(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

missbluey, rainelle, thanks! my gal's jaundice level has dropped from 295 to 177 and has been discharged from kkh yday evening. but today still need to bring her back to polyclinic for follow up.

rainelle, i always fed my baby 20-30ml until i brought her to kkh and realised she could actually drink 70ml. now i feed her 70-80ml and she can actually still latch on shortly after.

summer march, sito, jalgal, mezzo17, congrats! u have made it! =)

genice., my girl can take up to 100ml lo.. but now i control.. yupps it's a good thing she can slp throughout the nite.. hope it last.. after discharge her 1st nite she woke up twice, 2nd nite once.. den now is dawn or morning she will wake up for milk..

jalgal, grats!! dun be too upset.. ur girl is oso big.. so maybe that's the reason u are having so much pain as she tried to move down.. my birth plan oso not as planned..

Mezzo17, grats! another big bb!!

Re: BF

I can latch my girl properly to my left nipple but not the right one.. as it's shorter.. which in the end always sore and pain when she latch on.. so i turn to pump.. i feel that my left breast milk supply are lower than the right which can pump 100ml this morning.. den right one was empty by my girl.. which i think only contain 50ml-60ml as she ask for more at times.. my breast look one big one small.. dunno is it i too sensetive.. =X

Congrats Sito/Jalgal/Mezzo!

Straw, u can add me to your havent pop list mums to be, if i also havent pop by next week! i am waiting for my gynae to come back, which is tomolo. but my next appt is this sat leh.

I 1 2 pop also if not keep eating non stop then will have giant baby somemore i dont want to take epidural... tonight i better go see my gynae to see any surprise for me anot hehe.

Sheryl ya u were rite tat luckily I decided to go hospital if nt probably pop at Hm or in the car. Ok brief summary of mr birth story:

had contractions whole of yest but was bearable so didn't inform anyone nor Hubby thinking won't go into labour yet. By 8 plus contractions were intense still trying to lunz even told Hubby maybe check in after midnite so settle my no 1 at my mum plc whilst Hubby went Hm to shower. By 9 plus to 10 pain unbearable told Hubby to hurry. Reach TMC at 10.30 and was told already 8cm dilated no time for epidural. Pain was killing me n can't imagine labour without epi. Within 20mins doc arrive n the whole episode ended in 32min. Even my gynae gave a wow for delivering such a big Bb without any pain relief. However Bb swallowed am of his poo in ky tummy so was sent to nicu last nite bur luckily he is all cleated n back to normal nursery tis morning.

Sorry for the long post n congrats to all the other mummies who hv popped yest as well

straw, sure the restaurant or the waitress would let us have bigger tables and leg space, for us to rest our heavy stomache! haha

Friends, u can also join us in the high tea next wk, if u are also free. okie

Congrats Jalgal & Mezzo17!

Elaine, mi also tend to eat more coz nothing to do.. tink i prob put another 2kg these 2wks.. sian lor.. once i entered 3rd trimester, my weight just keep piling by 1-2kg every 2-3wks.. prior to that oni 0.5kg per mth. as of wk37, my weight gain already hit 10kg!!

Elise,Friends & Straw, i cannot imagine later when i visit my gynae he will tell me my weight hit 80kg i definitely will faint hahaha...

Everytime when dinnertime i already plan for my supper menu LOL.

Mezzo> is because unbearable if not u wont admit to hospital right... *saluate* that time my #2 only 3.5kg w/o epidural i already scream like hell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Missbluey, if u dun pump or latch, engorgement will come.. Breast take 1-2 mth to adjust to baby needs provided if u latch/pump on time or else supply will decrease very fast..

Jalgal, I was like u! #1 got to go csect and I cried in the clinic..

But Dr Woo is very pro natural as he keep

convincing me to go for VBAC. But i still decide to csect. And his skills is good. Not much pain for me after delivery unlike my #1 which I can barely walk on the day on discharge.

Try to walk often ard your bed so u will recover very fast..

hi mummies, Im now in wk 39 liao. I discovered that there's a little blood in my discharge. Abit of contraction pain but not very frequent. Any mummy experience this? Is its okie?

Elise> will update later hehe

Straw> thanks for the lobang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene> u better call your gynae... i experience brown discharge(i thought menses come) that time 2week before my edd but no contraction pain, im not sure whether yours is it the same situation as mine. That time i still can tahan until 1week later then give birth.

Thanks Elaine & Rainelle. I jus call my gynae he said that if the contraction came very frequent den check in to hospital. Unable to go down to his clinic to check for any dilation cos he's on leave.

Just wait and see if the contraction getting stronger & frequent ba.

Irene> If u r going to give birth now & your gynae is on leave meaning he is unable to help u deliver right... hope u can tahan till he come back but if contraction is getting regularly then u really got to admit to hospital.

Your edd also 24 june? Me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raleigh> i think 6months onwards better but also not too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raleigh, there's no specific time.. if u really think ur bb need some water.. maybe feed him 20ml etc.. but it will fill bb stomach space for milk.. so better to give BM to ease thirst too..

