(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

azureoct, i tink i will stick to use oni hanyu pinyin for my gal.. i scared in hainanese Yu Tong will sound awful, i asked my mum she also dunno how to translate to hainanese, tink need to ask my FIL or go to the clan association n ask. the name is chosen by me but i very scared aft the shifu calculate liao will say cannot use, i haven fix the chinese word to use though but i prefer it to be written as 语桐. *fingers crossed*

i tink my awful dialect name was decided by the registration officer lor, started fm my sis time. coz our middle name is same. my chinese name is 可汶, in hanyu pinyin is Ke Wen, dialect translation bcom super awful lor, Hoe Woon!!


Been thinking hard the whole morning and reading up some info on VBAC before talking to my hb just now.

He is 90% disagree on natural birth as he feel chances is not that high.

Now baby is 2.7kg and to have a higher chances of VBAC is within 2.8-3kg since my #1 is 3.1kg and not engaged since week 36 head down.

So only way is to induce next week. But for my case induce will end up 90% e csect. If were to wait till week 41 meaning baby will be above 3kg.

So to my hb he thinks why go through the pain and long labour and ended up disappointed and e csect which most more emotionally and pocket will burn a hole.

But thinking twice i feel he is right too. Cuz i don't have much confidence too although gynae did mention can try. But if dilation slow or not able to engaged i also can't blame gynae cause we can't predict what will happen.

So my hb said leave it to me to decide. Most probably i'll still go ahead with csect.

Actually all along i'm thinking of trying natural as i don't like being cut up. But i did tell myself to have a mindset of going for csect this time round as i don't want to be so disappointed like when i deliver my #1. i cried at the clinic cuz i need to be csect which i never thought i will have to go through that.

And also natural delivery recover much faster.

But i think my hb is right ... Just go for csect and get it done in an hour than worrying if will dilate or not for the whole long labour unless gynae can give me a 80% sure VBAC is possible.

And before #1 csect i had an surgery too which means my womb is opened twice before!

koaru, that's why my hb is afraid. Cause i also don't know if i'm able to manage the contraction pain when it kicks in. Different people tolerance is different. Maybe when i feel the pain i'm near to delivery liao.

Mom not staying near me.. For me or her to travel also need at least 20 mins without traffic jam.

if can't reach my hb meaning i got to cab to hospital with myself!

still rem last time in sec sch, teacher wanted all classmates without dialect name to go get want.. sorta compulsory.. but these days everyone is going back to just having hanyu pinyin name ya?

my hubby used to have dialect name. but when he was in pri sch, his parents changed his name and no more dialect equivalent... even surname also in hanyu pinyin. so now for our gal, most likely will just have pure hanyu pinyin name, even surname.

Genice, what is the procedure to donate cord blood ?

Blueberi, was laughing while reading your post.

I feel use hanyupinyin better unless dialect name is not weird.

like my #1 is Rui Yang. In teochew is call "Shui Yang" my FIL insisit dialect name but by that spelling people will call Shui Yang lor. Defeat the purpose of naming Rui Yang mah ..

Luckily my hb put hanyupinyin as he don't want the name to be so confusing.

Just like u will type ur name as Ke Wen if people ask your chinese name. Easier to pronounce and figure out then How Woon right!

My SIL name is De Lan which sounds quite nice but dialect name became "Teck Lan" for a girl name leh. She did suffer in her school days ....

bliss, maybe another point u shd think thru is how many kids u wan, considering tat u're still very young... cos c-sect the most can only go for 3 times and i dunno if ur pre #1 surgery is considered once or not...

Tiger baby, going to close shop after this liao...

If i were to have #3 that will be when i hit 30 years old.

For now our plan is not to have another baby. Maybe by the time i'm 30 i don't want to go through pregnancy again.

Which type of precaution do u all think is better if really 1 2 close factory hehe...


wheter natural or c-sec wont deny u of being a gd mom, which i am sure outweighs everything. I can't imagine u taking a cab with hospi bag + toddler and yr mom not reaching u in time.. too drama, and then not knowing if natural birth can go smoothly.. etc. At least u hv made up yr mind, so now can relax n count the days!

