(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi ladies...

was in a panic/crybaby mode yesterday.. dunno y i feel i'm nt preggie.. hubby was asking how i was feeling n i juz started crying and told him i'm scared of history repeating itself.

maybe coz the dates (the mth n day) of conceiving for the previous failed preggies n current were close n so 2 of the m/c dates (same day a yr apart!!). the anniversary of my 2nd m/c is drawing near and i really start to get panicky n worried abt the current one i'm carrying.

called my kkh gynea juz now n told him i'm 5wks 2days to check if i should take any medication besides Duphaston.. was told to take aspirin also. he also told mi to walk in next tue to see him for scan n medication, dun need to wait for the scheduled appt on next fri. getting excited abit nw, hope tis will overtake my panic/worries.. am praying every now n then that tis bb will be healthy.


peck, yes i've been craving for spicy things and chilli tuna. Didn't dare to eat while i was having fever. Now fever went down but still have sorethroat but mouth so itchy and went down to buy. Ended up very hot tummy the whole afternoon. so irony!

jalgal, thanks! 11 nov nice date but will nv tio 4D hahaha.

Juliianna, i'm moving to TPY area. but my mom stay aroung tiong bahru so i'm still coming back to this area.

Nov will be a exciting and busy month for me. Busy packing and doing renovation and at last moving. Hope to settle everything by dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blueberi, don't get over worried about pregnancy. Relax and enjoy this wonderful pregnancy yea.

I don't feel pregnant too. Expect this 2 days start to have abit of MS here and there. MS don't start so early until 5 or 6 weeks. Maybe when your MS is here you will start to feel how good is it when there is no MS. Getting over worried may end up being over stress and is not good for your baby and yourself. Especially during pregnancy we will get emotional roller coaster. Think of your baby in you right now and forget about the 2 m/c since is over. Take care and have a good rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hang in there, I was also feeling unsure until I hear the hb of the little one. Next Tue will come soon!


so long as not sashimi type, (red in colour) shld be ok, but eat everything in moderation lor. How I wish I can stomach spicy stuffs, somehow heartburn/reflux quite bad, been wanting to eat laksa or mee siam, but worried will become more pukey! Sianz..

hi..hi... all the mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm quite shocked to know that i'm 2nd pregnanancy yesterday???!!!! the reason i shocked is i just delivered my 1st baby last dec (2008), and i just made up once last month, thought is a safe period, and somehow i got pregnant. i really dunno whether this is a good news or not. i have an appointment to checkup next thursday, i wish everything is ok for my baby. now i feel a bit of cramp on my tummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mommy louis,

is a good news. for me i oso wanted the 2nd one to be near to the 1st one if possible. dun worrie so muchie. everytin will be all rite.

somehow a lot of tins in life we have control but destiny plays an impt part. we just let tins be the way they are to be hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am seeing the gynae next mon, hope to see my baby hb more clearly this round. looking forward to mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahhaa my appetite has been too good. i guess hor, for me food is realli a luxury ...i guess got to curb my craving. jus that keep on taking naps. wonder how to cope without naps when back to work next week. hahhaha any tips gals?

koaru, i crave for mee siam and laska too! You can try to eat some since you are craving for it. Heard that when MTB is craving for some things is good to eat.

During my first pregnancy i crave for pineapple! i ate 2-3 pieces every other day. :p

Hi all June mummies,

Ytd during midnite i suddenly had a very bad cramp until i woke up and shiver, then contiune with 10mins crampy feeling...so worried, so this afternoon went down to KK 24hours clinic (cant wait till 18Nov for my 1st visit). Doc did a vaginal scan for me and told me he can only see a yolk sac in the womb, i say but I am already in 6 week, he say maybe due to irregular memses. So now is hard to determine the actual age of pregnacy.then ask me go back in 2 weeks time. This makes me very worried...anyone in same situation as me? 6th week but cannot see anything except the yolk sac?

Ms vain, my gynae is Dr Tan Hak Koon. He's calm and not the type that talked a lot. But few words also means all is going well and nothing alarming.

What's the name of your recommended gynae? Some people go polyclinic to get referral then only make their choice of gynae close to delivery to enjoy the subsidized rates. But this is only if u are comfortable to see different docs for each visit.

Morning gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry, likely you ovulated late. You could be in ur 5th week only. so seeing just e sac is normal. If you can't wait for 2 weeks, you go back again next week.

Mommy Louis,

Its definitely good news! My frez gave birth to her 1st son June 2008 & 2nd son July 2009. Haha also no prob at all. Just njoy this 2nd pregnancy ya


I going PS to see e SB shop this weekend. Can check with you hor, can I 'paste' my test kit onto e book ah? or must take photo better? somehow find pasting e actual thing like more meaningful.But not sure if it will fade as yrs goes by.Will it be Obiang anot ah?


