(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Anyone planning to have #3? Jenn close shop liao how abt the rest? Actually i wanted to close shop when i was very tired of looking after K a few mths ago but now seeing him grow up.. i kind miss his baby times even though he is still a baby now.. may have #3 but prob.. 3 yrs later.. will be "gao Ling" pregnancy.. a bit scared... sigh i also dunno what i want.. now got a boy and ger can close shop liao still wanna find "trouble".. haha.. but i enjoy having kids leh.. minus e fats and the late nights of coz..

bluberi.. hehe.. can understand how u feel.. just chiong because want to have kids.. not fun at all.. i must say i have been lucky.. i not super on abt doing it, both times i had my ger and boy was "1 shot, 1 kill". Btw, my sil has been trying to conceive since 07.. did u c any doc or TCM. anyone to recommend?



Yah. I ligate right after Jake since C-sect so might as well. My gynae very funny. She told me to standby a pd to thorough check the baby before she clip my tubes!

Hubby and I were very set on 2 kids only cos otherwise we feel not enough focus/ attention on each kid. Plus yours truly not keen to be pregnant at 40! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't mean to say more kids means not enough attention. Just that for us, my hubby already works really long hours so we both feel 2 is the most ideal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

genice, i did see TCM after i miscarriaged once.. but after i miscarriage for a 2nd time while on TCM, i super sad n gave up.. miscarriaged for a 3rd time before i finally conceived my gal. hope next one wun liddat liao..

Jenn, i dun want to be preggie after 30, so i want to be done with it by next yr. hahaha

Genice, I'm already gao ling when have no.1, cuz I married late! We are happy to stop at 2 and hb not keen to have 3, he say too stress!for me ah, I don't mind le.. I like kids, just that too old le.. Better dont

I finally finished cleaning up, moving stuff and from tomorrow staying at my own new house! Yeah!! My own house finally! All my nice display stuff kept in boxes for years can come out see sunshine liao!

My ID/contractor is honest, very straight forward, and overall I think what we paid was very reasonable and he's very responsible. I think he's safe to recommend here because he's really honest. May not be the cheapest around but trustworthy. Young guy, ok lah my age, 36. I found him after I saw my neighbour's house was well done, so I thick skin ring their bell and asked who is their ID haha! But he's not the typical salesman type, so if a customer prefers the sweet talk kind, he cannot make it, he's downright straight forward and is very abrupt on the phone (his phone rings non stop!). If any of you are interested, I can share his contacts. Hiring ID got it's benefits, like we don't have to coordinate the work schedule, everything is just done on time, then some things I asked him to change also he didn't charge me, I replaced all my lights after my clever hubby made a wrong decision also our ID didn't complain, never charge extra also. My hubby told me that his downfall is being too chin chai, dunno how to do sales talk and never record down what customers say, he just trust that the customer won't sabo him.

I remember when I tested myself at home with a guardian pregnancy test kit, I didn't buy Clear Blue because it was most expensive, and I didn't believe I could actually be pregnant, in self denial. So anyway, there I was sitting on my toilet bowl with my eyes popping out because the moment I peed on the stick, the positive sign appeared IMMEDIATELY. I sat there in shock for I think got half an hour before I went to wake my hubby up, then he also like "uh oh how ah" because we were not prepared to be parents yet.... Moral of the story is, those cheap brands of pregnancy test kits can be excellent haha! Results instantaneous! I dunno is it because when I tested I was already 3 months pregnant. Self denial so long.... My gynae also said I in self denial because I went to his clinic with the test kit and showed him and said "doctor, maybe this one not accurate lah hor?!" lol! His reply: this kind of test no matter what brand is 99% accurate leh!! Then after he did my first scan, he really shake his head and told me my foetus already so big, 3 months liao! Oops! I wad drinking alcohol and smoking the first trimester! So luckily my baby is totally healthy and normal.

Haha Ty, your reaction just like my first pregnancy, I ask the gp that say I'm pregnant, your kit accurate anot! Then she ask me back, u still single?!

Jenn, I didn't know during c sect can ligate otherwise I would have done it also! How much is the procedure can I ask? I confirmed close shop after sx.

