(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Sparkle - Conggrats! your bb finally reach 2kg. Read from your previous post that you have been given jab to strengthern bb lungs..is it coz ur bb small?? I was not given any jab..Was told to visit the gynae twice per month to check bb's weight only..

Tiger baby, Jamie - Thanks for ur advise.Quite worried abt kicks. Guess our bb too small..thats y cannot feel those hard kicks..Keepin fingers crossed that i can tahan till Wk 37. My bb only 1.42kg @ WK 32.Been drinkin milk and eating durians so much that i have gained 20kg already..

Congrats Kate! What an exciting time in this thread!

Jaime, my gynae didn't say anything yet. He's very pro natural so it's good. I'm seeing him every week and he's monitoring my placenta and amniotic fluid to see if the environment is still conducive for baby. I asked him about baby's weight but all he said was that the baby will be an average weight when she's born, so I didn't press further.

BTW my durian diet consisted of having 1 whole fruit (so I think around 10 pieces of durian seeds with flesh) every night. Did that for 1 week, but don't know if that could be too heaty for some of you ladies. I also loaded up on salmon, cos I read somewhere that the omega 3 or something may help with fetal growth.

Hope this helps.

Congrats to all mummies who just popped.. So excited.. Finally we have come this far, hope all have a smooth and QUICK delivery..

Waiting for my turn to see e gynae at KKH.. Today big crowd , I dun even have space to sit properly at e TPS.. Appt 340pm, but they are still seeing patient with 305pm appt at 4pm! Sian.. I wonder how long I have to wait lah.. So I go do my pedicure at e shop there.. Pamper myself 1st la, while waiting for my appt.. Hahaa...

Hi again mummies,

Realized that all are taking turns to pop. We must try to keep in touch after as well ok? So that we have our support group as our kids grow up. And hopefully we can meet up after we pop, at the very least, so our kids will have their batch playmates.

Hi Yu lin,

you dun accept pm. Can pm me your CL contact? i booked my CL since last nov. Nw she say that she wun be able to complete the 28days confinement for me. Ask me if i mind her friend to take over for the last wk or can get my mil to help. Very pissed off with all this CL. Her reason is she got another assignment in early july. It is very unfair to me isn't it. I told her that my edd is mid june and hw can she agree on the early july.

hi Piglet,

I just came back from wk 37 check up and bb is estimated to weigh abt 2.7kg. Guess not too much heqavier than urs but my doctor did not mention anything. He say EDD no change and told me tt Im gog for CTG next week.

Have u made up ur decision to induce? Maybe u shud wait till u see gynae again and check if bb's weight increase abt 150g-200g in a week's time to determine if the baby is able to absord what you have eaten?

Re: Leg Swelling

Anyone facing the same issue as me.. my swelling is from my feet all the way up to my butt now..

whenever I sit down I having difficulty to stand up again.. so heavy!!!!

I told my gynae.. he tell me is common.. but my feet is getting red. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] as and when I walk, is kinda pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I read through the website, they mentioned about Preeclampsia. I am kinda worry, is like half of my body is swelling even my peeing area also bloated up... look just like hanging papaya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My hubby still laughing at it. sob sob....

Please tell me am I the only person, suffer that? Or woman at my age and during this week of pregnancy will encounter that? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Kat, congrats on yr new bundles of joy.. Take care

n have a good rest..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

raleigh, all the best n smooth delivery for yr

big day tmrw.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me just back fm gynae appt., bb weight ard 2.7kg @

37 weeks.. Gynae said head well settled down n very low..

Nothing serious so just waiting for bb to choose

the popping time.. Except for the bacteria

infection thingy tat is bothering us.. Hopefully

it will not affect my bb..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mummies, thanks for all the well wishes. Went for my 38 wks n last checkup today. Lost weight again but this time gynae never said anything. Think she gave up n since tmr is D day.

