(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Have a good rest, cya all tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My condolences to you.. I understand yr dilemna whether to attend yr late godpa wake.

Usually for pantang preggy woman are nt advisable to attend. It's not only effect to yr pregancy but also worry mite effect the demise. It better for you double cfm with your godma side whether it is ok for yr to attend. If they still not sure, den u ask someone to check with "shi fu" abt yr suituation.

sberry: ok.i'll check n let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missblue: i also clueless how the gender thingy works..

sberry: can help to "translate".. ? hehe~

Shen, my god-ma is fine with me going down, but she also understand if i can't (coz of MIL+hubby pantang). my mum checked with a "shifu" and he said i can go coz my god-pa is considered as own family.


I tink it will probably cause jaundice bt i tink everything in moderation....jus like pumpkin, carrots..not advisable to eat too mcuh...in moderation...


my condolences to u too. Everyone will hv their own opinion, so do what u feel right as well as hving the right support fr yr family. My hubby was ok with me attending the wake, and i dun really feel uneasy abt it at all.

Seems like there are quite a number of FTWM, I am currently a SAHM.

Koaru im SAHM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..... R u all staying wif inlaws or by your own ?

hi ladies

just a quick update, jus back from my 9 wks scan, baby measured 2.6 cm, heartbeat pumping fast... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now wishing and praying everything smooth smooth going

hi CJ junior

can help me to update my EDD to 14/6/10 thanks

Hi Elaine,

we r not staying with IL - but with #2 in the picture, and me not working for a longer period than intended, then may wanna move in together provided we can get a bigger house at the right price. But now I do get a few days off cos i will drop my gal at their place on some wkdays [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] else i think i will go berserk if 24/7!

Very long never chat with you all liao. Thread very busy, spent long time reading thru haha you all very happening hor.

On this confinement thing, I am doing some calculation. For those engaging confinement lady, beside paying $2k for her service, roughly how much to set aside for food? My frez told me $1k.. Thats means for my confinement period I had to spend $3k in total? Thats quite alot right? Even if I dun engage any confinement lady, the catering alone oso cost $1800+- liao.

Anyone got any cheaper options?

Hi CJ Junior, my gynae also Dr Woo Bit Hwa, given 2 options: Mount A. or TMC.. I still can't decide on which. Anyone can give me any idea which hospital to choose?

Sandy, im choosing Mt A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all!

thread is moving really fast. went to the gynae today. baby is fine and i'm in my 9 weeks now. EDD is 17th june.

gotten my keys for my flat too. am so tired after the whole day running about.

blueberi, do go and attend the wake if you really want to. your god pa will bless your baby! i believe he will not want any harm to your baby too.

sberry, you still keen in auntie siew zhen ? if you are keen you can call her and engage her as my edd is 17th june and i will deliver on 38 weeks which is 3rd june and she will finish her last confinement on the 14th i think.

Sandy, if this is your first baby and you deliver at Mt A i think got 5% off. and the food they serve is nice! i will still go back there to deliver.

CJ, long time never see you around. confinement food cost more or less around $1k but actually about $600 will do. depend on what you feel like eating. i ate fish for all my meals last time so abit more costly.

please add me in the list

EDD 17th june

Dr Woo Bit Hwa

expecting #2 @ Mount A

Elaine, r u e Elaine from Mummysg? Mi too oso SAHM looking aft my 1yr+ boy.

Sandy, actually wat I feel Mt A n TMC is almost of e same standard. Too bad my gynae is stationed at TMC if nt I will go to Mt A. Honestly, feel tat e service n support given in TMC nt vr gd.

hi ladies, i went for my God-pa's wake juz now.. will be going over there again for the next few days. feeling much better nw. hope my God-pa will bless my bb, tml is my Dad's 4th yr death anniversary, gg to ask for his blessings too.

haiz, i really hope these 5wks pass quickly so dat i can see bb again.

Hi sandy,

Go for the hospital visit for both and then u decide which u prefer...for me, i opt for Mt A as well although my 1st delivery there is not so good...hehhehe...i felt the nurses there are more friendly...


hmmm, i try to 'breakdown' the chart for you.

for women conceiving age

18(1) 19(2) 20(3) 21(4) 22(5) 23(6) 24(7) 25(8) 26(9) 27(10) 28(11) 29(12) 30(13) 31(14)

mth 1-G(1) B(2) G(3) B(4) G(5) B(5) B(7) G(8) B(9) G(10) B(11) G(12) B(13) B(14)

eg. woman 26yrs conceive bb during mth 1, follow the numbers which i use brackets for easy ref, 26(9) under mth 1 is B(9). B stands for Boy, G for Girl.

hope this helps. =p


im staying with my in-laws. r u? any grouses? keke.

summer march,

if you really require lots of rest, do consider quitting your job. plus your hubby is also concerned about you & bb. for my #1, i was forced to be stay @ home, tried to look for job but failed cuz no companies would want to hire a preggie ma. so this time, im hoping to stay on this job for as long as i can. it was really bored for me to stay @ home with no money on hand, hee. i wasn't really happy during my #1, mil kept nagging @ me to find job.

re: papaya

i still take papaya as per normal. neither my mummy or mil didn't forbid me to take. mil did mention i can't eat too much carrorts.

dot & soon-to-be,

i need your email address as i have found the list you wanted. pls pm me.

