(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Raleigh, I pm you already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dot, it's TheToyslands.com. Contact person is Linda. If you are renting from her, do let her know Jennifer Ho referred you ok? Then I get $5 off my next rental. Hee!


xiao xiin, me also have problem with weight. my colleagues keep commenting that i lost too much weight and one of them even persuade me to stop breastfeeding.

me feeling a bit shaken...

bluberi, maybe you go for gynea checkup? see how is your condition now? scully ok liao.. haha!

xiaoxin, how come eczema came back again? my gal one ok liao leh.. left little rough skin here and there.. i just continue to apply physiogel cream. changing body cleanser really helps!

sparkle, same here leh.. my dad comment that i amd skinny and tired.. ever since i return to work, my weight keep dropping! and i am eating alot of junk food!

so envious mummies so slim & slender.

i'm still trying to loose weight, now back to pre-preggie weight, but still have to loose some more to "wedding weight" plus the flab around my tummy.my "ideal" is 48kg...

then again...i'm trying for #2, will put back again if strike.

my boy teething again...so fussy and difficult to sleep, keep waking up every hour, teething gel also no use. lucky my mom helped me from 4am-7am this morning, otherwise today sure jialat.

Rabbit, my next gynea check up is in July/Aug wor.. i tink i will try after CNY first.. keeping my fingers crossed now..

my weight only go up up up.. sians lor.. i just hope to be back to my pre-preg weight again.. for me, staying home is easier to slim down.. work more = eat more for me.

lilysnow, dont worry. u're not the only one still hv flab around tummy. i put on 2kg more to my pre-preggie weight. heeheeh. and still cannot squeeze back to my old bottoms.


Thanks and sure!


my problem with weight is that i'm not losing! Haha. bf, then always feel hungry so eating a lot


my 7.5 month old also not crawling yet. But I'm not worried (yet).

small rant coming up

My hubby really cannot think in the mornings. He was supposed to drive me to work this morning after dropping bbE @ my mother's, so I woke him up earlier so that he can get ready for work too (rather than go home after dropping us @ my mum's). He disappeared for some time, and when he came back, he was still not dressed for work When I asked him about it, he said that he would come back after dropping me, so I said ok, and asked him to change the bb's diaper a little later to let him sleep a little longer as i was not quite done yet. As I was packing up my pump, he decided to start dressing. When he finished, he asked if he could get the kid ready, and I said that he shd have done so a few minutes ago. So he went to get the kid, but literally just got the kid - did not take him out of the sleep bag or change his diaper. So of course, must wait. Instead of him changing the diaper while i was getting ready, he is changed only after I was done (so much for efficient use of time). Then, again, he goes and throws the used diaper before putting on the new diaper, so bb wet the bed, (you would think he would learn from the previous time I ranted about this), so of course must take the time to strip the bed also. Then when i left the bedroom, I find that he let the cat out, so must take the time to find and catch the cat. Argh!!!!! His workplace may be flexible about reporting time, but mine is not!!!!!! Made it to work with *1* minute to spare. I really do not need so much stress in the morning, especially when i slept only at 3am but have to wake up at 6:30am, not counting the dream feed in between.

And he can tell me that he wants me to relax and rest more. How to with him adding to the stress!?! Gah!


i like what xiao xiin wrote about work. i also find that its is just to earn money & sustain my expenses. @ least i can free hubby's 1/4 wallet, haha.

xiao xiin,

u using what shower gel for ZZ? or u wanna switch to ellgy (the one my bb is using)? maybe can bring down the irritating ezcema. my bb's ezcema on & off, most of the time ok but hor lately return again. sian. his daily intake is pumpkin, threadfin, veg, carrot, potato, sometimes ikan bilis, organix cereal, puree, banana & some organix finger food. can't pinpoint what's wrong leh.


wad is PCOS? you all steady leh, wanna plan liao. sheryl best lah, 4!!!! i think i closing shop le. NO MORE!


your bb's naps about the same time as mine, but sometimes my bb ok leh (i don't wanna say it here, so hope you understand what i meant). but my bb is on 2 solids per day le, maybe that's why he can _________ . hehe.


