(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Sheryl, my in laws thinking very funny one lar! Today my mil say cannot praise baby clever, good boy etc.. But can say he is CUTE! My hb say everything cannot day but cute can say! I got nothing to say lor.. I was laughing over their conversation..

And my mil ask if I'm going to have the 3rd bb and my hb replied no.. Then she go on saying that I can go n tie myself since I am not giving birth anymore and my hb say "oh! I'll be the one tying!" and my mil say "HUH! U tie arh! Very troublesome lar!!!"

I was laughing so hard in the room cuz she is so shocked that my hb say he is going to "tie" himself! Haha! I feel like asking her 2 grandson liao still not enough?! Why must I be the one tying huh?!


yes E drinking 80ml at day 7 every 3 hours.. Sometimes even after feeding.. I believe that time is growth spurt..

Now my CL control his intake.. Cuz when I latch him, my milk is too much so he will blur blur suck until he is super full.. And when he hiccup got milk flow out.. So I latch max 3 mins.. Give him 60ml only and will give another 20ml if he really really wants it.. Cuz E very tiny to me.. I don't think his little tummy can contain so much!

Joelle, but today she goes back to her weekend lazy routine leh.. oni yesterday super siao on lor.. broke her usual record by moving on n off for 20hrs+. i told my hubby if by 17jun she dun come out i will request to gynea dat i want to induce her out liao. coz i gets super paranoid when she dun move alot.

Congrats to Rachel & Amoroux !

Wahh.. Amoroux.. u very brave.. no epi and can last 15hrs.. i sure surrender.. all my colleagues advised me that once i feel contraction.. even 2cm dilated also better opt for epi.. dun be so gung ho lor.. see how "kind" are my colleagues lor.. haahaahaaa

blueberi, when is ur next visit to the gynae? i already scheduled for 17 Jun to induce if these 4 days bb not going to come out.. bb already coming 3.3kg.. i'm afraid i can't push it out..


My 1 week bb boy also drinking 70ml every 2.5-3hrs. And sometimes extra 10-15ml. I tried to re-latch him..manage to do so but only for a few minutes today..(just barely recovered from the cracked nipples)..he was still like sucking at the teat rather than the whole nipple. I feel more secured giving him EBM now, at least I know how much he is drinking.

I hv also heard that bb boys are generally more deanding than bb gals when come to bfdg.

Avent electric pump

Koaru - I am also using Avent electric pump...I can pump out 100ml with the m/c, but I need to use my hand to compress my breast while the m/c is pumping out the milk. If I compress at the right angle/area, the flow canbe quite fast..I feel accomplished when I see milk spurting out from the teat.


Avent pump - One con abt this pump is that milk tend to stuck at the petal and suction area, other than that I have no other complaint abt this pump.

Joelle, my next appt is on 17jun aftn. my last appt was at 37wks, 17jun would be 39wks 1day.. i also scared bb bcome too big.. she was estimated to be at 2.8kg at 37wks.


I think my stitch has healed...saw bits of black thread coming out the other day. No longer felt itchy. But I am still applying the disinfectant lotion after each toilet visit. Now I am waiting to clear my first bowel after delivery..need to up dietary fibre in my diet.


Still having them on and off, esp after each pumping session. As I was flowing blood clot during the first 2 days, my gynae gave me medication to break down the clot, so I guess it will take a while for me to stop the lochia completely.

Reg food: Are u all allowed to consume food that r inside the fridge?

Bliss.. Can't stop ur mil oso.. Haiz.. Dunno hw to handle dis kind of ppl oso


i'm so jealous of your milk ss! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 300ml is like a day worth of milk output fm me!

baby into wk 3 and i can only get avg 50ml fm both sides even after 3 hr pump session

my MIL also very irritating!! everytime my baby makes a tiny wheeny sound like stretching outta his swaddle, she will dash out fm her room and say in mandarin "What happen.. you angry ar?? need to drink milk issit??"

i get dammed irritated when i hear this!! lil bit of noise = angry?

even when feeding time is not up yet or he shows no sign of hunger, she will always say need to drink milk!

think my hormones are wrecking up!


you mean you saw the thread when you pee-ing? i can feel something dangling there when i wipe myself clean .. din dare to tug further!!


by right, cannot take cold drinks .. by left.. i broken all rules oredi!

i even ate Magnum Gold after so many ppl comment how yummy it was! but so-so only

i even on fan and aircon when i pump.. coz i perspire too much!