Accidents may arise leh.. =P

Azureoct, Bluberi,

I also use the dialect name as surname since it sounds almost the same "Fu" = "Foo" except the intonation. Then make up the last 2 words to sound more English-like else sometimes hanyu pinyin when mispronounced (intonation) also sounds weird..

missbluey / rainelle: thanks for the HG coconut locators. will check it out over this weekend, mayb.

sandylmk: yah, my chest also being compressed. Same!!

bibibaba / kate: congrats on your delivery!!

Bliss, until nw i'm still suffering fm the mis-pronounciation of my name.. tink will happen all my life unless i go do deed poll to include my english name before i change I/C.

piglet: abit outdated post... but your dream so funny. I LOL.

bebe75: thanks for sharing your sterilise method. Was thinking to just use hot water. keke...

milkymouse: hope u r feeling better now.

today marked my 1st day to week 39 and my baby is still "swimming" in my tummy.. gynae appt on sat.. wonder has my cervix dilate a bit already not as well as has my girl engage..

Bliss, if u wan to avoid uncertainty, den just go for c-sect.. everything could be well planned.. ur boy and ur hubby.. agreed with genice that it's make no diff on the birth method.. going thru the 9mth plus already prove us the best mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as natural definitely mean uncertainty.. like now, i still wonder when my girl decide to come out after seeing so many mummies popped..

Re: Chinese Name

azureoct, i will go hanyu pinyin for the name.. the surname just follow my hubby one.. so irregardless on the dialect or hanyu pinyin surname..

lin, mine will be with stemcord..

thanks yaozi, feeling alot better today. At least got more energy if i will to go into labour.

Hope all mummies doing well. Getting excited few more day to the month of june. All of us will start popping.

Lin, i also haven't decide to bank cord blood ant.

cord blood: will b donating instead

great to hear that, milkmouse

had a leg cramp 2 days ago and now limping abit due to the pain. Just curious, do we need to use any leg strength for natural birth with epi? Or both legs will b numb as well?

Gd Noon all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lin, TigerBaby,

I have opted to donate to public bank too. Did it for #1 and hence doing it again this time round. Juz completed the forms filling and interview during my checkup @ clinic on Tues with the Singapore Public Cord Blood Ban rep.

re: Dialect name

For my #1, his Chinese name is direct translation of his English name and hence there is no han-yu-pin-yin/dialect name. ONly chinese characters after his English name. The same will apply for this bb as we have managed to get the direct translation from his English name.

Wanted this as personally I dun have a chinese name. ONly English & family name used all these while.


I opt for elective c-sect on #1 delivery. Hence will be going for c-sect this time again. Most imptly, I dun wan to take chances of trying natural and then end up emerg. c-sect. @ times when natural delivery takes too long, infection can happen either to the mummy and possible to pass to bb. End up having to go for emerg. c-sect.

Of coz there are risks as c-sect is no matter what, a surgery procedure. But personally I find it ok due to my personal preference.

Like what the rest suggest, go along with your heart aft talk w/ hb. Most imptly the outcome is delivering bb and that bb is safe.

Dun stress yourself too much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest more as you count down.

Ladies have u all bought any baby carriers yet??

I was using the Baby Bjorn Original for my number #1..

Was thinking of buying the Ergo carrier.. Any comments on this carrier.. Anyone used it before of have bought it...

Is it worth it to buy it or shud I just stick to my Baby Bjorn ??

*momoworld*, bluberi,

Pls try not to scratch. More scratching will result in more stretch marks. Put more anti-stretch mark cream/lotion on the area. Whenever I feel tightening effect, I will start to apply. So cun even recall how many times I put a day, even have a tube @ my work desk.


U can call them up to arrange for meetup with the SCBB rep. If I m not wrong, they have reps stationed @ the different participating hospi. Calling them to arrange is a better choice coz they are on mobile, dun really have an office/station @ the hospi.


Congrats to your new bundle of joy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rest well and take care.


Contraceptive methods for 'close factory'. It very much depends on age. From what I know, Gynae would not encourage young aged to go for ligation, instead there are many choices besides ligation (e.g. oral, patch, jabs, IUCD, etc.). Ligation is perm whereas the rest is temp.

U can discuss with your gynae after you go back for follow-up after delivery. He/she will be able to best advise then.


