(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi all,

feedback abt tmc hmm ok lAh except some hippcups here n there. As my bb is born on 27th there r a lot deliveries on that day. Labour wards did not have enuff nurses. Halfway the nurses will disappear while trying to push the bb out.

The delivery ward is cold so prepare some jackets. Asked 4 4 bedded nt avail. So auto upgrade to 2 bedded. My neighbour is quite considerate so heng lah . If can afford I thk one bedded is better coz not so cramp. Visitors get to. Sit ard n more spacious n more peaceful ESP 1st bb. Should update the bills once dc 2 day hope bb level jaudince level is ok


Hi mummies, I have popped too at 9.42 pm last night. Baby weighs 2.95 kg, 51cm. Super long labour, tired.

Tried w/o epi all the way till I couldn't take it from 2 pm to 8 plus. Then when I decided to take epi., a bit drama also, Already injecting, my cervix dilated so fast n I could feel bb pushing, din even feel epi effect yet cause e contraction was too much, keep opening leg want to push bb out already, everyone also very kan cheong cause my doc doing c sect upstairs. Anaesthetist quickly finish e epi n everyone rushed to set up apparatus n when gynae came push 2times n bb out.

Had very bad shivering n giddyness from laughing gas, ped n epi. It was quite stupid to take epi so late lah but I Thought I still long long away, din expect suddenly jump from 5 cm to 9 cm dilation in 20 mins. I am still proud that I went thru all e painful contractions but really advise u all to take epi earlier. This delivery was much torturous then my #1.

Luckily. I delivered earlier too, my bb's cord was 2 rounds round his neck when he was out. Though not very tight but Everyone was still shocked .

Thanks for all e encouragement on fb. All mummies waiting to pop jia you too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daphne and Genice - Congrats!!

Daphne - Though I will not be able to see anything for csection with epi, but knowing that I am being cut open while awake is enough to send shiver down my spine..ha ha..my mind will start wandering the knives and cuts..ha ha..so scary Pray that I do not have to go thru c-section..

Genice - yr dilation is very fast..I remember for my #1, I was abt 5cm dilated and the pain was very intensified (machiam like someone sawing my spine)..I asked for epi but the midwives advised against ..saying that too late and I would not be able to hold still..I was cursing and swearing at them inside..but after the delivery, I was glad that I was very grateful to the midwives..prob cos of the endorphins released afterbirth, I was like in the cloud nine..very happy and high..

Ya..I could still remember when the baby is abt to come out, that body will automatically open our legs, no matter what. Nurses/gynae would advise you to push when needed (Scared of tearing) but it seemed that the body will take control leh..and does the pushing for me..at that instant..feel like asking everyone to shut up and let me concentrate on the contraction pain and listen to my body..ha ha..

At the end of the day, whatever methods that we used, so long as mummy and baby are okay..there will be no regrets..

limbox..jaundice baby tends to be sleepy baby..but it is important to feed him fluid regularly so that he can pass out those jaundice thru urine..

hang in on there..let him latch whenever you can..pump regularly..usu body will take 3-4 days to establish the supply pattern..

coconut meat

I eat the coconut meat (but not all)..cos I was told that the juice is cooling and the the meat is heaty..and therefore eating the meat will sort of balance up the cooling part..not sure true or not..


I was tempted to do it at week 37..but the irregular BH contractions really dampened my mood..Now I think too late liao..since coming to week 38-39..my sis suggested I trimmed it myself..but I needed help and hubby did not wanna help me..he said no one will notice it..:p


Since yr hubby is away, you'd better get someone close you to be on standby mode..otherwise talk to BB and ask him/her to wait till daddy is back..I just dun find it a good idea to stay the delivery ward alone..need some supports/encouragement. And most of the time, nurses/midwives would not stay in the delivery ward for long..they will be walking in/out..

Philips (Avent) sales

Hubby went (I did not) and he said super crowded. Bring cash for easy and fast payment. Prices cheaper than Kiddy palace but not any difference from the usual OG/isetan/metro sales..he said not worth going unless you are nearby and have something in mind to buy.

Congrats all mummies who have popped!

Who is popping today??? Haha..

Am having BH throughout the night.. In fact the whole day..

Keep coming on and off and is so uncomfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

genice: congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

m getting all the jitters already! OMG!

Congrats to all mummies that have popped!!! Rest well...

Bebe75 no problem if u decide to do waxing so long u haven't popped. I jus did mine ytd at 38 wks.

Congrats to mummies who have popped! Who's next? So anxious!!!!

