(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


If you going to Hwaxia big pool, remember to bring yr small swim diaper to exchange for their big diaper (they only allow Goon swim diaper for big pool), only need to top up another $1.50. Dun waste yr money to buy another packet of swim diapers, think our bb are ready to swim in public pool soon.

They also have another kind of float (where it is put under bb's arm) beside the neck float for bb, I personally think this is more comfortable for bb. U may want to let zz wear his swim suit if he has one to keep him warm in the water.


bebe75, serious? 5 meals? i am now 45kg lor.. 2 kg lower than my pre-preggy weight... i dont want to loose any further le.. my lowest is abt 41/42kg.. too skinny le.. wear clothes not nice also.

this morning i went to collect bb's passport. so excited abt apr's trip!

rabbit, just read it. feel so sorry for the parents and bb. cant imagine the heartbreaking the parents went thru.. my boy like to sleep on his tummy nowadays. this news triggers me must be more alert.

Rabbit - ya, 5 meals incl junkie food.

6am - breakfast with my gals before they go to sch

9am - 2nd round of breakfast

12pm - lunch

3pm - fruits/coffee break

7pm - dinner

10pm - supper (usu junkie)

My current weight is around 46-47k. Hope it maintains and does not reduce further.

I read the news and initally I think the nanny must have been traumatised. However, the report said she checked on the baby after 4 hours??? Then, that sound negligence liao right?? Feel sorry for the parents..


I did not remove the fibroid as my gynae said it will still recur so no points. Initially he suggested to take birth control (IUD) to regulate the menses, but I kept hesitating. Hence, it was a surprise when I found myself preggy after so long when my #1 and #2 are so much older.

Are you all taking any contraceptives? I did not leh..but last month my menses came back liao..I better consider

rabbit, whr u gg with baby in apr? I also wana go somewhr with bb in apr but i duno whr to go.. considering taiwan..

these 3/4 day weeks are making me so busy at work.. same amt of work but lesser time!! have not been coming in here as often as before liao..

my menses came 3 times le.. so far quite regular..


Do u know where the airport T3 kiddy rides went to? I'm planning for a birthday party for the bbG and thinking of doing the party at the kiddy rides, cos most of the kids my friends have are ard #1's age.


I just read the news too, and wanted to post here also. So sad. But 4 hrs is too long to go without checking on the baby. I don't know about you, but 4 hrs seems too long for a nap at 4 mths also. Maybe it's because my boy had (and still has) very short naps, so 4hr is too long to me. I remember there was one night he slept past his normal 1-2hr stretch, and I was so worried and was considering waking him up at the 2.5hr mark. In the end, I didn't, because I could see him breathing, but did not go to sleep, and was so relieved when he woke up at the 3 hr mark. But hor, even today, he does not sleep past 3hrs without waking. Normally 2 hrs, so I get very little sleep. But at least I know that he's ok.


I'm so envious of you all travelling with bb. I went to *Sentosa* with my boy for 2 nights and I'm still being nagged at by my mother and ILs. If I travel out of SG, won't get peace for dunno how long.


Actually once our bb can flip by themselves, the risk of SIDS r much minimised. But really sad to hear cases like this - the parents muz be devastated.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I agree with you.. I was suggesting travelling n to bring my bb to taiwan and mil was saying cannot lah leave bb at home she will look after we go enjoy better.... I was sad cos me dont wannt go if cant bring bb along..

Jus'us, if you bring bb along, you wouldn't enjoy as much wor, becos i feel that taiwan is not a kid friendly place at all. esp if you push the pram and walk along the traffic, damn scary cos there's even no proper walkway for pedestrian lor.

goon diapers having special promotion on thursday. i ordered 3 packs 1 shot becos its only 15 bucks per pkt and they send it straight up to my house lor.

hmm xiaoxin: the swim sounds quite interesting. how much is that per session? Nex got hwaxia huh?

rabbit: so sad to read this kinda news. how come only check on bb after 4 hrs? must constantly check on them huh.

