(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Isobellies, my #1 is 9years old and #2 is 1years+ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure if my MIL willing to cook for me anot because she is working dont really want to make her so tiring and she keep cook fish which i dont really like to eat fish so much(very troublesome of me)

U order single meal then u keep some for dinner is it as u say very big portion?


Bebe75, i dont get u... need to pay 50% of the delivery fees or the checkup package fees?

Sorry all mummies i alot of questions because my previous pregnancy i never went to private at all.


oh that makes sense, i remember paying either $600+ or $800+ for the package, i guess it's probably 600 then, if the delivery is $1.2k. but can claim from medisave or something right? in the end i just claim from my company, so i'm not sure.


wow, q a big gap between 1 and 2! if you're a small eater, definitely can keep for 2 meals. i'm not so i can sometimes eat 2/3 of it myself, haha! most of the time my mum and i share it. then dinner she will cook, less hassle for her.


oh ok, mine was like continuous breathing, so i felt as if i had too many tequilas or something, lol.

Hi elaine

it is 50% of the package (checkup + delivery). Eg if you opt for normal delivery $1200. You pay $600 upon signing up. Balance $600 payable after delivery. If you eventually use assisted delivery or epidural, you pay balance $600 + extra charges incurred after delivery. No worries..we are here to relearn and learn.

I think his package also include one post natal visit (ie 2nd day of delivery) and one pap smear test after delivery.

Hi isobellies,

You only order single meal. Does that last you for 2 meals? You kept the left over food in the fridge and heat up for dinner?


ya you can claim from medisave..not sure the exact amount..but I remember for my previous delivery, the MA hosp charges (including the 50% balance payable to gynae and the baby's PD fee) amounts to abt $1900 - $2k. I think I did not pay a single cents when I discharge, as it was settled by medisave.

I remember during deliveries, the midwives told me to concentrate using the contraction pain to push out the baby. Must push at the right time..else effort wasted..first time I was quite chaotic cos I was so in pain and unable to listen to the gynae and midwives..anyhow inhale and exhale..very exhausted. For 2nd delivery, it was better with experience and baby came out with 2,3 pushes.

Isobellies, im divorcee.. thats y my 2 kids have big age gap hehe....

Thanks alot bebe75 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]......


pong chat???? its a hokkien word? i admitted in 5.30am, my contractions only started at 1pm+. only opted for epidural abt after 3pm+ & the rest was a breeze until late 10pm+/early 11pm. i was already too exhausted to push, wanted to sleep liao, haha.

I am also one of those mummies that hardly take milk. The last gynae visit, the nurses gave me 2 packets of Enfa mama. I made 2 cups using one packet...almost puke after drinking them. Now when I think back of that taste, I felt so nausea. I prob will stick to calcium tablets again.

also cant drink milk I will not even drink out of a glass I know has had milk in it even if its been washed, thats how much I cant stand it.

regarding natural w/out epi it did this for my second, and I really think recovery time was so much better, felt pretty good after wards, with my first had every drug there was, so this time will def do natural without epi again, anyone planning it though make sure you let the nurses know not to ask you if you want epi, as it puts doubt in your mind at the time that you cant do it, and everyone thinks you should have it as you cant handle the pain, this happened to me, and I felt pressured to give in, but it was to late anyway.

Hi,every mtb of June 2010, my edd is fall on 03/06/10. This is my fifth pregnacy, but misscarriage for 3 times,is not easy for me to have a smooth pregnacy. Now i m 11 weeks, hope everything is fine to my baby.

hello ladies..how are you getting on?

milk? big NO NO for me. tried once, aft that, no more.. the anmum.. urgh!

now whatever i eat,i'll have a weird aftertaste that makes me want to puke back.. but simply cant vomit out.. just feel soooo restless... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also intend to go without epidural... not sure if i can do it or not.

btw, anyone knows where to get swim wear for pregnant women?

Dear Mummies

anyone consider to get malay masseur after delivery? any good recommendations? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am glad that i hv epi on the other hand (I was so much in pain that i couldnt even shout or talk, ha.. and within 3 hrs, baby is born, almost painless - gotta wait halfway cos gynae not yet arrived. So I hope I will hv a short delivery this second time too.. *cross my fingers*

My appetite seems to come back - i could actually finish a full portion of meal, let's count down to our MS-less days!!

