(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Wow..the thread is moving very fast..

I had informed my inlaws yesterday about the pregnancy..and their first question was "When is the EDD?" and second questions "Will it be a boy this time?"

Very stressful..I replied, I am not the one who determined the gender mah..and they changed their tone and sounded like "Girls also can..but boys still better."

I scrolled back to the earlier thread on the gender chart..if I convert the conception month to lunar month..then this will be a boy..so shd I be converting??? Earlier on, I only convert my lunar age, and it says girl leh..

My hubby said I am crazy to be stressed up by this gender thing..I said ya lor..cos you are the only son, and there is no baby boys in the familyline for the past few years (all having girls)...of course everyone will be looking at me now.

Come to think of it..When CNY comes, everyone will be asking if this is boy or girl...I think I better find some backup plan to go travelling on CNY.


bebe75, wahahahaha go for holiday on CNY.... old folks all prefer boys somemore u say all having girls for the past few years.

By the way r u a 1st time mum?

Morning mummies, sorry to disturb. I'm currently organizing a bp for neurogain fish oil. I have 2 types of neurogain fish oil for pregnancy woman/breastfeeding mummies & kids respectively. Price is around 25% cheaper than the market price. Feel free to view if you are interested. Have a nice day ahead.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



me also. when i convert to lunar age, it says im having a boy. normal age - girl. blur sia. *fingers cross* hehe.


i only told my mom so far and 2 close frenz, but will prob break the news to in laws this wkend. Even tho they hv 3 sons, now they hv 2 granddaughters so i guess they might wish for a grandson too, but like u say, their son determined the gender, not me! I think by CNY, we shld know the gender right..

Going down to gynae in an hr's time, cant wait to hear the hb again!


You did that in 30mins??!! look very easy hor but I guess the brain must got creative cells. I tik I dun have.. haha Okie this weekend will use ur sample to try out something similar.

Btw yest is ur bday right? If I rem correctly, Happy belated birthday. Yest was my wedding anniversary too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey gals,

Did you check out e link on e maternity wears? not bad hor, quite affordable!

Quite surprise you all haven inform parents, in laws, boss etc. After I saw my bb heartbeat, I told everyone liao haha

hi all,

im new to this thread but have been active in my previous thread. my EDD is 21 Jun. im having a twins which is my #2 and #3. will be going to Mount A for delivery.


my mil didn't mentioned about having more grandson from the beginning, to her grandson or granddaughter is also her grandchild.

ya, i think we should know our bb's gender around cny bah. hehe.


i think i saw your rant in fb. sounded very unhappy on your birthday.

happy belated birthday!


happy wedding anni! did something special yest? =)


yes, i have checked out that link too, but scare i cant fit into the clothes leh.

no one in office are still in the dark about my pregnancy. only my parents & in-laws know, not even close neighbours or friends.


congrats on you having twins! must be very happy right?

missbluey, thks... happy but at the same time worry about it. cozs no one to look after. looking after 1 is already a headache... cant imagine 2 babies crying at the same time.


This is my #3. I have 2 gals, they are 6 and 7 years old. Every CNY, all the relatives (my hubby's side) will pester me to try for a baby boy. It is not easy to conceive as I have cystic womb and ovulation does not come easy for me We told them we are stopping at 2. I do not expect to be pregnant again after so long.


I think there are a few variation of the charts avail online..I tried a few..and the results was mixed..so still back to 50-50. Ha ha..I think the only way is to wait for the scanning at 2nd trimester and watch out for the genital part.


I have not informed any of my frens ..that is why i dare not share my FB account here..hee hee..I think they will be shocked to know abt my pregnancy. In fact, now being SAHM, I hardly meet up with them.

Old folk does not have medical knowledge - dunno that sperm is the one that determine the gender. Told hubby that it is unfair for us woman..cos we are the one carrying and delivering the baby, they assume we are the one deciding the gender..just like those gender chart which relies on the mother's age (instead of the father's age). Next year CNY is early Feb..we shd be in our 5th month..and would have known abt the sex of the baby. I told Hubby even if it is a boy..I am not going to tell those KPO relatives..keep them in suspense..ha ha...


Congratst on having 2 babies at one go..not to worry so much..double bundles..double joys. I am sure there will be some ways to work it out..

Pelvic pain

For mummies who are expecting #2 o #3..do you experience pelvic pain? I had it during the 3rd trimester of my 2nd pregnancy. My gynae said it is likely that I will get it again. But this time I did not expect to feel the pain so soon in my 1st trimester. I starting feeling the pain at the groin few days back. Kinda worried that the pain will get worsen as the pregnancy progressess.