Amy, thanks! I will go n buy his swimsuit next week. Hehe...

Nex Hwa xia big pool swimming on 27th Jan, Thur, 11.15am@serangoon mrt

1) xiaoxiin

2) bliss


My pil r coming to pick up zz later to their house. Hubby will be late again today. Will be left with Fifi n me alone in the house. Sigh... Bu she de lor...

Bebe75, previously using withdrawal method. Until I bug my Hubby go buy condom. Haha.

Jojo, I bringing Bb to go Bali club med. They got provide baby stuffs, so I suppose no need to bring so many things there. Go there just to relax.

Dot, my Bb also don't nap that long. At most 2hrs plus.

I also going on vacation end Apr. I am going to Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sydney. But now ah... all these flooding in Brisbane. Don't know how things will be like by Apr cos friends said some infrastructure are destroyed by the floods and will take a while to resume. If need to change venue also headache for us cos all flights booked liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Good that you have started to drive again. No worries. After a while will get used to it. For me ah... damn suay cos that carpark really narrow ramp. I went up ok. It was when coming down then hit the side. But don't care lah. As long as door can still close, I think will leave it till Mar when I bring for servicing then fix at the same time.

Sian diao... My zz has gone off to nainai's house. When the car drove off, he opened his mouth wide, seeming surprised. Wonder how he's doing now...

Elise, I dunno the big pool swimmin cost how much. I have small pool package with them. Think gotta top up a few dollars to use the big pool. U wanna go? Shd be ard $30 like that. Expensive for a swim hor. But too bad zz has ezcema n can't go into chlorine pool.

Bebe, yalor, that's exactly wad I'm doing now, with the part time helper once a week. But there r still daily chores to be done. I will magiclean n mop. If not, not clean. Kekeke... I very ley chey, will mop all the hidden corners. If not very fast will get dirty again.

Bluey, actually his eczema got better, heal fully, but only lasted two days. Bcos I go n eat the wrong food n it flare up again. Stupid me.

Ntuc having mammy poko promo now. One pack $20.65. I lug 2 packs of L home on the stroller. Hehehe... Today I tried using drypers, then got some rash appear. Zz is Kim kar Cheng, cannot use drypers liao. I have 10 pieces of drypers L to give away. Anybody wants?

Oh ya, i think I wanna get an activity table now that the exersaucer is being rejected. Any recommendations other than jenn's elc table?

yes xiaoxin, i wana bring britt to go leh. but then its on a wkday and i am working. afraid cannot go liao. unless its on a wkend lor.

u ladies and bb enjoy hor.

The news abt the baby dying from SIDS sounds like my friend's friend. Same scenario, ard the same time when incident happened and same surname.

Sigh so sad...


$15 a pack! Thats a good deal for goon.... its only for thursday? hehe I actually bought like 6 packs of sealer diapers already.... but still prefer goon.... where did u get the goon diaper?


I feel like going with you gals next thurs but its too far for me..... jurong to nex.. .the train ride very sian leh

Actually I just use a normal walker and entice b with different toys to make run here and there sometimes... at least not so bored....


actually if I go taiwan its more to relax to show bb around since I already went twice so kinda know what we want... and thinking about manducaing bb so easier to move around.. but guess that thot is not coming thru lah

babies sitting on table top

anyone put their bb on table top and then after a while bb will scream and scream and cry lotsa for a long while before gets soothe? my pil think its the table top and when we put bb there she got scared.... I was like huh? I would think that her screaming is probably teething or a bad dream?

jus'us, how many pcs of goon for $15? wats the diff between goon & pampers?

read the SIDS news too, so sad, i can't imagine how the parents cope with the loss.....

Jus'us, ya the train ride is sian. But bb can have the chance to look ard on the train. Stay at home more sian leh. Come join us la!

I always put my bb on kitchen counter top conveniently. No problem with that la.

