(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Ladies,

Wah, I haven't come in in a few days and miss so much!

Bliss, very nice! (small voice - but hor, got spelling mistake /small voice)


Hi Mummies to be!

Am so excited to be able to join this thread. Just tested positive yesterday and immediately went to see my gynae. Saw e little one moving but still too early to see clearly. Base on my LMP, Edd shld be 16 June 2010.

This is going to be a tiring journey for me as my first born son just turned 6 months 2 days ago. Was wondering why I felt so tired trying to keep up with him the last few weeks.

Looking forward to exchanging tips n meeting up with u gals!:)

Hi ladies, how's everyone doing? The thread is moving so fast!

Anyone here suffering from insomnia? I haven't been sleeping well for weeks. Not sure why, I can only sleep a maximum of 7 hours, but mostly it's less than that. I'll wake up in the middle of the night for no good reason, then fall asleep 2 hours later. Or I'll wake up at 5am in the morning. This is very challenging on work days, cos I start getting tired at 3pm and by 5pm when the morning sickness kicks in, I'm as good as a zombie.

Read that some of the mommies are stay home moms. I'm thinking of quitting my job too to take care of my baby. I always believe that it is the best way to bond with children, and luckily my husband thinks the same. Was that a big step for the mommies here?

congrats mikojade

vanilla i am having the same problem as you, at night feel like every hour I am waking up, it is only going to get worse ha ha,

I am only a sahm here as I would have to be sponsered to work as im not a resident, and we have no family here, to help out anyway so in a way I am lucky as my husband would have me working, I had my son in hong kong and went back to work when he was five weeks old and that was hell, had to leave him with the helper, everytime my phone went I would panic thinking something was wrong, could not concerate on work, so for now I dont think I would really want to go back untill all of mine are at school.

I have a question not sure any mummies here can advise me. Is there a difference in cost of delivery in the hospital charge (bed cost) and delivery cost if we see our gynae in Clinic B vs TPS. (I know there is a different in consultant fee between Clinic B vs TPS)?

If there isn't, there i would prefer to see Dr Tham in TPS...if there is,i would like to know how much is the differences.Also, is it very difficult to book apptm to see Dr Tham? If i called apptm line tomorrow morning, can i get a date by 5Nov or earlier?

Hi all,

Just had my check-up yesterday and I am in my 8 weeks and EDD would be 31 May 2010....

I'd been told by my gynae that my blood pressure is a little high, any ladies know of any remedies to lower blood pressure?


Hi ashley,

i oso have the same problem as u in terms of blood pressure such that i went to buy a blood pressure monitor to monitor myself at home.

the funniest tin is when i always measure at home sure normal one lor. i recorded the readings and reported to my gynae. then my gynae was down there luffign at me saying i excited when seeing the gynae lor. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommy Louis,

as my gynae puts it, every pregnancy is different, so this time I ain't so lucky, MS starts right fr the beginning, even tho i may crave for certain food, but i will stop at a mouthfuls, cos simply cant swallow it. A lot of wind/gas and i keep on burping/feeling nauseous.

I also quit my job when my gal was abt 10 mths old, and its been a yr so far! While I am lucky as I still hv my PIL to help me, else it ain't easy taking care of my super active gal all by myself. And just as I am abt to search for a job, I find out I am preggie, and with MS so bad, I doubt I hv energy to even look for jobs now.. at least the fulfilling part is my gal bonds very well with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i just spent a lot in a shop @ City Mall that sells SB stuffs.. and i am still quite clueless abt how to go abt it.. ha

Hi Ms Vain,

I had a normal delivery and total charges for baby and I was abt 2.3k for 2n stay in 1-bedder. Take care and hope your baby is stable soon.

Stretch mark cream. I think Clarins tonic oil is good but ex. Any cheaper recommendations?

hi, anyone asked your gynae how much would the delivery charges be?

i just checked with mine...

normal delivery with eqidural at Mount A for 2d1n will cost close to 5k incl gst in total.

medisave claimable at $2.1k and therefore still need to fork out $2.9k cash.