Today the funniest things is last wk gynae mentioned that I need to draw blood to standby by the ops in vase of any complication, so too me is today I will draw a big bag of blood. But phew.. Misunderstanding.. Haa.. They just took a sample blood for HSA to provide me will the suitable blood. Blur me.. My hubby was like laughing loud at me in the clinic lo.. Hmphhh

now waiting for hubby to finish work n we going to spend our last couplehood together. Wat shld I eat tonight?? My last dinner before my confinement start. Hee

After checkup went to do pre-admission. Tmr will admit at 8am, so will need to eat my breakfast ard 6am. Tmr will b a long long day for me.

Kate - congrats on yr twins..must be extra busy for you now..take care and rest well

Raleigh - wish you smooth delivery..imagine tomorrow at this hour..you will be able to hold yr BB in yr arms (*envious*)

Talking abt food..my hubby kept asking me what do I wanna eat before my confinement..since last week, I had been all over Singapore savouring local dishes like kwap chup, fish soup, mee siam, nasi lemak, sambal fish, fish head curry..there is only these much I can take..cos stomach get filled up easily.

I will be going for week 38 check up tomorrow..need to remind myself to discuss my birthplan with my gynae..


I had swelling a few days ago..now better. The swelling was all the way from toes to my thigh..can be painful to walk and sit. Things get better for these 2 days..at least swelling is now confined to the feet/ankle area and only arise at night. Try to take in more fluid and elevate yr legs as much as possible.

For Preeclampsia - I think swelling will be extended to upper body including fingers..and expectant mummy will also have high Blood pressure..so if your blood pressure is still normal, it shd not be a major concern.

mijun - oh great..2.7Kg @ 37 weeks sounds good..mine oni 2.4Kg @ 37 weeks... was discussin wif husband whether to induce anot..cos to tink tat i no nid to eat supplement everyday n worryin abt baby movement..but juz the most worried part is i scare will landed in Sec C cos durin my 37 week check, gynae says bottom still not open yet..wich mean not into labour @ all...


Re Istean Private Sale

Only saw the promotion for original Classic leh... Other Baby Bjorn products are at 20% off.

Combi, Capella and Chicco Strollers got 15% off... I now so tempted to buy one leh...

Hi sberry, our progress is similar...=)

Piglet, dun worry, maybe bb still dun wan to come out tt's y cervix still not opened? Doc oso said there is no sign of birth for me yet...

Just went for my checkup.. Tml is 37 weeks.. Baby weight coming 2.6kg.

My gynae kept asking me if I want to try natural which makes me sway abit but all paper work done already..


Kate, grats on ur birth of twins!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daphne & raleigh, hope u two will have a smooth delivery..

Sparkle, nice to hear that ur baby is growing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou to all other mummies with smaller size baby!!

Piglet, i think just let ur baby choose his bdae will be better if u are feeling fine now.. cos 2.4kg sound fine to me since bibibaba baby is around there and her baby choose her own bdae.. if really wan to let ur boy out early, i think u shld opt for c-sect as ur cervix are still closed.. u might end up paying for induce and c-sect fee..

Bliss, it really depend on u cos since ur gynae keep prompting u abt it, meaning it's safe to give birth naturally.. else i think most doctor will be more than happy if their patient opt for c-sect.. they can earn more as well as planned their time!

sorry to spam the thread

hi mummies, anyone know of any car pool arrangment or chartered bus service from bukit panjang to nus for staff. please pm me. thank u

Bliss, just follow your heart... Gynae already gave the clearance so if u really wan... Y not? But do discuss with your hubby...

rainelle - u got the point..cos i might ended up payin more...shld reali tell my gynae tat i wana wait for baby to chose his own birthday..

raleigh, have a smooth delivery!!

today my bb like very lazy leh.. nw her usual routine time but no movement!! just nw 8pm plus still moving abt leh. *paranoid*

Piglet, did e doc say must go for induce? If not then it's ok to wait a while more just eat more nutritous stuff to let ur bb gain more wt.

Min n sparkle , u all also take care n eat more if planning to wait a while longer.

