(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Ya, VERY! Before purchase my hubby say hios uncle sell us at Valution Price, no COV.

God knows aft sign and all le he come tell mi gt COV! I feel like slapping him. For the hse purchase i oreadi not very happy le as we need to resort to using Bank Loan! Reason y we dun take HDB is the loan granted is very low, onli like $130K, if wan appeal need wait 3mths as i juz change job.

So LL no choice go Bank, i told him if need use B/L (Bank Loan) i dun wish to go ahead but since he likes the hse soo much (belongs to my PILs previously) so i told him to hold decission.

No use pointing finger ard, i'm in this shit together with him now. Sian..

If onli i knw i'll haf dis issue (before booking for TW) i rather save the $$ den .......

Dun like the feeling of owning monies, esp 1 party is his Brother.

Who owaz will nag for no good reason ”你还谦我钱”even if its like $20

Now we own him a 5 Digit amt i dunno i will slap him anot if he rub on my wounds.



Since cannot turn back le, just go ahead. Slowly save and return. If he nag, just let him nag lor. You than ok. You can do it de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


An amt not normal ppl can afford in cash, unless is those 富翁.


Ya, i know. Before my trip i still headache my rest of $11K gng to come frm where. Heng my mum offered to help, otherwise i'll be a nutshell now

New place, now wan shift in oso cant. Overheads too high esp with those Loans.

Got to settle my mum side 1st as the $$ she loan mi is for my bro Uni studies fees


I mite wanna ship in those instant noodles lehx. If the Comapny in TW allow mi to bulk purchase =)

Notify u agn if they approve, my hubby MAD over this Da Bu Tie Maggie Mee.

We took a box back to SG.. Hahahahahaha~

Sheryl, i see.. mi n hubby have bank loans too due to our reno.. worse is we borrowed fm both bank and a credit co (hitachi credit) $25k each.. spreading over 5yrs, can u imagine just one yr the interest for both comes up to almost $2k.. total $50k but we paying almost $60k. every yr i count down to the end of the loan, still got a yr to go.. my sis want to save interest when she reno her place tis yr, my mum is lending her $ at 0% and can spread for more than 5yrs.

Sheryl, did u buy any pastries from Chia Te in TW? Apparantly, their pastries are very famous.. i'm hooked on it when my GM bought their 凰梨酥 and 太阳饼 for me from his holiday. my mum very bad, took half a box (8pcs) from me coz she like it alot.. wonder can ship it in anot.. lolx



Why your hubby's uncle like that de? And your hubby agreed with the COV amt? Your PILs didn't make noise also? So sad... Own family also want to cheat.

So does that also mean you are planning to rent out the flat and continue to stay with your ILs???


Abt the same in debt amt.

Cha Tie? I nv take note of name, located at ware?


He onli tell mi they oso need the $$ nvm. Tmd.. they need $$ den we go ware find $$. At times he pity ppl but nv think for ourself.. Sian


understand your shite feeling cuz hubby is quite fan over this new house issue. cuz he is the one saving up more than me, so always nag nag me.

since you cannot go back to the past, so just have to ying zhe tou pi & save save save!


yep, my new house @ compassvale beacon. i think by june should be able to get keys liao.

someone living there already? never see leh though i pass by everyday when i go back from work.

missbluey, oni one unit is occupied nw.. feel funny and wonder how they managed to get their keys way ahead of others.. almost every nite i will pass by there on my way home.. late at nite then can see coz very dark and oni that unit has lights. dun tell my those construction workers stay there??!!

Bluberi, your house reno cost $50k?? Y so ex?

Sheryl, u moving to your mum's plc ah? If i were u, I'll be very angry leh. All these r not small amt of money. Need many many yrs to save up. Be more frugal lor. Really no choice since already signed. Just make the best out of it ba.


Just saw Spencer's birthday pic. I was near Eager Beaver yesterday! Could have crashed his party ;)

I am there every Monday to see my Jeph's swim. The swim school share kinda the same premise as Eager Beaver. We can meet there next time for kopi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiao_xiin, it was ard $46k, we got back $4k and top up abit of our wedding funds for furniture.. feel like kenna fleeced by the interior designer for that kind of design, shd have just paid a contractor and save $ for the same job. we did quite a no. of build-in things.. even the 2 common rooms we also do build-in wardrobe liao. can imagine the $ saved if we had used a contractor, i can do a platform and extra half-height cabinet liao.

hope: ok deh. as long as u before that CNY lor. CNY costs at least 2 to 3 times more for confinement. better plan carefully then. hee hee.

you also wish to have a dragon? i wish to have another bb 2 to 3 yrs later, if my finances allows. got any old wives tale on how to get a bb boy?

