(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Bizzymum - thanks for advising. I do not think I need to take multi vit at the moment. Just make sure that I eat well. There are times when I do not feel hungry at all, and times when I have overwhelming hunger pangs. Perhaps that explain why i keep having gassy stomach. It is unbelievable that I have been burping for the past 48+ hours. It is so irritating.

I hardly snack on tidbits. However, this morning, I went pass NTUC and saw the Lays'salt & vinegar chips..AND I STARTED TO SALIVATING. Cannot tahan - grabbed a pack and went home to eat it. My hubby was surprised to see me eating chips for breakfast. Gotta limit myself to these kinda junk food..I do not wish to put on too much weight now.

For my previous 2 pregnancy, I managed to keep my weight gain between 10-12kg. It was quite easy to shed those 9-10kg after the confinement. But now age is catching up, I do not want to take that risk.


Wah Bebe75, you only put on 10-12kg in total for your previous pregnancies? That's very good I think I put on about 15kg and then took forever to lose. In fact, I haven't lost all the weight yet and now expecting #2. Oops. Looks like I'd need to work much harder to lose them all after birth.

CJ Junior

i only got 1 kid not 2 hehe. Am expecting no 2 now hehe....sorry can trouble you to amend?


Yes i had blood clot. Same for my no 1. But no 1 i had mild spotting. This round for no 2 no spotting but gt mild cramping. I cant remb the size but my doc say quite big but will eventually dissolved or hv mild spotting. So far im on duphaston 3x a day. Thank god no spotting. Am seeing doc next tue. Let you know if the clot dissolved or got smaller.

I'm suffering from lower back ache. Does anyone know if it safe to just go for a back massage? I know it is not safe to go for full-body. But this is only back. Can anyone advise?

Hi all,

Anyone got experience with Dr Paul Tseng?

I give birth to #1 in late nov last yr and my EDD is 15 June 2010...have not seen the gynae since 4wks+..coz thinking of changing gynae. Not sure if I can try VBAC coz I still feel my wound prick these few days as my uterus grows


I think can only do certain prenatal massage in 2nd trimester from what I heard...maybe check with gynae?

Hi Vanz - Ya I am quite small built (but heavy bottom). I only showed my tummy when I was in my 5th month. My first gal was quite big (3.5kg) while the second one is around 2.9kg. Breastfeeding did help me to loose weight faster too, and not to mention that my 2 gals were quite close in their age - it is like having to handle 2 babies at at time. Hardly got time to rest, let alone snacking.

But now age is catching up (will be 35 next yr), metabolism is running slow...harder to burn away the extra calories now.

Sourfish - I think if you go for those experienced masseurs and tell them that you are pregnant..they will then massage the appropriate areas. I do foot reflex regularly..the last visit which was 2 weeks ago - I experienced mild cramp after the massage. At that time I did not realise that I might be expecting.

Good morning ladies...

the gynea visit turns out nt too good..

sac was oni 12mm which gynea said looks a little small based on my LMP.. shd be 6wks but looks 5wks+.. he said might be due to late ovulation as my period was always irregular, previous cycle was 41days.. the yolk is a little bigger, which he said might be blighted ovum. no foetal pole detected yet n he said by rite shd have a faint foetal pole. so tis pregnancy is oni 50%-50%. scheduled to do another scan next fri to confirm.

didn't sleep much last nite, crying on n off.. very angry with my hubby coz he was giving up hope. to make it worse, he told mi two of his frens wife are either preggie with 1st bb or preggie again.

hi Van,

me too! i gained 15kg during my 1st pregnancy, took forever to lose that during confinement & only realised the extra 3kg refused to budge, sigh. & now im still having that extra 3kg into my 2nd pregnancy. wonder how much i will gain this time.


Duno leh doc say maybe blood clot maybe twins bt chances of being a blood clot is higher bt well there's still chance of it being twins so I'm juz keepin finger crossed.

For mi, my #1 oso haf spotting bt tis #2 bleeding so hopefully its really blood clot tat causing mi to bleed.

Juz to check wif u, is ur blood clot juz side by side wif e sac?

Oh dear BlurBeri, must be terrible! Ur gynae never request for a blood test? My last pregnancy was due to blighted ovum aka empty sac so can understand how you must be feeling now BUT Don't give up hope yet..could be still early to detect. Wait another week bah. Shld do e blood test, as long as result got double up got hope liao. Take care


Hang in there, try to rest well and eat healthily for now. I know this 1st trimester is such an anxious period for many. Will pray for all the MTBs facing challenges.

