(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi gers,

i finally saw my bb heartbeat last night... it was flickering so fast...... im so excited...

was still kinda worried that there will be no heartbeat......

im going 7th weeks and its 7mm.... edd is 10june2010

Hi Sharky,

Congrats! You must be so relieved and happy.

Can I ask a question, when did you have your last scan, and what could you see then?

hi dot,

2 weeks ago i had one v-scan, can only see one black dot...

last night didnt had v scan but normal scan, saw kidney bean shape thing with a small black mass and also the flickering black dot....

BabyG, Cath,

my 1st pregnancy was more of a breeze, but somehow this 2nd one has all the MS symptoms right from the beginning! I also feel my bump is more visible, altho hubby says i am not as slim as before.. ha

Now that I recall going for my 1st scan, I thot I heard heartbeat, or is that mine? All I can remember my gynae saying, there's only 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let's continue to hang in..

morning ladies spent lastnight at kk hospital with my son so tired didnt get much sleep,

cannot believe we have nearly 40 mummies here that is really good, my appoinment is in two days hopefully can add my edd.

besides been hungry is anyone else really thirsty all the time cant stop drinking,

Wow! 40 mummies..... I will be having my appointment this Friday and hopefully by then I can share my edd...


Nope, I dun feel overly thirsty and definitely not hungry.... Strange... Anyone the same as me?


wat happen to yr son???

hmm... i oso don feel hungry, in fact i got no appettie all the time... i feel hungry then i order my lunch, but when i see it, i dont feel like eating it...........

hi sharky my son gets asthma,

ashley to be honest I dont know how I feel, tired no engery, hungry but sick, hot but cold, just want bad food though, when I eat it the next day when I think of it I want to throw up,

I did not feel like this the first two times around, my husband tells me Im getting old and cant handle it,

Sharky, aven2009,

each pregnancy is different really. Especially when u still hv to handle yr older kids, its just aint the same. I am also losing my appetite, so I hope this phase goes off soon.

Wow so happy to see so many Jun 10 MTB. Later I will be going down to see my gynae hope to update my EDD too...

koaru yip def hard when you have to handle your older kids, feel like im going to explode today cannot wait till their bedtime 7.30 can finaly sit down and put my feet up,

pooh pooh good luck at gynae appoinment let us know asap

wow looks like a lot of mummies share the same EDD date. so exciting journey for all of us. i am an extrovert whom likes to share lots of tins. i guess is so hard to keep the happie news within myself leh realli. i am realli trying so hard to control myself hahahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] next week will be goin back to work but on the one hand, miss the days at home but on the other hand, it oso shows that the baby is growing up heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gals, do u have neck pain or shoulder ache huh? before pregnacy i oso have them. usually go massage ..now i guess cannot liao..wondering how to solve this aspect lor?

Hi gals!

Thanks Bliss for setting up e list. FYI Linda EDD is 29th May.. ahbui early June but likely end May c sec. Sunbelle same as me 13th June, faithe & Vanilla both 12th June. You might wanna update ur list. Haha cos initially I was also doing a similar list but find so many pple stil duno EDD quite incomplete. Anyway glad you did up e list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cj junior he is ok only admitted for one night, I find the humity over here tends to make it worse, but hes running around today

Hi aven, hope your son gets better soon. Must be tiring for you to look after him while pregnant.

sharky, I also have the same problem. I feel hungry but when I see food, I find them repulsive. And the worst thing is that I kept craving laksa and McDonald's, not very healthy. So I try to snack many times a day in between meals if possible. I recommend dried cranberries - they are not too sweet, tart so it kinds of work like a light sour plum, and it helps ward off yeast infection.

thanks vanilla I have the same problem want crap food, about to go and order a pizza for dinner,

Thanks Sunbellle for yr encouraging words.Ya, i also believed wad urs will be urs.

we shd always ve positive tinking.

Me too, i trying to control myself nt to announce this gd news.

At e mmt i don ve any neck or shoulder pain but my MS strike anytime even puke even when im driving.

Im trying ve hard to cope wif it.

Everyday dont feel like gg to work, but ve to drag myself out of bed.

Most terrible is during working hrs, always ve rush to toilet when there urge to vomit. sometimes vomit until tears out.

wow Jun 2010 MTB list are getting longer. tks to bliss for putting up the list. i cannot confirm my edd until my apptm next sat. By using the edd calculator should be 14 Jun 2010.

aven, hope your ds will recover soon.

CJ have update the list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Poohpooh, you going to Dr Koh ?

I'm going to see a gynae at thomson womens clinic at tiong bahru later at night. I can't stand waiting 3 hrs again. Hope tonight able to see baby heartbeat.. Have been waiting for soooo long ..

Vanilla, i eat laska everynight last week and sometimes i can eat meesian in the morning, curry chicken for lunch and laska for dinner. Now ending up very bad sore throat and chest pain. For mac, i eat everynight during my first pregnancy. He is very healthy! So need not worry. Eat whatever you crave for but not too much if not ended up like me falling sick!

Hello everyone! It's so exciting that there is already such a long thread for those whose bb's are due in Jun 2010. I've got gynae appt tmrw but from edd calculator, bb is due 29 June 2010. But will confirm again after tmrw. :D

Aven2009: Yes, I am thirsty ALL the time. Not so much hungry yet. Maybe later.

Ms Vain, my gynae is at SGH and was through recommendation as well. I wasn't aware there was a O&G dept until i was preg. Overall we had a good experience and support for my #1 and am planning to go back this time.


My last scan at 5 weeks show EDD around 16 June 2010 but will confirm again after my nx gynae visit on 2nd Nov.

Bliss haha me like u for my no 1 i simply love Mac can have mac almist daily.

