(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


haha PR is Pasir Ris! Actually i wldn't know it, but i know the gynae got a branch there. haha. i'll be moving to tanjong pagar.

theatre room?? u v funny lor!! i hoping for a girl this time, but with small spaces i think 2 boys also not too bad, can share room!!


how come at 10 weeks u must tell doc about the OSCAR leh? mine said at 12 week scan he will do a detailed scan to see thickness of spine, etc. then from there assess the risk.


if u not pantang, u can go with a clear mind. dun go and then later say maybe shldn't go, cos that would affect your state of mind? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i even attended my uncle's funeral - but i was in my second tri i think.. anyway my mum is not pantang and i din mention to MIL.. but dun be over grieved that's for sure.


my gynae let me hear the bb as early as 6wks+ w/o my request. Who can see the tiny dot then?


i also cant tahan milk now, so eating alternatives like cheese, yoghurt, even ice cream. It's more so for the calcium but no point u drink n puke right?

koaru, shen,

your gynae ask you to drink milk? never prescribe calcium tablets? mine only prescribe calcium tablets later in the pregnancy (can't remember when). he never mentioned anything about milk, but i guess it's good to drink if you can.

hi gals,

im having a terrible throbbing migraine since las night, not sure if can take panadol???

i tried to ring the gynea clinic and realised they are closed on monday evenings.

missbluey, yes is not easy to pack/move etc with having a kid. now i feel that i can't really handle when comes to packing. max one hour and i got to rest. and one hour can't pack much too.

genice, there is alot of confinement catering like new baby etc. you can google it.

i'm surprise a few mummies here are pantang. i thought this generation alot of people who care so much than those elderly.

i'm not pantang at all until my mom can't stand me. i still do everything myself.

when i'm first pregnant i moved house twice. and do things i shouldn't do. cut/sew on the bed etc etc. cause i stayed with inlaws so i always hide in the room. only can do everything on my bed!

i even perm my hair twice before my first trimester ends.

my mom couldn't stand me and this time round she became more pantang and set new rules for me. like no painting my new house (actually i wanted to do painting myself), cannot be there when there is major moving, can't go when doing renovation etc.


i think it is. i took rapidol earlier last month. can you call your GP to ask? or if you're near a pharmacy you can go ask the pharmacist too? i tried to google it but can't really find the information.

Bluberi, hope you will get to see your godpa.

RE: Pantang

i don used to be pantang also. always do things on the bed, carry stuff (as long as not too heavy), watched horror movies, go zoo etc...the list goes on. My first pregnancy is not too easy, so this time round, i became super pantang. Wanted to go Nite Safari halloween originally, but found out preggy liao, so cancel the trip. Nothing on the bed, no renovation, no moving. Even if I see people working on the road, i will not see. I guess sometimes, it is just pure coincidence (so contradicting) but just 9 months, i will try my best to avoid lo.

though having said all these, if i am placed in blueberi's case, i will still go...

1st tri Detest Food

Can't take milk too. Will feel like puking right away. These food is under my avoid list too...

- Fried chicken

- Fish (in any form), including fishball noodles

- Cheese

- Fried stuff

- Curry

Can only accept soupy stuff / Veg Bee Hoon for now.

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your responses.


Can you give me an idea of your schedule for your helper? What do you have her do daily and weekly?

As for my BIL getting into trouble with MOM, the maid complained to MOM. Very clever hor. Yah, it is because of the can only work at the stipulated address rule. But then, if the maid follow the baby to my parents' or in-laws' place and do nothing, while they are busy, then might as well not have a full-time helper lor, since they have to look after the baby, and cannot ask the helper to help them out anyway.

Actually, I also think that my BIL's maid a bit poor thing also, because all 7 days got to work. No rest. We also cannot take it. Why do we expect them to? But simple things should be ok right? Like washing dishes, maybe sweeping the floor? I also dunno where to draw the line. Sigh

Hi gals,

Went for my 2nd gynae visit today and I managed to see the fetus and heartbeat. Doc also let me hear the heartbeat too! It was sooo exciting!!