why your colleagues persuade you to stop bf?? is your health a concern? else you can continue ma.

back to work le. was on mc yesterday, hubby said i chao keng. -.-" having a weird throat.

so busy today!!!!!!!!!! #$%^#$%!@#$%&^


you are defintely not the only one with flabby tummy. me also have, super flabby lor!!


if my hubby is like that, i'd twist his fat neck.

missbluey, PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome.. alot of small cysts in the ovaries.. so it's difficult to ovulate.. lucky mine is not so serious until my fallopian tubes are blocked.. my frens even had mood swings etc and need to take medication to control.. funny lor..

bluberi, same i also a PCOS club member.. haha!

missbluey, of coz need to do some planning mah.. wait accident how? no 'insurance' to cover leh.. haha!

bluberi, i took 2 tab (100mg) then the gynae nv help me to scan and evaluate my condition. after that menses come.. the following cycle i decided to try on my own and also change to my current gynae. i even gotten pills to induce menses (my cycle is long at times also) and clomid for the next cycle. who knows strike liao.. my current gynae even did a scan at D12 during my 1st visit and comment that i most likely not going to ovulate.

Rabbit, my gynea nv scan for me also, oni do blood test fm on a day between Day21-Day24.. got 1 time the result was negative n i did another blood test on Day28.. then realised i ovulated late even on clomid.. siao siao one lor..

my period is suppose to report this weekend.. dunno will report anot.. so far after delivery i oni had my period twice, 2mths apart each time.

ty, when i called up pat's last yr, the in-charge there told me d'story is frm 18mths leh.. and told me to enrol him when 18mths.. if im nt wrong 300++ for 10 sessions

Zoie, me too! nx wk another one.. my SW also nt marked yet.. sigh.. actually i only hv thurs afternoons free. 2 days sup, 2 days meetings and mondays i still hv night class..

sheryl, 4???? seriously??? last time my hub and i said we wanted 3.. nw after 1, he told me 1 is enough.. at most 2 hahahahahhahaah

dot, that sounds like my hubby.. but he has learnt to nt leave bb alone w/o diaper..


oh, what i meant was you all steady as in planning to have another bb le. i tired of 2 looking after kids sia, hehe. but then again only child is quite boring lah. i know cuz im an only child, always facing 4 walls. =p


oic. really so mafan sia.

but eh, your mens like so irregular hor, 2mths apart de.

any mummies using drypers wee wee dry? guardian got promo.

bring any NON dryper wee wee dry pack wrapper (min 24 pieces) + buy any drypers wee wee dry pack at $14.45 to get a free 1 pack of the same size purchased. so for $14.45, u get L-size (42pcs x2) or XL-size (40pcs x2). think the promo pretty good.

i alternate bb between drypers(before poo) and pampers(after poo). quite absorbent and ok for day use but don't like the loud tape though.

Bluey/ Xiao Xiin

Aiyo... you girls make me feel so bad leh. Like I am a leech, don't wanna work!


Men are like that. You are not alone. Don't stress.


I am 3kg from my pre-preggie for my #2, 6kg from my #1, 8kg from pre-wedding and 10kg from when I 1st pak-tor with my hubby! My weight is like my age - can only go up! LOL!!!!

bluey: haha, my hubby cannot use hard approach one. he cannot tahan and sure quarrel one.

jenn: haha.. vent then not stressed already

but actually, these few days my temper is very bad. but shd not be pms, lah. over liao


no no, im not referring to you. b'cuz i tend to spend money like water, so i die die must wk. anyway i prefer being a ftwm. =p


mine ah, sometimes i bth him i simply said you really useless leh. lol.

temper bad - might be due to you lacking of sleep.


oh wao. 2 weeks ago, i went for checkup. gynae said i might be having irregular mens cuz my uterus lining is very thin. hmmmm...so how irregular is irregular??? mens come once in 2-3mths? my first proper mens after i stopped bf was on 22dec, then now 18jan. not irregular right?

bluey, i have not fallen sick since pregnant. *touchwood, hope continue to be healthy* but i lost like 7kg from pre-pregnancy weight. all my frens think i look too skinny now and all the nutrients must have all gone into breastmilk and nothing left in me.

