(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

rainelle, meaning use hot towel to put and then massage in circular motion? kk i'll try.. thanks ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Herb for bathing

I bought from Hock Hua - $2 per pack..yet to use it..prob can start bathing "legally" this week.

Water for NB

The nurses at the hosp told me that it is okay to feed water leh..the other time.,my bb did not pee for almost 24 hrs..and they suggested that I gave him water or FM. I gave him water..but later changed to FM (scared no nutrients).

MIL feed him with water occassionally..so far he has been drinking approx 70ml EBM 3 hours interval in the day time..so I think it shd be fine, right?


After I managed to clear the block duct, my EBM supply seemed to drop from 80ml to 60ml..is that normal? Today I manage to latch the baby for 15 min..dunno why he became very fussy..like not getting enough milk flow..in the end I revert back to giving him EBM.


bebe.. my ss also dropped..dunno why, i suspect its the antibiotics and cough syrup that i am taking.Now got to take supplements liao


My bb also sleeps on my breasts... i am getting super tired of latching on liao.Bliss... help.. really very sian of latching cause 'waste' so much time, i can latch 40 mins then after half hr , he ngek ngek again.. i cant even sleep. And i feel my breasts like always empty.. Bliss, if u latch ur bb then when do u pump?? I very confused cause bb keep sleeping and he like never drink much and if i pump after he latch then i cant latch him when he needs to drink cause no milk already. So how?? when should we latch and pump??? What is ur schedule like?

RE: #1

Bliss, my #1 is getting siao siao too... and i feel so upset that she is going to my in laws hse to sleep these few nights. She so eagerly want to leave the hse and doesnt even want to say bye to me at times.. feel so upset, dunno whether its because she feels that i am spending too much time with #2. Always latching him. I feel so guilty too and lately she has been behaving like spoilt brat, i think cause everyone is at home so she noes she can get her way and 'teng' her grandparents. SIGH!!!

I really feel very frustrated that i cant spend time with #1 , i really dun want her to be come so 'spoilt'.. thats why thinking of stopping latching and just pump out ebm. Anyone of their 2-3 yr tots also behaving like that??? Koaru/bliss/bluey/peck.. how u cope with ur #1

Sheryl, ur #1 quite big already.. how is he reacting to ur #2?

Give water

Actually BM really very diluted, its ok not to give water but if want to give, i think a little is fine.

Mother to bes

Enjoy ur final lap k, i can understand how tough it is with the big belly but take this time to sleep more if u have already started ur ML cause u will be so vexed with feeding at night. even if u have CL, when u want to bf , u still have to wake up plus pump.. its really very tiring so enjoy ur last lap, go for movie dates with hubby k.

just to share:

initially my bb's feedings time was abnormal, almost every hr want to feed! nurses & docs @ polyclinic said i shldnt do that else bb will be used to it. but in btwn, i can gif ebm to bb if he still feels hungry after his fm feed. fm feed will hv to b @'least every 2hrs. now i can see some improvements. usually i mix my ebm with fm to make sure he's full. though my ebm is not enough for him, @ least this time round, i can manage abt 40ml ebm. still taking fenugreek & fluids, hoping to have more supply. also, i try not to stress myself over insufficent supply. it really helps lor.

anyway, bf mummies still pump @ night? im so lazy lor. the most i latch on bb for a session @ night.

avent manual pump:

is this pump supposed to b noisy? when i started using it, still not noisy. now the handle is noisy when i used for awhile. does that mean spoilt????


my mil occasionally gave water to bb as he has hiccups sometimes. so far, i only used water to dab his lips cuz i noticed he has slight cracked lips.


I just managed to pump 120ml!! Dunno why..maybe cos of the + 2 hr nap + large bowl of soup I had for dinner + 3 cups of red date tea after dinner

I think I have forgotten that rest is equally important to replenish the milk supply.


If my bb does not fuss during latching..he will suckle for 5min..then went to his la-la land..then will slip the nipple off his mouth..and get frustrated and anyway bite my nipple to re-latch..*ouch*..