But after measuring the fetus, doc said that I am at 7 weeks instead of 8 weeks and my EDD is changed to 29 June 2010 (can help me update the list)?

Really happy today! was initially quite worried cos my pregnancy symptoms (eg. bloatedness, fatigue and soreness of nipples) seemed to have gone away and doc asked me to go down and check. Glad that everything is fine and baby's heartbeat is strong too. *phew* 1st pregnancy so maybe tts y i am so kan cheong!

Sharky> my gynae said its fine to take the normal panadol for headaches.

Happy (onis), thanks for the blessing the july 2010 is open now. finally :D I will pop in once in a while to chat with you all.

can't be online everyday.

Hi all mummies to be , im new here.... im having no.3 any good gynae to intro in the west... im thinking going to Mt A.

Bliss, don worry, i think it is a pure coincidence really but you know la, the older folks will start to blame the mummy when things happen. I guess is when there is bad experience, we just play safe lo.

Hi Cath y *admire* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cath, yes agree!!

couldn't sleep at all. woke up at 5am. start having bad cramps and sinus. hope 11.30am can comes asap so i can go to the gynae. feeling so terrible now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


cos i hv not much of a prob with MS with my 1st pregnancy and can eat fish, drink milk, etc throughout, so he says no need to take calcium supplements, in fact never prescribe fish oil too.. i only took obimin multi-vit fr my second tri - i din mind since i hate to pop medicine anyway. But not sure if its related, my gal's teething is very slow, but then again, my mom says our family history is like that..


TAke care!! STill a few more hours to tahan..

me also not pantang, but will still follow 1 of the simple instructions fr MIL, like no cutting on the bed, cos i can openly cut on my sofa, ha.. and no sotong, something abt worried the placenta gets entangled - but i still eat some octopus the other day cos cant resist the yummy takoyaki! But hor, i do think its good to avoid paintwork cos of the chemical in the paint/stuff if u can. (I forgot where i read fr, maybe babycentre)


im staying with in-laws @ their place ever since married. =(


its better to be a little pantang while preggie. i don't want to regret (if anything happens *touchwood*) when i look back. but as for sotong, i will still definitely eat! hahaha. i still had sotong when preggie with #1. i think it's not good to do painting by yourself cuz you more or less will breathe all those chemicals. during my #1, the most heaviest thing that i carried was the wok. & sometimes my bag cuz i went to libaray to borrow books.


hubby forbided me to watch horror shows during my #1. so i guess this time still sticks to the same rule. -.-

as for fish, i still can take it as long as it is not "ngor he", its a fish but im not sure what it is in english. hate that fishy fishy smell & my mil has this habit of decorating this fish with garlic. dislike raw garlic smell too. i always try to avoid eating that fish. my fave is cod fish.

ya, my mil sort of indirectly blamed me when my son had slight jaundice (he went for blood tests for 3 consective days), she asked me whether i had too much carrots & curry. -_-" rubbish lor. most babies will have jaundice when they are born. she really don't have knowledge even though she is a mother herself.


i need to find that schedule which i had gave to my maid. pls remind me ok? my memory is failing me these days. sigh. btw, my maid don't have rest day, the agency told us so. she sleeps early & wakes up early daily - 9.30pm to 5.30pm.

daily work: cleaning (living room, bedroom, kitchen), washing of corridor (which i didn't tell her to, think she follow the maid next door), water plants, boil water, hand wash clothes, clean windows, fans, living room wall & kitchen wall sometimes bedroom walls & mop floor.

weekly: change all bedsheets, use machine wash.

note: if you don't want your maid to touch or wash anything there is precious to you, have to let her know. cuz my maid washed my precious por por (my smelly) out of kindness as she noticed the inside was dirty, & i had to go to sleep w/o it that very night. >.<


speaking of list, i just remembered you wanted to see mine. i totally forgot about it when i reached home yesterday! i need to set reminder for myself liao.