To Sengkang mummies.... Good lobang for Da Fong Cao!! The herbal pack used for confinement to bath... Bought 10 packets of Da Fong Cao at Jintaitong at Rivervale Plaza (opp McDonald) at only $1.20 per packet only!!! Fu Hua is selling it at $2....

congrats genice!!!

your edd was 1day before mine. does that means i gonna pop soon??? keke. i still haven't really finish handing over my work to my replacement leh. -.-"

wah, looking @ the chart, seems like mummies have so far delivered w/o epi. hoping to try w/o epi but i think i will still take epi, haha. scare pain ma. hopefully this time i won't have bad tear.

im starting to get BH every now & then since fri night. hubby seems a little gan jiong for me, haha. he even told bb can only come out after 4th june as he have his long weekend (rest day) by then, but my ML only will start on 8th leh.

Bluberi, Bebe75,

philips sale is packed! Got my dual pump and its abt 25% disc only at $670 but gives u lotsa freebies lor. I din really stay on to browse for other pdts cos i was sweating profusely by then.

Congrats to Daphne, Genice.. my #1 dilation to 3cm and I cant take it liao.. quickly ask for epi. Most impt, both mother and bb are safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hv a good confinement!


each packet actually has 2 packs rite? So cheap at $1.20.. intend to buy more only when confinement starts.

Had to decide the epidural fast. For my case, i was dilated to 4cm when i visit him at the clinic. When in labour ward, still at 4cm until 11 plus. So doctor put me on induce. within minutes, it become 8cm liao.

Congrats to Daphne, your gynae same as me. Heehee, somehow I think he really can predict the delivery date. For my #1, also after the checkup. This one, he give a one month later date for the checkup, end out it is the exact delivery date.

Haiz. now my milk supply really very low. My baby do not want to latch on my breast, maybe used to bottle feed, as no choice, he got jaundice and my milk supply is low. want to feed him well so that he can recover faster for the jaundice. So I had to pump up my milk for him.

Can only pump 50-60ml each time (Interval of 3 hrs). Not enough for every feed, as now he drink 90ml liao.

today is 39 weeks 2 days gynae visit.. cervix yet to open.. sigh.. wonder when will baby girl come out.. lols.. just asking, contraction feel like mild mens cramp? cos these few days got such feeling as if having mens.. =X anyway.. feeling kind of discomfort and nausea as well.. is it sign of labor coming soon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyone experience it now?? btw, gynae said baby is ard 3.4-3.5kg.. not sure accurate or not..

Raleigh, Sheryl, SummerBel, cyberbabe, Daphne and genice, grats on ur birth!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] woohs.. so many mummies popped these few days!!

missbluey, i got my coconut at $1.50 lehs.. =X

Congrats genice... Another brave mummy !!!

Hmm who is the next on the list ?? Mikojade or another mummy gonna surprise us?? Hehe

So exciting to read the thread nowadays .. Hehe

hi all...............congrats to all mummies who have delivered baby or babiesss...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am at TMC, 3rd day aft delivery. Having sore nipples. so painful....after applying cream, bear with the pain and tried to feed baby with sore nipples....really painful.

I managed to get the premier single room. Got pc to use, nice decor and lightings, good service, food also not bad, soup delicious, comfortable bed mattress,nurses very pro and patient, complimentary toiletries and beverages...everything is just fantastic except for my sore and cracked nipples.

Limbox: yes....our gynae is the same. but mine delivery process and decision wasn't a smooth one. luckily Dr. Ang is very experienced in doing C-sect.

Summerbel: are you at TMC now? did you attend the breastfeeding talk at 11am?

Yes. Dr Ang is very experience and he really gives us the confidence of his skill. For my case, it is natural birth. His stitching is good. Dun really feel very pain down there as compared to the first time. Only eat one painkiller. Heehee. I also have sore nipples. and even bleed. And my breast was so engorged on the third day. Use cabbage to cover the breast really help a lot. If you have, you can try. Advise from the TMC nurse.

Tiger baby, I give birth at TMC instead of Mount Alvernia, due to the gynae convenience. My child name is Yih Chyun. Can help to update the table.

Re Da Feng Cao

if any family going Malaysia can buy from there. 80-90c only.


try pumping every 2 hours instead of 3 hours.

Try to latch on when baby start to have hungry cues before bb cries.

If u want to latch on try avoid bottle feeding if not bb will

not want to latch on as bottle flow is much faster and no need to suck so hard unlike breast.