Maternity wear

I ordered 2 maternity bermudas on a recent GAP spree (in another forum)..hopefully sizes will be alright. Dun wish to spend too much on maternity wear this time round..cos this will be my last pregnancy.

Anyone knows where can I get bra extension? I went to kiddy palace and they told me they are not selling.

CJ - pls add me in the list.

Cath - im staying at drive 16 too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks everybody,due to eco downturn, i not dare to quit job, i have been work there abt 2 years, when i know i m pregnant, i still think want to keep the baby or not,if i keep the baby , rice bowl will gone, i dont know why boss dont want to let us have the childcare leave even he can claim the 3 days from MOM, I think he dont want to lose the other 3 days.That why all his worker are single & from Malaysia. I still keep the copy of my leave rejection with his signature, hope can use it one day. As i know previously have staff who was pregnant suddenly MIA. So scary and stress to me.

now i have prob wearing my pants although i'm just in my 10th week.. cannot button.. hahaha.. tot of getting the maternity pants dunno the size leh.. aiyo.. sianz..


i am hving the same prb despite tat i am only 7 wks....cant even hide my tummy....haha...ppl wld tink i am fat or wat...

measure yr hips and things before u decide to purchase the pants lor...

>>Chermaine, I already wearing maternity pants now, dont worry, normally will have adjustable rubber on the pants, first prengancy i no experience bought size s to fit my size, when u came to 2nd trimester, cannot fit, after that need to bought big size again, better buy size medium or large can wear till give birth.

Wow the thread is moving so fast again...

bebe75, dont care abt them... wat to do even if it is ger again... this kind of thing cannot predict right also must blame their genes *shhhhhh* dont tell your hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My daughter 9yrs old while my 2nd son 13mths.

Congrats kate, i have twins genes in my family *pray hard i dont have twins* if not fainted.... :p


me too, i already packed away some clothes cos i can't wear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


all dept stores have the bra extenders, i always lose them so i have to keep buying! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] usu they put it near the cashier counters. i've seen at robinsons and taka.


twins!! wow!! congrats! can i ask if it's natural or IVF? if not comfortable to say, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm always curious about twins [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My inlaws also dont know im pregnant yet hehe... dont feel like telling them....

bebe75, i also forgot what kind of pain i have when i pregnant with my son hehe *memory lost*

isobellies, is natural one... i was pretty shock when gynae told me that i have twins. cozs i never thought that i will be so "heng".

Evangelyn - i understand how you feel coz i am one of the employees sacked by my company after telling them about my pregnancy. They "so-called" ask me to tender due to my high mc rates during probation period. What to do? Now i am working temp without telling the agency that i am preggy. Have positive thinking for the sake of your bb. It is a gift from God. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess ur situation is not as bad as me. Cheer up.

CJ, yes is very easy. no need much creative juice. take your time to choose the papers. 2 or 3 is enough and match is around.

simple LO can be done very fast. those LO that need alot of cutting will take me about 2 hours to finish.

yes is my bdae ydae. thanks! happy anniversary too!

missbluey, yes quite unhappy yesterday. my hb wasn't around till nearly 11pm and facing one mom and grandma wasn't a fun thing when they start their nagging + my headache is ripping me off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

>>Summerbel, i also think like tat, is a gift from god,when hubby n me already give up not to have another kid since my girl now going to 4 yrs liao, it's come. Really can't predict.

precisely .. mine is also an accidental bb coz no plan at all .. lol as i never wanted a tiger bb. lolol...

btw all the mummy to be - is it alright to drink fruit juices or cold drinks everyday? my family members had tried to stop me from consuming it. However my bb seem to have a kick on fruit juices or fruits. It will not give me any problem (e.g puking) after i consume any fruits or jucies.

Kate/isobellies..thanks for yr info..I have not been to the town shopping for a long long time. I shop at Junction8 or AMK Hub nowadays, cos could not travel/walk long...get tired easily. I am going to Penang with my mum next weekend..perhaps I can check out from there. Meanwhile I am rotating my 3 sport bra weekly...cannot stand underwired bra now.

For those working mum, I sympathized you. I was in the middle mgt before. When my staff applied HL, or ML due to pregnancy..I felt sandwiched. Cos I could not ask for extra headcounts from the top (budget fixed by overseas HQ)..and when I tried to split the load among the staff, they also felt "buay gam wan". Often for new comer who intends to get pregnant, I always advise them to do it during the sales offpeak period..at least it is easier for everyone to cope. There was a case whereby a staff abused the HL/ML..ie. told me going to gynae but unable to produce MC despite reminders. I had no choice but to terminate her services after her maternity leave. I think, most of the companies in SG are SMEs and very few are pro-family.

hi CJ,

i just went for my follow-up yday. Saw my cute little one oredi starting moving arms n legs. my EDD has changed slight to 15 Jun according to the fetus CRL. This is my #2. Pls help to update in ur list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, i have oso decided to go for the Oscar test on my week12 which is 3 weeks later..