Ladies, I got a mailer in my letter box from this company called Choice Baby, or was it Choice Parent. Not sure, google it... This company claims they can calculate when to do the deed to get boy or girl and it's money back guarantee. My hubby said though that the company is gambling on it's own luck to correctly predict for each couple, surely they will correctly predict for some customers and the few that they get wrong, just pay back also they won't lose much since they are expensive - $880 per calculation.

Peck, you should have seen Dr Tham's face when I took out the test kit because it was 4 days old plus I scotch tape tightly in a plastic bag hahahahahah! Crazy right? My hubby said I siao to keep it for days and wanna bring it to doctor. I am very grateful to him because he counselled me a lot, thru out my pregnant journey and after birth also, otherwise I think I would have sank deep into depression. Suddenly no cigarettes plus no alcohol really depressing leh. I took tablets to stop my alcohol craving, that was how bad it was.

You mean your SIL was like me? Tham is telling me to have #2 but I told him provided he takes care for me hahaha! He said if lifestyle very hard to change, then really 1 child is enough. I miss my carefree days although I really love sx. Now with the screw in my spine, really cannot liao and I'm actually quite relieved about it haha!

Peck, mei mei is how many kg? I was looking at her picture on fb yesterday and seems her thighs can fight with sx haha!

wow peck! so fast find husband for jaelyn already ar? haha! for a while, i thot u said ty is ur SisterIL. lol!

re: conceiving boy or gal

my fil showed me a book. apparently female's diet plays a part in determining boy or gal too. it's abt the environment tat is more favorable for X / Y sperm to survive. i can't rem the content now though. when time to try, then go find out again. ;p

alternative to using ovulation kit/strip, can keep track of body temp also. get a body basal thermometer and aft tat its free.

Ty/ Peck

You are related???


My ligation is $1200. Think if do now is thru the belly button? But ah... ligation is painful. More painful than c-sect.


I remembered I was 2 weeks late. Didn't think must of it cos was traveling lots and then moving apt. Thought all the time difference etc took it's toll on my body. Then met some old friends for dinner. 1 of them just had a baby and was telling us his baby story. I mentioned I am 2 weeks late and on the way home, he drove me to buy a test kit. Next morning i tested and it was +ve! I put it down for 10 min, came back to read it again for total of 3 times before I called my hubby who was in NY to tell him the news. It was only 8 weeks after our wedding. I thought to myself - so easy ah??!!

Then scar-li for #2, it wasn't so easy le. I only fell pregnant 4 months after I stopped work.

Tywong, me too! Ironic rite, we spent $$ on drinks yet only willing to buy the cheapest Preg Test kit... Ha! Ha! Same Gynae somemore...

Conceiving boy: My mum said 'do' it between the 7 to 10 days when period starts. My mum claimed that she used this method for my two brothers... My two colleagues (both with ger as their first child under stress from their inlaws) tried it and really both boys! But I must add disclaimer hor... Don't blame me when it doesn't work for u.... Any method for ger huh? My hubby luv ger ger leh... Thou I don't want 2nd one yet... I think no harm knowing rite? Thanks.


I see tcm - dr tan kian seng for two cycles n I strike...<after ttc for 1yr with no luck..

Can search for him h

In smh, he's quite popular! The medication is quite yucky lo!!! It cost me about $300 a month for acupuncture and medication... Hubby might need to have acupuncture too....

thanks all mummies who shared regarding whr to bring baby.. look like perth and japan are good choices.. jialat im getting gan chiong.. realli wana go somewhr with baby in apr..!! and there's not much time left to plan..!! how do u all take passport photo for baby ar?

bluberi and elise, my company just did up our pantry and a nice nice conference rm, with nice black glass as blackboard and all.. also did a feature wall at the entrance.. and the reno cost was $100k!!!! i came bk from maternity leave then fd out the cost.. wah biang i think the reno company chop my company BIG time lo.. 100k for the few things they did.. =.= no wonder so many of my colleagues passing sarcastic remarks on y the cost so high..

tiger baby, u went perth free and easy? drove? go there roughly need how many days?