Is this usual?

Hi BabyG, thanks for the info. i'm thinking of changing to Dr Tan once im more stable. every cents count leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tigerbaby, i think that is usual but i thot your rate shd be for 2N? if you check out the website for Mt A you can see the hospital fees. But that does not include ur gyn fees, so have to add tat in too. think on avg if u go pte, the rate wld be 5-6k before medisave.

Hi aven, thanks for your reply. I also see colleagues talking on the phone many times a day to their parents, maids, kids, teachers, etc, and I really wouldn't want to be in their shoes. Cannot concentrate on work nor kids, and really not fair to either colleagues or kids.

Tiger Baby, the nurse at my gynae's clinic gave me the breakdown for Mount E, so not sure about Mount A. I'm surprised Mount A is so expensive. Normal delivery with epidural for a 2 night stay in a single room cost $2,500, of which $2,100 is Medisave claimable. Prices are before GST.

dot, OOPS! thanks for reminding me. i always make spelling mistake when putting the alpha in one by one. haha!

koaru, you can attend classes for beginner at SB shops or search online for some sketches and you will slowly get the hang of it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Abit difficult at first cause stuck with what papers to match them.

Tigerbaby, i deliver in Mt A c-sect with epi i top up about 1k cash


I went Wheelock to buy e SB material yest.. this is really exp hobby! Just brought a starting kit & a guide book cost me $120 liao. Now trying to figure out how to start my 1st page![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/rofl.gif]

thanks tiger baby for adding me to the list. am not quite sure my pregnancy will be successful..i am keeping my fingers crossed!

quite curious..is it normal not to feel nausea whole day? mine is like barely there and comes on and off suddenly at certain timing. so not really fixed for me.

how long will the swollen but tender breast feeling last? right now, only can feel quite discomfort feeling (something like pain) at nipples only

Hey Bliss, CJ Junior & Tigarbaby, thanks for consolidating the list. Just visited my gynea on Sat, EDD is on 15 JUN 09. I wanted to try natural birth this time but she adviced better not to cos the last 2 times I was c-sec. Afraid the line in my tummy will split. Anyone heard of it?

icey, i heard abt it. must be like a certain no of years apart between C section and Natural Birth.

CJ, haha yes a very expensive hobby. Take your time to start your first page. Add some journal to your layout for your baby to read next time. like your feelings etc.

Icey, is not impossible to try natural but normally after 2 csect, previous wound might tear easier during labour which is very risky. I am prepared for 2nd csect now. If i can deliver naturally i think i won't be "open" the first time.

By the way for the list is better for someone to update as it can get very confusing when different people update at different time and might miss someone out.

Better to list down the following if anyone wants to update the list


No. X



no of kids

And the person in charge of the list update it.

That's why we do in 2007 thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I have made an apptm to see Dr Benjamin Tham (KK) on 5Nov, hopefully by then he can let me know the EDD date.

I have a silly question to ask all of you,just wanna know do you shave or trim your pubic hair when visiting the gynae?hahah, i felt embarrassed to ask this, but my colleague say its so ugly to let gynae to see a bush of hair. FOr myself, i dont have a habit of triming, i use to do it in the past, but felt sometimes the hair so shot very prickly...hee..

These few days, i also feel a bit crampy feeling, but no feel so nauseas yet, just not much appetite.

Also, do you all eat any other vitamins beside folic acid?

faithe, is better to trim for hygiene purpose especially during pregnancy very easily get yeast infection.

trim till half your index finger length and will not be prickly liao. But normally gynae will not check below until v scan right ?

Hi Gals,

Have been battling with MS, giddiness n tiredness the last few days. Wonder if any mummies still carry their first born now? My son is getting more active and my hubby is afraid he might accidentally hurt me...

