but my gal can call mama and papa though it seems like everything she also call papa.. even when playing herself she will go "pa... pa... PA!" i dunno if she's calling papa or it's just a baby language.

i was told babies can listen more if they cant talk yet. since they cant speak, talk to them more lo. i always make it a point to tell my girl everything i'm doing. when i wear her shirt, i will say "mummy is buttoning your shirt", then point to the button and say "buttons". now, if u ask where are her buttons or where are the buttons on daddy or mummy's shirt, she can point. same to everything we do in daily life. she can say bear bear "ba ba" or minnie mouse "mao". lol.

Something new that I learn today. Never know the food texture affect their speech development. I only know about the part where longer crawling period is good for them.

Like Sweetkiss's baby, Kayden knows things when I talked to him but just can't talk. Like ask him where is Barney, he will point to the soft toy. Instruct him to bring barney to mummy, he will crawl there and drag barney to me.

Chelsea: I have use the chair harness on Kayden. Once at the dog cafe and once at the chalet. Not bad but then must make sure the seat is flat and not rounded up with cushion or else, baby tend to lean to one side. Hehe!!


Hi mommies. The sponsor is "Glad to hear that the birthday bash was a blast. Am also delighted that the mommies were happy with our prizes too" (quoting the sponsor) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

They've decided to extend for one more additional day the promotional link for the exclusive discount that was offered to us. Instead of ending on Saturday night, the promo will now end on Sunday, 10 July 2011, 11:59pm. Here's the link again http://bit.ly/SGMOTHERHOOD

SK: my girl is the same! she will say "da-da-da" to my hubby. but sometimes she'll say it to me too! so my hubby will purposely answer her when she looks at me and says "da-da-da". so she knows who is the da-da-da. after da-da, mama, mum mum, her next fav word is "duck" hahah

chelz: i've used the chair harness at my parents' and inlaws' place. it's quite alright. but one thing you have to be veryvery careful of that happened to my bb twice. she raised her legs and kicked the side of the dining table, so her whole chair almost toppled back. i was so freaked out! lucky both times i was next to her and watching so i caught the chair. i've been reluctant to use the harness since then...

you can see a similar effect with the stokke tripp trap here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJF7vD9nFrA

Ann: my C last night keep telling my cousin "bir bir" refering to Bird she saw.

Usual is shower time "dar dar" refer to Duck Duck

(her yellow duckie bath toy)

and her pointing fingers at all directions! making my hubby a spoilt compass that keeps turning around.

xbeanniex: That is so funny lo. Kayden only know how to say "Wor wor" (Dog bark sound). Whenever he sees a dog, he will make that sound. Or if I ask him where is "wor wor".. he will look at my dogs. Haha!!

hahahah...same same loh...nowadays my son also wor wor wor around the hse like a little dog. he will follow my mini schnauzer around the hse n try to pull her beard !!!..

now my doggy also smart liao..when eva he comes near she will go try n lick him..then BB L will push her awy..this whole week wheneva my doggy goes near he will turn his face n siam the doggy..scared she go lick him..

mine only goes ma ma ma ma regardless wat..da da (daddy)is only play time..mum mum for his cereal or tibits n neh neh for his milk..

then when we ask him to flag taxi he will raise his hand n flag flag flag....ask him to bye bye he will kiss kiss....(refuse to wave coz it's flag taxi)

then we also teach him how to recognize things..like a frog , a tie on his shirt, his name.

so wheneva we ask him where is the frog, he will pull his shirt with the frog show us..or we ask him where is yicong..he will pad on himself.

slowly teach loh...any 1 notice they getting more n more greedy n selfish (those with single kid)?

lasery: mine willing to share her companion "mickey & minnie" & her pacifier.

Maybe she goes to school and the teachers teachers her to share things ba..

even when give her the gerber puffs, she will auto find my 2 furkids to give them each 1 puff then she feed herself. but she nvr fail to bluff her daddy (action to feed daddy but reach daddy's mouth her hand auto rtn to feed herself instead) wahahaha !

My bb is not officially walking too. Saw him taking 3-4 steps when he turned one about 2 weeks ago. These few days, he started walking more than 10 steps. It’s nice seeing him wobbling around like a little drunkard but I actually prefer to see him crawl. I feel kinda sad to know that he will stop crawling soon, that means he is moving on to toddlerhood , no longer a baby! My boy crawls really fast and sometimes will “challenge” me to chase him. When I change him after bath, he will flip over and crawl out of the room stark naked. If I don’t chase him, he will crawl back to the room and check why I am not chasing. When I finally decide to chase him, he will crawl really fast and giggle all the way till I catch him! I have to enjoy these moments before he officially walks!

lasery2k: My boy also dun like the dogs to lick his face. Whenever the dogs lick his face, he turn to me and give me the "wanna cry" face. But he like the dogs to lick his fingers. Always have to keep a lookout for that happening cause must clean his fingers before he put it into his mouth. Haha!!

Kayden still share with me his snacks with me at times although i dun really eat them la. Hehe!! But I also do notice that he is getting more selfish cause he is less willing to let me take a bite of his snacks now.

