(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Elise, thanks for ur info. My CL will come on 1st June instead. So see if need to go back to chop passport if not I just end my confinement early.

Jasmini, great to hear that your baby is latching well.. It is very tiring but soon things will be much easier! Have a great confinement!

Congrats Jasmini!

How is Mt E? I will be delivering there soon too! Heard that there's reno going on at the labour wards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasmini, good to heard that you can latch well. For my case, my baby dun wan, keep moving away from my nipples, think is because my nipple is a bit flat, hence difficult to suck the milk. So in the end, I use pump to pump out the milk for him. but milk supply not that much, same as my #1. Tried for three months, after return to work, give up.

Hopefully I can endure longer for the breastmilk this time round. As I work at home, so will be easier. BUt really need a lot of determination, like break for 1-2 hrs, then need to pump again. I try to wake up in the middle of the night to pump the milk as well. So far, I can make it. But if my confinement lady went back, I am not sure i got the energy to do that, but will tried my best.


For those who have given birth in Mt A, wad do we wear in the labor ward? Does the hospital provide ward gowns?


congrats n thanks for sharing yr experience!


my previous confinement nanny only makes a short trip at night if I rem correctly to "chop" her passport then. Altho I do hear of some can MIA for almost half a day..


some BM is better than none, yr supply will be well established wif continuous latching/ pumping - jia you!

Koaru, really?

You paid for cab fare for her to go back to


Any idea how much should I give for ang Bao when she comes? Is $68 ok anot huh?


no leh, her own expense. I din give the arrival angpow then cos mine was gotten thru agency. This time I am even thinking of juz $28, oops cos I prefer to give a much bigger angpow at the end if she is good.

Koaru, I think should give a bigger ang pao at the beginning and hope she will do a good job. If she is not good then when she go back just give her a yi shi yi shi.

Mummy ow,

the last time I rent is $15 throughout the stay. U can bring yours too if u don't want to rent.

Try not to pump in hospital as the first 2 days is

full of colostrum. Better if colostrum coat baby intestine then the milk bottle..

But can always standby pump if u are engorge. Best is to hand express..

Bliss, I also thot of giving my CL a yi shi yi shi of $20 - 30 on the first day leh... Already heartpain need to pay $1.9k for her liao leh... if give a lot then no good and send her back like very bo hua hor?

check with ur ar... for $ spent on marketing (meat, fish, veggies, etc) during confinement period, roughly how much would it cost for a month?

Bluberi, do you include chinese medicine?

If does not include that, we spend around 100-150 per week so far on meat, fish veggies for 4 person ( I, hubby, son and the confinement lady)

Friends, so yi shi yi shi is how much arh? I feel first ang pao very sensitive leh.. Give too much - CL not good will heartpain.. Give too little - later they don't do a good job.

When they going back give little nvm cuz no need to face CL liao mah...

Bluberi, depends on what u prefer to eat too.. If u like fish and must have for every meal then will he expensive.

For CL can just buy normal meat.. Don't let her eat your good meat if not will cost u a bomb!

Congrats to all mummy who have popped,really anxious coz duno when my turn to unload...

Just to share:

Today Went to Albert Market 3 floor "Lao Ban Niang" to get the confinement herbs, the "da feng cao" at this shop selling @18packs for $20,which means 90cents per pack...and the herbs there selling at reasonable price n still gt discount...so if mummies who haven't get their herbs maybe can go there n check it out!!!

Another few weeks to popped, excited cum contridicting,coz duno whether wana have the "happy-dural" anot...even dream of it!!!arrrrrrggghhhzzz ...oh ya,decided to name my little one Lervin...but Chinese name still headache

limbox, exluding chinese medicine.. so on average about $40 per person for a week.. my hubby was asking how much to give my mum for marketing.. shall estimate as $200 first ba..

Bliss, i dun need to have fish everyday.. so tink still ok ba.. mi nv engage CL. so just tinking how much to give my mum for marketing lor.. end of confinement giving her angbao also..


U only need to bring gowns for stay at hospital. During deliver, they will ask u to change out of ur clothes & wear wat's provided by hospital! Aft delivery, u can change into ur own clothes/pj tat u brought along! Hope it helps..