Thanks all Mommies... I will take your advise, go for Mount A. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi... Missbluey.. oh.. you have got me confused.

I am 31 this year my conceive mth is September so but see the chart, I thought I should conceiving a girl.. but what u breakdown here.. 31(14) follow by B(14), hmm... what is that mean? Boy uh? Hahaha... abit puzzle leh.. :p

Will update e list tonight.


So the previous time, you got engaged CL? paisei too lazy to check thru e thread haha $600 ah.. you got buy any herbs?

RE: Hospital

I too choose Mt A though I duno hows e service there cos TMC to me too crowded cos so famous now everyone going there deliver,parking is also a big concern. I was there for my D&C, just doing the admin paper work took more than 1hr, bad impression.

Anyone considering the BabyPlus? 'Lesson' start from week 18. I am borrowing from my sil.. seeing my neice now, I find this BabyPlus not bad.

missbluey, hael, tried to google and found out that apparently papaya is used to induce an abortion, think particularly in India. another source mentioned "Papaya will produce Heat this may affect the pregnancy during early stage". however most sites mentioned that ripe papaya is still okay. avoid unripe papaya. think as per usual, take in moderation.


hehe paiseh, made me so confused. anyway, this chart is for look look see see nia. =p

tiger baby,

ohh, didn't know papaya got this 'effect'.

Hi CJ,

That is interesting..i only read to my bb and play music everyday during my 1st pregnancy..realised tat my son can foucs better in his wkend classes rather than other kids running ard...hehehe...can u share more whn u said now that u hv seen yr niece...how old is she??

Only avail in TMC??

CJ, yes i did get a CL last time. $600 is only for food. herbs not included. that time my dad bought is so i got no idea how much are they. but food itself cost quite alot cause the meat and fish must be the best and the freshest ones.

Morning all, wow the thread is running so fast hahaha.....

Missbluey-ELs, u never thinking of getting your own house?

Hi Jolene, yes yes im the one from mummysg.... great to see u here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My sil used BabyPlus during her pregnancy. I find my neice learning skill so much better thn babies of her age..she just turned 7mths.. she rarely cry from birth, always smiling away.. focus very good too.

But my sil oso very onz, 2nd mth let her swim in tub liao, 3mth in swimming pool, 4mth play jumperoo, 6mth can sit straight & eat solid food. Not sure all these helps in her development or e use of BabyPlus haha


Petai can eat lah, no prob at all. In fact its my fav also! requested my mother to cook for me for lunch later!


Icic, now trying to work out my budget for everything. Prefer to spend more $$ on baby & save on myself. I tik maybe I can get sponsorship for herbs too heehee

oh CJ, i made ur craving for petai come huh.. hehehe.. i oso love petai!! so nice wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah very nice hor but not everyone loves it cos smelly mah. My mother used to tel me eat this can prevent cancer haha not sure how true. You also got craving for it ah? Not many places got sell this, sometimes at those bbq seafood stalls but I prefer homecooked de. You leh?


yup, i did. new house is coming in 3rd quarter of 2011. still, pils will move in one fine day as hubby is the only child.

what abt u?

re: smelly beans

don't like the smell at all.

missbluey-ELs, BTO or DBSS? Me too new house under BTO still waiting haiz.... Huh like that sounds like never move out at all isnt it?


BTO. my new place is at compassvale beacon. where is yours? ya lor, what to do, no choice. hubby is the only son & he is a filial son. +_#

Just curious, anyone intend to store ur baby's blood cord? Was just discussing this with my hubby this morning, I find its a waste of $$. I think 'open' e account alrdy $2k+ liao, yearly still got a fee. Like a lifetime investment, but how many pple actually do 'use' e cord after yrs? If baby is born with a illness, doesn't it means e cord is also infected? Can still use meh?


i oso prefer homecooked de.. cos sometimes i order from outside, it's still so hard and taste so raw.. not nice at all.. my mummy cooked de nice!! hehe.. my hubby dun like at all.. says it's so smelly.. hahaha..


I will be donating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wanted to donate for #1 but i remembered too late and then no time to arrange!

i feel the technology is still quite in its infancy and not worth the $. a lot of doctors themselves all don't bank and rather donate.


Y too late to donate? I will be donating too, cannot imagine throwing few thousands into something I might not use at all haha

i remembered wanting to store for #1 but i don't have enough cord blood to do so, so have to throw away. *so sayang* perhaps this time might, still don't know yet.


me currently staying @ SK too. REgarding the chart, it says lunar calendar of the month baby is conceived.. now i hv to try to convert the month first, else it aint accurate for me..


we did bank in for our #1 - intention is like an insurance, protected somewhat yet u wish u never hv to use it. But for #2, we will prob choose to donate. First payment is $1K+ cos got some disc i rem, subsequently is yrly $250.


hey gals,

my gynea has specifically told me not to take PAPAYAS, COCKLES & RAW FOOD... Which i didnt ask him why, but my gf's told me its due to Papaya will cause Jaundice...