Dun worry.have faith in ur bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


am new in this forum. my bb's EDD is 7th June. Am bed bound for now as bb seemed too small for 7 weeks.

Anyone had similar experience to share? Any tonic food that be good for bb at this stage?

Hi Lola,

Why you say ur bb to small for 7 weeks? What is the size now>? My mum said "chong chao" Is good. but is a bit ex for the good one. no choice bcos it is for bb so must use the good one. buy from a trusted chinese medicine store if not u might get a fake one cos it is hard to differentiate.

Hi Poohpooh,

oic... so i guess mine was ok. now i very confuse cos yesterday the gynae i went is at NUH. she is nice la but i just dun like the part she do the v. scan for me cos she make me worried.she keep on saying can not see can not see. then she take quite long to detect the sac and need me to tell her where is the hb. but she is oredy my 2nd gynae. 1st one too ex that'y stop seeing her. heard dr woo at tiang bahru is good now thinking of going there since i stay near that area. emmm.... should i change? haiz...

Hi jalgal, thks for tip. For a 7wk, shd be able to see the 'sag' on the outer layer (sry not sure medical term). but mine is not the usual size of a 7wk old. So in next ten days i must rest well to make sure bb grows. Concerned since is my first child.

Hi Lola,

you must always stay happy. so bb wil grow faster. i can understand ur feeling cos this is my first time too. remember to rest more and eat healthy food. May God bless u and ur bb.

Hi Lola & jalgal,

if you want u can try my gynae, he is quite good in ultrasound and very accurate, he is Dr. Cheng, at Bishan. I understand how u feel now, may GOD bless u and ur bb. everyone is diffirent and unique, so don't compare. HUGS!!! let me know ur progress.

actually i had not good experience with female gynae, i notice some female gynae very "rough", and not details enough. dunno lah, just my opinion.

Hi koaru & Bliss,

I craving for the tom-yam crazily!!!! hahhaa.... last 2 days i keep looking for tom-yam! but, once the food in front of me, i can't eat much. sigh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my appetite is not good compare to my 1st pregnancy. some ppl told me is becos i not fully recover, so must really take care and rest well.

Sunbelle & CJ Junio,

thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now i just wish i getting stronger in my body, last time my confinement is not taking care well, so also a problem now. so, advice to all mummies here, take care during ur confinement period, and rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] last time i asked my mum to help as confinement lady, end up i a bit of regret, due to mom old already, easy to fall sick during midnight taking care the baby. this time i will hire the confinement lady.

Hi Mummies,

Last time i checked with the chinese medicine doctor, they advice is take the tonic after 3 months when u getting stable. if i remember correctly. so, for the 1st 3 months, just restwell, eat well is most important. don't eat too much tonic. according to the old ppl, ur body not yet taking too strong tonic for the 1st 3 month. dunno... but, get some advice, since everyone body is different.

Hi All,

thank you for all ur advices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah i guess to play safe better follow the advices for all. i guess sometimes we cannot control tins. yeah tinking of ordering some halai snacks for my collegues. besides polar puffs, do u gals have any good halai recommendation huh? yeah i am oso looking for delivery if possible ehehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wondering whether Royals have delivery or not huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


when ur spotting become fresh blood, followed by cramps then you have to seek attention immediately. For brown stains I tik still ok bah, anyway if you have spotting, have to rest more. Don't move ard too much.

Hi Mommy Louis,

Thanks for the blessing. Yah certain chinese tonic u can not take during first 3 month. must check with the "yao chai dian' b4 u buy just let them know u r pregnant. my mum say "chong chao" is ok but also not need to take too much may be once in 2 weeks will do.

it for "pu qing" to make ur body more strong so u can adsorb all the good thing u take. u r rite confinement lady is very important i think this money can't save. my mum oredy told me to get one cos she not to the profersional type. my sis have one very good. but is only do in m'sia. the CL even train ur bb so after 1 month u only need to wake up once a night to feed the bb. is damn good lo.

hi jalgal,

sound the confinement lady is very good ler!!!

Hi bigfsh,

as what CJ Junior said, better seek for advice fom gynae, dun delay it. better to prevent it, and rest more and don't move too much. last time my colleague had the same problem as you, then gynae gave he 2 weeks MC, and advice her can't move around too muc, and just lying. don't worry and stress too much.HUGS!

Hi BabyG,

My recommended gyn is also Dr Tan Hak Koon! So coincidental... LOL

That means i'm more assured to go to him once my bb is stable. Right now still considered not stable altho yest i did have some MS signs... this morning too... I have to go back to my pte one on Mon to take another jab. Once the current one confirmed im stable i think i will most likely switch to Dr Tan.