Imsonia sets in again... seems like will still hv to see my gynae at his clinic n not labour ward today.. anyway kinda bad timing to give birth now cos hubby's maternal grandpa juz passed away last nite, MIL shld be busy these few days.


since it's yr mom, juz make sure u give her a big angpow at the end lor.. My mom on the contrary gave me a big angpow the other day saying to defray costs of hving 2nd bb, and keep reminding me 2 is enuf! ha...


Insomnia sets in for me as well. Was just finished reading the previous posts and saw your latest one after refreshing the page. So coincidental, my hubby's grandpa also passed away but it was two days ago.

koaru and yaozi: lol.... so we're the insomnia mummies here? i also gave up trying to sleep after waking up to pee at 5+am. decided to just wake up and do another batch of dirty laundry, finish up whatever unfinished business before i admit to KKH for delivery tmr. at least, i won't come home to a mountain of dirty laundry :p

oh yes, maybe this was shared before but i missed out. my friend told me that the chinese name for fenugreek is 葫蘆巴, 胡芦巴 (googled and got it from some website) and that we can easily get it from chinese medical hall. told me not to waste $$ buying from places like GNC. apparently, what she did is that she was throw 2 tablespoons or a handful into her red dates drink during confinement and it helps with milk supply. i was also told yday but another friend who didn't believe in red dates tea initially that after she started to drink it, it really helped with getting rid of her water retention.

all the best to mummies who are popping soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Having isomnia too! Slept at 4am and alarm start going off at 6am!

Sometimes when I finally fall asleep my son will cry and if is a repeat process I will give up sleeping ..

Today just started on boy on 4hours playgroup.

Tomorrow onwards he will be taking sch bus to sch as well.

Hope he can take the sudden changes.. Sigh.. Never ending worries!!

Wow...so many mommies have popped...

Congrats to all!!


Agree w u totally, being a parent is always never ending worries....now can understand our own mother's concerns aldy...hehehhe....yr boy will adapt....give it some time....i am also still in the midst of waiting for my boy to adapt also....

yeah, it's quite interesting to read all the birth stories... and of cos, it's getting really exciting now.. It's a waiting game for most...

did my 38wk check last sat and gynae mentioned that fluid level is a bit on the lower end and that my placeta is aging... might deliver earlier than EDD... so wait and see lor..


for fenugreek, we can start taking them immediately after we pop? or wait & see our milk supply first? nv try before so kind of mountain tortise.


will u let your kid(s) & your newborn use the same shampoo/bath? suddenly thought of this.

re: confinement bkfast

Any idea what to have? Some of my frens said milo and biscuit will do


Did u go for a scan to see how low the fluid is right nw?

I went for a scan to check last week when I was at 38 weeks too.. Fluid level is 6.9 which is still acceptable. Not as low as the range of level 3.


seem that if we happen to have engorement then it not wise to consume it. I also bought it so need to check when can we consume it. Alot of nursing supplements in market.

Lastly, congrats to all mummies who popped..


NB i will use latacyd for both shampoo and bath.

my no 1 will use seperate shampoo and she also using latacyd now for her body.

yaozi/Azureoct, i also everyday wake up to panda eyes. around 3am, 4am or 5am, i sure wake up go to toilet and pee. after that, cannot sleep. alarm clock goes off at 6.55am. so xian, not enought sleep.

Elaine, i also bought the safety gate for baby/doggie. becos i thought of keeping my dog out of bounds, dun dare to let doggie get too near to the newborn baby. the brand is lucky baby, which i bought at KiddyPalace

lin, nope, no other scans beside the normal US scan.. my gynae very relaxed one.. so she jus mentioned that it's rather low and that it wld be early or on time.. definitely wldnt be delayed... jus need to monitor the baby's movements, if he's still active then should be fine... if only baby's movements is much lesser than usual, then need to check..


oic, thks.. but what will happen if we still take when engorgement? think i will pack the bottle in my hosp bag & chk with gynae during my hosp stay.


i thought latacyd only meant for ladies. will it be too strong for nb? btw, where to get it? ntuc?


icic. =>

speaking of bb movements, i juz realised i haven't feel bb mving since i woke up. juz nw when i put my hand on my

tummy, he gave me a light kick. thank god! now i realised he is not giving me those powerful earthquake tremors but more of pushing.

re: BH

when having BH, will you mummies have cold sweat?


there is latacyd for bb nt that femine wash....this was recommended by mrs wong when i had my no 1 time 4 yrs ago...

can buy fm watsons. its PH 3.5 only so v gentle to bb skin


my gynae is just like my type... relaxed, no fuss and hassle... and the only test that i ever took was the blood test which was compulsory (by govt) to check if i am HIV positive, oh another haemogoblin level test and a CTG test... no other tests were done till date...