Try compression to let milk flow faster.

For jaundice is better to give BM than FM although alot of PD advise FM. This always makes mothers hard to fully breastfeed.

As long as is not BM jaundice is safe to feed.

Don't give up! As long as u are giving BM is already good


Daphne, sore nipple means wrong latch. Try to

lean to correct latch before gong home! Save u alot of pain!


never never use cold cabbage if u want to breastfeed! This will greatly decreasethe milk supply.

Having engorgement means u have milk just that latch is not correct.

Best way to relieve engorgement is to use hot

compression, massage, latch. Milk will clear out fast.

Engorgement will still come back cuz when milk kicks in body will make over supply milk. But it takes sometime for ur body to produce just nice without engorgement.


wow, u are gd in breastfeeding..must learn from u..im goin to try bf for my #2...wish me best of luck! hee... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daphne - i didnt attend the talk. coz decided nt to give bf to my ger. I know it is a cruel decision but given my situation now haiz no choice.. as i need to work after confinement immediately.. haiz...n also a lot of restrictions .. somemore mil does not really encourage bf. dont want to face emotional breakdown ....

Mummy2nia, my breastfeeding knowledge abit rusty liao.. Now trying to read up abit to recall..

Cause I wanted to bf successfully so I read up alot in the past and brain wash my hb. So he will brainwash his families before they say any negative..

Luckily manage to fully Latch on my boy for a year before I wean him off.. This time hopefully I can wean off at 18mths..

Congratulations to all mommies who have delivered!! Have a good confinement (^_^)

My gynae going to induce me next mon morning (by inserting tablets), and i should deliver by Tues. Hope my induction will be successful if not i end up c-section. wish me good luck ya!

All the best to all mummies and jiayou!

Rdging Breastfeeding: Dun be too stressed up mommies! While BM is the best prezzie for bb, it doesn't make you any less of a mum if your bb has to supplement with FM. Esp for jaundice bb and the cause is dehydration, please supplement with FM. Meanwhile, perservere! It's worth it!

My supply only become more regulated during the 2nd month when I relaxed. Jia You!


Am wundering whether u supplemented with FM? If that's the case, ur BM will drop right? cos i did dat with my 1st one due to c-sect and plus she got jaundice (stayed in hospital for a week) I didn't get to BF fully. When i did try to BF after she got back from hospital, supply wasnt enuff. Also, i took fenugreek pills and got reverse effect..and BM went down drastically (my cuz said can either up or down supply).


hopefully u can BF till 18 mths or more! Jia yuo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


all the best! hope u haf a smooth delivery!

Congrats to Raleigh, Summerbel, Cyberbabe, Sheryl, Genice, Daphne on yr new bundles of joys.. did i miss out anyone.. these 2 days, so many mummies have popped.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m officially on leave, waiting to pop.. these few days keep having 'electric shocks' feelings in the tummy areas. breasts oso sometimes hurt abit.. can't really walk much now.. hb don't dare to take me out coz i walked really slow due to the pain ard pelvic area (my tummy is real low and big).. haha.. got a feeling i might pop anytime but still hope can hold on till next week.. :p

actually didn't really experience 'natural' labor symptoms as for my 1st one, i went for induced @ 39 weeks due to severe skin allergies.. so feeling abit excited n nervous now.. haha..


I think supplement with FM will not reduce the supply if you are consistent in pumping. Though BB latching is the best for regulating supply, but sometimes it can be difficult to get jaundice BB to co-operate, as BB tends to be sleepy. I had to supplement with FM during the 1-2 week as my milk flow was not enough. But I make sure I pump every 2 hourly (even woke up at night to pump) and drink lots of fluid (warm drinks/soup help!!) to establish the supply.

I agree with Droopy..relax and try not to feel stressful. There will be period (eg BB growth spurt) where demand exceeds supply..just hang in on and don't give up. Not easy..but once the milk flow is established..you will be amazed how much milk you can produce.

I pump exclusively for 4-6mths for my older kids..hope this time round, I can let my BB latch on successfully and direct BF longer.

Herbal bath

I bought the $2 pack from HockHua..my MIL bought another cheaper one, think $3 for 2 packs from another TCM shop. I realise HH one has more herbs. Anyway I only bought 5 packs from HH and MIL bought 2 packs of the cheaper version. I told her I will try out and see which one is better, and if need be..she can buy more for me during my confinement (as if she will let me bath so frequently..hee hee)..I do not wanna stock up unnecessarily.

