(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

so sian to wait hor? My EDD is 29 Jun. Was thinking if i shd start ML next week? But dunno if i will end up more restless at home if bb choose not to come early?

but at work now, also sian. Dilemma ah...

thinking of inducing..but what if cervix is stubborn, then hv to Emerg C-sect how? Also dont want..


Seemed like most mummies have begun yr ML this weekend..the start of the waiting game is quite tormenting..cos very signs or symptoms will make mummies to be kan cheong..dunno whether "Is this IT?"

My advice would be try to spend more time with yr hubby/kids before the actual D..cos once baby arrives, attention would be divided.

cath, i do experience menses pain on and off but its not regular and not very pain.. the very painful ones are those like gg to diarhoe type of tummyache.. but its been more than 12 hrs and still no bowel movements so not likely to be diarhoe lei.. so far today got one instance of such pain liao... quite painful for a few seconds..

hi.. i'm struggling with bfeeding, now i feed on demand... bb like hook on me almost 24hours... till last nite i cant tahan le... cuz i alway dose off with her in my arm,which i find it quite dangerous... i give in to the CL who suggest top up FM... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ask u ah... i latch on demand whenever she roof for milk.. she will sleep on/off on my breast then suck again... is this right? if i remove her.. after awhile she will cry for me again..

once she drink FM i find quite difficult to latch her back.. she will cry once i push my breast to her le..

eventho i latch all day long, i alway feel my breast is empty le... think not enough supply that why bb need to drink so often? just now i try to pump out... only manage to pump 40ml... think bb need more then this.. how to increase supply by pump if she is hook on me all day long??


I don't know why she does that.. Maybe she nv bf before.. But by that action is really making me very digusted!


I feel E very tiny leh.. When he discharge he is 2.7kg only..

Cuz #1 is 3.1kg and more chubby.. E is thin but taller..

U can slowly add on if ur bb can drink.. But is better to use a milk calculator and give accordingly so won't over feed..

Peck, is normal for bb to sleep..

Must wake bb up and make sure bb suck at least 15-20mins..

Bb will go in n out of sleep while breastfeeding.. Another way is to make sure bb got suck well.. Feed till bb goes into deep sleep before putting bb down.. So u won't find bb crying after feeding..

I got alot of milk.. But my bb does this crying thing cuz he tends to fall asleep n forgot to drink and he realised he is still hungry.. So I try to keep him awake for the first 15mons before letting drift off to his dreamland..

Another reason might be ur bb is on growth spurt which will stick on ur breast almost 24hrs

after FM bb tends not to latch on anymore.. Cuz of they are full and even after 3 hours they are not that hungry like given EBM

Daphne, can recommend me your malay massage lady as I had yet to find one le.. You can email me at [email protected]

Friends, you start ur ML this wk ar.. I started mine last wk and feel abit waste. But on the other hand, feel it's better to have a gd rest and oso to monitor bb movement.

Jia you!!!

wa limbox, really ar... i keep having the poo feeling on and off... then once in a long long time i get the acute pain macham wana LS type.. tried pooing a few times but no output.. tink i better monitor closely and start timing.. its nt really that frequent though...

Thenun, the 100ml is after 1 days plus of engorged for 1 nite.. as hard as a stone.. so got to use hot compass and pump it out as baby not helping me..

i think 100ml after latching is impossible for me now.. since she can finish 100ml all at 1 feed!! lols..

Rachel, yes you should avoid cold cabbage.. saw a lot of ppl giving u the correct method so i can save on typing.. hee..

missbluey, hi 5! i really miss plain water!! haha.. i'll secretly slip some.. =X and hubby is very bad oso ask me if i wan to secretly slip his cold drink.. lols.. lucky i can tahan thought i miss the TASTE and FEEL!! =X

Amoroux, u're a brave mother!

Bliss, ur milk supply is great.. so u pump every 3 hours?? i did not leh.. and sometimes after feed the milk supply only like 60ml.. den go freeze like so little leh..

Koaru, i'm using Avent manual and yes.. some milk do suck at the petal.. so wasted..

Bebe, strongly agree with u for the pump.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] omg!! u still waiting for ur 1st bowel!! o_O eat some fruit and more veg.. manage to visit toilet everyday day since 12 June bahs..