Yes, explained. He sort of like absorb wat im saying. So now he hardly comes inside the rm & stays out till i finish expressing.


Still no odd behaviour frm him yet.. accepting his little sis ba.. morever my #1 is frm previous marriage de.. so ya.. muz give time ba..

Elise, i'm not so sure.. i check with my mum tml den let u know again. wat i know is dat she kept the ginger peel leftover fm the ginger used to cook the pig trotters in vinegar.. prob use oni ginger skin + lemongrass.. T.B.C tml.

Wow, so much activity! I haven't managed to come in for some time because bb has been keeping me very busy.

He has been rather fussy - he's either crying to be fed or to be changed, or to be carried. I tried nursing him, but ended up nursing him almost ard the clock. Now am expressing breast milk to feed him, but he still does not drink a lot. Every feed, he only drinks about 50ml on average. He is now 2 weeks old. Am thinking that it is too little, but he just won't take more than that at a time, and then cries for more milk a little while later. Really dunno how.

Daphne, can I have the contact of your massage lady too pls? I also have not started yet.

Ladies who have given birth in the past few pages which I have yet to read, Congrats! and Welcome to the club!

Ladies who haven't yet delivered, pls get as much rest as you can now!

rainelle, daphne and bliss, thanks for the answer on feeding water.

how i miss my gal. juz got her admitted to kkh this morning due to high level of jaundice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

genice, i also having problem coping with him... he has been cranky + whining alot alot... very very noisy... feel like slapping him.. but didnt la... really need lot of patient.. feel that both me and hb is running out of that.. we try to rotate ourselves on him.. mostly he help to takecare but still at times he want mummy only..

just now i'm latching + feeding him dinner.. very bz..

i'm very happy just now latch bb at 9+ and she sleep till now!!! yeah!!! means my bm is enough for her to tong... now should i pump out after latch or just fully latch will do?

tigerbaby, how u find out she has jaundice? i also find that my girl is abit yellow... but i'm thinking of wait till wed check up then see what doc say


yes! Lots fluid + rest + relax mind is crucial in bf! I hv since giving ebm cos my nips were really sore after abuse by my son.. Wanted to establish bm now n hopefully can relatch once my milk flow improves. I hv given him pacifier n boy, was he gd wif it.. And also milk king, 80ml still can't last 3 hrs.. Makes me wonder if it's my milk so diluted?

Bliss, Sheryl,

dun u bf or express in front of yr elder one? I feel ok n in fact I was telling my gal that I am storing milk for didi to drink, juz like wat I did for her when she was a bb. I know she seemed a little apprehensive but I juz continue talking to her as per normal. After hanging around for a while, she will juz go elsewhere to play.


my gal was also wif IL last wk n started to hit people.. I am mentally prepared they will somewat regress in behaviour so I am trying my best to stay calm. But hard cos hubby keeps scolding her for bad behaviour n I lost count on the "go to naughty corner" these few days.. As mine is back to cc today, I make it a point to express b4 she is home n spent as much time to play n tok to her. So far she does not show aggression to didi n will pat him n evenhelp me to feed him - so I feel her case is she has to share her parents attention whereas she used to hv the "universe". It's gonna be worse when nanny goes but I can't worry too far down now..

Hi, Sorry for interrupting.

Is anyone interested in doing postnatal pilates to get back your pre-preggie shape? Am currently letting go 8 classes at discounted rate at Sky Pilates at Liat Towers in Orchard. Pls PM me for more details if you are interested. Thanks.

Induced Birth

It seems lyk quite a few mummies wan to b induced tis wk. For mi, going for my checkup tml n most likely if bb nt comin out by tml den will b induced at nite or wed morning. Mi feeling irregular contraction le so hopin its real tis time so no need to induced. I really wan to give birth fast coz I couldn't bear it tat I'm unable to carry my #1 coz it really hurts alot.

Genice- Mine already starting his nonsense even b4 I'm due. Now even my FIL c my #1 wan to go his room , he purposely close his eyes den snore loudly, no one can take his nonsense. His face now full of bruises coz keep fallin down. Gosh!


all along u have been latching? Reason of pumping is cuz of storing the milk? If u are going to full time latch on in the future u can stop pumping.. Just concentrate on latching.