Welcome onboard, Evangelyn!

sberry: im a malay myself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i know of this lady i call her kak (elder sister in malay) Maya... shes very good,coz shes certified.. meaning she go overseas study being a masseuse..

last 3 weeks,massage with her my whole body..coz i fell.. lucky baby is fine..

normal massage she charge 80-90full body. she can even tell me i got weak womb just by massaging abt near the calf..

if interested i can try check with her how much she charge for post natal...

there are other elderly ladies too..


maternity exchange at marina sq. they apparently have a sale on now. but the stuff there is a lot more expensive than if u buy online from the states. only thing is that shipping costs lah.


as mentioned to elaine, if you're a small eater, definitely can keep for 2 meals. i'm not so i can sometimes eat 2/3 of it myself, haha! most of the time my mum and i share it. then dinner she will cook, less hassle for her.


wow, did you take single room? i think i paid about $4k in total. not sure how much was from medisave, i just left it to my hubby to settle. heh.

welcome Evangelyn~


i have tried malay massage lady from House of Traditional Javanese Massage (http://www.javanesemassage.com/) but i have forgotten the lady's name. neither i can remember the price, i only knew i took 7days package. have yet to go down their branches cuz quite inaccessible from my area, lazy also. i find their service not bad.

tiger baby,

spring maternity also has sale going on, but not sure whether they have swim wear. i think swim wear for preggie is a 2 pc & covers your tummy? i never try swimming when preggie with #1.


actually now that u mention it, those packet milk for mummies is pretty gross. i used to force myself to drink it, but i think this time round i'll just stick to fresh milk and calcium tablets..

this is spot on for both of my kids the third one points to a girl which is what I want fingers crossed.

hi all..

feeling sad n regretful coz in the end i nv went to see my god-pa last evening coz even my mum forbid mi to go in the end. he passed away tis morning, will be going down to the wake later today.. my hubby refused to let me go to the wake n he himself dun want to do on my behalf, said he super pantang!! really angry with him! my mum said it's ok to go to the wake coz my god-pa is consider my dad also.


The bruises took me almost a week to recover..ha ha..


You can try Kiddypalace (TPY)..saw some swim wears display when I was there last week.


I stayed in 2 bedded wards..I was admitted after midnight..and my labour hours were short, so prob my charges were low.


My sis was telling me the choco flavour tasted fine..but I still could not stomach it.

Aven2009 - I am like you..cannot stand using glass that had milk in it even after washing the glass. I hated to make formula milk for my girls when they were younger..whenever I opened the tin, I felt like puking.

Hi Bluberi

My condolences to you..

When I was in my early pregnancy with #1, my best friend's dad passed away. My mil objected me attending the wake, but still allowed my hubby to attend on my behalf. My best friend was quite understanding..she said it is best to be pantang than to be sorry later if anything happen to me or my baby.

hehe.. chinese month..i dunno lei.. anyone willing to translate for me? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluberi.. condolences [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope you are feeling ok?


ah ok. for Mt. A doesn't matter if you go in before midnight, cos delivery suite is 1 charge and room is another charge, that's what they told us, cos i know some hospitals like GlenE charge "extra" if you go in before midnight.

bebe75, since it's my God-pa's wake, it shd be ok for mi to go right? i feel it's not good if i dun go at all, my heart nt at peace.

but izit ok to go? some say can some say cannot.

blueberi, your hubby should represent u to go if he forbid u to go.. if u feel good by going then u go, your godpa will bless u and your baby dont worry...

Hihi... I am currently on my number 8 weeks. I am new here, I have been TTC for 14mths after my previous miscarriage. I am blessed to have many friends and colleagues helping me in this time pregancy.