I think lots of encouragement to let our kiddo know that sharing with us parents and ppl we know is ok... but towards sharing with ppl that mummy n daddy doesnt talk with is not allow... this is my hubby's frd teaches his 4 kids having the eldest one 20yrs old the youngest one is 7 yrs i think..

xbeanniex: Talking about pacifier. The other night, I was putting Kayden to sleep. I lied down next to him and pretend to sleep. He took out his pacifier and shove it into my mouth. Haha!! He think everyone who sleeps need a pacifier.

Ann...mine will fight back n scold her then pull her beard to bao chou loh...if not he will fling his hands everywhere to get her off...lolx...

mine will feed my dog everytime i give him snacks too...angry leh...he will take from mi n put on the floor let her eat...<--he is nt sharing but feeding her.

ya loh...now i teaching him to share things with mi...sometimes he will give mi..at times he will give halfway then think think n take back be4 it reaches my hand..

vernie tt is super cute...must take video n keep tt 1...crawl out of the room naked....jing dian hua mian for him when he grow up...

Walking - BB K also has not really walk! She can stand unassisted for very long le...but she just dun like to walk on hard floor, she will sit down and crawl if she needs to go somewhere....she also prefers to walk on the challenging surfaces - mattress where she will "run" towards you...

Speech - she can go papapapa to everyone but recently her new vocab something like "跌跌"...wonder if my MIL has been using these words too often on her...

Action - i think at their age they already know a lot of things. When we are dressing her she will automatically raise her arms to let us shove into the sleeves or lift her leg one at a time for pants. My ger likes to put her leg onto the high chair so we will sternly tell her to put down her legs, sometimes she obliges sometimes she will ignore you lo.

Like some of the mummies here, we also just taught the ger to slide down from higher floor with butt facing out... so far she has learned well...

With dogs - my ger adores my doggy, she will throw tidbits to the dog and allows the dog to lick her... but when my dog gets excited she will get frighten...

Sharing - i think baby K prefers to share with her daddy than to me.... sob sob...

Swimming - anyones knows how to teach one year olds how to swim? without the float i mean...

hahahaha....they are all so CUTE!!!!....mine will cry when his pacifier drop from his mouth n he cannot find at nite...he will cry until the whole face all wet with tears like ppl slaughter him...

at nite sleep until xiang xiang let him like tt cry the soul also fly awy.

Lasery: Scotch tape the pacifier to the mouth. That's what I felt like doing at times with baby kayden. Haha!!

:D :D :D

for my boy, in the morning, if he is hungry, he will start making noise, if put pacificer back to his mouth n he still made noise, then better wake up and make milk for him.

if not, he will start crying till like we had been starving him. The moment the milk bottle stuffs into his mouth, he will keep quite. After finish his milk, he will just throw the bottle away and look for his pacificer and stuff into his mouth and continue with his sleep.

Jasmine: So nice of your boy to go back to sleep after milk. Mine is different. He would not cry for milk but he will wait patiently in his cot for us to wake up and then prey on us like a tiger hunting for food. Once he see us stir in bed, he will stand up and start making noise and shouting for us to play with him.

If we ignore him, he will throw his pacifier, his pillow and everything out of his cot untill we wake up. Then we will make milk for him, after drinking, he doesn't go back to sleep. He keep bugging us to play. If ignore him and tell him let us sleep 5 more min, the next moment you will see him standing still and start making that shitting sound "Hmmmm hmmmm" and start to poo. It happen everytime we tell him to let us sleep awhile longer. Haha!

So now we have to keep still in bed and not move even if we are awake so that we can laze in bed awhile longer.

Korea: Mummies, I am intending to bring Kayden to Seoul in early August. Do you all have any hotel to recommend?


It will be much more cheaper & hassle free if u go to korea via tour package than go yrself.

I have checked before the total cost for air ticket, hotel accommodation, internal flight to jeju island r much more expensive than tour package (if i dont remember correctly will cost more than double if we go ourself) plus the most important issue to note is the communication barrier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. I think it is easier to find youngster who can speak english in Tokyo than Seoul.

but of course if we travel by our own we don't need to visit those ginseng shop, korea pillow shop, leather jacket shop + Many others wasting time shops!!!!

I paid & signed up for the Photobook promo/voucher.

Anyone has already started using it?

So when we finished doing the Photobook, how do we make payment with the voucher?

Chelsea: if go tour package, I scared quite tedious for kayden. Are you referring to taking free & easy package from agency? Been to Korea once. For me, communication quite ok.



yr nightmare will start soon if bb "I" photos are not organise properly hahahha...

like mine...i did not realise that we hv taken 6K++ photoa of bb "M" before I started using "photobook worldwide" software

but it think should be easy & fast if you already shortlisted some photos. otherwise be prepare for sleepless nites :D :D :D

Enjoy the photobook designing... those memories when bb "I" was young will keep flashing when you start selecting photos... instead of choosing the photos, I spent most of my time looking through again those previous moment photos! then end up making lots of mistake & anyhow insert hahahha...bcs seems like all photos are nice & very difficult to decide!