One way to stop bb from waking up so often is to make sure bb feed well.. make bb awake while u are going to latch on.. Make sure bb suck actively for at least 15-20mins. Talk to ur baby when baby is drinking. Feed baby without swaddling.. If find it very difficult to latch on with bb hands ard then unwrap bb after bb latch on properly. Day time feed baby in places that is not so quiet or dim room.. Cannot be too bright too.. Have music ard or tv on.. Something to distract bb..

End of feeding bb should be going in n out of sleep.. Let bb unlatch on his own or u unlatch when u find the suckle stops. Carry your baby awhile until bb go into deep sleep beore putting baby back to bed..

For me, I pump after feeding baby. I make sure he latch on for at least 20 mins.. At times if latch is 5mins and I'm lazy to wake bb up, he will cry after I put him down too. My reason of pumping is due to engorgement. My aim is to total bf and express only in the morning to freeze for standby.. But breast takes awhile to adjust so I'm cutting down my pumping session slowly..

One rule is to feed baby with a full breast.. And even after u feed and pump, 5 mins later ur breast will still have milk.. Not a min ur breast will be totally empty.. So often empty ur breast will make ur body produce faster n more milk.

That's always explain why bb is latching non stop during growth spurt..

Genice, got to bear with it.. My #1 is sticking on my breast for 1 hr each time every 3 hrly.. So imagine pumping after 1hr and i dun have time to rest.. Soon this stage will be over!

Total breastfeeding rule is to feed on demand. Meaning feed baby whenever baby wants.. The reason is to let baby tell your body how much baby needs.. So continuous latching is also a way baby is trying to let ur body knows that he/she needs more milk.. It takes a few days before your milk upply suddenly increase.

Re #1

my son is like spolit brat too!! Doing all sort of naughty act to catch our attention.. Almost all the things he is doing now is new pattern! Never see before too.. But he don't try to harm

his brother.. Just want to make us angry!

I don't know how to handle him now.. I

dread going to sleep everynight as I don't want morning to

come and I got to feed, pump and discipline a spolit brat!

Really tired and he is down with flu.. More

cranky!! And I got to keep him at home which I hardly able to

close my eyes n rest....


different baby got different drinking pattern.. MayBe ur bb tummy is small so small feeds will be better for That small tummy..


i am feeling the same thing as you! My #1 is very noisy.. Keep crying, whining, screaming.. I really feel like slapping him too.. Sigh!!!


I do feed and express in front of my boy.. I feel is good..

I just tell him this is how mothers feed babies and I used to feed him like that too.. He don't show any signs of unhappiness..

Peak, the day aft we discharged, ie last fri, we went to polyclinic for baby checkup and were told tat her jaundice level was on a high side. Yesterday we chose to go back to kkh to retest. Her level crossed the threshold by quite a bit and had to be admitted on the spot for treatment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sigh.. How often do u wake to pump at night? Its so tiring!!

And what does ur cl do when shes free?? Mine keep watching tv n talking on e phone!! N e kitchen is nt thouroughly cleaned she told me she will clean when she's free n go back to watch tv.-.-

Ya!! Zinc, is soooo tiring, i' ve been latching from 12am, 2, 3,330,4,430,5,6 n now 8am she cry for milk again , I totally can't rest At all!! I don't know what happen, is like the CL say I got not enough milk or what?

Summer> Congrats... welcome to motherhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah peck i gave up latching at night after e first night home.. coz subsequently my boy got jaundice then pd suggested give some fm coz i not enough supply...

now bb back on total bm but at night i express and cl feed.. even w 90ml he needs abt 2 feeds btw midnight n dawn


he is such a spoilt brat too! buey tahan him. but i mostly leave him to others to tc. anyway, im in confinement ma, must make full use to it. always crying, whinning for no reason too!

i also express in front of him, asked him he wants to drink? he said no, haha. i told him its for didi to drink.


how high was ur bb's jaundice level? mine was 176 yesterday. still must go back to polyclinic tmr. it will be my bb's 5th time pricking lor. so sick of gg back there whereby docs can't do anything, keep asking same questions. yesterday already told doc since u all can't do anything, i won't b coming back after tmr le. but then again, bb is a week old, his jaundice shld b decreasing le ma.

my #1 also kena like that, 3 days straight in a row. until hubby was so pissed with them & called to complain.