Gitz. Same.. I wash my hair ytd At 2am.. Lolx.. so damn itch n hot until bth.. Ribena cold is my daily drink nw other den e red date water.. Sian.. Like suffering in dunno ware lidat


honestly super tough. as much as I let go to sup with FM since my 4day old boy is takin 50ml per 3hrs feed. I felt real terrible for not hvg enough milk. hopefully by tomorrow I'll hv more. only manage to pump out like some 20ml.

stitches at below :

still a little sore but generally no pain. a bit worried when pass motion for the first time but still ok leh.


I miss my confinement lady last pregnancy. my mil doing confinement for me this time. not tt she's not good. just tt mil, a lot of things you can't ask her to do, like throw rubbish sweep floor or hang up laundry. I pity my hubby. he's been doing all the chores. and my mil don expect me to be resting all the time. want me to take care of baby. actually really tiring. now 2am, baby woke up so hv to attend to him. last time got confinement lady I'm still sound asleep. just woke up to express milk.

Gitz - the black thread came off when I was washing my bottom.

cold stuff

So far, I only have cheese from the fridge.. Was tempted to eat yoghurt..see how long I can tahan..


Not easy to deal withh MIL who is doing our confinement. Agree with you, that we cannot "instruct" her to do this or that, so ended up our hubby becomes the middle man.

I have the habits of sweeping the floor daily, mopping the floor on alternate day, washing the laundry daily. But with MIL, I cannot ask her to do. Now, I am sweeping the floor daily, mop the floor when she is not around.

Check with you mummies, how much do you intend to pay yr mil who is doing yr confinement?


really envy yr fast flow of milk not to mention adbundance tho I know it means pump n pump since supply outweighs demand! E not that tiny wat.. Mine after discharge fr hospi also only 3kg nia - will up his intake by another 10ml since he really finishes all each time.. End up I gotta express out every 2-3 hrs also..


my case is milk always gets stuck at the petal cushion n maybe I din massage enuf but I juz can't understand how come got no milk at all even tho I can hand express 130ml! Think I better call avent hotline, was thinking can get someone to come to my place or wat.. Previously wif medela will die die hv some milk pumped out wat..

Surprisingly my bowel movement very good now, already cleared 3 times to date.. Even tho I only ate 1 apple so far but I do drink a lot of soup n hot drinks.


the only thing I hv eaten fr fridge is cheese n apple but gotta leave it on the table for sometime first.. I hv been drinking hot stuufs only like red date tea, powder milk, Milo n nestum all super hot.

I hv been bathing too else can't imagine co sleeping wif my elder gal.. Washed hair 2 times too! Shiok!!


also gotta relax when pumping - the more u do it the more u will get. And it takes days to achieve that.. Jia you!


ya! me too esp after cooking a meal. my mil does less than yours. she only cook. she don look after or change diaper for baby. sometimes she'll bath for baby but upon request only. she don do marketing cos she's not familiar. she'll instruct my hubby to go.

intending to give 500dollars cos mil is fr malaysia.

Haix.. Things tat went inside e fridge I cannot eat.. But bth liaox.. I stole a bottle of yakult, some fresh milk.. Bird nest.. To eat.. Last nite they bought otah gt left over, waited until everyone slp I eat.. Lolx like rat stealing food

Congrats to mummies who have popped! So envy!!

