(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

yap bluberi, better to induce only if got need to, like if baby not putting on weight inside, or too big, or water level not ideal, or umbilical cord ard neck, overdue etc.. if all is good, mayb better to let baby stay inside longer and start labor naturally.. besides sometimes if body and baby nt ready for birth, induction may not succeed and if drag too long there's risk of emer c-sec if baby get distressed.. we're at the last lap le.. let's keep each other company as we wait for baby's cue.. hehe.. :p


FRIENDS, i will ask gynea for CTG and VE this thur.. hopefully cervix have soften and have dilation. so far there is movements fm bb, the period of non movement not so long, maybe 1hr+ at the most..

Elise, coz i buay tahan my leg getting sore from walking n climbing stairs.. plus my hubby nagging mi to rest more nw. so instead of start ML yesterday, i started last thur. but nw i more like working at home coz i still gotta check my mails n call office twice a day. my gynea also on holiday nw, coming back on thur oni.

Jojo, will see how gynea advise ba...

just now i received a missed called fm TPS, didn't manage to answer the call.. call back KKH they also cannot trace the call.. dunno izit they are changing my appt or coz i failed my Strep B test.

Hello mummies! Oh dear been long time since my last post. Just been overwhelmed with 2 kids!!

Cath, how r u doin? Im doin okie. Coping alright i guess.

I dun want to b too stressed over my milk supply. Currently im latching plus giving fm also at night cos my mum help to take care at night while i sleep wit #1.


ive come to realise no point of stressin over bm. Im already overwhelmed with two kids and to stress over bm. I think i will fall into depression if keep thinkin abt it. Hehe. And also once im not stressed over bm. I can slowly see my milk is increasing and i dun get engorgement too. Hehhe

i agree with dot. Mummies who haf yet to pop juz take it easy and rest a lot. Once bb is out u will haf not much time to rest. Hehe


can take shower after massage. but she will apply some herb on my tummy and tie it with a belt. i took shower when the herb dries up, which is prob 2 hours after massage.

She did the massage at my place, turn on air con. in fact, after the massage, i felt so cooling and relaxed and never tot of taking bath instantly.

she told me zoe tay took 1 whole month of massage to totally slim down, exclude sat and sun, and commented she slimmed down really fast. maybe I will just take 10 sessions. actually equal to 2 weeks ald + my original 10 post-natal sessions, it will be 1 whole month as well.

Hi mummies

can i ask how far apart the contractions then can we determine its actual labour? been hving on and off contractions today but no show nor signs of water bag leaking.


oic. hope ur bb's jaundice lvl will go down soon. very heartpain de lor.


hope dun hv to return to polyclinic tmr. =<


hmm, that time during my labour, my contractions came in 1-1.5 mins according to my hubby.

missbluey> is your baby still on high side of jaundice? will pray for ur little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm thks sheryl n missbluey . Now my contractions cm every 15 to 20 mins n the pain is unbearable shuld I endure awhile more before checking into hospital?

Mezzo> sometimes will have only contractions... waterbag wont burst so fast. If unbearable pls go to hospital now... u might need to check your cervix open how many cm & gynae might need to help to burst waterbag.

Mezzo: unbearable check urself in hosp.. Cos at hm u wun ur cervix open yet anot.. Or call up ur hosp labour ward to get them n advise.. Waterbag not necessary will burst even when contractions r intense


if really unbearable, must admit to hospital, eps so if your hospital is not near ur place. my water bag only burst when i was 4cm dilated.

just admit for a CTG check. if necessary, they may do epidural for you in time. else, at least you have laughing gas. I know if you re with TMC, they only charge $50 if it's a false alarm.

ya...call ur gynae. God bless you!


I couldn't remember how much she charge....i think about $80 inclusive of baby massage, body wrap and hearbal steam. tml i ask her when she come to my place again. I am so looking forward...heeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mezzo, you should go hospital when you've 10min interval contractions. time your contractions. once its a regular pattern that last about an hr or gettin more intense, you know your sleepless nights are ahead.


wow missbluey I totally can relate to what you said. I'm also driven craze by the 1hr feeding pattern esp at night. nearly collapse. my hubby who is not doing the latch can still complain that baby is so noisy, he's collapsing. i was so mad with him. not as if he 's doing anything to help.

so, 2nd night I decided to latch on first for 30min. then give FM after that, and he slept thru 3hrs. its such a breather for me (and the complaining hubby). and I 've to complain a little here. now that baby has treated us as human pacifier, whenever baby cries, my hubby will auto tell me to go latch baby on. geez its like baby and hubby treating me like human pacifier.