Bliss, e reason u r going for c sect is ?actually I like that ur gynE is so pro natural, I wish my gynae is like urs. But perhaps my water level is low that's y.u think thru k if u intend to close shop n no reasons for u to go c sect then u might want to consider . My fren just delivered last mth via natural w induced but she went thru c sect for her #1 also in aug 08 cause cervix din open. So it's possible that # 2 will be easier via induced. U might want to consider


just to share my personal experience.Actually not all induced will end up in c sect, my # 1 was aldo induced,I was admitted at 11pm insert 1 tablet to ripen cervix and another one at 7am, gynae burst water bag at 9 am n I delivered at 3 pm. It's actually not very long if u consider from 7 am to 3 pm IMO . From 11pm to 7 am it was bearable aching pain, not much contractions felt n definitely no dilation for me.I took epi at abt 10 am. I think e only prob is the worry abt distress of baby if e whole process takes too long. But I would still encourage mummies to try for natural ( induced or not) if gynae feels it's ok. But discuss w Hubby n gynae lah. For me, e only reason I din want to be induced is because I want to experience water bag burst, show n contractions naturally since this may br my last one. So a bit sian that gynae suggested induced lor. I rather experience pain in middle of night n rush to hos, hehe like very exciting like that.

Lin, my water level is abt 6, gynae say that is borderline low, if dropped to btwn 4-6 then must go induced within 1 day. Pray that it will not drop that low.

Koaru, I was siting near the door in pink with my Hubby n ger plus few frens. But I came quite late abt 1 plus, aiyah, shld have asked Pauline. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup there were a few pregnant ladies.

I went for my 36weeks checkup... since my last checkup at 33weeks i put on 3kg more zzzzzzz 73kg become 76kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My baby weight now is 2.6kg & doc say he have big head like my #2.

Friends & genice,

reason of csect is my #1. I'm

petite size and #1 is 3.1kg at birth. But he couldn't engage as is consider a big baby for me.

Going for csect again as gynae told me likely this will happen again as 3.1kg is not very big. My pelvis bone is too small for

baby to engage.

But he is willing to try.. People around mr

advise not to as might end up long labour and ended up csect.

Hubby don't want me to go for natural as he is worried I might want to deliver when he is not around.

My mom don't stay near me and I'm always alone with my

son. So we will never know what will happens when the pain comes.. Whether I'm still able to bring my boy to

hospital myself or am I able to cab to my mom

place with contraction while carrying my boy to take a


Because the place he is working is without reception so is very normal that I couldn't reached him from 10am to 6pm until he get out from that area..

I hate to go for csect... But my reason is for my son u know... I'm very worried about him.. I wish I can settle him abit and sneak off to hospital and by the time he is awake I've already delivered.. Rather than I drop him off suddenly and left for hospital not knowin how long the labour is...

For my parents they think I'm too petite and worried of complication during labor.. Like my hb thinking if cannot got to e csect and ended up bill cost a bomb which is my concern too lor...

I wanted to try natural all along for this pregnancy and untold my gynae that i will see if baby is engaged at week 38 but he told me mist likely will engaged only during labour..

So many uncertain... Haiz...

Genice - yes, gynae say may wana induce me nxt week...as husband haf sneak to view @ her calendar..on my actual EDD she got someting on..so he was tinkin mayb gynae wana arange me to induce cos worried tat i might deliver on her busy period..=p..thanks for sharin ur experience, u let me feel much comfortable seein ur experience..the ripen tablet @ 11pm is it the same as the 7am wan?

Genice, thks for sharing... My sister in law also induce and gave birth to my nephew within 8 hrs naturally due to big baby and low fluid. I shall discuss my birth plan with gynae on my next visit! Like I said earlier, good to keep a open mind on everything[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies, sorry to interrupt -

Anyone wants a single bed & mattress - perfect for a guest bed. Lightly used, going for cheap to clear space for my beloved son. Two are available. Can also be joined for an extra big bed...