Contraceptive methods for 'close factory'. It very much depends on age. From what I know, Gynae would not encourage young aged to go for ligation, instead there are many choices besides ligation (e.g. oral, patch, jabs, IUCD, etc.). Ligation is perm whereas the rest is temp.

U can discuss with your gynae after you go back for follow-up after delivery. He/she will be able to best advise then.


i didn't wax. simply bo chap! hehehe.


u r welcome! yep, the fruit stall is exactly the one which rainelle had described. got sell big & small coconuts, dunno the difference, i got the big one $2. if you buy bottle type, it costs $2.50.

re: chinese name

im still thinking for my #2. #1's chinese name is Li Wei. so thinking of Li something. Li An nice anot huh? hubby was saying why must start with Li? or Wen An? saw that name appear in current channel 8 9pm show. keke.

re: bb movements

i noticed my bb don't really make those earthquake tremors liao, now is more of like pushing. sometimes can feel his knuckles (i think?) for a while.

re: heartburn

just had this slight heartburn feeling on & off for the past 1 week+.

Congrats Raleigh!

i tink beside Raleigh, Sheryl also gave birth today.

doobom, i got alot of stretchmarks which appeared oni last 2 weeks.. but not fm my scratching, i oni start to feel itchy these 2 days wor.

Congrats Raleige on the arrival of your boy!

i am also very excited and happy to see see more and more june mummies pop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

next in line is cyberbabe!


Ya, the bb-bump will stretch really lots the last few weeks hence have to constantly keep putting cream/lotion on it. The itch feel (if I'm not wrong) relates to the stretching of the skin layer. Be gd and put more ok? Try to bear with the itch and rub it instead of scratching.

doobom... jialat.. i tink my scratch marks are here to stay...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

can see those "red stripes" liao..those cream don't work for me.. now no choice i apply the "snake powder"...

other than my tummy, my feet also itchy.. ~haiz

Congratulations to Raleigh and Sheryl on your little ones! Rest well and enjoy your time with your new bundle of joy!


Li An sounds nice.


Dun scare yourself... Never too late to put now coz at least can curb the itch feel. As for feet, can apply norm moisturizer/cream. Over-scratching can hurt the skin layer. Quickly go apply cream/lotion ok?

Hi All,

Update from my 38 weeks check up. baby now is 3kg. dunno is she big. doc said if deliver by 40 weeks will be around 3.4-.5. also did VE check today kind of embarass leh. but got nurse around la. my cevix is not open yet. n water level stil enough i think i wound be giving birth so soon ba. so i will start my Ml on the 7th June.


did it on my 36 weeks is quite painfull for the first time but is worth la cos is very clean. after the waxing i still feel pain for 2-3days. so mummy who wanna do may be she do it now if not will be too late le.


Not sure if it's possible to do lunch before d-date. I have been feeling lazy to lunch out, most of the time buy takeaway and hide in office to lunch in. The toasty weather and heat is almost killing me, can even giving me giddy spells. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Perhaps we really got to wait after we pop.


I got the elicina plus creAm for stretchmarkn.. Got it from a BP that is being organised by one of the mummies.. Think the BP is still ongoing... It is called snail cream if I am not wrong... U mite wanna check it out ...

doobom, i nv apply cream at all fm the start, very lazy.. they said stretchmark is genetic, bluff one.. my mum n sis both dun have at all, but i got so many!!


I dun deny that my mum's tumtum is prettier than mine, very fair lor. Hahaha... My sis is clear though a fair bit on the belly button area. For mine, I still can sneak into my bikini after #1 delivery. So hoping that I can do it after this delivery too, so super kiasu. I have used up almost 7-8 tubes of the anti-stretchmark cream.

U try to put from now onwards as it can help minimise itch feel on the bb bump area. At least prevent a bit, better than nothing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I like putting lots in the nite, coz the feel of tightening of bb-bump is lessen and helps my turning in to dreamland better.

Re : Coconut

just to share ^^ The fruit stall auntie tell me to drink coconut but dun eat the meat..cos the drink is coolin but the meat is heaty...if can tell the drink stall tat u wana coconut not much meat de...

Congrats Sheryl...

but her EDD is 16 june rite?! so she's 3 wks early?!!

