(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


cos u need to pre-arrange with them, and i procrastinated until too late. apparently they not so "on" like the private banks where once you contact them, something like 1 hr later they can piah down to the hospital already.

missybluey.. wow staying with inlaws since married! Thats pretty long.. actually cause i have never been staying with inlaws till recently on weekdays i never thot that its actually not that easy. Whenever i see my sil who also moved into my parents hse, i also thot why she always stay in the room.. i think now i completely understand.. its so different from staying with parents!


I forced myself to drink amnum milk during 1st pregnancy.. but din manage to finish 1 tin.. its yucky.. i think fresh milk better..

Iso.. theatre room.. so can play Nitendo wii and watch movies.. dun need go out and squeez with pp over the weekends.. :p

Last weekend.. i went parkway and almost died there.. why are there so many pp out there??? I think i better stick to botanic gardens, nature reserves, go swimming on weekends.. With the bad MS .. when i see more pp.. i really feel like vomiting.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Iso.. u ordered confinement food? Din noe that.. honestly i dun like my CL but i missed the food.. i missed the fried ginger... i had fried ginger for almst every meal.. shiok!! Thats y din lose much weight during confinement...

Re: cord blood

koaru.. i also bank my 1st one.. 2nd one probably donate.. i think once is enough.. at least i have tried .. hehe..

missbluey-ELs , im at woodlands Champions court.. luckily my inlaws nv say 1 2 move in if not i rather dont buy a new flat. My hubby is the only son but not the only child.... Now the house is so cramp with 2kids(1 baby on the way), inlaws, 2 sils, hubby and me....

CJ, if u think not worth it then can donate it... i also feel that 2k is alot and with a yearly fee.... is a large sum.

Hahahaha yes i just walk away to feed my son and do some housechores... here move so fast.... scary!!!!!!!!!!!


yah, better to avoid malls on weekends and enjoy more outdoor activities!

i think i won't order confinement food again, i find it a bit ex :S

maternity exchange:

anyone knows if there are anything decent on sale at maternity exchange? their prices can be pretty ridiculous!!

Not sure about anything decent at M.exchange... most of these sales i guess they are just attracting people going down. If u cant find anything u like from the sales item u might end up buying a non-sale items like what Isobellies say with a ridiculous price.

elaine.. whats ju-ju-be diaper bag.. sounds cute!

iso.. than u gonna get cl or ur MIL cooking for u? My MIL already told me she cant cook.. which i have to agree..:p

U moving to TP, nearer ur workplace leh..

genice, u can go to maternityexchange to take a look at the diaper bag.. nice but ex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haiz i also thinking 1 2 get a CL or just order confinement catering.... i afraid i cant handle my 1yrs old son and a newborn baby myself.. there is no1 at home to help me.. sob sob....


this time will be staying with MIL for the whole month. last time i ordered when i was back with my own mum.

we'll be super close to my hubby's workplace! i will not work anymore after #2 lah, at least not in the same place, hee. or will take my time to look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am ashamed to tel you that my scrapebook and materials are sitting inside my cupboard, simply no clue how to ever start e 1st page!!! You wanna give me some tips? heehee

Hi Elaine,

I got a Jujube haversack during my 1st pregnancy but husband aiyoh...so colorful, i carry aso pai seh leh....bt i like becos of the many compartments and the price i agreed is steep cos i ordered from their website to be shipped to me....but now, i hardly use it liao...hehehehe...

Stayin wif In-Laws can b so yucky. Really envy both of u. Elaine n MissBluey.

MissBluey, ur new house juz opp where I'm stayin now.


Can u teach me how to wean bb off their pacifier??

I tried many methods bt my son will always ask for his "tutu"....Haiz...he is comin 2yrs old liao...and his baobei dog dog will nd to cm next whn he hv his pacifier....

His habit started when we brought him to BKK....haiz...cos scared he will hv ear block on plane so let me suck on his pacifier and it beoomes a habit nw...

Any thoughts? So nw, instead of a smaller bag, i hv to bring a huge bag to accomodate his baobei dog....else he will cry and throw tantrums...