May i know how much was your bill? Did u have normal delivery?

Sorry to ask so many qns. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanking you in advance.

CL, it will be better to take a photo instead. I still keep my pregnancy test when i conceive my son. Now abit fade away liao. You may want to take a photo. Scrap that photo and paste the test at the side so even it fade away still got photo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mommylouis, i'm a SAHM. You are one too ?

Last night my son start to have fever. Didn't sleep well and woke up every 2 hours to check on him. This morning had a war at home as he run away while i try to give him medicine. Only until now able to sit down after settling him and some chores, eat my breakfast and took medicine.. sigh .. a sick taking care of a sick ..

hi mommylouis,

ya.. my baby niece very good gal lo. my mum say bcos she is well trained. which i believe too cos compare to other kids she doesn't cry too much. my sis was very happy during her confinement month the CL do house work for her cook for the family take care of the bb. now i pray hard i can get a good CL too.

Hi bliss, you are SAHM? sice when? i wanted to give up my current job and teach piano at first, but after i found out i pregnant last 2 dys, i starting to puzzle now. sigh... with the current job, i feel very stress, sometime work OT and on demand. do you regrect to become SAHM? How old is ur son now? hope he is getting better now, my baby Louis is now 10 months old, very naughty, but sometime also fun lah. but, he is non-stop and hypeactive kid.

Hi jalgal, wow! sound very professional CL ler. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wish i can get one also! my 1st baby very undispline after my sis-in-law taking care of him, they just let him do whatever, now my 1st baby is like monster. hahaha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] non-stop.

hi bliss,

ha ha u so cute... hope u and ur son recover soon and no more sick. let ur boy have afternoon nap la so u can rest more.

Hi Mommyloius,

boy always more active one lah. that's y i hope i can get a gal this time. i always wanted a gal but now i think as long as the bb is healthy doesn't matter is a boy or gal lo. may be when ur boy know he is going to be a big brother he will be a more displine. must tell baby loius to be a good boy so little bb will love him hee hee.

hahaha... ya Jalgal, i als wish this time is gal, i love a sweet baby girl. :D **finger crossed** true also, as long as the baby healhty doesn;t matter is boy or gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby louis still too young to know he going to become "go-go" but my hubby is very excited and he wants baby girl. :D

Hi CJ & mummy louis,

hmmm, not moving around too much doesnt work so well for me.. since i work in the lab, i am on my feet most of the time...

Thanks for the advice...

i'll observe and see how, since the spotting is still pretty mild and started only yday..

Hi everyone just got back from gynae appoinment baby measuring 0.86cm due date 11th,

when I saw the heartbeat just burst into tears and could not stop felt like such an idot, gynae started asking if everything is ok at home etc felt so stupid as trying to explain that I did not know why I was crying just relief I guess.

jalgal my girl is way more active then my son, he is very clingy where my girl has no fear have to get a eye on her all the time, since I have a boy and girl it doesnt really matter but both my kids look like there dad so would really love a little girl that looks like me,

I have put on 2 kilos gynae told me to slow down guess thats what happens when you have macs, kfc, and pizza hutt all in the same day!

Is anyone else really feeling this heat at the moment so hot and making me irratable

mommylouis, i am a SAHM since i'm pregnant with my son. he is 22 months tomorrow. Never regret being one except abit tight in pocket when my hb is the only one working and not earning alot. But is very happy to grow with my son. Now having 2nd one abit worried how i am going to handle 2 without a helper.

My son is very active too. nap only 1.5hr everyday and sometimes really drive me crazy but still, everything is worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi jalgal,

Is best to get a good gynae whom you feel comfortable with. Check around I believe there are many good gynae around.

Hi Aven,

Your baby is due on 11th and is already measuring 0.86cm. Mine due on the 10th but is only 0.56cm.. So big diff.. I'm so worried lo.. haix

Hi Bigfish,

oh... in this case, just monitor closely, and dun worry too much. HUGS!!! you will be ok.

Aven2009, wow, you have 2 kids already still will feel so touching and relieve when seeing the little hb? i think i am a bit of crueless. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i still remember 1st time when i see the hb, i just dunno how to re-act it. hrmm...