Hi Mummies,

I have a tin of Mamil Gold Stage 2 to let go.

400g at $12.

Giving away a set of quality weaning bowl with spoon free.

Take away all the above with a nice pink paper bag worth $4.

Contact [email protected]


Bluey & zinc

Seriously ya. Lolz.. But no confirmation frm Hubby. Our plan so far only on #3 hahaha..

Posting in a restaurant name tamago in ximending

Last day in TW! =( so fast a week passed! Argh!!

Land in SG at 1am.

Pass wk can't slp well in hotel, very not use to it.. Stiff shoulder n ache neck.

Anyone knws hw to reduce ear pressure when taking off n landing? My ears hurts alot until like cold sweat lo.. Any ideas??

Sheryl, just swallow saliva, or suck a candy or sip some water. Haha...

My hubby also want dragon baby. He says 要就dragon,不然就不要, cos tiger n dragon is most ideal. I tell him I'm vey tired. I will consider first. Hahaha...

Jus'us, yeah. i ordered from GMarket. apparently there was delay over the shipping. they will only send to me on the coming monday to my house. free shipping for over 40 bucks. so i 1 shot ordered 3 pkts. my gal still using M size now. If you are manducaing bb, i tink will be a better choice to go TW. what about other places for travelling, more family friendly like HK or Perth? havent consider yet?

Lilysnow, M Size there's 44 pcs for Goon.

xiaoxin, if your hubby really wants another bb, he must change his attitude first. or else no way lor. right? if not u will be very xinku leh


didn't walked to t3 recently leh. but i think shld be still there but hor i think only 6yrs old then can play??? cuz the slide like high leh. that time wan bring my #1 go play slide, he was so gian to play lor.

xiao xiin,

wad wrong food u had? i c ur caifan hv curry wor. or is it the tea u drank?


my mil said bb can't stand on the table, nv say why. also said can't wear any shoes when he is not 1yr. sian, i bought the pre-walker shoes for him le, looks like he wun hv a chance to wear them. >.<

so xiao xiin, if u invite ur mil to stay, u really 自造麻烦!

Rabbit, Elise, his attitude is ok la, he focus on work ma, while i focus on household. But I cannot chase after a one yr old with a big belly leh. Zz made me vomit n dizzy for abt 4 months. If I were to be preggy without help, confirm cannot one. Need to think of a plan.

Missbluey, the current eczema flare up is from previous wrong food. If I were to eat something wrong again, the new flare up will be on his face. Now dun have new ezcema, they r all old ones haven flare finish. Pd also said, applying steriods will not stop the ezcema from spreading. When it will flare, it will flare. Ezcema does not spread. Steriods will help it to clear up fast but it will still come out at where it will come out.

Xiaoxin: I am also thinking of bringing my boy for the allergen test cos his eczema is worsening and I can't pinpoint what's wrong. Can share the details of the clinic that you are going to?


ya I put her on counter top last many times also dont have this.. so happen this time my fil bought new dining table so put bb on top for fun and who knows that night bb scream like mad... coincidence bah

I think dragon bb is a nice gap for us who had tiger bb ... each bb different mah maybe this time you wont feel giddy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh I let bb sit and stand on counter before opps

yes I also heard about shoes but still bought... cos told mil that her booties are getting smaller and she only have socks left... so CNY I will let bb wear the shoes I bought!


I'm not sure the dif between goon n pampers last time I used pampers new born and didnt like the after effect of the pee in the diaper... like one patch one patch... so never bought pampers again... I like goon cos soft thin and dry and soaks up heaps... can wear nice nice clothes also not much buldge if you know what I mean


you really got a good deal.... ! no lah in fact anywhere also my mil say cannot... even msia... so I give up the thot abt travelling for now... she said the suan ming guy say cannot chu1 yuan3 men2 till chinese 2 or 3 yr old and must be home before dark... so far my bb cant go out at night... by 7-8 sure fuss but at home ok...

xiao xiin,

oic. ya true, my bb's eczema kinda flare up again. most are @ the same places. sian. hubby said want to bring him go pd again, i tink no need lah. juz use the pd's cream & physiogel. wonder will our bb will be all smooth smooth & nice nice.