Just consult my gynae last evening my due date will 21/06/2010. I am so excited.. and believe all of you also share the same feeling.. All the best to all.. God bless ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Sandy, my EDD should be around 22/6/2010 not yet went to gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Bluberi

My condolences to you as well...jus follow yr heart..if yr heart says u mus go...then jus go...i am sure all will fine...bt if u decide nt to, i am also sure tat yr godpa in heaven will understand...

its accurate for my #1, this chart & previously kelly's chart also shows im having a girl. shall see, keke.


if you feel at ease to attend your godpa's funeral, just go. ask your hubby to accompany you. im sure you don't want feel regretful later on. later just cleanse yourself with those don't-know-called-leaves before you step into your house. usually i see ppl doing that.


congrats & jia you~

hi SAndy..congrats.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lets all pray & look forward to the future..

Thanks all... I will jia you~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you gals also jia you uh~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am not a pantang person, but I will still heed my hubby and his parents' advice if I am not able to convince them. Maybe cos I tend to think that my baby is also their child and grandchild, I have to spare a thought for them. As for yr late god-pa, I think he will also understand if you are not able to attend his wake.

One of my close friends passed away suddenly when I was doing confinement..I did not manage to attend his wake..but I visited him in his niche after my confinement.

Actually my father passed away 4 mths ago, my sis was pregnant and there are a few rituals she has to observe. But we are not that pantang and we did not follow them through out. We believe that our dad will still bless her and her unborn child. If you are attending the wake, then u have to observe those ritual..eg avoid the wake site when they are moving the coffin/body, taking red clothes or angbao before you leave, right? I am not so familiar with the ritual thing.

hi bluberi sorry to hear that please take care,

bebe75 glad to know I am not the only one, even if I spill milk on my hands when doing daughters formula I have to keep washing them all day, sounds crazy huh

Hi Bluberi

My condolences to you..

Your god-pa will bless u. Just not to think too much.

When i miscarriage for the past 3 times, i also sad n lost of confident

Im so weak and tired easily, still got to take care my 1yrs old boy myself.... lack of energy... feel giddy,nauseous and bloated... still not yet decide which gynae to go to....


don't think so much ok? life is already stressful with so much worries plus now you are preggie.


im a full-time working mummy. shag sia. these days i sleep as early as 10pm, wake up @ 1am or 2am just to pee & must nap on every weekends. keke.

speaking of work, to all working mummies, how do you tell your boss that you are preggie? i still haven't tell company yet. i thought of telling them after 3 mths by asking about maternity leave. is it a good idea?

actually i'm 50-50 on being pantang.. i want to attend the wake but wonder if it's ok dat i oni stay for just a short while. i scared staying too long makes mi wan to cry alot den affect bb. my mum feels i shd go down daily for the wake, but i wun be sending him off as i've ran out of leave to take and i'm can't take time off fm work tis week as i'm clearing my stuff due to outstation for office training (+ leisure) for next 1.5wks.

Evangelyn, i also had 3 M/Cs before.. super sad during the anniversary of each M/C. last thur was the 1st anni of my 2nd M/C, i really panic when i had red spotting on wed, tot i was losing tis one too.

yah.. i get tired very very easily.. just feel like lying on the bed all day long.. i'm oso working full time.. super shag!! i told my manager straight and my MCs oso easier cos she understands.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe just stay for a short while. you can always visit his niche right?


you mean you immediately inform your boss once you know you are preggie? you got a good lady boss leh. is your company pro-family? mine is a typical chinese pantang company with feng shui figurines lying here & there.

another question, ladies. is papaya safe or not to be consumed during pregnancy? i've taken quite a bit since and now ppl telling me papaya is not recommended. :|

Bluberi - deepest sympathies and condolences to you n your family.. take it easy..

Irma - thanks.. can u help to check her post-natal charges for the massage?

missbluey - thanks for the maasage info. btw, i cannot see the details under the age 29-31 for the gender chart leh..


yah.. i told my boss straight when i know myself pregnant for 5 weeks.. cos my MS came like ard the 6th week.. very hard to manage.. lucky my boss very understanding and she gives mi alot of support too.. my co very pro-family so i think i'm ok.. hehehe..

tiger baby,

papaya is ok, can help to clear bowels and ease constipation. i often have constipation problems, so gotta eat lots of papaya.


can't see meh? is it confusing with all these B G B G G G G B G B G G B B huh?



then good for you! =D

cuz i had sort of bad experience with former company, partly to do with my #1 pregnancy. so now im hesitating.