Tigerbaby: if I remember correctly, my Mt A bill this April came up to about $3k+ cash.. Mine was C-sec with epidural. Will try to look for my bill and let you know the breakdown okie:)

Good morning everyone!

I'm suffering from insomnia too! Very difficult to fall asleep, and often wake up at nite. Fortunately, last night was quite good.

About high blood pressure, apparently spinach is good. Take more to lower blood pressure. (but better research more first)

I woke up early this morning with cramps, but ignored it and went back to sleep. However, when I went to toilet after I woke up, I noticed that there was quite a bit of blood when I wiped. More than before, but not as much or as red as menses. So I was wondering, should I go in to see my gynae straight away, or can I wait to see him at my schedule appt tomorrow. What do you girls advise? BTW, it seems to have stopped now. when i wipe, just a few drops of light orangey mucus.

Hi everyone,

I've been MIA for a bit... just to let you mummies know, when I did the online due date calculator it shows my EDD to be 7 June.

When actually I went to see my gynae and he told me that I am only 5 weeks. Which means my EDD is mid of June.

Strange right? Anyway, I've been feeling so tired. Sometimes I sleep for 12 hours non-stop. I really drop everything and do not care already. So tired. *yawn*

hi mikojade and those who replied to my qn, actually the hospital bill is standard. i shd have asked clearer if my gynae's delivery charge of 1.8k (for normal delivery) is standard or ex.

i am rather comfy with my gynae however i find her charges rather high. her package from wk 16 is 1.2k. thinking whether i shd change gynae or not.

Tiger baby, my previous gynae only charge $800 for normal delivery.

My current gynae package is $650 from 2nd visit onwards so is a big saving then to wait till 3-4 mths.

Cj Junior,

My gynea is Dr Wong Mun Tat @ TMC...Thanks for updating the list..........


The clinic offered me a package of S$750.00 from my 1st visit which i took up as Im quite comfortable with Dr Wong since he was my gynea for my past ectopic preg.


i feel that its better for u to see yr gynea 2day if possible, dont wait till next appt.

Just to check how long do you need to visit yr gynea again?? Mine is schedule in another 2 weeks time, is this normal???

Dot: I think you shld go see your gynae today. Cramps accompanied with spotting is not a good sign.. Do rest more and avoid walking too much now.

Tigerbaby: My gynae charges $800-900 for normal delivery and he don't hv any packages. Each visit cost abt $50. When I had my C-sec, he charge me 2k due to my special request of having it very very early in the morning.

hi CJ,my gynea is Dr Benjamin Tham @KKH.. this is my 2nd bb.. thank you

mikojade, i still carry my son if he want me to, but i feel like i'm getting weak and tired very fast...

Hi all MTBs,

Firstly congratulations on news of your upcoming little ones. I have been lurking on the thread since day 1, though just reading from the sidelines.

Could you please let me know who has been on Duphaston for more than 2 weeks and what your dosage is like?


Hi Sue,

I am from the April MTB thread, just popping by when i saw ur quest. I am on duphaston from week 6 till week 12. My dosage is 2 per day (1 morning 1 night).

me also been on duphaston. right now is 3 x a day...

dot, try to see gynae asap ok? bleeding and cramping is not a good sign for pregnancy.

i had cramp and spotting last week and quickly push the visit to gynae the next day.. will be going to gynae for another scanning this coming wednesday!

by the way, i have been waking up 3 times to visit toilet since sat night. is it normal to start feeling t his?? i have not taken any water before i go sleep...

when can we enjoy the package? notice some mtb are taking package with gynae..for me, i am still paying per visit basis

Thanks for your replies.

Wanted to just make sure I was not the only one taking it longer than needed. Also, was starting to wonder if it made symptoms worse together with some conflicting reviews of the use on the fetus (hence the idea of stopping).

hi giving bb dust, sue, and yaya

i m also on duphaston...may i know why some ppl on 2 tab/day, some on 3 tab/day? thanks

Hi Gals,

Just back from seeing my gynae. I very powerful hor, visit him every week haha quite strange, last Mon I was at 6week1day but today only 6week4days. BB measure at 0.62cm but gynae say bb is growing well, nothing to be worry abt.. to date, collected 3 scan printout liao! shiok!