#1 behaviour

kelly, Me used the give presents tactic that you taught me and it works VERY WELL! must say big thanks to you. my #1 used to give a terrible attitude before I deliver. now he glee when he see didi. but cos he still unsure whether didi is a competitor for love and care, he sometimes will still be v sticky to my hubby. he sort of knew tt I hv to take care of didi and did not really demand me to take care of him. we talk and share a lot about didi to him and now he knows tt he's a big brother and will teach didi to play wii. he 's v happy with the present that didi gave him at the hospital and sayang didi. but I think we've to consistently give him attention and reason things with him cos kids are v forgetful.




mdm zaliah came to do massage for me already. think she's pretty good. her oil smells like sarsi to me. haha. nice smell. her strokes are v powerful and precise. but only her bengkong is super difficult to tie. v different fr my last massage lady. she is super punctual wo. thumbs up.

to all mummies whose babies hv jaudice, hang in there. it must hv been v heart pain to see baby being pricked. today I was at Mt A for the jaudice test for my baby. Almost felt like murdering the lab staff. this staff give a bochap attitude. then pricked already take her own sweet time to collect the blood, press and press my baby feet and made him cry. then when she realise not enough to colour the palate , she SLOWLY press some morei faintz! I think polyclinic can do better than her.

Cath; yes she is super on e dot!! Haha.. I'm starting to miss her massage oso...

Daphne: ok! Hw many sessions did u take in total?


at nite I pump once onli in e wee hrs.. Feedin at nite ok la.. E hourly feeding is almost over for mi.. Think she gettin out of her current growth spurt.. She's nw into 3rd wk of her life..

Wic means nx sat I'm free Liao!!! Freedom~~~


hahahaha!! then u can celebrate by eating the food u want. oh btw, can i check bf mummies can eat sashimi?? im so looking forward to eat there after my confinement!


better check with ur gynae. @ least can give u some peace.


i rem the nurse told me is don't let bb lead us, we lead our bb so they know our pattern. 1st night home with bb was the worst, kept waking up refusing to sleep. tried to latch bb on, but was so tired next day. complained to hubby, he suggested giving fm. then slowly get better. now nite time is fm while daytime is mostly bm + some fm.


176 considered high? i not very sure just that they want to be cautions bah. thanks for ur prayers! =>


bliss, i remember u said engorgement will take about 1-2mths as our breasts are adjusting to our new "system"? i always feel quite engorged the next morning when i didn't pump or latch bb on.

Daphne, for the slimming massage, also cost $80? I had promised my hubby to slim down to my pre-pregnany figure for #1, which is lot of kg to shed. I want to explore more ways to slim down.

Re: Jaundice

My baby also have Jaundice and it keep coming back, today went to polyclinic and it is measuring 156. Dr recommend to go back tom to test again. If still high have to hire the machine to shine at home.

Have anyone rent the machine to shine at home.

Bluey: dun think can lehx.. Cos raw.. Sian.. Bf oso nid to look out for the food we consume.. I'm back on coffee intake le.. Onli like 2 cups per wk..

I will b inducing on 17th coz bb quite big, I'm 3cm dilated n he's quite low now. Gosh, starting to feel e jitters now.

MissBluey- Think can eat sashimi leh coz 1 of my fren tbf for 20mths everytime we go out she oso eat sashimi leh.

Mezzo17- Good luck to u. E pain can b really unbearable.

baby jaundice:

176 is considered quite high.my baby was sent back to TMC under the photo therapy light when his jaundice shot up to 174.6 last time.

if you rent the machine home, it's only 1 light. if you send to hostpital, it will be double light. PD actually suggested admit baby to hostpital to bring the jaundice all the way down...ya, indeed, my baby's jaundice went all the way down to 8 after 1 day and night in the hospital.

ya.very heartpain....even cried at the hospital. but thank God that it's only 1 day.

post natal massage:

hey, how much did mdm zaliah charge for post natal massage?