I bot pre-walker shoes for cny too. I pretend I dunno that cannot wear huh. Hahaha... Bot a hat too but my zz will remove it once I put it on for him.

Missbluey, if not worsening then dun think need to bring to pd ba. So far, my pd prescribed desonide lotion (mild steriods), elomet (strong steriods), antarax which is an oral medicine which helps to relieve itch n clear the rashes n zyterc (or something) which is also an anti-itch. I think zyterc can be bot OTC. If u have the necessary medications, no need to go to pd la. I also wondering when zz's skin will become smooth smooth again.

Zoie, I'm going to

SBCC Baby & Child Clinic – Asthma, Lung, Sleep & Allergy Centre 

6 Napier Road, #07-05

Gleneagles Medical Centre

Singapore 258499

Tel: 6475 0820

Jus'us, when my zz is teething, he also scream like mad in his sleep. Shdnt be the table ba, tell them dun pantang. Haha! I have until June to consider if I wan have dragon bb right? But I need to go back to work first leh if I wanna tcc, so that i can have some paid maternity leave. Wahaha!


Wad?! I'm being called an unreasonable, mad woman who wail n wail!! By my hubby!! *slap him*

the stupid n expensive closet specialist made my wardrobe such that when the sliding door opens, the drawers can't be pulled out bcos the door opening is not wide enuf! The thing is I already warn those ppl including my hubby since day one, that this is a common problem with sliding door wardrobe n we have to avoid it. Yet still, it happens. When I was questioning him, trying to find out wad actually happened during the process that has caused this problem, he actually scold me a mad unreasonable woman. Hello?, we paid almost $5k for this kinda faulty wardrobe, my dear hubby. **angry!*

Rabbit, Bali got what things to do?

Jenn, u gg Australia free & easy? I considered there but thot of gg new Zealand instead.. But nz must plan leh, too bz n not much time left..

Other mummies who brought or are bringing ur babies overseas, whr u going? Hoping to get some ideas..

Xiao xinn, zz upgrade fr drypers m to l alrdy? Ryan still using pampers n dryers m.. I just bought some dryers L fr guardian today to standby.. I still have alot alot of m size diapers.. Hopefully Ryan can still fit in for the next 3 mths at least..

Jus'us, if going to Taiwan w bb whr wil u go? Wonder if feasible to bjorn Ryan there in April..

xx - meaning that the drawers cannot be used at all? (since the drawers cannot be opened when the doors are closed either, right? And your hubby sees no problem with that? hmm... if you can, put his things inside lor, then maybe he will recognise it as a problem.

next bb

will definitely not be aiming for a dragon bb - too soon for me. will probably try for a snake bb - 3 yr gap, just nice, i think.


babies cannot wear shoes b4 1 yr old? Why leh? (I never heard of this before)

goon diapers

Elise, yours deliver on monday? mine will only be delivered on wed. I just so happened to visit gmarket for the first time that night, and saw, so quickly bought. I also bought 3 packs for the free delivery. but then, each pack only 44, will use up quite quickly.

I like that they are thin - bought them mainly for CNY and going out.


yup, suck on sweets or sip water. can also yawn.

Sheryl, for me i would swallow my own saliva or else eat sweets and talk to distract myself, i think it would work for me. u come bk tonight huh?

xiaoxin, next bb you may wana plan for your mum or engage a full time maid for help liao.

Jus'us, yeah. i faster grab when i saw its $15 per pkt. the next day also got offer, (last friday), it was $15.50 oredi. then no more offer. i called up diapers.com and they told me becos of the special offer many pple ordered. thus delay in shipping lor. yup yup, deliver on coming mon noon. hope that its good. my gal using goon for the 1st time. btw, your MIL is really old school and believed the suan ming. made you difficult to go out then. aiyo, so pantang. my MIL also very pantang, but that worked for me cos suan ming said my Britt cannot go to yin temples and those normal temples. so good leh

dot, you also first time parent huh? how many children you want?