Zoie Kau,

#1 is always gan cheong de. hehe.


congrats on your #3! i will definitely close shop @ 2. haha.


another 2 more hrs. hope everything is ok.


same. im not pantang when im not preggie. me too, mil forbid me to eat sotong but my mummy is fine with it. yet mil allows me to have crabs, isn't that the same?!!

This skirt is new, size UK 14 and the measurement is suitable for new preggies

waist = 33"-34"

hip = 43"-44"

99% cotton, 1% elastane

- Soft stretch denim skirt with braces

- A-line skirt with faded effect mid wash

- Adjustable braces and patch pockets

S$18 by normal local postage. Additional top up if you prefer by registered post. Interested please email [email protected]


hi elaine!

welcome! also admire you for #3 leh, haha. which part of west u staying? i staying and going to gynae in clementi. delivering in Mt. A. same gynae and hospital as #1.


My doc gave me All in one which contains Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium, DHA & Vit B6. But he say still must drink milk wor... Ya i will puke if i drink white milk. Hmm,I tink need to try chocolate flavoured liao.

Hi Missbluey,Isobellies and all the mummies here...

Isobellies, im at jurong area... I heard abt the gynae at clementi too... Maybe going to him also and im going Mt A hehe... Your edd is June 2nd, so much earlier than me....

hihi to all mummies!!

I'm super new here.. My EDD is on 04/06/2010.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope to learn more here! Btw, I'm oso seeing the doc at Clementi.. Singapore Women's Clinic!


maybe u go visit him and see if you like can get along with him lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as bebe and i were saying, there they are the not kan cheong type, so they encourage natural conception rather than straight away go for tests, hormone therapy, etc.

when is your EDD?


welcome!! wow same doc and your EDD close to me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

first time i know of so many pple who go to the same place! looks like a number of westies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was wondering which mummies are planning to go for natural birth without epidural, and what your preparations are. Any advise?

I know there are classes for hypnobirthing but it costs so much that it defeats the purpose of saving money on the epidural.


my first few rounds are always around $150 +- lor.. then i will be seeing him this month end and the clinic asst told mi there is a package to consider.. but as isobellies said, maybe u can try to see whether u like him as as ur gynae first b4 making any decisions??


thanks! super excited but my MS is giving mi a hard time.. hehee.. i stay at clementi now, has been a west kid since.... hmm..

Suelynn, for my 2nd child i go for natural w/o epidural and now my 3rd child i will do the same.

Chermaine, wow $150+ is alot... i did call up their clinic once but i cannot catch what is the clinic asst talking about haha she speaks too fast... Can some1 tell me how much the package like and the first time visit is it included in the package?

Thks Isobellies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Suelynn,

I am planning for natural w/o epidural like my 1st....will cont to swim during my 2nd n 3rd trimester as i tink it reali helps....I deliver my boy in less than 2hrs...

Just breathe in and out and use the laughing gas to help but dun sniff too much cos i tink that will make u "high" as well....hehehe..


before preggie, you don't drink mlik at all? what brand of milk have you tried? im drinking HL milk (original), i can't stand those enfa milk powder for preggies. as for liquid type, the only brand i like is HL. even other marigold i also don't like.

welcome chermaine~

having your #1?


im hoping to have a natural birth again, this time w/o epidural. im afraid that the pain will give me more problems as i have experienced pain/aching on the left side of my back (i belived its the side effect of epidural & maybe didn't tc of myself during confinement). however, my level of pain tolerance isn't very high. plus epidural not that cheap, i think i used 2 tubes during #1. this time, i do go for exercise & try to walk alot unlike #1.

Kelly, saluate... when i give birth to my 2nd boy i was shouting like hell even with the laughing gas because he is 3.5kg and with a big head Wahahahaha......


I love milk, my favour brand is Meji fresh milk. But after preggy my taste changed don like e milk taste. Those milk powder formula totally is no no for me. Yup, i've tried HL & Alene small packet still canot make it.

Seem most of e mummies staying at west side, anyone stay Woodlands area.