RE: Duphaston

I am on duphaston since day 1, previously was on 1 x 3 times a day but eversince I got spotting doseage increase to 2 x 3 times a day. If I am not wrong, have to continue til pass 1st tri.

My gynae charge $850 for normal delivery. Oh I would like to know e breakdown for Mt A bill too. thanks!


Erm, I need ur EDD.

hi CJ junior

thanks..so meaning u on duphaston 2 tab 3x/day now? and meaning this medication is good for stabilise pregnancy?

congrates on ur little one ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Sue,

i read reviews abt duphaston and the impact the med had on bb, told my gynae abt the reviews and she said its not true. She told me to eat cause it will support the pregnancy as I have history of mid cycle menstrual bleeding before. She told me one patient refused to eat it cause of what she read from the internet in the end.....


I guess the minimum dosage is 2 times per day, but sometimes if a person is having spotting the dosage will increase as it will provide the necessary hormones to support the pregnancy. Duphaston contains progesterone hormone which is very crucial to support and stabilise pregnancy. some people have low progesterone in their body which can be detected using blood test. By weeks 13 the placenta will take over and the duphaston can be cut.

Gosh! i can't breathe properly now. feel like ranting!

Packed my scrapbook stuff into 4 boxes! spent 2 hours packing them up while scolding my son at the same time. While i pack he pour my buttons out and got to pick up one by one. Not easy to do packing while he is around. Feel like breaking down. Feeling really tired and simply no energy left to do anything.

Got to bath my son now and prepare to go out and meet the contractor. Sigh .. counting down to the day everything settle.


My gynae charge 700 for normal delivery and from 16 week onwards package at S$450.00. Delivery can be either in TMC or Mt A.

Thanks again for your clarification BBdust.

I can't wait till the first trimester is completed then. Was put on Duphaston twice daily as well since end of week 4 for multiple spotting/bleeding incidences.

Hang in there other MTBs.

suelynn, rest well le. everything will turns out well for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

linda, i took dupaston twice a day during my 1st pregnancy. i didnt ask gynae why i need 3 times for this time round. anyway, i do hope, its for a good cause. my gynae also told me, duphaston is a type of hormone pills to strengthen the lining of the uterus. she relate a spaceship trying to land onto the earth to explain how it works. so share with u:

if a spaceship trying to land, will it land on rocky surface or a good surface to land? after it land, it also depend on the astronaut whether want to come out and walk around or not. so duphaston is a kind of med that 'support' the lining so that spaceship can land.. wasek, i think i do understand a little.... meaning that, no med can help the little one to grow except on its own. med can aid in external factor to assist only.

Cj Junior, thats good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dont feel really sleepy... is it normal feeling also? i quite worry about going to see gynae to know further result ( whether is it growing etc) this coming wednesday... *sigh*

Hi ladies...

going for my 1st gynea visit tml.. getting all tensed up n a lil excited.. will be going alone as my hubby is not able to take leave.. beri scared dat gynea gives mi bad news.

i dun really feel preggie till now.. no nausea, nipples oni feel sore after wearing bra for long hours n early morning, is tis normal?? it was really sore for the 1 wk den aft that oni on/off liao. i still have occasion cramps, like once or twice daily. been taking Duphaston thrice daily and faithfully.

bliss, i also want to do scrapbooking..checked out the prices is quite expensive right? anyway, i hope to do one with my current pregnancy if it goes smoothly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


bluberi, *give u courage!* i will be going for gynae visit this coming wednesday alone too. also v scared of bad news.but i guess we still have to face it eventually!

think on bright side k?

i also dont feel pregnant. except, sore nipples/ very mild nausea ( something is daggling up at my neck,make me quite uncomfortable), metallic taste.

how many weeks u think u are in now?