dot, i also didnt want my baby to be tiger/gemini.. coz had a horrible tiger/gemini ex-bf!! so how ur tiger/gemini hubby? hoping to get some positive feedback on this combi.. haha..

hope, i also tot of giving birth to "fake" dragon, ie in 2013 but before lunar new yr.. haha!! but hubby say must be very very zhun.. coz if so, MUST give girth in jan 2013.. where got so zhun zhun one.. later miss cue, will get snake liao..

bluberi, i read before but duno how true, to increase chances of having a boy, try doing it within 48 hrs of ovulation, man to drink caffeinated beverage right before trying (it makes the y-sperm more active), woman to have O so that inside environment more alkaline and favorable to y-sperm.. also read before before forgot exactly liao - duno eat saltier food favor boy or gal..

tywong, im still keeping the positive preg test kit..!! haha.. i wiped it clean and left it at my bedside.. still there now..

any mummies can help me post on WTS ar? i got 1 tin of stage 1 fm i wana sell..

waa so long never post much, today so much to say..

Jenn.. Ttc= trying to conceive not tcc= the coffee connoisseur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharky thanks will pass msg to my sil, any threads that she can go to?

Bluberri, 3 miscarriage, poor thing for u. Must be a tiring /painful experience. All worth it! Ur babe is so pretty n cute. How far was ur previous pregnancies ?

Jojo - when I read abt yr fake dragon, I burst out laughing..haha

Talking abt having another baby..hmm sometimes I am so tempted cos I miss the baby smell leh..but then when I think of my age and $$$ and time issue, I also sian...think 3 is enough for us FOR NOW.

Tywong - can you share with me yr ID? I am looking for ID to renovate my new home..hope to get the keys by Jun this year, though Sep is more likely. Other mummies can share with me yr ID or contractor if you have any recommendation.

Talking abt renov, i spent abt $45k on my last flat 6 yrs ago. Everyone said ex, but it was quite well spent as we had lots of overhaul and the workmanship was good. And cos of the reno, we can sell at high COV. I am considering to go back to the same ID for my next house..but he is very ex.

Munmies, any of your babies experiencing frequent pooing? My gal suddenly poo alot since last sat. That is when I started to intro more porridge and 60ml of fm. She is like pooing 3-4 times a day. Other than that she does not seems to be feeling uncomfy anywhere. Still active as usual. Could it be teething? Or fm? Or solids?

Jojo, for passport photo. Just place a white cloth behind as back ground. Then take the photo. Apply online, they got a software to help you resize. The passport will be ready in a few days time.

About having a boy. Confirm not easy for me lor. Especially I don't ovulate regularly. So hard to detect. Then using opk to test very stressing also. Haiz i hate to keep such things on track leh. I know my Hubby wants a boy lah. I keep thinking that no. 2 is a gal again lor. I last time had a dream that I had 3 gals. This era we are still troubled by the 'boy' tradition. Stressssss

Peck/ Ty

SX wants to be my Jake's BIL? (as Jake and Jaelyn are twins?!) Wahahaha.....


Aiyo, now a days where boy tradition?! Healthy and happy is enough le. Don't stress yourself. My hubby loves to have a daddy's little girl but it was just not meant to be for us. We have very quickly moved on. So yah... Don't stress. Talk to your hubby. You might be surprised that he is ok if #2 is a girl.


I LOL when I read your explanation of ttc and tcc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jenn, haha.. he nv say it out lah.. but i know he wants lah.. he also knows is not up to me to decide mah.. is my mum lah.. everytime i see her, she will mention next one will be boy.. pui.. my hubby and his daddy's gal in loving relationship.. always half naked on the bed.. opps.. sounds so RA! haha!


Moms are like that lah. My mom also said try for girl. I told her if I am like her got 5 boys than how??? Cannot return de leh! She will then shut up. Hahaha... My family yang qi very heavy. I have 5 older bros before my older sis was born. Out of my parent's 15 grandiose, only 3 are girls.

jojo, we went f&e for almost 6 full days, of which 1 day was to attend a wedding. i think in perth have to rent a car. i hardly saw any public bus when i was there.

my ID was from spacious planners 2 years back. not bad.

jenn, wow! so u are #7 in the family? i thot usually when grew up in a big family, u would want to have another big family of ur own? i'm #5 in the family and i want at least 3 kids. ;p

Yesterday my parents came to stay with us becos of some Reno at their house. We gave up the master bedroom to my parents n stayed with my little bbG in the common rm. He's very happy to see us. Even when he woke up at 6+, he played on his own until 8am. Even though he wet his bed. So I guess he wants both of us to be with him then he managed to sleep thru.