Take care.

Hi Bluberi,

Dun give up. u have gone through so many thing then pregnant with this baby. just have faith with the baby and urself dun worry abt what other ppl said.(Jer 29:11...For i know the plans i have for you , declares the lord. "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, Plans to give you hope and a future.) this is What GOD promise us he give you something is to prosper you not to harm you. so you must walk by faith not by sight. ask God to give you faith if you think you are lack of faith. ask God to give you energy. talk to the Lord if you feel you are weak. with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. i will pray for you. u must be strong. just rest well and believe in God. Ask God to protect ur bb. tell Him tat you need the baby and u want the baby. ask Him to give you a miracle. i believe Our Father in heaven will give good gifts to those who ask Him. Jia You......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi tigerbaby seeing dr wee horng yen my consulation includes scan, pay I think 11.50 extra for routine test (urine and blood pressure)

Blu Beri stay postive,


I've heard very good reviews about Dr Paul Tseng. He also supports VBAC. Can try but I think long waiting time as he is very popular. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to all other mummies who put on only 10-15kg, you cannot beat me. For my first, I put on 22kg ok. And for my second, I control and only put on 20kg... managed to lose of course... but still have the extra fats. With each pregnancy, I seem tto start off 2kg heavier than the last. Hee... now I am also trying to control what I eat... but when you have a craving, you really cannot do anything about it right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hang in there and wait for good news. For now just rest and take good care of yourself. Don't move about too much ya? *hugs*


he happens to be my gynae, only reason why i wanna change is cos TMC parking sucks! Otherwise, his consultation is quite fast i feel. Usually I only hv to spend abt an hr in whole, altho his consultation is <5 min. Cos its all the waiting/admin/payment that takes more time.

He has no more package tho, and a bit more ex compared to my previous package, but on the whole, both hubby and me are rather comfortable with him.

To add on, he is very pro natural birth, and he din give me an episiotomy, and it din quite bother me, I juz leave it all in his hands! No harm seeing him for more advice, tho he may not usually see preggie until at least 7,8 weeks. Which is why my next appointment with him is 4 weeks later after my first visit at 6 wks.

His standard consultation usually is $50 and if scan, $30. GST to be added. Good Luck!

thanks ladies for all the encouragement.. will stay positive and hope for the best.. i wish for God to answer my prayers.

i hope i wun have to go thru another M/C.. shd it happens again, i dun tink i will dare to TTC again even with given family support.

Dear Bluberi,

Please do not despair and think of postive thoughts... Place your trust in GOD and he will make things happen to you. Be stong and presevere! My sis was in similar situation and in fact she had gone through 5 miscarriages, all due to blighted ovum. She had given up hope and GOD had granted her a wonderful miracle and she now have another baby to love, thanks to God's blessing.

In such difficult time, you must be strong and have faith in God. I will pray to God for your baby and your well-being.

Thanks Ashley!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynea wonders why i had difficulty in sustaining each pregnancy when i can normally conceive within 2 cycles. dunno wat went wrong, both hubby n i did DNA test n there was no problem with our DNA.. oni my hormones level is low due to PCOS.

thanks lazykat,sourfish

hmm..I also heard about him being pro-VBAC. Err consultation fast? Then I think I need to prepare wat to ask him hehe.


Think I will be making appt nxt wk so I will be around 8 wks then. I also went to TMC once and I also dread the parking..have to take queue ticket somemore but I think of changing hospital coz for my #1 when I gave birth at Glen e, din really like the nurses..not really helpful n not that friendly.

Hi Bluberi,

take care n rest well..maybe u ovulated late..I also ovulated late when I conceive #1..

Hi BluBeri,

Don't think too much, everything will be fine. Must think of the positive side and remain cheerful. Think of happy things and must rest well ok.

Btw anyone had Yvonne Soong as gynae from TMC? I wonder how good is she.

This morning ard 5am i vomited and those small blood vessels around my eyes brust! Now my face got lots of blood clot leh OMG.