Hi Bliss

Thanks alot for your help. I have called Aunty Siew Zhen and she confirmed to do confinement for me. Will be meeting her to pay deposit. Actually another aunty oso sounds nice n very experienced, but my hb don't want coz she is already 60s. I don't know how to tell the aunty later leh..

hi bebe75

will u also be interested to try out my little experiment tat might give u a clue on ur bb gender? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do pm me if u r keen.. thanks..

For those mummy that went to Dr Adrian at CCK or Dr Clifton at Clementi? Can make appointment coz i heard that the waiting time is very long.

sberry, i saw my baby move that day too! anyway i did feel that baby move a few times but i guess is too early!

The another aunty you find is recommended by aunty siew zhen ?

the thread is moving so fast... every morning, i can only afford to finish reading the latest posts and then need to start work already...

well, at least you all have a choice of letting your office know or not.. i'll have to let office know that i'm preg straight after i've tested positive... cos working in a lab environment, so much more caution is taken in assigning duties and work projects... many more stuff that i cant do now...

Hi bliss

Nope, i saw the recommendation in another thread.

I saw tat Siew zhen sister Siew ling oso doing confinement n she is

good too according to comments in forum.

Maybe u want to try asking her?


pretty easy to make appt. call them up. if you want to go on saturdays, he's pretty busy, go around noon time or later. even weekdays i only go for the noon slot so i wait less.

but overall the most i waited i think is 40mins once. other times i went there then go shop or eat first then come back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i hate to wait, so that's part of the reason why i like dr. chan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if i have to go TMC and wait 3 hours each time i will have killed myself by now.

Bliss - very nice!

missbluey - thanks for the list. very useful!

question: I know that ms is supposed to get better, but what abt other symptoms? Like achy breasts? My breasts used to be very sore, and my nips used to be 'alert' all the time. But this week, not so much. Those who have gone thru this b4, is this normal, or shd i go see my gynae asap?


Isobellies, so u r taking up the package at Dr Chan clinic? Really must pay so much like 50% of the total amount if the first visit 1 2 sign the package? I hate to see doctor.......zzzzzzz

hey elaine

i confirm will go w dr. chan since he delivered my #1. i haven't signed up package yet, my 12 week checkup is next week, not sure if i will sign up then or later.

Isobellies, beside paying for the package, what other sum must pay?? Coz need to budget budget haiz.......at the same time dont 1 2 go subsidise clinic at kkh..... the waiting time kills me too..........

HI everyone,

The article about being protected while you are pregnant is in the Sunday issue. Didn't manage to get the online article as I don't have a login. But here it is under "Exclusives (Home)" in case anyone has a login: http://www.straitstimes.com/Home_20091108.html?vgnid=4

Let me go home to see if I still have the papers (hopefully it is not used to line bunny bins yet) and will scan for you if I still have it.

sberry, she recommend me aunty lihua and i talked to her. almost all CL talked the same thing. but she will only come out next month which if i feel i don't like her it will be too late for me to find another one.

currently i deciding to deliver on 3rd June which means most CL is booked by May mummies. sigh ..

dot, thanks!

Hi everybodyyyyyyy!!!!

I am now 8 weeks+ preggy with my #3 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This little one is an accident hohoho cos my #2 is currently 8mths old nia :p

I will be going back to my gynae dr douglas ong n will b giving birth in Mt A

Hey is there alotsa mummies staying in the west? Bukit Gombak considered west ornt huh??? kekeke.....anyway i m a sahm looking after my #1 who is coming 3yo n #2 who is only 8 mths old......dun know how 2 cope when #3 comes next year!!!! *shiver* *shiver*

the thread is moving so fast... take me the whole morning to finish reading :p

dont feel like moving much these few days, only want to nua on the bed...

sberry122, you may tell your CL that your MIL or mother wanna do for you.. that is how i tell the CL i rejected...

HUH CF , u very steady.... bt gombak i think consider west hahaha..... how to cope with #1 3yo #2 8mths old and #3 newborn..... *if me i will go siaoooooooo*

Im having no.3 now when my #2 is 13mths :p im in the west too.... jurong or batok also can....