Diaper sales

Now, NTUC has many diaper sales..but I only bought a pack of Huggies S size. My sis handed down a pack of pamper NB size. I think that shd be sufficient to last a week or 2.. Hubby said no need to stock up, BB grows very fast - anyway, we can just go NTUC to buy as and when we need.

BH contractions

These 2 days, I have been resting at home..and did not experience painful BH contractions or cramp like the other day. Prob I can try to go out shopping tomorrow morning..hmmm

wah really a lot of mummies have given birth oredi. as for me. i am still waiting for the big day. just now went to KiddyPalace to do some last minute shopping for bb. still have some small stuff havent buy yet. the sales is really quite worth it.

my mum just bought the bathing herbal pack from Zheng Zhong Ping (ZTP) at $3 (2 packs in 1 package).. but she bought oni 3 packs coz she want to check the TCM at her place how much.

I think all the bathing herbal pack is the same la.. except that i saw 1 type is you have to boil 2 pack each time and 1 type you have only use 1 pack..

Diapers @ KKH>>

For those to goes KKH for your gynae checkup can get the huggies NB and S-size from the pharmacy.. Same price with NTUC except that if you buy 2 packs of either size, u get the medela 5oz milk bottle free.. the milk bottle cost abt $9-10 bucks.. great for those who have the medela breast pump..can use it for milk storage too..

Finally move my body to robinsons today.. Been stuck at home for the past few days..

Nothing much to buy but just to bring my son out to breathe a little.

I wish I can bring him to the zoo tomorrow.. But I'm not sure if I have the energy to do that..

Anyway I'll ask my CL to come next week. Maybe Mon or tue as I want my boy to get familiar with her cuz she will be the main caretaker during confinement period.

But anyone have any idea how long can CL stay? 28 days they got to go back and chop passport?


u mean diapers @ KKH r cheaper than ntuc? so far only bought 1x huggies nb nia.


all the best for ur delivery tmr! i was induced for #1, nearly ended up c-sec as my labour was way too long. jia you k!

Mummy Ow

Yeah, both of us are seeing the same gynae.

So concidence..my induction same as yr

c-sec date. maybe our babies will ve same birthday. Excited excited...

Good luck to u n have a smooth delivery too (^_^)


i've delivered on tues - naturally w epi!

the 1st few days are nightmarish, little sleep. here's some sharing with you all ( esp on how to endure the labor and first few days):

1) if you want to breeze thru labor, epidural is AMAZING! i endured 8 hrs without and 2 hours with it - no pain and so relaxing! WORTH IT!!

2) if you're keen to bf, latch immediately after delivery - the baby is wide awake and now he latches on perfectly!

3) if you're on total breastfeeding, pls be PREPARED MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY and PHYSICALLY. you need to be diligent and feed/ express every 2 - 3hrs (no engorgement and u have enough flow of breastmilk)

It means that you feed for 20 mins, then burp him, then he poo or pee, then feed him again if he cries, then you express remaining milk - and that takes me 1.5 hrs. Soon he wakes again and the cycle continues!!

So if you have a Conf Nanny, you may want to express some milk ( manually or with pump) for her to feed at night. But still you have to wake up 3hr interval to PUMP. Otherwise you have a rock hard breast when u wake up in the morning!

4) Medela Freestyle: this is godsend ( just like epidural). best pump in the world - you can solve your engorgement just by pumping for 10 mins, and it works very well! if you have bought this pump, USE THE HANDSFREE! i'm pumping and typing right now. and holding the bottle for 15 mins without handsfree gives me shoulder ache. The handsfree is fabulous! if you haven't got a pump yet - buy the online Freestyle at $400+. worth every bit of your $$$ and improves your quality of life at this 'depression stage' by soooo much!

ps: i dont have time to read thru all these postings....just sharing how i got thru the torturous 1st 4 days. if you want encouragement, tips or advice, pls email me at [email protected]

i'll be most happy to share my experience with you!

Hi Ladies,

Congrats to ALL mummies that have popped! Thats fast we are still in MAY :p

For those that chose Mt Alv, what room category you selected? Friends ask me to go for family suite, so that my #01 & hubby can stay in as well. Else Korkor may get a shock when i bring a didi home 3 days later!

Advise? Kind to share your experience?


I'm #92 Joey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Been MIA for a long long time! Mine is a boy. Age 31




I am getting excited, too... has not been able to sleep well these few days... getting nervous. Perhaps, will see u around at Mt.A.

Your Richelle and my Javier may share the same birthday lei :p