me also prefer to be ftwm. i have limited patience. although a bit sad that my ger not close to me. its the con loh.

missbluey, regular shd be monthly ar.. i used to very regular until aft my 'O' levels.. and it has since remain haywire liao.. i tink the oni bad thing abt my PCOS is i keep gaining weight but it has since stopped n remain the same for a few yrs.. lucky no mood swings or skin prob like my 2 other frens.. one is still gaining weight with 3-5kg rate/yr.. another one gave birth 2wks before me and now her mood swings are back..

sparkle, 7kg!!!?? i'm sooo sooo envy leh! my eyes suddenly wide open after a tiring afternoon in office when i read ur post ;)


sparkle is really slim & tall, hehe.


wah gd leh. u still healthy & slim, me alrdy fallen sick a few times since preggie & wt like erm abit stagnant, haha. can feel body not as gd as before le. now i can even slp w/o aircon, unlike last time.

7kg fr pre-preggie weight!!! i want!!!

and i'm munching on fish crackers now, before dinner......tsk tsk....

tummy flab...

prevoiusly, when i wear jeans, i look like tree trunk....waist and hip almost same same.

now? i upgraded to the muffin-look coz of tummy flab!!

today, bb wore a carter that he didn't wear for abt 2wks, and wow!!! he look like dumpling!!! so difficult to button the bottom. so after 2hrs, we changed him out of it coz like hindering his movements.

so shocking, bb seem to be growing so fast. he didn't want his exersaucer today, kept wanting to get into floor and wriggle/crawl. then i thought to myself, cham...i will be running after him soon and house is not child-proof yet.

mummies ttc-ing for #2, remember have to "pu" your health asap, otherwise potentially #2 health/constitution will be affected too.

bluberi, if u want a dragon bb u can only start earliest in may? my hubby wants a dragon bb too cos his family is dominated by dragons and tigers. too bad then we can't try during our holiday in mar.

talking abt no of babies, my sis just gave birth to her 4th son! for me, i will want 3. ideally one tiger, one dragon and one horse. ;p

dot, gymboree was ok. it would be better when our babies already know how to crawl. paid $40 for trial we ended up paying an additional $10 to get the 1 yr membership + a free t-shirt.

btw, do we need to give ang pows to the teachers at infant care center?

anyone interested to buy 4tins of 900gram each for:-


900 G Quantity:

NTUC selling at $40.45



I got one $5discount voucher for it too (first buyer gets it).

Self collection at my house here only(admiralty link) cos 4tins very heavy.. LOL, prefer to sell either 2/4 tins at a go please.

Me can let go at $35 per tin.

PM me

Sparkle: i'm also very envious of your weight lost. did you keep on eating and eating and eating and always felt hungry when u are breastfeeding?

Dot: sayang sayang can totally understand your situation. Men!!! so stupid at times and not understanding at all. must kick and tell them and instruct them leh.

Lilysnow: pple look at my fat tummy and asked me if i'm preggy again. and thou its 3 months!! really dunno whether to laugh or to cry. so diff to fight the flab off

lilysnow, my fren who persuading me to stop breasfeeding also told me to recuperate my body to prepare for next pregnancy. ya loh, i also worried if next baby's health will be affected if i dun recuperate well now.

elise, actually quite stressful when every week at least one person will tell me i look too skinny.

i eat normal 3 meals, didnt excessively eat. will treat myself dessert about twice a week. hee.

bluey, i dun normally sleep in air con room unless the weather super hot. maybe like this healithier? hee.

Bluey, using cetaphil cos I bot it already. Many ppl r telling me cetaphil is good leh. Those ppl who have chicken pox shd use bcos it helps to prevent scarring, my sil says. Zz's ezcema is probably caused by the food I'm taking. So I'm keeping a food diary on fb. If u too eng in office, help me see if got patterns between the food n zz's condition or not ok? Heehee...