Sheryl, if you really can ship in those TW Maggi mee, it would be so great!! i've searched high and low for it. at chinese stores, provision shops, Econs, exotic expat supermarkets, and even run to chinatown yue hwa. all dun have. very disappointed. i wonder why everytime got so many nice foods overseas that SG dun have. i'm also crazy for those cute Jap packaging biscuits and titbits. wish i really can strike a big TOTO where i can emigrate. hates singapore. really sucks big time. poor you. owning so much money to the bank. then u better start to cut down on your expenses and be more frugal liao lor.

Bluey: happy for ya. u can leave your MIL's house in about 6 months time. u start to countdown now leh. btw, how come your MIL they all go to your house for what? but if they staying your hse, what happen to their own hse?

bluberi, you also got bank loan? 50k really ex!! to think that my house reno only costs $24k 3 yrs ago. everybody say its cheap and reasonable, and i've used an ID. for i dun have those build in stuff. me bought a lot of furniture via Courts sales and all that to save money. and go to balestier to source for building materials and lightings. whos your ID, can reveal? i suspect they did a big markup. they sure earn like xiao.

Elise, i heard if hubby eat alot of meat, will have higher chance of having boy.. my fren just gave birth to her 2nd boy last week and her hubby is really a meat eater, dun take vege.. so i dunno how true it is wor. i also want a boy leh, then i can close my factory..

Yue Hwa now got taiwan fair leh.. when u checked?

my budget for reno went fm $18k to $25k.. who knows end up went up to almost twice!! haiz.. normally kitchen is 20ft top n bottom in package, i extend till 13ft top n bottom.. ordered extra bottom and full height cabinet.. hack my study wall n replaced it with glass.. boxed up air-con piping (wrong move coz it was super ugly, others would have done better!!), etc. my designer ar.. give u hint la.. u guess urself.. first word is a colour, second word is a fruit. lucky the lighting shop is my fren's hubby open one, the designer dunno until he saw i got such a big discount, almost cost price liao!! he almost dropped eyes lor.. the big discount was coz my fren's hubby didn't see me go to the shop next door selling taps + wc which he also got share (which i was not aware too), his partner oni give normal 10% (obvious got earn one la). my fren said the partner "suan" her hubby for the big discount.

Elise, I haven paid in full, can fight one.

Jus'us, cos my wardrobe is 3.1m in length. So a bit complicated. The other wardrobe in my MBR has two sliding doors, drawers not stuck but abt 10cm of the hanging bar n shelves r stuck behind the door as well. This one I can dun kao peh bcos it's not a big deal. But not when drawers r stuck behind the door n they still have the cheek to tell me 就是这样的. If I were some ah lian, I will gather ppl down to bash him up already.

Bluberi, 50k can almost buy car already. But never mind la, as long as u like it lor. I am like Elise, my Reno cost abt 16-18k only, 3 yrs ago. We paid everything from wedding to house in cold hard cash. As fresh grads, we really din had much savings yet we still can manage. It was indeed a miracle. But still when I think abt my 30 yr Hdb loan, I also feel quite sian. Feel like paying lump sum with my excess cpf to save some interest

Hi hi long time didn't post, how's everyone? Looks like alot of u are planing for next bb!! So we going to hear good news soon?

So excited, tonite I'm going to hb's company D&D at sands and my IL is going to help me takecare of kids!! Yoohoo... Some few hours ME time ;p

Bluberi, is it red apple? Orange orange? Yellow banana? Green pear? Pink grapefruit? Purple mangosteen? Blue berry? Haha... Or u mean shape instead of fruit? Then it shd be orange cube. Right?