Elaine, yes but my Gynae said his brother (Dr Clifton Chan) will stand-in to deliver.

Yup, EDD is the same as yours.

Waited for so long, hopefully bb coming soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats mezzo....luckily you admit to hostpital.

cant imagine...how did u manage to endure the pain without epidural. at 4cm dilated, i was really pulling my hair already.

wow....to you!

Elaine - ya Cos pain unbearable then check into hospital luckily on time for delivery.

Daphne I think back I also can't imagine how u manage to tahan dilation till 8cm then check into hospital.

Frens u monitor awhike more if bh get more frequent culd be onset of labour

hi mezzo, i admitted to hospital at 4cm dilated, 8cm i think i would have fainted already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyo...i am super exhausted. baby staying awake for one whole day already....only slept a little while. after drinking milk, kept wanting us to carry him. if not, he will cry....any mummies experience the same?


Elise is right..look out 4 regular contraction. Mine was painless, but regular - 15-20min apart over 3 hours..when I checked inoto hosp, I was abt 2-3cm dilated.


Clifton Chan is my gynae - quite a nice, chatty guy.


thks for ur encouragement. just try my best to bf #2 for these 4mths.

ask u all ah, my bb drank 60ml bm, then he still wasn't full, had another 30ml bm. after 1hr later, he wanted milk again! gif 40ml fm, only then he was able to sleep longer. =.="" is that normal? he is only 9days old. does that means my bm not enuff for him?

but yet there was a few times he drank 50ml but can sleep for a few hrs. makes me wonder why.


thks for ur reply. but usually engorgement can last for how long?


my bb still has jaundice, just dropped a little as per today - 167. still needs to go back to check next week. sian.

missbluey, no matter how full ur bb is.. once u give bottle, he will suck.. cos their need for suction.. so try giving him pacifier than keep feeding.. unless he really keep awake for a long time after u gave pacifier, den maybe he's still not full..

Hi mummies.. Been MIAed these few days.. Firstly to congrats all mummies who hv popped.

I too have given birth to my princess, Naurah Nayli on 14 June, via natural w epi. It was a very long labour wh i will share w u when more avail. Heh~

for now, just to chk w u mummies, i hv to go to poly(ttz wat was recommended becoz they hv the "facilities" there. I tot of going to a norm clinic.. Wat say u?

Elise> Saw my gynae, he say still no sign of the baby coming out... now only got to wait. I will wait till next week to my edd if this week still no show [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmm ic, cuz i dun reali like the idea of giving bb pacifier. my #1 is still sucking his pacifier until now, already 2yrs+ liao lor, dunno when he will quit his habit. sometimes in order not to let bb burst his tummy, i let him suck my breasts, @ the same time can help me to empty ma. hehe.

congrats irma!

i guess kkh mostly tell us go polyclinic for checkup. for me, i prefer polyclinic as its nearer to my place.


I juz brought my boy to 1st PD review, thank gdness jaundice is not apparent, I guess it helps that he drinks a lot more in the initial days than his sister. When I told PD that he drinks 720ml ebm a day, she juz comments some bb r that demanding.. Cos generally mine sleeps n poo/pee well n contented after each feed. And to think I also intro pacifier so as to satify his sucking need..


which type of clinic you refering to? PD?

if those PD clinic (not located in hospital).. you can go there for jaundice test. the PD most likely will examine at the baby then decide whether to do prick test. then blood samples will be sent out to lab. so you can only get results much later.

if you do it at POlyclinics or PD clinics in hospital.. result will be instant and of coz its a must to do prick test

my baby is still sleeping most of the time during the day at week 3.. issit normal? i don't rmbr my #1 sleep that much. anyhow, my #1 was a milk demon.. whom need feed every 2hr. this one.. needs me to wake him up to drink milk.

Glass bottles

wanna check if those glass bottles we collect fm Hospital.. can we sterilise and use them many times?

Missbluey, my boy does cluster feeding at night too.. Gave a bottle of 70-80ml and hr will want milk again one hr later.. CL fed him 4 times and realise he just want my breast. Once I latch him he will sleep 4 hrs straight..

Engorgement will go away very soon.. Why are u engorge?

Normally u feel engorge when is feeding time only or throughout the day?

Re Buffet:

I saw mummies post some links.. Any recommendation on buffets?? How abt full month packages?

Irene - yes..my contraction was not painful..followed by dull backache..I called the nurses and they asked me to b admitted for checking.

Bliss, for full month package, I will be ordering

from choz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ordered tat for my first one too, n strongly

requested by my colleagues to order the same again..

Haha.. If u want their new brochure, let me know..

I'll send to u..


last nite again, my baby refused to sleep after drinking milk at 11pm plus....only managed to get him to sleep after 2am. he wanted us to carry him all the way. really very exausted already. too tired....

any advice?