Jia you to Joelle, Bluberi, myself & mummies who are still waiting anxiously in the Q... I'm oso becoming super panaroid nowadays hence the reason to request gynae to induce on this coming fri... Hope baby will take the hint and come out this week since i'm on ML liao... heartpain to waste my ML if everyday just laze around doing nothing... But don't take also cannot, boss throw assignments to me like forgetting that I may give birth anytime... When busy, i usually forget to monitor baby movements which is crucial this period... Better stay home to count & rest...


me hving the same problem too.. I got irritated with my mil when I was 2 days in hospital. She was there when I was breastfeeding. Actually I dun mind she is there, but when the moment bb is crying she dashed infront of me n actually touh mu breast n wanted to help

me lo. I was shiok n felt so pissed.

Then same as gitz, bb cry only kept saying bb Is hungry. So angry.. But wat can I do

For mummies who have popped at TMC, what is your bill size for 1 bedder at TMC? Care to share how much is the cash outlay after medisave deduction?


my daily routine abt the same as urs, just that have to entertain #1. luckily so far not much visitors. can't wait for my confinement to end too!


haha. maybe ur mil nv bf before? that's y so curious? my mil even told no nd wear bra @ hmo, but i told her got fil leh, not nice. she simply aiyah nvm de lah!

re: food in fridge

so far drank my HL milk, but left it awhile then drink. ate fruits too, can't tahan 1 mth w/o fruits!

but already broken rule of drinking water, reali can't take it lor.

re: avent pump

this petal cushion is the same as avent manual pump? cuz i also noticed some of my bm also stuck there.

re: ang pao for MIL

im still thinking leh. can't rem how much i had give her last time.


yup, the petal cushion ware u can remove and wash de.. My ebm oso trap dera.. LOL.. press against it to let the milk flow dwn.. =P

I have been drinkin water.. BTH..

the red dates drink not enuf to quench thrist sia..

Ang Bao:

prolly abt $200 ba.. abit tight to give much..

well well.. nice to hear all the expereiences of the mummies..

I'm one of the mummies still waiting. EDD is this wed but last check on sat, gynae said that cervix is still thick and closed.. so might be a overdue baby.. now, the checkups wld be every 3 days and wld see if cervix wld open up soon. if not, latest is overdue for a week and then induce... cross my fingers and hope for the best lah...


me also still waiting. EDD is this thur. my last check, gynae also say cervix nt soften. if past due will u opt for induce or just go for c-sect?

my concern is if induce then no dilate end up will be emergency c-sec then pay 2 charges...wats yr gynae advice?

can I ask wat do contractions feel like? CTG on sat showed I have minor irregular contractions.. Then Sunday evening and nite I had 3 occasions where tummy quite painful, abit like those kind of wan-to-diarrhoe pain.. But normally when I have such pain, will definitely go poo quite soon.. but until now also no urge to poo.. sit in the toilet also cant push anything out... now my prob is i cant differentiate if those pains are contractions.. coz really pain until i can yell out ouch ouch ouch lo..

then also from ytd on, my left breast near nipple there very pain. rub against my clothes also pain.. it's abit like those menses time breast soreness but worse.. i checked and there's no blood or broken skin.. but how come will so pain, i haven given birth yet so cant be engorgement..

bigfish and mezzo, my EDD next fri.. cervix 1cm dilated le and got some irregular contractions.. but still waiting too... u all on ML already?

quite curious does the antenatal package cover gynae visits if we're overdue? or only covered up till wk 40?


tat's probably conttracions, esp when u hv regular pain like menses pain and every 10 mins, then the D day is coming...

From wat u describe, u prob will get more regular pain by beginning next week.

for mummies who has popped,

after latched on, how much usually can u expressed out? i'm going into my 5th day after delivery, but after latched can only express 10ml or 15ml after 20 mins of pumping. Baby will get hungry after 40 mins after latched on. can't even last for an hr. Very discouraging.


me on maternity leave 3 weeks ago and bb still so comfy nt cming out lo cos i tot he will come out ard 37 to 38 weeks same like my no 1...haiz..

zinc ok so yr 2k includes the companion charge with food or without food? sorry ar so many questions.