Oh my... now it's making me gan cheong... this morning, i felt contractions.. then i told baby to stay inside till over this wkend, cos i've not finished buying his stuff.. hahaa

doobom, i tink i just not scratch it.. nw put the cream also not much diff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

piglet, my mum n collegue also said just drink the coconut juice but dun take the coconut flesh.

i suddenly hope my bb oni comes out aft 17jun coz i want to watch Toy Story 3 in 3D.. lol

congrats to raleigh and sheryl! hope both of you and babies are doing and resting well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: itchy tummy - i also had itchy tummy on and off but i bought some steroid cream (the mildest one) from the pharmacist at Unity pharmacy cos i'm going for c-sect and I don't want to scratch and cause inflammation that may affect the c-sect.

re: natural delivery - i guess if there is really a valid reason for not being able to do natural then maybe c-sect will be better. one of my friends was supposed to go for natural and she had some problems... in the end, gynae used everything, forceps, vaccuum.. still cannot so had to emergency c-sect. the total cost was simply exorbitant (can't remember the total but might have gone to more than $10K) cos its Raffles Hospital and hoho.. that was 7yrs ago :p

Re: donating cord blood

I banked #1 with cordlife just for insurance sake, but for # 2, have decided to put in public bank instead.. hehe save $$ and at least bank somewhere so not wasted lah. But actually with the CDA $ and baby bonus, i will prob still bank one of my kids, just 1.

Lin, discuss with ur hubby lor, we agreed on banking 1 so that we can use it when needed, at least still belong to us but if bank with public bank, please note:

1) if donor need to use, no charge

2) If donor's siblings using, $2500

3) If using unrelated blood, $26,000

4) There's no guarantee that ur bb's blood will be there when u need it, it may have been used.

Bliss and yaozi, actually i only called up SCCB yester afternoon but as mine was pretty urgent cause i told them i may be induced this weekend or next week so we have to meet asap. Did pre-screening thru phone and set up appt at orchard today, Met the rep for abt half an hr at ION. Quite fast one. u can even meet them during lunch time if u are still working, they are quite mobile. So all procedurs done, i just need to bring envelope to hospital and pass to nurse.

Re: waxing

bluberi, like what diana said, its abt $55 for everything off, 1st time will be abit painful. I haven done for so long so quite painfu for me too.. but bearable lah... at least cleaner below jiust that i have some infection of pores so sometimes go a bit of pimple with white pus.. :p

missybluey, u going natural rite.. go lah.. do waxing somemore lochia come also not so messy.. hehe

Re: names

I also use dialect surname plus hanyu pinyin for # 1, My fil side cant speak their dialect well.. dunno what "lei zhou" so heck lah.. easier also..

Bluberi.. *hi 5 , my ger also call yu tong. She is 谢 雨 日童... the last word should be together, cant find it online..it was one of our options and the fengshui master calculate the right strokes for us so end up with "雨" instead of 宇.But i like the name and how it looks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koaru, i think thats me lah.. luckily u dun remember how i look like.. haha

Raleigh and Sheryl!! Congratulations!!

Bliss, yaozi

Hi mummies, just wanna share, i got a tiger flask (1.2 l ) and another smaller one (0.5l) at only $49 ( usual at $118) at isetan sale. I think very worth it leh.. the 1.2 l can put longan tea during confinement and the 0.5 l can put more water to heat up breast milks and stuff when u bring ur baby out. I have a 0.35l tiger flask, have used it for 2 yrs and i really love it. But now with 2 kids, might have to use a bigger one.

bluberi i also got sretchmarks & scratch marks! reddish angry looking. so ugly, but it now appeared to the lower part of the stomach where i cannot see, becos bb head covering the lower part oredi.

doobom/Tigerbaby, what will happen if u donate to the public cord blood, does it works the same as CORDLIFE, whenever u need it, u can take it back?

So tiring, just now went to TMC to collect my foc baby books, becos i joined under their FBI program. boy, was it hot leh. today's weather is such a killer

genice, so u have the shifu the name n he will calculate the correct strokes for us right? i dun wan to end up with another name. i like the name alot too. :p

Elise, mine also red red one.. super UGLY!!


Hi Mummies

Cord blood

I have talk to my gynae..Umbilical cord blood to pulsation is better for the baby, but if u want to store the cord blood then u have to clamp the umbilical cord immediately which is not so good for the baby.

You have to decide which is better.

