(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

I been tw 3 times. For Taipei, I feel not very baby friendly. Plus shilin night market is super crowded. And if I rem correctly xmd hotels don't have instant kettle. So got to stay in better hotels.

I feel jap will be a better place and cleaner also.

Sparkle, 3 years old very long leh. And

So young can bring to fortune teller?


rabbit, when her name was 'calculated', the fortune teller mentioned she not suitable to travel.

ya loh... 3 yrs old so long, by then if heng heng got #2 liao then anywhere also no need to go liao.. sian... save money buy myself a prada loh. haha.


Wat u mean instant kettle? Electric ones issit? The hotel I stay in haf.. But of cos before use i boil thrice to 杀菌

aiya sparkle, 3 years u sure can tahan not travelling meh? anyway, go msia for a day trip also can leh. dun let your MIL know lor.

elise, ya loh, 3 yrs is long time not going for holi...

hub dun even want to apply passport for my ger since she wun be travelling, no point.

the most go holi without her loh...

Sheryl, u so funny, your Chinese become so good after the Taiwan trip. Haha!

Jus'us, Elise, ya i think must hire maid if I wanna have dragon baby. Can't reply on either side parents to help. Mm... Then I'll hope i have a boy again so that they can share one bedroom n wear zz's baby clothes. I was telling hubby, he's goat, I'm rat, fifi's pig n zz's tiger. So if we were to have a snake baby, it will be 送羊入虎口,蛇鼠一窝 n 猪朋狗友. Dragon bb is much better, we can have 卧虎藏龙.

I was kinda upset with my mil bcos she din really moistuise zz when he was over at her place. When I "collect" zz last night, he's flaking from head to toe, including scalp. His skin felt bumpier than before. She keep saying such creams r chemicals n refuse to apply liberally n frequently for zz. I already told her many many times 没有香料,没有防腐剂. I wouldn't want to exchange a day of ME time for my child's well being lor.

Zoie n Jolene, if eczema is not very bad, then u dun really have to do the skin prick test. Went to see dr ivan ong for vaccine today n he says they will outgrow the eczema. When I lift up zz's shirt to show him, he said it's very serious, no wonder we have to do skin prick test. Hope zz is brave enuf to endure the discomfort.


I'm so frustrated with bbG!!!

We move bbG into another room 3 weeks back to train him to sleep on his own, then these 2 weeks, he can wake up 5-6 times Fr 12am n don wanna sleep- just want to cry , don even want to drink milk.

If we leave him to cry, he can cry n cry for more than 30 mins!!! Faintz! If we go over n sleep with him, he will wake up lesser. We are reluctant to let him sleep with us cos there's also kor kor jay who's sleeping with us.

Parents who hv let ur baby sleep on their own, can pls give me some advise???

Sorry to intrude here...

I have some boxes of Boots Milkbag for sale. Each box is 40 milkbags, each milkbag can hold max 250ml. Not available in SIN retails store. Selling at SGD 10 each box. self collection in suntec area/simei area. Please PM me for further details.

PS I prefer boots to lasinoh as it holds larger quantity and is of better quality than lasinoh. not to mention, boots milkbags is cheaper too.


shoes - i dunno. never ask mil. she just said no. her NO means no. hais. just have to wear socks until 1yr old. anyway, not gg anywhere during cny, haha.

my mil has so many of her pantang tales that you wouldn't want to sit down & listen. oh, if she sees me tickling my bb's feet, she'd say cannot tickle, later he will be afraid of crossing the overhead bridge. -_______-"""""

i only know she is THAT pantang after i had #1.


how come brought your bb to fortune teller? cannot really believe their words one lah. what if they say "you cannot work cuz no 'good' for you"?? hahaha.

bluey, hahaha.. your mil really..... alot of tales.. i think older ppl got alot of such tales lor.. here listen there listen then compile to one big big list! i think can published a book liao.


i think really publish book ba.. some of it i nv hear before one.. i asked my mum and she said she also din bother with these.. but mil is the pantang type so everything also got a tale to tell one..


y u let the kor kor slp with you but not bbG huh? can they slp tog? i slept w bb last night tog w helper for the first time since a long while and i realised not really reliable to expect my helper to wake up when bb stirs.. i've been slping in my own room with doors open but i nv hear a ding.. last night i experienced bb stirring and was very "moved" (?).. haha.. it's like late at night, all are slping, lights off and our eyes met, just the two of us.. hahAx!