HI Gals,

do u noe of anywhere got sale for bed quilt huh? wanted to buy one. tot is time to spring clean the house too.

yeah how are u gals todae huh? hrd that there is a baby fair last time at expo hall rite? are u gals buying baby cot or playpen huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Bliss,

Yes, I've went to Dr Koh yesterday. The waiting time in the evening is not so bad. I've waited about an hour only. Was so happy that we managed to hear the baby heartbeat. So touching [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW my EDD is 10th Jun. Thanks in advance for updating ya..

Hey BabyG, mind to share your gyn's name?

yest i had staining... called up clinic and asked me to go down and scan... scared the hell out of me... went down immd after lunch... after scanning, luckily bb heartbeat still there and this time gyn let me hear the heartbeat! very loud.. Boomz... ahahhaaa..

so i feel more secured now. had a jab lor and continue to take hormone pills. i have a week of mc and Mon need to go back for another jab... just 2 visits and i spent 550... Mon will be another 200.. sigh... but if bb is safe, no choice lor...

Hi everyone!

I went to Dr Woo at thomson womens clinic at tiong bahru yesterday. A very good experience! Short waiting time and dr woo is very patient and gentle too. finally saw my tiny tiny little baby at 5 weeks. Still don't know the edd yet but at least there is a tiny flickering heartbeat which makes me very excited.

Poohpooh, waiting time in the evening is much shorter. But i couldn't afford to wait everytime with my son leh. My mom couldn't take it cause me son is very active can't sit still. sigh .. But luckily Dr woo make me very comfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ms Vain, did dr tell you why are you staining ? Yesterday Dr told me he saw some blood inside me so i'm wondering if is normal. I don't have spotting but i do have some brown discharge.

dear mtb, is it normal to see only a gest sac at week 5 and nothing else?

gynae has msd the gest sac to be 5 week old and edd is 23june. but i am quite unsure on how this pregnancy will turn out for me...

Hi Ms Vain, I hope you are feeling better now? I think that since you went to see the doctor and had a jab, should be quite safe. All the best and have a good rest. Jia you!

yaya, I'm not sure the ultrasound results, but it could be that you scanned too early. Did you ask your doctor about this? I did read that when you scan too early, chances are that you'll only see the sac.

I had a slight fever last night, must be due to all the heaty food I've been eating. My gynae said it's ok to take panadol, but I decided to just sleep it off. Very uncomfortable last night but feeling a lot better now. Of course my weird cravings came back as well, bought porridge but only managed to eat a quarter bowl. Ended up eating fried bee hoon. Feeling full but so guilty!

Hi Bliss,

Thanks for putting up the list. My edd SHOULD BE 10 jUNE 10 THIS IS base on what i count cos just now i forgot to ask gynae abt that. may be next appt i can comfirm with you once i know my edd.


May i know ur bb saiz is how many cm now? mine is 0.75cm dunno is it normal.i am have same edd as you which is 10th June. at first gynae could't see the heart beat i was so worry almost crying. but after search awhile i saw something blinking then i ask the gynae is't the one the she said "oh ya is that . wah u quite experience' wah biang..... i am not experienace just i dun wanna miss out anything i dun wan her to tell me she can't find the hb and make me so worried. i not sure i heard it correct or not at first she said a bit small then she said is ok so i now very worried is it too samll or is it ok?

anyone can let me know how big is ur bb size when you are 6 week and 6 days (or 7 weeks)? Thanks

beside she also ask me to stop taking duphaston and change to Obimin.

jalgal, have update the list.

Don't worry too much on the size. Most importantly baby is growing everytime you visit the gynae. As long as there is heartbeat you should feel more fang xing liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya, dun worry abt the size at this point since its barely 1cm! So u can start on Obimin now, i was wondering how come my gynae din start me on yet.. maybe i shld get myself.

lovinglife! yes! i remember u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how are u?

Vanilla, oic. i am praying hard that i will see new development when i go scanning next week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bliss, really excited to see the HB. i plan to go to Dr Woo next week. May i know how much u spend for e 1st visit and did u ask for e package too?

Juliiana, you stay near tiong bahru also ?

I paid $128 yesterday. Consulation $50 Scan $30 duphaston $28 folic acid $12 and GST. Still consider okay.

Package is $650+7% gst from 2nd visit till birth for all consulation,scan and medication expect DHA. Additional 2 postnatal visit.

I feel quite worth it cause Dr woo is quite detail in scan and not very rush during visit. My first time seeing him though but so far good experience.

hi.. look like most of you have visited gynae... my first appointment is 3rd of nov, 2 weeks away from now... is it too late?

yes, im staying at redhill. therefore i plan to go next week hopefully i get the EDD and see my little's HB...heez...when ur first date of last menses?we might be around the same time...mine is 18th septmeber

Hi Gals,

Thanks for the consolation. really feel better after hearing that. thanks a lots.

Hi sharky,

i dunno the diff. but Obimin is quite a big tablet in pink color. on the cover it said got folid acid, and many vitamin good for pregnant woman and bb. DOc said if i take obimin i can skip folid acid and dusphaston.

Juliiana my first date was 5th sept. But i conceive in late sept around 25th sept so only 5 weeks old. By next week you should be able to see the HB. I saw mine but i didn't hear it but is good enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very excited for my next visit on the 10th nov also the day i getting my new house key and my birthday falls on 11th nov. so many happening things in Nov. haha

Anyway is TUNA consider RAW ? I can't help but keep craving chilli tuna despite coughing. Sigh ...

Bliss, i'm not sure about tuna... u craving for tuna? I'm having junk food.. just finish a pack of chips...

so many things happen in nov for you?? congrats!!


its must be rather excited coz good things happening at one goal. congrats and stay blissful...so your new house at wher? also around tiong bahru area?