When my son is having jaundice that time, i remember asking the PD whether we can feed him water. He say tried not to as it will dilute the blood and jaundice will be even worse. so better be careful.


I have been pumping my milk every 2-3 hrly, except for midnight, only wake up once to pump. Total volume have increase a bit day by day. First two week only 200-300, third week 300 -400 and now is 400 plus - 500. But my son drink 100ml every 2-3 hrs, every day intake is around 800ml, hence had to supplement with FM. I cant seem to keep up with his milk intake. By the time i increase more, i think he will drink more as well. My CL will be leaving this sunday, hence i will be alone with him for next monday onwards, and i guess i will not have time to pump so frequently. hopefully my intake wont drop much.


When i give birth, my elder son behavior changed a lot as well. Become more bad temper. A little thing will make him angry. Want us to keep accompany him. And dun want to go to childcare. Cry until making us heart pain. But he is loving to his little brother. will dote and sayang him. I think he is trying to create attention so that we wont neglect him. Hence i and my hubby will accompany him more, while i leave the baby to my CL to care. And ask my hubby to bring him to park/arcade/watch movie and buy toys for him. While I pump in the study room, i ask him to sit beside me and play computer games so that i can accompany him and pump milk at the same time. After 1-2 weeks, he become normal and happy again. Happily go to school and did not throw temper unneccessarily, Mood is good when wake up in the morning. For those having problem with #1, try to accompany him more. and assure him that we still love him as before. Everything will be fine after that.

missbluey> that time my #2 also keep going back to polyclinic & kena prick... im praying hard my #3 dont have this probs but very hard to say as most of the newborn baby will have this probs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Friends and Jojo,

I hvnt done the CTG during all the visits...n i din knw got to pay extra.....hmmm...jojo, your edd and mine is jus one day apart...u gg to be induce?? I told my gynae given a choice i dun wan to be induced unless bb not growing or etc....

Re: Mommies with #1s

Wha....seems like many r hving probs....haiz...hopefully my #1 will not gif me so much trouble...so the present thingy doesnt work?? Do u let both the kids to co-slp together ???

missbluey, at 2 days old jaundice level was 178. at 5 days old, i.e. yday morning, level went up to 295. she was put on double blue. so heart pain to see her cry when they placed the mask over her eyes.

i am also using avent manual pump. same here, the handle makes a lot of noise. it was passed down fr my sis, bought 4 yrs back. not sure if its cos of its age but still serving its main purpose well.

Currently my baby sleep with CL and #1 sleep together with me. After CL left, they will sleep together. #1 will sleep on his bed(beside our bed) and baby will sleep on his playpen. Dun put them together at night, in case #1 will keep flipping and then move on top of the baby and suffocate him.

Jia you to all mommies who are breastfeeding their bbs.....though tiring but this is the best that you can gif your nbs....Kambate!!


Mummies asking for massage lady's contact. she is Mdm Suliah contact number - 85088762. Try to call her night time.

just did my 2nd day massage. Very relaxed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she mentioned about post-natal slimming Zoe Tay did....prob I will be taking that pacakage after my post natal rejunevate pacakage.