Condition: 9/10

Pls PM me for more details.



oh that is good that you can rest.. lucky its public holiday tom so can have a longer rest too... I will be see doc on next mon so see what he says loh... MC and resting at home sounds sweet.. enjoy your rest!

Congrats kate on your double bundle of joy! rest well...

Sparkle, its definitely good news that your bb has hit the 2kg mark..gynae has yet to give me any jab for the bb's lung to mature..but i tink tis sat check up..he will confirm when he wans to induce the bb...cos he already said..not advisable to leave the bb inside beyond wk 38.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eunice,Tigerbaby same here...been trying to eat more tat my weight double up since entering my 3rd trimester..but...haizz..guess our bb did not inherit the strong eating/absorption power like their mummies..nevertheless, we muz still cont to eat, to gain a little (for the bb) is better than nothing.. :p

ok, thanks Friends...

i just collected my Freestyle US set today.... can anyone tell me how to test it? put the battery into the pump and press on to test? if its working means everything shld b ok ya? also, if using the pump at home, is it better to use the power cord directly and remove the battery so can conserve battery life for after returning to work? 1st battery charge need charge for how long ar?

bliss.. that seems like a lot of factors, esp the part on not being able to get ur hubby.I hate it when i cant get my hubby too but luckily in laws staying near so can get them to fetch my ger.

If there are really so many considerations that is troubling you then u might wnat to consider c sect, everyone will be happier, actually natural or c- sect doesnt make u a better off or worse mummy. U still carried ur boy to full term and went thru a lot during the pregnancy process. Dun harp too much on it k. Different families have different problems, we cant always have things our way, most impt is what is the best way for us at this moment. At least u can do proper handover of ur son to ur mum so he will not be so stress and uptight too like suddenly bundled to ur mum's place. When he is more calm, he will be happy whenhe sees the little bro also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Discuss with hubby k.

piglet and friends, no prob. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piglet, i think shld be the same tablet, forgot to add, after putting the tablet at 7 am, they also inserted something enaema ( dunno how to spell) to help me clear all the shit.. haha and they wanted to help me shave below too but i went for waxing already.

Friends.. yar better go and ask gynae what is the plan..

Re: waxing

Have u all done ur waxing, i just did on Monday before i met my gynae for ve test and strep B. Signed a package at Strip also since walking distance from my hse.

Re: strep B test

I also have to pay leh... sianz.. $48.50, ex leh

My baby is already engaged and gynae say got a bit of dilation ( dunno true or not), ask him again tonight.. hope water level stays at 6 plus..

jaime & eunice - i was given the jabs to mature the baby's lungs its because at the checkup, the fluid has suddenly dropped to a low level of 5.2 and baby only grow 100g in the span of 2 weeks so doctor very promptly gave me the jab just in case i need to deliver quickly and at 35 weeks, lungs are not fully mature yet.

if for your case, doc feels that still can delay delivery, the jabs may not be required which is good news!

eunice, i believe your condition not so critical yet, dont worry too much.

at the checkup yesterday, fluid level has went up a little (above 6) and baby is growing at better rate, doc assured me i will not be delivering anytime soon since things are looking up. so... i probably have wasted money on the jabs.

Jojo, 1st charge will be 24 hrs, its also stated in the manual. To test, just put battery into pump and press on. I think u have to specnd some time to read thru manual and try wearing the handsfree, there are too many parts can be quite confusing. I never use medela before , last week opened and tried out everything at least feel more confident. Remember to get adaptor for plug, i think whther i use cord or not will depend on where i pump milk and c how things goes, cant say for sure now.

Going for istean pte sale now and meeting singapore cord blood bank to do the paper work to donate cord blood. C u all later!!


Wa so cool!! Can still go for pedi whilst waiting for ur turn .. Hehe.. Hope the checkup went well ya : )


It is a really a dilemma situation.. Like what one of the mummies said.. Follow ur heart.. Do what u think is the best...