do you still have night curfews for your bb? as in, must be home by a certain time? i know jenn has right? cos u mentioned u try to get back home for jake's naps?

am gg over to kidscoverlook this evening for bb's cny photos.. any advice?? heh

cath.. same qn as hopecg. Baby G will be sleeping by himself? Very sad leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] what are the reasons? Sorry har, i dun mean u are very bad to him k. Actually i also dunno how to let my kids sleep together. Now we aare sleeping separately in 2 rooms but actually not very gd arrangement. No choice.. i dun want one wake up and affect the other. will consider all sleeping together after sumo K turns 1. Think we will still sleep together as a family till they are older. So at least if i cant spend waking hrs with them , can still spend sleeping hrs with them.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


for a moment when you mentioned about publish book, i was like question mark??? then i realised you were referring to those pantang stuff, haha.

haha yes. my mil super pantang though i know she is just concerned for my bb. but then again...hear liao very sian lor.

my mummy not very pantang de.


i also sleep separately with #1 & #2. normally #1 sleeps with inlaws while #2 is with me. tried to let them sleep together (#1 on our bed, #2 on mattress) on a few occasions when hubby was on morning shifts & off days, still ok leh. #1 was as dead as a pig when #2 ngek (not very loud lah). overall ok lah except #1 is an aircon baby. then #2 nose will be congested in the middle of the night. -.-

talk about sensitive noses!


but why you want bbG to sleep on his own??

Hi mummies,

Having the following items to let go:

2 tins (400g) mamil gold stage 2

2 tins (400g) Enfapro

Willing to exchange for Similac stage 2

hopecg/bluey, haha.. these ppl anything also can pantang de.. mine hubby also quite pantang one lor.. say better dont bring baby to other ppl's baby shower. somehow or rather i bring baby to 3 of my friend's baby shower.. few days later bb get cranky.. then my hubby will blame me.. but i think like wise lah.

Genice n hope.

Cos bbG always wake up at night n v v loud. So kor kor is v upset with him. He din sleep well n kept waking up when didi cries. Jay is a light sleeper. He can be woken up even though we din wake up. So we hv to train didi to sleep on his own.

Jay is too used to sleep with us. Can't change now else he would think that cos of didi again.

xiaoxin, u very funny, i almost fell off my chair at office!!! 送羊入虎口,蛇鼠一窝 n 猪朋狗友! but then auspicious dragon sure have a lot of babies. next time reporting for school like kindergarden and pri school u need to q very long for good places leh. see, i'm like that kiasu, will think very far ahead one.

Cath: your bbG sounds very poor thing leh. u not heartpain to let him cry for 30 mins!! u can tahan the crying meh? don't let him alone leh, very kelian.

rabbit/bluey: my MIL also very pantang. our 3 MILs add together can join the pantang MIL club liao lor.

zzz, i really very tired. wake up at 6am today. started a new job today. dun feel like working and missed my bb so much. so xian leh

bb shoes. my mom also said bb cannot wear shoes before 1yr, forgot to ask her why.

anyways, my mom ganchiong, also bought a pair of shoes for bb, thot want ot let him wear when he turns 1yr. but the shoes already too small for bb's feet now...whaaahaa

need advise from mummies.....what games do you play with bb or how to keep bb entertained?

i'm so out of ideas...and physically/mentally taxing. like have to watch him 24/7

-read to him, his attention span is at most 15mins, all the while trying to grab/tear/eat the book.

-any toys/things he can get hold of goes directly to his mouth!!

-he doesn't want exersaucer, always want to crawl

-bring him downstairs in stroller in morning or evening, walk for 30-45mins


new job? where?

make new friends, hehe. & not to forget office politics.

eh ask u all or any computer genius who can help me, how to know the Internet password ah? cuz suddenly my iphone & pc can't connect to linksys, morning can connect but now both can't connect but office pc still can use internet. is it possible that im being blocked? how to know the password ah? any ideas? wan to save on my bytes ma.

lilysnow: read some books, play tv, play educational dvds, on the radio or even Iphone songs etc. some ideas. what do u think?

msbluey: tg pagar area. seems like senior citizens club. a lot of 'retirees' here. xian cum boring lor....zzzz


Chim - too difficult. U sounded like u need to hack into the company's connection. ;)


No la. Must train from young else everyone ended up sleeping together until the kids are 4 yo. But hor u know sometimes I also bu ren Xin. So will go over n sleep with him.