Kelly, u can use the diaper bag again soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolene, dont envy us.... we are still waiting and MissBluey still will stay with the pils so no much difference right... how abt u no intend to get your own house?


can't share lah.. maybe subsequent one is a bit cheaper but we think investing 1 shld be good enuf, esp now single income, gotta scrimp more!

I intend to reuse my Coach diaper bag which I bought it as a gift to myself - still in good condition and has a lot of compartments. Downside is, can get quite heavy cos of the leather straps.

But i also like KS bags - so will take a look at the website, but are the bags authentic?


its prob his security object so a bit hard - actually on plane can just get him drink water, or swallow saliva, that's how i survive the short flight to Phuket.

Hi Koaru,

Haiz...damage is already done as he has brought this habit bak to SG......."Cham" liao...hopefully will outgrow this stage...


Not many diaper bags left in that website, not nice de so you dun need see liao. Yah its auth though I cannot promise thats for sure but at least my frez they brought wallet,bags & diaper bag from there is auth so far.

since no use for e #1 cord might as well cancel e account.. dun need keep paying yr after yr.


we will prob keep till when both kids r in their teenagers, we just treat it like term insurance lor, for some peace of mind.

I was actually looking for a medium size KS one to put my gal's barang barang cos i quite like their simple design.


yes, its definitely not easy to stay with in-laws. even the most open-minded will have fiction. i thought my mil is very open-minded & easy, boy, i was so wrong when i moved in. we have diff views on how to take care bb, now i have learnt to close 2 eyes. initially when i was preggie, i often stay inside room to do my things eg. watch tv. luckily my room has tv but unfortunately no scv. even till now, i do stay inside my room at times & even play laptop when im alone with in-laws.


wah, your house is indeed crowded! i don't like my house to be so cramped with people cuz will have many things lying around.


really?? hehe.


you are not alone. my scrapbook till now is collecting dust. my son is 25mths+ & it is still not really touched! haiyo, wasted my $$.

summer march,

or can discuss with your superior to be transferred somewhere that you can be sitted down? ya, i used to worry about $, scrimped & saved, didn't dared to go out. hubby saved like mad, managed to pull through those mths. now as much as i wish that i can be tai tai, its better to work. @ least got money on hand & i treat my work as a form of exercise. hehe.

now i keep feeling like want to vomit after lunch. so uncomfortable!


Haha you also ah! shall we start together with this pregnancy? I really dun wan waste my $$ but just need some help in getting started.. aiming Bliss since she so expert in this haha

koaru, Summer_March,

You can take a look in e website if you wanna. Now like not so many choices,only see 2 design so far and not nice at all de. few mths ago still got quite a few. That time I was aiming one but too early to buy since not even pregnant. Now browse e website cannot see it liao.

Wow! This thread is really moving very fast. Thanks to all the mummies for your replies on natural birth. I am already walking quite a bit at the moment, and will start swimming from the 2nd trim when situation stabilizes. Not sure if I'll be able to have natural without epi given I'm not exactly the youngest, but we'll see how things go, hope to be able to.

I work full time as well and was wondering how people manage with being pregnant with number 2. I already feel like I'm suffering from feeling sick even with no other kids to take care of yet (except for 4 bunnies). Being a SAHM is unfortunately not an option for me, I guess we will 'cross the river when we come to it'.

Was feeling really bloated the whole of yesterday, up to when I went to bed and this morning(!), think because of the chilli I ate. Really didn't sleep well, woke up with a very tired back. Would under normal circumstances be able to take a lot of chilli, but I think that and soya products have a negative impact on me. Strangely bananas too - increases my acidity level.

As for cord blood, will be donating the cord blood too.

Oh... left out one more thing for working mums.

Did you manage to read the article on pregnant mums' rights in the Straits Times, think it was the weekend that just passed. If you have not, do read it - very useful information in there, e.g. didn't know mums were 'protected' 6 months prior to delivery, and how your rights can be protected.

Have not told employer either and do not plan to till after 1st trim is over.

Abt swimming hor, I am also planning to go swimming from 2nd tri. Alrdy got my swimsuit liao haha but 1 qs, how to swim w/o pple swimming into us ah? Public pool dangerous right? What if pple cannot see we pregnant gave a big kick? Also public pool, be it night or weekend always so crowded.. how do you all go abt doing this?