Me just went for waxing yesterday.. Went to stripped at wheelock place..


If I am not wrong a session costs I think abt 50 bucks around there la.. Coz me signed package so cannot really remember the exact amount .. U mite wanna call them up..

Me going for facial later on and have scheduled for pedi next week..

Hope baby cooperates till mummy is done with all her beauty routine and then mummy is ready to recive baby.. hehe

And ya

This morning like Baby J neva move at all.. Was feeling so paranoid .. Keep tapping and beating my tummy but still no movement.. I almost din want to come to work and go TMC straight.. But i calmed myself down and told myself maybe he will wake up once I have my breakfast.. And he just did that !! Hengzzzz

thanks genice.. kk will spend some time going thru the manual this weekend.. but duno wana do the 24 hr 1st charge this weekend or wait till going back to work then charge, meanwhile will use power cord directly after delivery since will be using at home most of the time ba.. the adaptor is the usual travel adaptor?

hi mummies,

just wondering if any of you know how to derive the dialect name for our babies' chinese name? do you ask your parents, ILs? and does it definitely have to follow the daddy's dialect? Me hubby is Hakka but he know nuts.. i'm Teochew and probably my parents can give me an idea of what is the teochew dialect equivalent of the chinese name.

bluberi: meaning the format is "surname hanyu pinyin" issit? hmmm... idea ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

azureoct, u r rite! dialect surname + hanyu pinyin.. my hubby's surname in hanyu pinyin is Gao but dialect is Kow, am tinking to call my gal Yu Tong, so her hanyu pinyin would be Cherisse Gao Yu Tong and her dialect would be Cherisse Kow Yu Tong.. i wonder how Yu Tong would sound in Hainanese lor..

sometimes dialect name sounds totally different fm hanyu pinyin name one, depending on dialect. although both hubby n mi are hainanese, his dialect name is almost same as hanyu pinyin. in my case, my dialect name sounds totally different lor.. all these yrs have been enduring ppl calling my name wrongly coz they dunno how to pronounce. my hanyu pinyin name so nice, but the dialect name super awful!

just to share for me.. my bb is hao en (hanyu pinyin) Me n hubby decided to 'create' our own dialect name and use How Ean, so nx time he can choose to use Ean(same as Ian) too.. so we didnt give our boy an English name..

I do agree some dialect name vv difficult to pronounce.. coz i've some students with v unique dialect names..


i caught a glimpse of a preggie wearing pink top near the door - so it must hv been u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


seems like the current arrangement might be more suited for u - cos when my full contractions come, i cant even walk or talk, not to mention carry my #1. And partly becoz i was too deep in my sleep that i choose to ignore the contractions and when it reaches its full intensity, i literally go pale n breaking into cold sweat.


unless yr IL are particular type, else nowadays people either juz use hanyu pinyin or make up yr own prefered letters, like us.


we hv also chosen the “浩”word [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] - since the 1st 2 are pre-determined by 家谱.


rarely do we give birth on our EDD lah - tho i know how some gynae makes it sound like our births are kinda planned around their busy schedule.. thank goodness my gynae is not going away for June hol.

bluberi: i know what you mean... but mine is the opposite. dialect name is not so bad but the hanyu pinyin and chinese name is just pure bad. this name which my grandma insisted on giving me is really awful. i was also the subject of ridicule of the longest time in school. so i tell myself that my children will have nice sounding names.. so that they dont suffer like me.. haha...

but i like the name you're giving your daughter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think the word 'Tong' is really nice and v ladylike.


koaru: no.. on the contrary, my ILs are the most chin chai pple.. maybe cos they are very ang moh type. i think we'll just go with what you gals suggested.. either hanyu pinyin or make up some words. how abt Christian name? it can go either be the first or last part of the name, right?

i know that long before our time, the dialect names were decided by the registration officer cos alot of parents were either illiterate or not good with english. and alot of pple ended up with weird dialect names and even different surnames within the same family. its a good thing we've got the chance to decide our own children's name now :p