Hi bliss, send my advance birthday kiss to your son. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your son is like my son, only nap 1.5 hour a day, hectic. i dunno.. i still puzzle, if really the environment here is too stress, i think maybe i will give up the job and start teaching piano. shall see.. ya. that what i worry, MONEY! although my hubby keep supporting me to leave, he personally think my work is too stressful. sigh... i also wish i can have a worklife balnce.

i think difference gynae got difference measurement. cos yesterday i saw my gynae anyhow drag the size. do you gals think so?

pooh pooh dont worry different babies different sizes, my gynae did note that mine was a big size so dont worry.

mommylouis folllow your heart, your lucky that your hubby will support you to give up work, my husband always telling me im lazy beacuse I dont work always telling me to get a job, think beacuse his mother worked up to the day she delivered him, so he thinks everyone should do that, but we have two kids two dogs and three cats, even with a helper it is so busy in our house, I think he worrys about money as well especially with the third on the way,

mummy louis, i jus called my gynae who happened to be on leave for 2 weeks.

hmmm, i asked the reception lady and she mentioned that if i still continue to have the brown discharge for a few more days, then i might want to go back and get some medicine to stabilise the preg....

hope everything is fine.. and it wld go off after today.. =)

HI bigfish,

dun worrie it will away one. no worries. jus dun move around too muchie.

jalgal : thank you for ur good contact. i have decided to order old chang kee liao.they do delivery for orders above $12 and plus $2 delivery fees depending on ur area.

gals, u mean ur gynae will tell u what size one meh huh? hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sunbelle.

i mean the size of fetus. i saw she just drag from the screen but i wonder if she is sure where to stop. hee hee

mommylouis, if you feel it benefits your kids in the future if you give up your job, go ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hb feels that is better for me to take care of my son than anyone else. Don't trust maid, might have conflicts with inlaws on teaching method and he didn't like CC too.

Although life is abit hard especially nowadays everything is money but need to save abit here and there. I stop buying my own things after i stop working. Even a top cost $30 have to think twice and my hb is not earning alot too. But still abit to survive. Is depends on each living standard. Some might want abit of luxury in life so got to work if not very xin ku.

I intend to go back to work when both my kids goes to school so i still have a long way to go ...

CJ, just to share my humble layout on test kit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Bliss,

you are very good in hand craft, may be you can earn some extra income from the talent you have. such as selling hand made script book .... or selling ready material for card and book. or may be have a simple class for teaching ppl how to made a script book. u can let the student to use the tools u oredy have so if they attend ur class they just need to pay a small amount and can save money on buy those tools such as scissors, glu,... but in order to make some money u may have to check out where to get nice and cheap paper cos the one u go i think is bit Ex.and some time if you buy in large amount they might give you discount. just a suggestion. but i will love to join if you open a class. hee hee.

jalgal, haha. thanks for the compliment but i'm not that pro yet to open a class leh. I'm still learning too! I'm thinking to open a scrapbook shop next year. But now got bb#2 don't know if able to handle everything alone as opening a shop can be very tedious.

I do have some supplier that supply SB stuff but no shop they will let me have it at a cheaper price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But still if mummies keen to have a crop party can feel free to pop by my place. haha

Hi Bliss,

U so generous. yeah.. may be we can have a party for mtb in june. so we can start our script book with you to guide us... ha ha..

em... with 2 little one is will be a bit difficult to open the shop. but dun give up may be find some one to help u or start with a small one first. i really think that u should start with doing it at home. talk to ur hubby ask him to support you and take care of your son for 2-3 hours during the weekend so u will have more experience and also know more ppl who is interested in hand craft then when you open the shop you might oredy have some ready customer.

Bliss, wow, your art craft is nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must teach me to do it next time. you are so "wei-da" to give up ur job. hrmm... actually i handed my resignation last 2 weeks, my boss keep asking me to re-consider it. actually i got the job offered from Critofori music school. after i found out i pregnant, i a bit of worry about the money, as what u said, money just a partial and we need to save here and there. the most important is the way you raise your kid.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thansk for sharing. i will consider it.

Aven, your house is so happening!!!! wow! can't imagine it. i think u really need to stay at home to manage it. hahaha.... but, i wish i can meet all ur family "member". i think you like big family life. is it? ya, i think nowadays everyone just work becos of money and not becos of passion. sigh... money and money...

hi big fish, ya, pray hard for you. and hope everything going off for you tonight. but just don't be too worry...


jalgal, yes i've already plan for the shop but now it seems like plan has to be postpone. I don't want myself to split into two. A toddler and newborn will not be easy. My hb works 7 days a week leh .. my son has been with me since he is born and i think i only left him at my mom place less than 5 times in this 2 years. Very hard to get away. Thought of online shop but online shop might not be earning as most people like to shop at the store. Shipping is also a problem. posting papers can be very expensive and not alot of people willing to pay for high postage.

Mommylouis, don't worry so much about money! no one will find themselves having enough money. Be satisfied with what we have now lor. Since you knoe how to play a piano you can teach at home ? Get students to your house and you can teach for an hour or so and return back to your kids. It will be easier for you and earning some pocket money too to help out with the expenses.