Fake dragon?!! Hah!! That's a good one.

Gender of baby

For me, since #1 , I want gal. Cos nowadays gals are more reliable than boys. Like this time, my parents ' house under slight Reno, both brothers stay just nearby (within walking distance) from my parents place, but my bros all rejected my parents to stay with them. Hmmm. But I m happy to hv them though my hse is at woodlands.

A bit sad that I don hv gals, but this kind of things can't ask for. Like wat jenn said- healthy can Liao lo.

cath.. actually i am quite appalled when u say ur bros reject ur parents? if ur sils reject "indirectly" how they manage to do it? i think even if i am not in gd relationship w my inlaws, i think my hb will still get them to stay with us even if it means we have to squeeze in one room , rearrange and stuffs..i mean.. how to reject own parents right? somemore stay so near.

Talking abt reno.. i wish i can move hse and reno soon. I din spend much on reno for my current hse as we dun intend to stay long here..only spent $18 k thats inclusive of furnitures/electrical appliances.. it was quite difficult to come up with a big sum of $ as we r preparing for wedding and got a car too. So car, wedding, hse, plus COV $10 k.. is already $30 plus to $40 k.. our savings after working for 2 yrs all wiped out..almost. So i told hb my next hse must be well renovated.. prob when my kids are older eg pri sch..confirm how many kids i will have,things are more settled then will shift.

sheryl.. ur cov is very high leh. sigh.. jia you and save more $$ k.

Jenn, wah.. you have a big family.

those have no2 and no3, how do you cope without having helper ah.. i wonder if i have no2, do i have the energy to BF..


get a helper if you have #2 in future. it really gives you time to bf. cuz i been through, i know how it was. part-time helper also helps.

also agree with jenn, healthy bb can liao.

i used to hope for a girl when i was conceived with #1. after i knew #1 was a boy, i was really disappointed. hubby chided me for thinking that way. then i hoped #2 would be a gal, but who knows i had to go through a mini roller coaster living in fear each day since 7mths onwards, by then i had already stopped wishing for a gal & prayed for a healthy bb!

thank god for answering my prayers. hehe.

i should really count my blessings when i was able to conceive without any problems.

peck, so fast u match-make Jaelyn with SX liao ar.. lolx

Jojo, i give up on ID.. since come Jun i oni do minor reno things, just find a contractor can liao. On baby boy, i tink i shall leave to fate ba.. getting preggie n sustaining full pregnancy is my main prob.. one thing confirm is, i will be getting super paranoid again abt the baby if i get preggie again.

genice, it was a crazy period of time.. i cried like mad each time, esp the first one coz already had heart beat but it stopped at wk9.. can u imagine just a day before bb's heart was still beating so fast when scanning and less than 12hrs later it stopped. my hubby was very upset and he went drinking that nite until very late. i had to do a DnC at TMC. it took me 2 cycles to conceived the 2nd one but bb didn't grow beyond wk5, i went gynea at wk4 but was told to come back at wk7 oni to find tis sad news.. cried on the bus on the way to pray to my late dad. seeing tcm seems like no help at all so i gave up.. my hubby still can say must be our financial not stable so bb dun want us. i was super upset with him. waited for a few days to bb to be expelled out naturally. we tried another 2 cycles before we had the 3rd one, i went kkh 24hrs clinic at wk5 due to spotting, no heartbeat yet, so given injection n progeterone to go hm and rest but i went back there again at wk6 due to red spotting.. scanned and found bb already dislodged, given MC to go home n let bb expelled naturally again... hubby again spurt out on the financial thingy again. i think oni my mum n sis is more supportive during tis period. the 3rd miscarriage happened just a day after i lost my 1st bb for a yr. i told my hubby we just give it one last try.. if conceived and miscarriaged again, then it's really fate that we are not meant to have kids coz i'm really scared liao.. all those short-lived happiness, the feeling of crashing down from heaven to love, e impact get worse each time.