well, i had a false alarm last monday, had regular contractions but when checked it wasnt intense enough... went on ML since last monday till friday.. when i did the checkup on sat with my gynae, she told e doesnt look like so fast, so i came back to office today... wld work till i pop lah, if not stay at home also nothing much to do already...

think i wld try induce 1st.. cos overdue babies are common in my family.. sis' 3 kids are all overdue.. and the 1st one was also induce after being overdue for a wk... and still managed to go for natural with short labour hrs.. so hopefully i'll be like that... induce liao, wld be able to deliver within a short time and no need to do c-sect..

mi super sian of the waiting game.. last sat early morning had bad braxton hicks until i tot i'm going to pop, ended up 2hrs later no more liao.. i even went sentosa n vivo, walked almost 12hrs!! tink if by thur bb still no sign of popping den i will really request to induce liao. hope bb heard wat i said n guai guai come out.

I just done with my 1st post-natal massage. Very lucky to get a friendly and professional Malay lady to do the massage for me. She is very patient and taught me how to do a proper massage for my baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

After much conversation with her, I found out that she actually did postnatal massage for Zoe Tay too and she told me Zoe slimmed down very fast for her 1st baby. Hopefully same for me too.

Hi Mezzo and Bluberi,

I'm also waiting.. my EDD is this Wed and till now still no signs...getting a bit paranoid too..

BTW how long is the hospital stay for natural birth?

daphne, who's your massage lady? how much she chages?

Bluberi, Mijun, me also waiting leh. today only starting on my ML. supposed to come out next week. but my colleague whose EDD is 21st June, her bb oredi came out last weekend! i told my bb, gynae sister have not been back from holiday leh, so u don't come out too fast, 'ren' for a few more days leh, okie


I also have the same feeling as you when i was abt to deliver. Stomach pain, like want to go poo. That is contraction and I deliver on that day. But my interval is very frequent, once every 5 minutes. I had this feeling around 7pm and i deliver at 11.42pm, but I am already 3cm dilated that time.

Friends, then u started on your ML oredi? Do you always run to the toilet recently? i always have this stomach pain feeling for the past 3 days. like going to toilet, big business

my EDD is next wed liao.. super sian lor.. my ML started since last thur though i like working part-time at home.

Summer_March, since gynea on leave n oni back on 17jun.. just hope bb will come out tis weekend. otherwise, i might opt to induce liao.. but will check with gynea first whether i start to dilate already.


Cow lehx.. ><" but im more like a RAT nw ..

Sigh.. u all still can inside fridge take out not so cold & eat..

i totally cannot.. dammnit!!

Now even BA ZHANG oso cannot eat.. dun understand.. my hubby tease mi saying everything u wanna eat can.. go fry wif ginger slice & seasame oil den can liaox -.-


hi there,

been following the posts but first time posting here..

my edd is this fri.. started my ML last week.. also very sianz at home, waiting.. this is my second child -girl..

haiz.. this week is THE week but im very troubled.. coz my first son is born on the same EDD 18th June, so we r tinkin if this time also induce on 18th june if still no signs of labor it will be cool..both kids same bday and born on exactly their EDD.. but my doc say she busy on fri.. so ask me induce earlier..

somehow.. im affected by it.. haiz.. dunno is it the hormones.. but my husband also feels the same.. we started ML earlier for me to rest to see if can last till 18th.. it appears it might..but.. haiz. dunno..my husband even suggest change gynae.. but.. at this time.. aiyo.. everythg is making me confused..

reading the posts here realy helps distract me from tinking.. been waitin for doc's reply whether i can induce on fri but stil nothg..so tot of posting here..

hope all goes well for everyone popping this week with me!! sounds like quite a few might be inducing.. makes me feels im not tt alone.. haha.. althou 2nd child, i feel more nervous somehow..

oh well..


Elsie, yah... Today is the first day of Ml. Me only feel some sharp pain on the area near belly button on and off not those pain u have mentioned... Think mine still long way to go... Sianz


Summer_March, 23jun is the EDD based on the my LMP.. 29jun was the EDD after my 1st scan.. but it has since moved forward to 25jun.