Any mummy keen to go hwa xia serangoon nex big pool next week? Brot zz to resume his swimming today, he loves it so much. But he kinda big for the small tub. The lady told me to go big pool at 11.30am-12nn, be the first swimmers to use the cleanest big pool water.

xiao xiin,

hmm, maybe cetaphil don't work so effectively on ZZ? just my thought lah.

so far, i see ZZ's ezcema liks the same leh. his swollen eyes ok liao?


i used to sleep in aircon room every night before i had my 2 boys. now cannot liao leh, on fan with speed 2, i must cover blanket le. -.-"


good wad! save electrical bills!! hehe.. but really must pu the health back!


same same.. aiyoh.. headache.. but kinda love to b back at work too!.. minus e endless pointless meetings..


sometimes i get cny goodies from students.. think buy them goodies is good! keeps me occupied at work!


i emailed u reply le k.. sry ar.. din know u had so many stock! haha


u ok??? emailed u reply le too.. still keen on odyssey right?? heh


mine stil nt here yet! apparently can have drought till 13 months one izzit??


haha yes. but hor my #1 is an aircon bb. my #2 only sleep in aircon when hubby is off or in morning shifts. cuz #1 will "shift back" to my room ma as hubby can tc #1.

Tiger Baby, i intend to try from late Apr.. but my period so irregular plus my ovulating prob.. just pray that i get my wish for dragon bb.

gd morning mummies!!


wow..all the best for 3 kids! i think im sticking to two! two is enuff


mummy2nia, i'm stopping at 2 unless #2 is gal.. hahaha, not gonna let my MIL get her wish of 3 grandchildren fm me.. she can try to psycho my future SIL instead la.. my hubby's bro getting married in July.. lolx

Genice/Zoie - After reading yr post abt yr emotions at work..I am having second thoughts of going back to work liao..I think I will miss my kids very much like you..kids are so addictive..can't leave without them..Hubby is asking me when am I going back to work, he expects me to do so by end of the year..I think he just wanna me be mentally prepared..it was tough changing from FTWM to SAHM..now gotta face the reverse transitions..sian..

Jenn - I can feel the *ouch* when I read abt the accident post..I am also "very expert" in scratching the car..hence I "park" my driving licence for almost 7 yrs liao..only start to drive recently to send the kids to classes. Very stressful leh..nowadays there are so many cars on the road, and they are not forgiving to "aunty drivers" like me..ha ha..

Rainelle - I usu get bak kwa for my parents and PIL, and $100-$200 cash for them to buy the food stuff for reunion dinner plus angbow for them on the first day. Usu they do the CNY shopping and marketing themselves. This year, I gave extra for mum as she needs to buy prayer stuff for my late dad.

Xiao xiin - Get a part time maid to come by on weekly basis, no need daily basis.at least not so siong on the pocket. I sweep/mop the floor daily..but just use magic clean mop..basically on those visible area where kids always stay around. Then when my cleaner come..she will do a thorough one..all corners..including cleaning window, kitchen and stoves , toilets and even ironing clothes..it helps to relieve the bulk of the workload..

Jenn has given a you a golden advice - NEVER INVITE MIL TO STAY (unless u are prepared to close both eyes and ears)..

#2 or #3

Actually I see babies everywhere leh..dun understand y govt keep saying falling birthrate..even when I delivered, wards were full...hmm..

Good to have at least 2 kids..one is too lonely..dun drag too long to have #2..and best if you hv helpers around to help. Dun wait till too long by then our parents might be too old to help, and if they are sick..then we hv to sandwiched in between to care the old and the young.

Blueberi - hope you get yr Dragon baby next year..

Xiaoxiin/Sparkle/Rabbit - I am also losing weight even though I am eating 5 meals a day..now I am -3kg from my pre-pregnant weight but still carry the flabby tummy

Missbluey - I have thick uterus lining hence easy to get fibroid and so menses also irregular leh..so thin or thick uterus both cause irregular menses??


I also park my driving licence. Gosh and nw worse ive got a manual car. All the more i wun drive. Driving is juz too stressful. Sigh!


I agree wit u. Hehe


Msged u in ur business page. Am interested to buy clothes and bag. Hehe. I think the page is by u right. :p


Bebe75, bluberi,

i also TTC#1 very long due to fibroid, and luckily my gynae advise me to remove it and within 2 months i am preggie.. and second one also took a few mths before i succeed..