we had a few scary moments when i had Cherisse too.. went gynea at wk6, scan found that sac looked irregular size and egg too big for wk6.. i was super paranoid!! went kkh 24hrs clinic at wk7 due to red spotting. i was crying to my sis if i lost tis bb also i dun want want a bb liao.. moreove, it's was oni a few days again from the anniversary when i lost my 2nd bb. saw the gynea who did a scan and showed mi bb's heartbeat. told me the red spotting prob just some old blood. but i dun like tis gynea. i request for progesterone jab and she said 1st trimester bb is on it's on, jab also no use, if fated to yours will be yours. my sis was also very angry.. how can the gynea say tis???!!! instead of assurance she tells us tis kind of words. i complained to my own gynea later on and found that i was not the first patient to complain abt that gynea. i tink i say in mummysg forum that another mummy complained abt her big time. during first trimester scan, the scan showed low risk of DS but my blood test pulled the result down to just pass.. i got a call fm kkh a week later on xmas eve to go back immediately for a scan due to the result.. cried like mad again (tis time in office).. they scan bb's heart and finally confirmed bb is low risk of DS. *phew* thats my long long TTC story.. you are right! it's all worth it! my sis said if i nv lost 3 bb, i wun have such a cute girl nw.. perhaps it's a blessing after all.

Rabbit, my girl last week keep on poo-ing 3-4 times. she will so small small one then come a big one. if she missed one day, she poo a really big one the next day. super smelly now after introducing porridge. but i find that she poo more easily when she was on FM mamil gold compared to Enfa.. tink i will buy mamil gold to try again to confirm.

i tink i also stressed on the "boy" tradition.. but the stress is from myself coz my PIL and hubby said they have boy or girl also good. my hubby prefers girl somemore.. my BIL getting married tis July and i can stressed on whether she will have a boy before me anot.. my sis n mum said i'm crazy!

Jenn, u have 6 old siblings?? my mum oni had my sis n me.. she lost 2 before my she had my sis. then aborted one before me coz she took some medication which could coz DS bb without knowing she was preggie.

bluey, i got pt helper now.. but still got alot of chores to do leh.. tired tired.. full time helper means higher expenses leh... at least additional 1k of expenses lor..

bluberi, i was giving bb smiliac for the pass few days 30 ml for a start then now increase to 60 ml. i going to stop smiliac for 2 days see how.. i got mamil gold and enfalac to test out. hopefully is not fm problem.

Hi mummies,

Having the following items to let go:

2 tins (400g) mamil gold stage 2

Expiry: 17 / 08 / 2012

*Willing to exchange for Similac stage 2

1 tin of Nestle Cerelac Rice (Blue color)

Expiry: 27 / 09 / 2011 - Letting go at for baby wipe

Kindly email me at [email protected]


oic. sg is just about pay & pay, everything increases but not our salaries. haha. sad hor. that's why i tell hubby pls no more #3, i cannot take it.

though higher expenses, but @ least i feel more seng lang now, can spend more time with my 2 boys now.


you are really strong sia, to went through all these.

no wonder you were so gan jiong when you said you couldn't feel any movements during 3rd tri.

missbluey, i practically was paranoid every day.. even aft i give birth also the same.. tink oni until bb learns to flip then i feel ok.. but when she falls sick then i gets paranoid again.. i dun dare to sleep at nite n will keep on looking at bb sleeping.

Wah, suddenly so many posts. cannot remember everything to respond to...


tiger/gemini combination ahh... hmmm, i complain a lot abt my hubby here leh. :p

but good points - very filial (sometimes a little tooo filial for my liking, but as the mother it is good.) also very loving. may not always show it in the best way, but mai hiam lah.


you are very strong. I read your story and cry and cry. I only had 1 miscarriage, and I tak boleh tahan liao.


how was the d&d? enjoy yourself?


good that bbG was able to sleep well last night. Looks like you have managed to identify what keeps him up. Mine sleeps in a rm with both of us still like tat leh...