Hi elaine n missbluey,

For me , i tink laughing gas works but of course still can feel the pain la...but becos i hear many stories abt hvin epidural so die die i will opt not to use it....i dun hv the strength to shout...hehehe...rather i jus close my eyes n focus n tell myself tat it will soon be over n try to push the bb out....

Maybe my tolerance of pain is higher, i guess...bt i still tink exercise does help in delivery....


excited hor?


neither do i like meiji. funny taste. tried anlene chocolate flavour? i don't dare to try the original flavour even before preggie.


yes, i also think exercise helps. last time mil kept telling me i should walk around more instead of sitting down often, refused to believe her until that day i admitted, i asked the midwife whether exercise helps, only then i believed. my labour was like 21hrs+??? man, hubby & i buey tahan sia.


just checked my last 2 bills, cost me $142 and $150, i think depends on the medication they give you. for #1 2 years ago i think the package was about $800+ excluding delivery. i can't q remember though.


for my first delivery the anesthetist only cost us $200, so not a lot of money to save? for me i was undecided about epi, but when it got q bad, i went for it. i would have signed anything! am glad i did, i even had a 3 hour nap!


i tried some laughing gas before they administered the epi, but felt so "drunk", how to push like that??


oh dear.. is the MS getting better? i'm starting to feel less exhausted and less bloated now that we're moving towards 2nd trimester!

Any1 going to have confinement catering? I afraid some dishes i dont like to eat then is waste of money...


don't worry, MS will be gone when you are in 2nd tri. =)

im feeling very tired easily too, can't even bother to talk/gossip in office nowadays.


i think i feel more bloated now.. hahaha.. but feeling better than a few weeks ago.. just will feel nauseous here and there but able to eat abit more now.. i just hope i will feel better when i'm in the 2nd trimester.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me too but im stay at home mum, do u all feel the same as me? After meal, i will feel bloated even not really very full then after awhile i feel hungry again. Although is no.3 but never experience this before....


i tried natal essentials before, recommended by my cousin. they have pretty big portions, can almost feed 2 pax per meal. i went for the 14 day single meal one, which was like $20+ almost $30! not cheap. the food is q tasty but nothing out of the ordinary.

i wanted to order cos i didn't want my mum to be troubled to cook too much, although my hubby kao-peh all the time becuase he thinks my MIL can cook better, which is true, but she obviously doesn't live at my mum's place right!!

this time i'll do my confinement with MIL but not sure whether she can cook cos there will be 2 kids (my son and nephew included) plus 1 baby...

elaine u got any help? if not maybe the confinement meals might be convenient for you since u will need the energy to look after #1 and #2!!


I visited him last saturday - paid abt $169 for consultation, u/scan, folic acids (30 tabs), DHA (brand: Neurogain - 30 capsules).

Yes the nurses said I can consider taking up the package after 12 weeks. His package for normal delivery is now $1200 (from what I saw on his charges board). 8 years ago it was less than $1k. Usu u paid 50% upon signing the package, and the balance after delivery.

You can choose normal delivery package first..and if you need assisted delivery or epid, c-section..u can top up the balance in the subsequent payments.

My previous deliveries were natural w/o epidural..so this time round I will choose the same. Dr Chan is quite alright..for my first baby I wanted natural but the head was too big for my pelvis..and he asked me to consider C-section. I was so worried and asked him for alternative. He said to try walking and squatting more often. I guess it did help in some helps, esp for my 2nd one..her head was smaller and it passed through the birth canal easily.

Laughing gas is practically useless for me..and I disliked the smell..make me nausea. After my first delivery, I notice bruises on my nose bridge..and I asked Dr Chan why the brusise..he said I might have pressed the gases too tightly during labour..so paiseh.



21hrs?? Oh gosh.....i tink u aso " pong chat"...gosh...yr stamina must be good lor...


I only used the laughing gas whn i feel the contractions are coming n i just use once n breathe in hard then i remove...so tats y i mention cannot use too frequent, else will be on high mode....

All mommies out there, let's jus hang in there...we all can do it...becos "MAMA shi Wei Da de"....