Wow, this tread really run fast, thanks CJ for the good update, I m go for Dr,CH Koh, my first one also go for him, Seems every one like to choose Mt.A, same as me, i like their services, nurses there are friendly. To night need to go clinic for injection again.

summer march,

@ least you still have dec bonus to look forward, me *sigh*....shall not publicise my company's dirty secret! hahaha.

there will definitely be a way out de, don't worry.


sure, no problem. me too, just want to see some samples on how to do it. but after this scrapbook, i guess i won't buy it anymore, lol.


is it? do you think can attach here? i don't buy strait times.

re: swimming

my swimming concerns is similar like cj's too! if let say, accompany son swimming, more like playing water, does that consider swimming? =DDD

Oh... Suelynn, but I have told my boss already, and she has make a "special announcement" in my office.

Anyway, I think is good to announce earlier, at least no one push the hardwork for me to do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Best of all, got special care from those aunties. And they share all their past experience. I think that is something money can't buy. :p

hi missbluey,

hmmm....actually i quite proud to show off my belly leh whn i go swimming...cos i dun hv to worry abt my fat thighs nor butt cos the focus will on my tummy ma...whahahha.....

>>Sandy, i m not dare to tell boss now, let him find out later, cos due to last year miscarriage, he already warn me bcoas i take leave to rest at hm, was wondering if he find out, will he fire me, he was so stingy to all staff, even now he also not allow me to apply for chilcare leave,he's reason, employment letter never indicate for ccl. So angry abt this.


good for u! =) can enjoy "tai tai life" in office hor?


hmmmmm, but when you are inside the pool, how would ppl notice your tummy?


gosh, he is so (fill in the blanks)! retribution will fall on him one day.

skevt, pls tk good care of yourself... your boss is really stingy and bad.....


then wait for 1st trimester to be over first.. he is such a B-----D!! u must take care k.. prove him wrong and show him u can do it!!

oh, i meant the moment tat u took off the robe and go inside and out of the pool...kekekeke....anyway, it is quite difficult for ppl to kick u inside water ...becos of the pressure....bt probably a very slight knock ba...i tink...

I think whoever 1 2 go swimming must really take good care because no1 will really notice your tummy if it is not so obvious...

Evangelyn... if your boss "ill-treat" you can by all mean go to MOM to sue him/her. We pregnant mums have the rights ok.. is not like we slack and not working in office. We also human what.. will fall sick will ill one.. not robots.. even robots also need to rest to charge battery..

Evangelyn, Goodness ... your boss is really cannot make it! Does he know that he can claim back your pay from government when you take childcare? Aiyoh can't believe.

I think i'm quite lucky, my previous boss is very pro-family, though when this current boss (who is super don't like kids) took over, he needs to win our support, so he "bo-pian" has to show that he is very supportive. I broke the news to him when i was 5th weeks and we had to do outdoor sales booth, he told me to take rest at home over the weekends. So I am exempted.

Re: woodlands Mums

Me ! Westmummy, your nick says west but am surprised that you said you stay at Champion there. I am staying at Drive 16.

Blueberi, take care of yourself. Don't be too upset. Your godpa will not want you to be sad.

Cath, champions court is on the way building up hahaha... so im still in the west....

Thks CJ for adding me, im expecting my #3....

Is your place really near there? Im not very familiar with there hehe coz stay in the west for over 20yrs... if they are fast maybe 2012 if not must wait until 2013 haiz....


CJ: did a simple LO for you to see. as my stuff is in the boxes i only took the papers i have on the top. sorry for poor image too. did in 30 mins before my son wakes up.

1. choose the papers you needed.

plain cardstock as main paper is the easiest for starters.

choose some pattern papers and cut them to the sizes you want. try to be bigger than your photo.


2. Mat the photo with a plain cardstock. to pop up your photos more so it will not blend into the pattern papers. choose more contrast colours.


3. lay the papers and arrange till you feel is right.


4. stick everything with glue tape.


5. add in embellishments, title etc.

do know where you want to put the title before you add in embellishment.

for the tree at the bottom left is a cut out from pattern paper. coat it with glitter to make it stand out. can use glue dot or foam dot to make it pop up for a dimension feel.


that's all! very simple right ?

for clearer pic of the layout details