No choice leh- if not jay will be deprived of sleep n he will be really fed up with didi. They are still not v much in love with one another.

Oh change job Liao ah. Congrats congrats.


BbG 's most of the time is crawling around, so I will plant some teething toys around his crawling path. He will pick them up like some treasure hunt. Entertain a while n then continue to crawl. He's at a stage where he needs pple to be with him all times. So hv to keep talking to him to reassure him. Then after crawling is siting on sofa watch tv 15 mins. Then play toys on playmat. Then eat porridge. He spent quite a long time on his high chair. After porridge is 4 pcs of baby puff. N drink water. After that on his high chair still, will give him the pigeon stage 1 toothbrush for him to bite while I wash my bowls. After that, drink water again. Then reading time. After reading is crawling time again.

So a lot a lot of crawling, need to mop the floor at least 2x. Super tedious. U can design stops for his crawls. Like a plastic inflated ball with bell tied to a table leg. That will entertain him for a while.


hais, wish i know how to hack. =ppp

i think im being blocked. sian liao lor.


haha. looks like u need to blend into the senior citizens club. hee.

Cath, thank you huh. dunno whether to be happy or sad to work for this new job. see first leh.

missbluey: i need to talk some old citizens topic liao. like retirement. hee hee


yup i heard about the tickling of feet from my mil too... but my dad likes to tickle her.. so hmmm but of course my mil dunno


when I get really bored I like to dance with bb around and sing songs to her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I really heartpain for bbG got to sleep alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I really like that bb sleeps next to me but in her own bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wahahhahahahaa u so funny! like that also can... so far I only have 送羊入虎口 so I think when bb grow up sure bully hb and me!


New job good anot? Hurhur.. Senior citizens club.. Muz be super bored!!


Haha. Same thinking like Cath, u sound like planning to hack into system =P


My #1 still sleeping wif mi in same rm. Otherwise was we shared the same bed till I meet my Hubby, separate beds like last yr Jan only..

Understand jay frustrations n ur concerns, cos #2 oso will disturb his slp when she was much younger. So now, #2 sleeps wif the maid in ahma's rm wif sarong.. Occasionally he will ask y meimei y sleep wif us.

Slowly ba, takes time to sperate rm n train to slp on their own


Ur door sooooo expensive! My god!!

#1 celebration

Was good! But drinks n tomato sauce not enuf. LOL

School celebration..

Sheryl, ya expensive n lousy service. Tell me it's like that one, I have to open more than one door to access the drawer. N my hubby can accept his lame excuse. I f my hubby n I also f the wardrobe person. So fuming mad! Never even try to rectify the problem n tell me it's like that one.

hello june mummies,

I had one question to ask ley... can we dye/rebond our hair if we breastfeed our baby?

help help...i want to rebond my hair esp cny coming...

Pls advise.

Thank u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])


I coloured my hair twice already. Seems ok. Just tell them you are breast-feeding. My hairdresser used a gentler dye and did not leave it on for too long. But I researched, and they said it shd be ok.

XX - If I were you, I would put hubby's things in the drawer, since he doesn't mind.

Genice - what industry is your new job in? Same same?


Congrats on your new job.


Sounds like you had fun in tw


Very much. Before leaving I wasn't even excited as my kids r being left behind, reach TW le diff thing liaoz. But ok la, can FaceTime my #2 n #1 will call mi once every 2 days.


So far my side quite balance ba, 2 tigers (father & daughter) chicken (son) cow (mi) .. Was hoping for rabbit.. Lol but dun haf.. So next bb muz wait till dunno when.. We dun like snake, horse.

Anyone knws the following few zodiac?


OMG! You're 12 years younger than me!!! I'm really very old here in this Forum group [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ware gt old? Alamark! Ur age 2 kiddos juz nice! I haf a fren 40+ still trying for a child..

Hurhur, think most mummies here will stop at not more den 2!!

Haf a fren younger den mi by a yr having 3 kids n considering a 4th cos all r sons!