BluBeri, actually my girl did not move alot after hitting week 3X.. but i'll just ensure she got movement once i paranoid i din feel movement for the day.. quantity i still dun mind so much.. dun so tends up..

Gitz, how come is ur mil hormones working up? lols.. i tot those sensitive feeling only mummy tends to get? ur mil having post-natal depression =X

Gitz, Sheryl and Bebe75.. all so naughty take cold drinks/foods.. i see how long i can tahan hur.. think another 30+ days to go.. haha..

my girl so far only cry for milk.. else she's quiet.. and when she poo.. she will give a every innocent face amd keep very quiet.. hahaha.. she got guilt on her face!!

Re: Fruits

Actually we are allowed to eat apple and grape!! which i think helps me a lot in the bowel movement.. else all heaty food no constipation oso fake.. even thro visiting toilet everyday, it's painful and bleed when bowel moved..

Jojo, u start to have engorgement when it's near ur due date.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cath, dun get so stress up.. perhaps u can try pumping out to see how much ur milk is flowing? maybe cos baby suck finish the milk that why after latching only achieve discouraging amt.. massage before latching is impt i think..

mijun, 2 nite stay..

peck, ur girl take ur nipple as pacifier.. my girl do that too.. she refuse to latch pacifier.. so she will go crying till i latch her then not long after she go to her lala land.. =.= sore nipples!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My grandmother and mum keep asking me to mix feed.. but i told my mom it's totally fine for baby to be TBF.. it's enuff.. cos she was saying to give baby 1 FM some her stomach will be "stronger" or so.. but i say, after 6 month she start to eat it's be fine.. lucky she din insist.. and i told her BM is the best!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Confinement is like a bird trap in cage what we eat is wat we are being fed.

LOL.. to live better muz be a RAT!


Dun stress ba.. i dun haf dis prob cos bb dun latch at all, other den nite time i try to coax her via my nip she suckles until she slp onli.


my pumping like getting lesser =\

pumpin less oso.. tired la!! nw instead of 3hourly, is abt 4~5hours den i pump.. aft eac pump i can get 120ml.. the best is 150ml.. but den agn is abt 2 feeds onli ><" ware gt enuf..

i looking for cheap and good quality milkbags URGENTLY! any brand to intro?

summer march

ur hub so cute, more anxious than u!

bb movements b4 popping

anyone experiencing this? I find my bb more active these 2 weeks, on a daily basis somemore. Can feel her legs either kicking my ribcage, or she squirming/turning across my stomach. Can be quite uncomfortable.


2.5yrs still ok.. mine oreadi 5yrs & still wanna acc mi while i express..

i feel soo uneasy but yet dunno hw to get him out of the rm.. ><"

(other den my own rm, i dun haf other place/rm to express liaox)

dun wanna hurt his feelings so sometimes he will ask mi if i wan him inside the rm anot.

Rainelle, i basically taps my tum tum when i dun feel movement for a period of time.. lucky there are responses fm bb.. else i will freak out.

Re : Baby makin noise @ nite

anione facin baby very awake @ nite...i nid some tips to help..my boy haf been active @ nite n slp durin the noon no matter hw we disturb him oso he dun wana wake up but when nite time arrive...he will go "Eeeee Ah eEee ah" den put pacifier...tis few nites lookin after myself...i've been hafin headache continuously...

raleigh - stitches muz remove? they told me tat the stitches will melt by itself

Can i chk w u mommies that your gyane will use CTG on u everytime u go for a chkup??

My gynae dun leh...he onli use the scan nia...and asks me any abnormalities...maybe i shld ask him this cmin thur.....


Aiyo y almost all MIL about the same so horrible... Anyway just hack care them if can, for me i also never really talk to my in laws & my MIL wont come into the room if im BF *heng*

Ang Pow:

I dont know want to give anot coz my hubby just get the microwave $200+, he say is for her.

Somemore she only cook for me & i got to bath my baby & do other housechores myself.

straw, my bb very active leh. always cannot keep still, doing pushcarts in my tummy. like u, i find it very uncomfortable.

Monsterlim, heard from other mummies u can get Da Fong Cao at Rivervale Plaza which is very cheap, only at SG$1.20 a pack for bathing during confinement. the shop name is: Jintaitong


my doc dnt do CTG on every visit. Only did once at 36 weeks cos i lost weight tat week when visiting her. Now doing fetal movement chart cos gng to reach EDD 17 june.