Baby waking up at nite:

yesternite I had a hard time with my baby. after drinking milk at 10pm, he refused to sleep, want us to bao bao...once we put him back to cot bed, he cried. carry him up, he stopped crying. put him back to bed, he cried again. ended up my husband carry him till 12 plus. almost 2 hours of bao bao...he woke up at 3 plus again, asking for milk. after drinking milk, the frustrating cycle comes again.....he wants bao bao again!

this only happens once or twice in the morning...but come to nite time, it's terrible, esp so when my psychological clock have not switched in time to handle him during the nite.

any experienced mummies to share any tips?


would you want to try pumping out the milk and let your baby drink? then easier to confirm your baby's drinking amount....

hang in there. I experienced that before. no sleep for whole nite coz baby woke up every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.


ur massgae lady is good? Any idea how many sessions we need to have to see results and when is good to start? I wonder does that mean we cant bathe during this time cos tummy is all be tied up.

ya kelly, ctg gotta pay extra, i paid $40, did once le.. this fri going to do again.. so far gynae say baby ok, water level ok, gaining weight.. so wun intervene and will let me go into labor naturally.. unless overdue then need to closely monitor.. so i tink wun be taking the induce option unless overdue..

congrats Summer_March!

told my mum i might opt to induce bb this weekend if by thur still nv pop. she told mi to go for c-sec rather than induce.. coz she read the news abt the mummy who gave birth to her #2, bb nw paralysed after induced too long. but it's a different case coz the mummy #1 was c-sec then #2 normal delivery (then emergency c-sec).

congrats summer, you have popped[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad that everything goes well for u, have a good rest.


Dun induce unless doc suggest ba..

for mi that time is no choice.. cos contractions frequent but cervix not open not soften..

Jojo, i'm just sian fm waiting n getting paranoid over bb's movement.

Sheryl, i will ask gynea n see his opinion first before making decision.

BluBeri- U already wait so many months le juz wait abit longer lo. Mi oso wish to go natural bt den ltr goin gynae visit most probable if no contraction he will induce mi coz bb is big n tat I'm already dilated so juz burst waterbag n wait. Anyway I dun mind tml gib birth since my #1 oso born on 16 n tml is dumpling festival rite. Better eat more dumpling today first. LOL!

Hi mummies, I hv a preloved peg perego p3 to let go.. Yr 2008 model.. Baby bjorn synergy to let go too.. Use less than 10x.. Pls pm for photo & price..


i understd how u feel lor, cos me still waiting too. Yest checkup at 38wks, cervix not open, bb still gaining weight (she's oni 2.7kg) and looks very comfy inside. I asked my gynae whether can induce next wk @39, but he agst it. He say we can oni consider this if bb is overdue or getting too big.

have u started on ur ML? i think i better wait till next monday after scan to decide when to start ML. in case bb really choose to be overdue :p

straw81, my bb already 2.8kg as of wk37.. tink she prob hit 3kg by now.. i scared she bcom too big leh. plus nowadays the movement not alot (maybe due to space constraint), end up i get paranoid.

i started ML since last thur coz now walk too much n climbing stairs my legs bcom very sore. my hubby also wanted mi to rest.. the longer bb stay inside, the lesser time i get to spend with her coz my GM requested dat i take 8wks ML aft we let the CMI temp staff go.. but tis is tentative la, might be able to extend abit longer.

Hi Mummies,

Sorry have not posted here before and have not been following thread. My EDD for no. 2 was 11 Jun but went for c-sect on 26 May.

Read just this page and saw alot of posts on BF!!! Jia you!! Boobs respond to demand, the more you pump the more milk flow. I actually blogged about this before.. if interested, PM me ya, I give you blog link. Gonna post another entry in blog soon on tips on pumping and EBM..

For me, I'm also losing patience. Baby drinks about 100ml but will do it in stages.. pengz.. think cannot stomach all at one go yet want more milk! like start at 70ml (or abt 15min latch on - i've been monitoring).. then an hour or two later cry for more milk. I'll give EBM small quantity so that by 3 hrs just nice next round..

jia you!!


Request for CTG and VE cos if no contraction and cervix still close also no point to induce. High chance of Emerg Csect. Also, if u feel that if there's sudden drop of baby movements or no movement for 6hrs, go straight to hospital to check. Don't wait. This is the advice given by my gynae during my last sat's visit.


oh bluberi, u started your ML earlier than me huh? then u stressed or not, huh now? at night can slp? i am still waiting for my gynae to come back from her holiday leh. althou i also very xian in this waiting game.