Mummies, Can put a day of ebm mix tgt and freeze it? cos not alot leh.. kind of waste milkbag if i were to just freeze the 80ml-120ml..

Btw, my girl taking 80ml per feed.. normal or overfeed?? she's like just a week old!! but i only latch or feed her when she awake.. at nite she can latch/feed at 11plus and slp throughout the nite..

Genice, i'm giving EBM if she refuse to latch when my breast engorge den wake up after i pumped empty.. suggest u to give pacifier if his not sucking just using it as pacifier.. remove it once his deep aslp..

missbluey, jia you on ur milk supply.. think try to take more fish as i heard it help in milk supply and drink more water.. dun stress on the supply.. it's will increase bit by bit.. now i'm able to achieve 80ml on one side when ytd was just 50ml.. find that pumping do help increase the amt of milk at times..

Tiger Baby.. dun worry too much.. ur girl will be fine..

Sito, gratz!


agree, cos my contractions r bearable n not even frequent, at most 3-4 times in an hr, juz happen I got gynaecreview, when do VE, realize I am 4cm dilate! Last labour I was in crucial pain and only 3cm. So immed gynae suggests admit so he can break waterbag to hasten, and I quickly ask for epi else may not hv time for painkiller to take effect since he know my labour was short.

Good luck - welcome to our no day no night life soon!


I can imagine yr anxiety hving made to wait past EDD but hang in there, really last leg liao.

koaru, i guess i just have to keep on waiting ba..

tis KKH after missed call mi nv call again liao.. makes mi wonder y they called. hope is not bad news.

Re: jaundice

blur me realized I din enquire fr PD wat is my boy's Kandice level before discharge - he only say normal n I juz sun bathe him for 2-3 times to date. Even tho body looks yellow to me then but so long eye white is not means okrite? Anyway too late liao cos PD appt tmr.


my boy also machiam like growth spurt on 8th day onwards, he is also on 80-90mlnow n can finish all in 10min! As my nips r sore, I give ebm n he actually drank 730ml in a day...

So nice to sleep thru nite, I am slowly working toward my goal there too, cos my gal took 2 mths + but by which she is on FM.

Congrats to Summer and Sito..

Still no sign of contractions and pain for me till today.. looks like its meant to be induction for me on Thurs.. i'm feeling bb is growing bigger cos i can see my stretchmarks getting more at the bottom..

On one hand i hope bb is fine and can't wait to see her.. on the other hand.. i'm feeling the jitters.. Wat if i can't diluate after 12-15 hours? Don't wish to go Emergency C-sect.. sigh... big dilemma..

i think i'm more stressed when i'm on ML than i go back to work.. mayb i'm too free so think too much.. can't eat as well.. i'm living on dairy products since Sunday (like milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream..