Da Feng cao if anyone got friends gng JB, can ask them get fm the medical hall there v cheap half the price of here. i paid SGD 0.60 per packet only

mezzo, how many packs u bought to stock up? my mother was telling me to save $. can boil pomelo leaves to bath, etc etc. i'm also not sure leh


i got mine from the normal chinese medical halls, $3 per pkt. But there is 2 pkts inside...i bought 15 pkts...fu hua shld hv ba...u can chk w them...# of pkts will depend hw long u wan to use and the length of your hair aso..

Mezzo17 and blueberi,

i aso neber do any CTG leh...bt my gf had her ctg done almost every visit when she is abt to pop...to see her contractions..so wondering if u mommies hv done this aso...my gyane aso jus asks me to go str to hospital if there is pain, show or waterbag bursts nia......

Did some mommies mention before can use lemongrass and ginger for bathing as well to get rid of the wind uh?? How to prepare again uh??


I oso haven't do CTG or VE yet as gynae said no need to but will be doing it on this coming fri as I have requested to induce.

Straw, my baby movement also very active. Kept kicking on my left ribcage and also hiccups almost everyday.


u also gng to induce this friday?

me also gng to induce on friday if bb nt cming out these few days cos EDD is on thur. u delivering where? im at TMC maybe can see u heeh

To all mtb waiting anxiously... Wait till the battle of bf begins, u wish they r still in yr tummy! Not me tho but I hv been busy expressing n expressing. Other times to eat n replenish fluids n sneak a nap where possible. Gone r the days of sleeping thru the nite.. Good luck!

Bliss, hv upped his milk to 80ml liao.. If still 10 feeds a day, gonna peng liao cos if still got growth spurt in 3rd wk sure siao liao


The phase is over for me... During the initial days when i had engorgement, i could only yield 10 - 20ml... Have to keep on massage and use hot towel compression to massage the breasts everyday... By abt Day 6, soreness gets better and could yield abt 60 - 70ml... Now i am getting 100 - 120ml per pumping session every 3-hrly... Mummies, JIA YOU!! Dun give up!!

Avent electric pump

Yes, milk does get stuck at the petals there, so after each pump session, i will take it out and let it tilt backwards to flow back so i can pour it out to the container, dun waste the milk inside the petals mah.. hehe!


Yes, do take lots of fibre like fruits (apples, banana, papaya) to aid in bowel movements coz we take in so much heaty food, need to have output lah... I also take cheese and butter from the fridge...

bliss, u are sooo rite... she feed bb fm just now at 12+, bb sleep till now... never wake up for milk... i'm pumping out the milk now... hope can get better yield...

rainelle,ya!!human pacifier!! so tiring

tattybear, engorgement will clear by day 6? now i only can yield about 40ml for both side...i shall look forward then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peck, and sore!! lols.. they so notti.. i think taking care of baby still fine.. looking after myself.. so far so good.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I will be at TMC around 11 to do CTG then proceed to my gynae's clinic for VE. Gynae said must see CTG and VE result b4 deciding on the induce date. If can, maybe I will request him to insert the pill at the clinic and check in at midnight. If cannot, maybe I will request for straightaway Csect cos I also scared of Emer Csect leh..


oic. i will be at TMC at noon say 2 plus also do CTG then see gynae and VE check then will insert pill and check in hospital at nite. I also ask gynae if not can c-sec or nt but she say since i have natural birth for no 1 shuld be able to deliver naturally after insert induce pill.

so maybe will bump into u at labour ward..

Kelly, CTG is chargable lo.. i need to do every visit since week 36.. den it's $52 for my gynae clinic lo.. =.= and to me is waste of money cos no contraction =X

for mummies who have popped, do u feed water to ur baby? hospital told us not to feed water as it does not contain any nutrients and will disrupt baby's feeding... is tat true?

oh is it, rainelle? so will have engorgement even before delivery ar.. then cham liao la, cant use baby to relieve.. now my left breast quite pain, knock agst abit also pain.. haiz..

actualli i in dilemma on whether i hoping baby come out this wk or next wk.. coz if can choose i hope my baby not gemini horoscope.. then gotta wait till 22nd.. but i dun realli like 22nd, 23rd and 24th.. so left with my EDD 25th!! hahaha... i siao la, also duno wat i tinking..