Bluberi, not so true for meat eater to have boy le, my hb don't like vege de, really a meat eater, even maggie mee also must put meat in! But my 2nd bb is a girl.

xiao_xiin, ya lor.. can almost buy a car liao.. my reno also almost 4yrs ago in may'07.. i hate it when we had to dig into our wedding funds (took 2yrs to save!) for the furniture coz the house was a last min decision when my MIL told us to get our own place coz she "finally" foresee that her place will be too small when we have kids. already bugger my hubby since '05 to get our own place but he refused! my sis always said my hubby is filial, but listens too much to MIL. lucky we didn't lose alot of $ from the banquet, oni top up $1.5k cash on top of the angbao we received. same here, my hdb loan also 30yrs.. heng our place is dirt cheap coz that time the property market was at it's lowest.. so oni loan fm hdb slight over 2/3 of the flat price. but hor.. 30yrs interest is like 25% of my flat price liao.. tsk tsk

xiao_xinn, hahaha.. i meant to type shape and ended up typed fruit.. i must be hungry!! u r right!!!

peck, that means it's not true liao.. hahaha.. how to get a boy???!!


not really looking forward leh, anyway pils will eventually move in with us leh.

i guess pils' house will rent out lo.


haha, my hubby is a meat lover! difficult to find men who eat veggie leh. =p

Aiyo! I Also don't know le.. Mayb ask Jenn and bliss, their hb got any preference anot, cuz they have both boys

bluberi, how about ladies who eat a lot of meat? i ate a lot of meat during my preggy days and also a lot of mcdonalds. my hubby said eating tons of veggies would get a boy! i went to yue hwa a month ago. dun dare to go chinatown now. packed like hell. that day went to chinatown for CNY stuff in the afternoon, oredi long q. Lim Chee Yuan q until very long. wonder what's so great about it.

no wonder your reno costs went up. becos you've hacked the wall, costs an additional few k, replaced with glass, another few k, additional kitchen cabinet, another addition few k. thats why it all adds up. did you watch the tv every tues night? Mark Lee, Kym ng that show on 8pm. foc reno for pple. every week they choose a theme, like reno for Master bedrooms, toilets, kitchen or living room. some famous ID houses charges almost 10k for the living room. wana faint oredi.

Peck, good for you to always have some ME time. enjoy!

xiaoxin: if havent paid in full, gan gan fight for it. you are the customer, and you are the king.

Elise, no le! This is e 2nd time I go out without them, 1st time Also ask in law to takecare and we catch a movie, now I everyday stick to them and work like dog! Totally no time at all


To have boys? Do the "deed" during ovulation. Buy an ovulation kit. Test and if got smiley face that day must "work". Hahaha....


if i say that, i will kena from hubby even if pils never scold me. likewise, if im the man, my wife say that to my parents, i also will scold her. hee.

i don't exactly hate them lah, just prefer not to stay together. =>

er, i like veggies & chicken!

if want boy or girl, something to do with PH?

i closing shop! tireddddddddddd.


I old liao. Am already blessed with 2 kiddos. Enough le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bluberi, orange cube is famous for being expensive. I went to them before also, told the ID my budget is 20k. We did sat down n discuss the reno items together. Then i cut my budget to 12k n he never got back to me anymore. ID only know how to help home owners to spend money to make their home nice nice. We then chose a contractor to do abt 10k of works n outsource the rest. Contractor also never hiam too little amt.

Ya, missbluey, give them a room n let them do wadever they like to that room. The rest of the house, u can decide yourself. But ya I know la, sure will hear a lot of comments. Understand your sian-ness.

Jenn, to use ovulation strips is very stressful. I used on two cycles, din strike when ovulation strips said positive. During third try, I din use anything n strike. So maybe for us, got baby is very heng already, not able to choose boy or gal.


Won't that mean pil get to keep all the rent n u hv to foot all the bills since it's Yr house now?? Not that I am calculating but all these mthly utilities n etc r quite sizable.


Try missionary position ie male on top.. diet wise I can't rem - also if nearer to Yr ovulation chances of male higher. I rem I used ovulation kit cos I want to increase chances of preggie - getting old also being rabbit in dragon Yr ;)


Dress up n enjoy the nite! I am on leave n gonna meet up old frenz for dinner n chat abt our kids non stop!


Alamak retirement? My colleagues kids r mostly of schooling age so still not so bad.. Look around lor mkt still very vibrant.