Here is baby's Cayla birth story. I was 3 days overdue so doc suggest not to wait n go for induction. So I admit to tmc on 15.6.10 around 12 midnite. After registration nurse insert a tablet to soften my cevix. After 1 hour of ctg observation I was ask to move to the 4 bedded wad to take a rest but unfortunaly I didn't rest wel cos the gal beside me was bleeding n in pain so she need special attention. Nurse n gynae was in n out our room. Then I had my breakfast at 7 am after the breakfast I was tranfer to the observation room again. My contraction come in around 8 am n is bearable Until I can sleep with in. Doc Woo came n check my condition around 9 am n mention that most probably I wil deliver at nite cos my cevix is only open 1 cm. Hubby com in just after doc left. Around 10plus my contraction is getting bad n I ask for laughing gas n I felt much more better after using the gas. Doc Woo came n check again around 12pm n hubby miss it again cos he went for lunch. So I can't decide whether I wanna use the epi doc suggest I use the epi cos my cevix stil remain 1cm n I m very tense up. He said epi can quicken the process. But I refuse to use it first. Around 3 plus i was move to birthroom n dr came n check again. he mention my situation is bad my cevix is stil remain. So after discuss with hubby we decide to take the epi. After injection I felt numbness on my lower part body n I dun like the feeling but definaly it take away all my pain. So I start sleeping in the birthroom. The last time I check my cevix is at 8.25pm. N my cevix is stil only open 3 cm so doc suggest going for emergency c- sec. After hearing the news my tears drop down immediaty I tot I have been going through so many n waited so many hour but end up I stil need to be cut. Thinking of the cutting n all the story ppl tell me regarding c- sec I think I just can't accept it. The nurse was quite shock seeing me crying n she is very nice to share her birth story with m so console n tell mr she aslo had c- sec b4 n there is Notting to ne afraid. Hubby was very sweet  n very supportive. He said he wil be with me no matter wat happen. The process of preparing me to go for c/ sec was fast. I was stil in the chaos with the emer c sec news n the next thing I realize I was I'm the operation room oredy. I have to wait for the other dr to top up epi amount. After everything is done finally I had my little chubby Cayla at 21:57pm. Her weight is 3.74 n lenght is 52cm.  Nurse was like telling her that she make mummy suffer so long n refuse to come out notti gal. But I think she wil be a nice gal cos she didn't cry much n daddy said she can recognize his voice cos when he ask her not to cry she really did stop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I felt so touch the moment I carry her. I think everything is worth. My pain haven't kick in yet so I stil feel quite comfortable now. Actually although this wasn't my idea birth plan everything seem like going the others way but it's definally not as bad as I tot. Inducing, taking epi, long labour n emer c - sec all this I die die dun wan n end up it all happen. N I think if I just accept it. It's wasn't that bad most important thing is my baby  is healthy. Praise the lord. Amen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]    

Tigerbaby, kindly help me to update n info. Emer c-sec with epi. Baby weight 3.74 lengh 52 cm thank [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dear

Jalgal> Congrats... your baby is big & tall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tigerbb I hv also pop last nite 15 June so the contractions were real no time for epidural. Can u help me to update Bb wt 3.7kg length 53cm. Will update my birth story later thks

Congrats Jaigal and Mezzo! Wow... Look like all the babies nearer to EDD are big! Take care yah... Hope that I'm next... Mezzo, no chance to meet u in the labour ward on fri liao...

congrats jalgal, mezzo, sito & summer march!

jalgal & mezzo, ur bb r really big!

mezzo, was thinking yest evening u were asking abt contractions & now u popped! hehe.


thks, im not stressed by my supply. @ least this time #2 is able to drink my bm unlike #1 as back then i expected alot, in the end upset myself instead. as long as i hv gt bm, i will continue bf.

currently waiting @ polyclinic once again for bb's jaundice results. its his 9th day, praying hard for his level to go down.

Congrats to those tat popped!

Rainelle- U r 1 lucky mummy whereby ur girl can sleep thru e nite.

Friends- So u inducing on Fri? U at TMC rite? Might get a chance to meet u coz I inducing on Thurs. How many bedded u getting?

REally pray hard today will start having contraction pain so tat I dun haf to b induced. Oni way for induced is insert tablet huh? Any other alternatives?


I may or may not, depending on Gynae loh...I took 4 bedded. Yah, gynae said insert pill and if cannot, might put on drip too...

Congrats to Jalgal, mezzo, sito and summermarch!!!

I hv been hving menses pain on-off for 2-3hrs yesterday and today but stomach not those hard hard kind leh.....does anyone of u experience this??


jia you for the bfing....but dun over stress yrself, ya....your boy jaundice level will be fine....dun wori, ya....


Glad tat the present thingy works for u...i aso hope tat it will work for me too...keke....and yes,totally agree tat we still mus continue to shower the love and care by talking to them so tat they dun feel neglected....


Daphne, thanks for the info!

mezzo, yest nite u were still deciding to admit or not, and this morning u have popped!? congrats on ur super short and smooth delivery!


Glad to know that in the end, both u and bb are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we share the same gynae, no wonder he against me to opt for induce. Ur exp really starts me thinking lor. If my girl is overdue like your gal, maybe i better opt for c-sect...


better check with ur gynae, in case u having mild contractions.


if both of us still have not popped next week, want to meet for tea? any yet-to-pop mummies keen to join us? :p