Yah. I am going to Oz free & easy. Cannot go on a scheduled/ fixed tour with 2 kids lah. And also I have not been on a scheduled tour other than with my parents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dot, heng his Liverpool win 2-0. If not sure gimme black face. The wardrobe can still be use. Just that we need to open two doors instead of one. Then when we close all the four doors, we need to manually align them cos we can't put any stopper in the centre.

Jojo, long time ago wear drypers L leh. Drypers cutting is smaller than pampers n mammy poko.

jojo, i brought my gal to perth last nov and bringing her to tokyo this mar! perth was rather baby friendly. can consider...

jenn, i suggest u buy travel insurance for ur oz trip now if u have not already done so. in case anything like flight cancelled or wat, u still can claim back.

Jojo, go there rest and relax lor. Is a resort place mah. Enjoy the beach lor. Swimming lor. And visit their markets.

Baby bjorn carrier wear long Liao shoulder will pain.

But I think for tw better avoid night markets. They are crowded especially weekends.

I'm back! In SG =((

Lolx.. Mixed feelings...


Cannot avoid nite markets! Muz go. ESP shilin nite market. They split into 2 parts. F&B and shopping area which is behind the street. They haf animal street inside too! Their 贵宾狗cost only SGD1K odd. So cheap.. Their kittens n mini rabbits.. OMG~~

Hotels: I will recommend rainbow hotel (长红),wonstar(万事达)& paradise hotel (一乐园).

Post more ltr. Unpack luggage n all my loots.

I'm back! In SG =((

Lolx.. Mixed feelings...


Cannot avoid nite markets! Muz go. ESP shilin nite market. They split into 2 parts. F&B and shopping area which is behind the street. They haf animal street inside too! Their 贵宾狗cost only SGD1K odd. So cheap.. Their kittens n mini rabbits.. OMG~~

Hotels: I will recommend rainbow hotel (长红),wonstar(万事达)& paradise hotel (一乐园).

Post more ltr. Unpack luggage n all my loots.

When waiting for my bus (freego 飞狗) i heard reception ppl saying all hotels in XMD (西门丁) area FULLY BOOKED =|

For bus from taoyuan airport gt Freego & Guo Guang.

I took freego; bought round trips tickets cheaper by NT20 =))

PPL gng to Morden Toilet Restaurant in XMD, their food portion can be share'd if u're a small eater! Go C my facebook album and u'll understand =)

Wat else? Any info needed?


April u wanna go & sling bb? Can be quite warm lehx! Winter season ending le, so aft Winter will be Summer!

Not too stroller friendly in TW. I hardly see any babies or pregnant ladies!

sheryl, tw birth rate is very low esp taipei. taipei birth rate is even lower than sg. maybe thats why u dun see much babies and preggies. :)

u enjoyed tw very much. makes me so tempted to go again.

my ger also had her 'life' told, not suitable to travel before 3. sigh... cannot enjoy the half price airtickets.

i was trying to act blur but hub remember it and dun wanna bring ger for trip.



I was thinking of qing1 jing4 nong2 chang1 as for the rest maybe just shopping around... I agree with sheryl about rainbow.. good place to stay right in the middle of XMD.... oh yes april is warmer but not as bad as sg maybe cos less humid.. can be quite cooling at times... but watch out for the rain! dont think its a good idea to bjorn bb for late periods... worried ur back and shoulders ache


haha so cute got such thing... didnt know temple got yin type I thought just temple.. I went gmarket this morning and saw that its $15.50 but limited to 3 packets per acct... I havent gotten it though... enjoy goon!


ya I think if you want dragon jun is the time to start [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]yes yes dont waste the maternity leave... must quickly start work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