Dot, we only have drawers on that one side, the rest r all shelves or hanging bars. I'm going to ask them to re-do the doors to 3 panels instead of the current 4 panels. The guy very funny lor. I tell him I need to slide 3 doors to open the drawers, he say to glue up the centre 2 doors to make it into 1 big door so that in total I only need to slide two doors (1big n 1 small), i really wanted to scold him bad word u know. Going to quarrel with him again tmr. My hubby is leaving it to me to settle. He not free to poke his nose into such business. Haha...

Sheryl: i dunno new job good or not. just 'tong' first leh. so you belong to after 80s, they call this the 'cao mei zu' (strawberry group) dunno why. i older than you by at least 6 years leh...gosh i feel so old now....

thanks Dot!

Jenn: u not old leh, considering you've got 2 kids already.

xiaoxin, you can quarrel win them meh?


zodiac is rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,goat,monkey,chicken,dog,pig,rat,cow,tiger... how abt the dragon... actually rabbit still can make it... as long conceive before by apr/may


how come ur cupboard sounds so complicated?

hi, I jus bring my baby boy to Tokyo last week....

super tiring not baby friendly at the train station....sometimes have to carry his stroller down the stairs.....

but they have a lot of nursery room so easy to change diapers n feed baby....


I'm the same age as you, but am a 1st time mum.


I don't mind one way or another - the gap is more important to me than the zodiac. But actually, I was a bit sian when I realised that my boy would be a tiger and a gemini, because exactly like my hubby. :p


I'm looking at both aspect. Age gap + zodiac. Last nite told hubby if we miss dragon we'll be getting the animals like snake, goat ... etc

He say nvm! hurhur~

den i tease him say we push for rabbit he say i crazy. wahahahaa~


fight till the end. No perfect fitting for ur doors no payment!


If travel wif kiddos esp toddlers & babies, i will suggest perth. =))

I plan to take my kids to Aust 5yrs down the road!


You look so much younger! See what 2 kids "do" to one's appearance :-\


I 6 years older than you leh. IF your #2 is 3 years later still younger than when I had my #2 :p


Yah... Perth is nice. Best time to go is Oct - Spring!


if u ask me, i think better to give birth in 2013, but before the chinese new year? cos will b able to avoid the baby boom in the dragon year of 2012, but yet still a dragon among the snakes.. haha.. that's my plan!! think elise will agree?? haha!

welcome back to sg!!! missing tw alr i guess??haha!


that's e thing i dun like abt ikea.. i think e workmanship so-so only.. sigh.. wish u luck in ur fight against them!! you go girl!!


Good idea! Dragon among Snakes.


Missing TW since i land! BTH the hot weather~ =(

Ytd 8pm+ was telling hubby, if we're at TW now, we're walkin ard nite market now.


Haha... I didn't believe that people plan their babies' birth around the zodiac signs. After reading thru all these posts, I believe liao :p

For me, I just wanted a 2nd baby, don't care when. Now that my wish is granted, I closed shop liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im selling off the above cheaply! Need to clear space. (A little faulty at the button to fold the glider also, push in le cant pop out.)

Hubby's ahma taken my room as store room. Everything that belongs to #2 "sitting" in living room ask the maid to put ALL inside my room.



im speachless when i retun frm TW. the moment i see the pile standing "glued" to the gap btw my wardrobe door & wall..

Even the above glider is in-btw the gap & best of all, i cant access to my drawers to get my UNDIES! Pekcek!! So everyday i haf to carry the stiff to & fro the room. When the maid clean my room, she dump everything up on the bed & when nite comes to slp, i carry ALL down to the floor.

My new hse? I oso dunno hw to say, juz to buy the hse i oreadi deep in debt, sucks!

COV not enuf cash to cover, muz loan frm here & dera..

In total i OWE 4 parties including my Bank Loan.

Shit feeling..


Oh no... the COV very high? Then try to be more frugal. You can DO IT! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


missbluey, ur new place is compassvale beacon or compassvale pearl ar? very funny tis 2 weeks when i past by compassvale beacon, already got one unit occupied liao.. must be renovated liao ba since even got those fairy lights hanging at the window lor,.. the construction fencing still not down yet and my fren whose bro have a unit there said keys are due soon oni. i wonder how that family goes in n out of the site..

Sheryl, how much is ur COV? my mum just sold her place at hougang.. COV oni 8k.. but my mum dun care since she is making loads fm it as she was the first owner, it was damn cheap 27yrs ago.