straw, i also feel more baby movements increasingly, i tink coz space getting lesser so u feel even minor movements we didnt feel last time.. dun worry.. i checked with my gynae and she said dun need to worry if baby's active...

kelly, i onli did my 1st CTG on sat, at the start of w39.. i tink they dun start doing CTG so earli coz it's to track contractions and monitor heartbeat (which is more impt at the last stage? in line with y we need to count movements more conscientiously at the later stage).. I did VE 3 times le, twice coz gynae treating/checking for yeast infection, once coz I wanted to know if got dilate, coz previously 2 times cervix closed tight

Tiger baby.. not to feed ur baby water cos of their digestive system still not mature or something lidat.. feed only if u totally want to TBF but no bm..

Jojo, maybe u can try hot compass and light massage on it like check for breast cancer..

Tiger Baby,

Yes. U re totally rite. Do not feed plain water, esp so if you're breastfeeding.

I am sure on this coz my mil kept insisting on feeding my baby plain water. advice from two PD - If you feed plain water, baby may drink lesser breast milk, end up no enuf nutritions....if you really want to feed, it should be less than 1/2 mouthful. and this is only to please the old ppl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiger Baby, and u will not need plain water cos BM is not heaty.. as in it's more dilute as compare to FM.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes I pump every 3 hr and I'm dragging till 6 hours or my engorgement is never ending..


agreed! Now I'm feeding, expressing, eat, sleep and controlling my #1. he is getting crazy lately.. Getting out of hand!

Peck, try latchin.. It will increase supply faster..

Actually if u can get 80ml in 3 hours then u feed bb twice in 3 hours.. Soon ur breast will produce more than that 80ml..

Bb normally not interested in latching after FM liao.. Or u can give EBM..

Tiger baby,

never feed ur baby water now! It will thin baby's blood and their tummy is only like a chestnut. They should be drinking milk not water.. Water will only fill them up and no nutrients at all.. U can introduce water at a later stage.. Now tummy is for milk which they need most to grow..

Sheryl, 5 yrs old abit old liao.. Maybe u explain to him?

I feel uncomfortable when my son is ard but I act normally n tell him this is how mothers should feed babies

Irene and Elise:

I also couldn't quite remember how much i paid... tml she's coming to my place again, i get her to contact you gals? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] by the way...she also give herbal steam and free baby massage for me. Haha, my baby actually made funny sound when she touched his ears! we both laughed. really enjoyed the massage session. another 4 more days to go...hehe


I took premier 1 bedded at TMC. Total bill is $8k + incl baby's bill. We paid about 4K after medisave deductions.


Hang in there....I am also staying with mil, without confinement nanny. But, I am doing almost everything myself also, from feeding, changing diapers, washing bottles etc. Not that she doesn't want to help. More of I dun want her to help unless i really need help.

but I do hire a part time cleaner auntie to come to my house once per week and also I have confinement meals. maybe you can consider part time cleaner too? then ur mil can help to take care of your baby? anyway, relax and hang in there..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I guess I am the worst mummy in doing confinement...I dun really do confinement. I have already started taking shower washing hair, sleep in aircon room (with fan too), drink cold milk, went shopping with newborn....my mom bought a black black colour powder to cook with soup for me. said it will help to get rid of wind...and no prob if you are exposed to fan and aircon. hopefully it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby waking up at nite:

yes, my baby also woke up at nite, refuse to sleep, want us to carry him for almost 2 hours before sleeping....yesternite it got abit better..only carried him for about 1 hour. my massage lady told me it will be over in a month time.

I am reading Gina Ford book - "The complete sleep guide". haven finished. it says during day time we should feed little and more frequently

at times, you may want to wake your baby up to drink. so that baby wont stay awake during nite time. i am still trying. by the way, Mrs' wong boh boi's book also said so.

Just now my CL say that not enough Bm can top up with fm, is ok one, now u not enough mean u won't be enough one, hear already so sianz... Not true rite!!!


BluBeri, the lemongrass and ginger. using how many pcs to boil huh? then use the water to bath and wash hair is it? yest i went to Guardian pharmacy to buy the dry powder shampoo, Klorane brand, quite ex leh :p