I think it's ok to hv bbG sleep alone if he is making too much noise juz make sure u can hear him when he needs you! Or consider one of u zzz wif him like Wat i am doing now so at least gor gor gets his much needed zzz

Elise, it does not works on woman.. coz gender is determined by sperm ma... lim chee guan ar, really long long queue.. i queued the past 2 yrs (yes, even when 5mths preggie!) and took me around 2-2.5hrs before my turn.. lucky got my trusty ipod back then..

i know i did alot of built in and hacking stuff and all these adds up to the extra i paid, but after seeing my neighbour's almost like out of interior design magazine house (same layout as my place).. i know i was fleeced coz they paid $30k+ to a contractor (they first went to designer for ideas) and did more hacking than me. she even did her toilets too and i didn't.

Jenn, my period so irregular.. time for me to buy those opk again.. i buy those oni 30cent per piece.. the smiley face is clearblue rite? very exp.. i tink i can at 150pcs of opk liao.. lolx.. that time when i TTC, i will start to do the deed almost every alternate day fm day 11 onwards and till my next period instead of stopping at day 20.. my gynea said we nv know if we might have late ovulation, so do the deed till the next period better.. my hubby said he feel like dying back then coz doing the deed too often is very tiring! hahahaha

xiao_xiin, we super regretted but no point crying over spilled milk.. so come jun i will engage a contractor to remove my balcony door n frame in order to raise a platform.. want to have the platform area for my bb to play coz if i put a playpen in my living room.. i will have very limited space to walk. having a big place but yet i find no place.. gonna do a half height cabinet too, not enough storage areas in my house.

peck, enjoy urself tonite. good to have some ME time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koaru, missionary ar.. shall take note.. first i need to buy loads of opk to test when i ovulate since now my period so siao siao again.. i very doubt i can get my dragon wish.. last time i want a cow but gotten a tiger, no complains though.. love my little tiger gal to bits!


your last sentence about your hubby really cracked me up sia.


they will help de lah, see whether my hubby want accept their help anot lor. you know, men sometimes refuse any help.

xiao xiin,

am prepared to hear comments from them. im thinking to get a small altar cuz i don't want the joss sticks to 'dirty' my ceiling after so many years & a small one will save space, don't know if pils will nag anot. nowadays 4 rooms flat don't look like one.

hahaha msbluey, i very bad hor?! there's one time when i cannot tahan MIL and blured out those words to her. she's shocked but not angry. maybe she can understand why i tolerated her for so long. so now, even if she wants me to do anything, she will go thru her son. she dun dare to tell me directly to do anything. i super hate pple to tell me what is expected to do this thing here and there, when its my house neh.

bluberi: but i find Clearblue is a very good and reputable brand. i last time used clearblue to test for pregnant. was positive. i used those maomao brand. no results at all. showed nothing. weird hor?

My period hasn't come leh. Does that mean I won't get preggy? But gynae has asked me to use condoms leh. Say until machiam i really wanna tcc like that. Haha...

Bluberi, dun regret la. Must make the best out of it. I'm also not 100% satisfied with my house reno. House Reno is like stroller, must use already then u can see the problems. Think there is no perfect house unless we redo reno again n again n again.

Boy sperms swim faster than gal sperms. They die faster than gal sperms too. If u ovulate after the deed, more likely the gal sperm will win. If u ovulate with the deed, then boy sperm will win. If u ovulate before the deed, nobody wins. So in theory, it's harder to make boys than gers.

missbluey, very funny hor.. it was like tis with the previous failed pregnancies and very stressed coz everyday i will go toilet n test the opk for ovulation. once i exclaimed got ovulation, it's like go to war.. we dun do the deed to enjoy, but to have a baby.. *faint* so the very last cycle when we conceived Cherisse, we just relax.. we dun do so often like alternate but within the ovulation period.. i dun bother to test also. no good to stress.

Elise, i will buy those cheap cheap opk and hpt first, works well for me.. but once i tested preggie, i will then buy clearblue to confirm in case kenna play out. hahaha..

xiao_xiin, once a while we will just blurt out n complain one.. hahaha.. now i remember, i want to re-do my household shelter feature wall if i got budget also.. lolx.. i made hubby promised me to reno again when our place hits 15yrs provided we dun sell it off.

genice, my hubby was stressed n tired rather than enjoy.. hahaha.. he konked up soon.. hahaha

Elise, when I din strike during the first two tries, I took a blue pen n add a vertical stroke to the clearblue minus sign to make it into a plus sign n showed my hubby. He was like "like that also can ar..." hahaha....