You are so informative in terms of breast feeding.. Thank u for the valuable sharing.. Really helped me to refresh my memory ...


I cannot remember the brand. Can i like go back home and check the brand and PM u later... Me bought it from the forum from a mum who has also not used it at all.. Bought it for abt 60 bucks. But I also neva use it and it is lying in my store rm.. Will PM u later the brand and size..

Pigeon Manual Pump

Any mummy interested in this PM me hor...


I also suffering from insomnia .. Sighzz..

Got weird dreams also.. I slept after reading the posts and looking at Mikojade's lil Nat pic on face book.. Then got weird dreams like I am at hospital labour ward then keep dreaming abt the rooms at TMC..

I dunno wassup.. Sighz..

Tomolo I will be 37 weeks.. Got my doc checkup on Wed.. So excited..

Seeing so many mummies popping over the weekend though gives me the jitters, I am also excited to carry my lil boy...

good morning!

diana: realised your EDD is 25.. tot earlier than me.

very tired to go work nowadays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies

Do PM me if you'd like to order any Hong Zhao Jiu for cooking your confinement food. The wine has just been made and is available from this weekend onwards.


Hello all! Im gettin tired nowadays. Just feel like sleepin thr whole day. Now worried when number 2 pops whether can divide my love for both kids. So worried #1 will get jealous. Now when i wanna change diaper for #1 she will want to kick my tummy. Kena a few times. Lucky bb inside ok. Theres only once when she kissed my tummy. Only once in the 9 mos!

Guess wat? Went kiddy palace and saw the sale ends on 13 june. Haiz. So much for the rush. Zzzzzzz

safety gate

any mummies here selling hers? Cos nd to buy but am not sure how to install. Cos my kitchen doorway is pretty small with wallpaper on both side of the wall. Scared mite spoil my wallpaper. My gal went to the kicthen and grab a spoon and still playin with it. Quite dangerous leh.

Bebe75, thx so much for the encouragement. Wanna try bf this time. Dun wanna give up already. Haha. Wish me all the best!

Any mummies using pigeon silent pump? Me used dat for number 1. So not silent lor. Haha

mummy2nia, babygate should be quite easy to install. according to the salesperson at kiddypalace, no need to screw holes at the wall. your wall will be intact. just bind it and fix on the 2 sides of the wall will do. Can get your hubby to fix? but then, while he's fixing, u better stay inside the room. (another one of the old wives tale)

Wow according to the table tomolo three mummies will be popping : )

All the best and have a safe delivery PatL, Mummy_ow, Azureoct !!!

Soon u will be holding ur lil bundle of joy : )

Kelly, yea.. Never ending worries lor.. I hope he can adapt

as suddenly I put him in 4 hrs and suddenly taking sch bus to


3 more days didi is coming..

So many changes for him...

Friends, like that I don't give so much liao. Maybe 28 or 38 will do.. I'm still thinking of giving 68 lor!

Dianajs, hee.. I'm the one and first in the big family to bf.. So must know alot if not people will say too many negative stuff to make me give up..

I'm trying to recall too! Kinda rusty liao..

Re isomnia,

manage to have a good 3 hours sleep while #1 away to school. But I dreamt of disgusting maggots! Totally spolit my sleep!


I'm having the same feeling too.. Don't want to share my attention with 2 kids.. But I kept telling myself to use the first month to make myself balance everything.. I'll still be

solely taking care of #1 and leaving #2 to

CL since newborn will never know..

Until #1 more settled then I'll spend more time with #2..

Re BH,

anyone having terrible BH? It has been 3 days.. Happens every 1-2 hours without fail.. Throughout the day..

Just feel like below is splitting whenever BH comes..

So scared that I'm going into labour soon.. I still wanna wait till 3rd June.. Hope today gynae will say I'm okay till I go for my csect..