Yah lor, and the salaries of maids just went up some more. Will be working to pay for helper's salary and expenses.

hai, my boy these few days refuse to have his morning nap.

dot, sorry to make u cry.. i type until my eyes went teary also.. time flies.. it's a teary time for me tis mth, EDD of #1 was on 29Jan.. i wonder how long it will take for me forget the EDD and miscarriage dates for the failed #1, #2 & #3.. maybe i will forever remember them... i keep tinking whether i shd go temple n "chao du" them to make myself feel better..

bluey/dot, ya lor.. pay increment like peanut, then inflation increase crazily.. then if we say increase maid salary not fair... also not that nice.. afterall they also work hard..

bluberi, now you have your little bao bei.. you can triple your love to her.. :D


i remember when i was a first time mummy, i was always paranoid when my #1 was down with fever. keep thinking why. now i see #2, use to it liao lah. haha. but of cuz will still worry lah.

just focus all your love on your gal. don't think about the past le.


ya that's why my hubby said increase abit maid's salary, but i was like HUHHHHHH. ngiow me lah. lol.

i know my maid has worked hard for the past 2yrs, somemore that time when we employed her, she only need to take care of #1, now need to look after 2 boys.

i think i'd increase her pay to another $50 bah. alot liao lor. my pocket another big hole. >.<

yesterday fil was saying maid asked him to increase her salary to another $100. CRAZY sia! so far, she never say this in front of both me & hubby, must be scared lah. haha.

so many posts today! quite diff for me to catch up.

jojo, 100k!!! the ID firm who does your co reno sure laugh and laugh and laugh. earning so much money. your co is rich xia

jenn/bluberi: those ovulation strips where to buy? guardian pharmacy??

bluberi: i almost cried when i read about your sad stories about m/c. sigh, luckily you got a healthy and cute Cherrise. i do agree with the others that a healthy baby is the most impt. me actually also stressed lor. hubby actually prefer boy. then my MIL also said something very sarcastic thing that other day. oh, i've gone china relatives whos coming to sg. what a pity your baby is girl. or else, i can showoff to them! i was like WTF, what does she mean by that sentence. so angry lor.

Cath: u wana try for baby #3? heh heh. your bbG can play on his own. so good. mine scared of lonely. always want pple to be around her. if nobody around her, she will cry very loudly.

rabbit, wow your expenses for helper so high huh. how to cope like that? really money not enough huh. just now i lunchtime went to buy the hongbao draw for this friday. grand prize 5 million. go buy leh. try your luck.

alamak, bluey, your maid also wanted increment huh. from indon? so scary everything increasing at an alarming rate lor. i tell my dog to eat lesser. haha. i think xiaoxin will scold me liao.

Tiger baby/ Rabbit/ Bluberri

Yah, I come from large family. There are 7 of us. The youngest 2 are girls cos my mom really wanted a girls. Maybe cos I come from large family I do not want one of my own. Everyone is hand me down. Had to beg really hard to buy toys cos my father was the only breadwinner.

My sis has 3 boys. She is also a SAHM but she is more busy than a FTWM. She fetches all her kids everywhere, go thru their homework, do a bit of work for my BIL's biz, bake whatever her kids requested for. Not easy. So sometimes my mom will say last time have 7 kids is much easier than 3 kids in today's time. Our time can study, great. If cannot make it, then too bad. No tuition etc de. Go everywhere is take bus or walk. Where got mommy daddy drive the children everywhere like now.


Also wanted to add that my father is the typical chinese father. Not affectionate and caring type. Will just work only. Thus I want my hubby to be really affectionate and loving and play like crazy with my kids. He already has long work hours so time with the kids are little but quality time. If we have more kids then the focus will have to be split thus we decided to only have 2. would be great to have girls but if it is not meant to be then we accept. We just want our kids to really enjoy their childhood, have fun, be happy and healthy.

I remembered I mentioned here before. My #1 nightmare is my kids are kidnap, and my #2 nightmare is my kids contracted those critical illness. Sometimes my hubby will ask me why I think of such morbid stuff.