Hi gals, share with you all something interesting. Some of you might have alrdy know. My sil told me sleep on left side is good for pregnant women. so I google & found that:

"Although there's no real harm in sleeping on your right side, lying on your left side is actually good for you and your baby: It improves the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and it helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body." (But perhaps this is for later stage, not now bah since the placenta is not fully formed yet???)

i slept on my left during my 1st pregnancy, cuz it was impossible to sleep on my back & my son seemed like doesn't like me to sleep on my right.


gosh, did u see a doctor? i can't imagine your feelings at that time.

Hello mummies..

I am a 2nd time mummy.. edd 16th june..Had a baby ger in feb 2008. She is already 20 mnths

Hope to get to Know u all better k.. was quite active in my previous thread. :D

Been fallen sick (bad sore throat, and the GP dun want to give any medicine to me) yesterday and didn’t online to check the forum.  tomorrow (Thursday) is my 1st gynae checkup, will update u all when is my EDD. Now pray everything is ok for my BB.

Hi CJ Junior, please help to update my information into your list. MomLouis, # of Kid, 1, hospital is Mount Avernia, Doctor is Dr. Cheng. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks

Hi Lola, pray for your BB, don’t think so much, and be strong!

Hi Peck, I stay at tampines, where u stay? If not, I can mail to you. :D

Hi Koara, u still carry your girl at 11.3kg? ya, I also feel guilty can’t play much with my baby boy recently, especially I have a bad nausea nowadays. Sigh… ya, I give him all my kisses and hugs whenever I can!!! :D when metro has 20% discount?

Hi mummy2nia, my appetite really dropped. Sigh.. today I wanted to eat the fish soup yee-mee, but, end up I cannot finished it, becos after some I dun feel like eating.

Hi bebe75, welcome to the club, we are learning from each other now!!! :D congratulations!!! How about fish oil and multi-vit? Do u need that supplement?

Hi missbluey, welcome onboard and congratulations!… :D my 1st baby stayed in my tummy after EDD, gynae said the baby enjoyed my tummy. Same as Koara, I like Taurus baby, becos I also Taurus!!! :D hahhaa….

Hi mikojade, I can imagine how u react on ur pregnancy now!!! I also quite surprise my 2nd pregnancy on board!!!! :D I have mixed feeling at first, now I starting to accept it and welcome the baby now. especially when I see my hubby reaction, he is so excited. Hahaha…

Hi Vanz, same here, I put on 15kg in my 1st pregnancy, thought I can lost it before the 2nd pregnancy, but, …. Hahaha… still the same lah, I still have 4 kg to lost, now with 2nd pregnancy, no eye see laio. :d

Hi BluBeri, HUGS!!! HUGS!!! don’t give up and stay strong, hope your next visit is a good news, keep us posted. Cry is not good for ur body and baby. Pray hard for u and the baby…

Hi everyone!

BluBeri, it must be hard on you to have to wait till next Fri... Stay strong, have faith and think positive.

Sleeping on the left is indeed good! My gynae also recommend it.

I'm going for my second jab tomorrow and it will give me more severe nausea thereafter. Sigh..

Genice, I gave birth to my 3rd baby Mar last year, and this round is 13 Jun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy, poor you. I also vomit until I can feel pain in my heart. Sometime really feeling poor thing to be mum, have to go thru the pregnancy ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow.. a lot of 2nd time/ 3rd time and even 4th time mummies here!

bizzymum, our kids are quite close in age.. u got 2 more kids right? How old are they?

Bluberi.. jia you.. eveything will turn out well.. no worries

Hi cj, my gyane alse dr adrain woodworth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Poor appetite

My appetite has been really bad but yet i get hungry easily and stomach feels bloated. Anyone feels the same? i realise this time round i cant take noodles.. no appetite for it at all.. always want to eat rice..

CJ Junior,

thanks for the info! I hv been flipping some pregnancy books on this in vain, while I vaguely remember is the left, tho can't recall why..

Is yr gynae good? Cos I rem he practises at SK and package start immed..


you hv been very strong already, so I am sure with all the support around u, u can do it!


my appetite also not good, but i think i can take more of the western food type or potato compared to noodles/rice. Worse, i dun even feel hungry, been eating cos if not, i feel worse later.. so best to eat smaller portion but more frequently..

Mommy Louis,

no choice but hv to carry at times - cos this little princess recently has become a koala bear somewhat.. sigh. Will inform when Metro got sale again..

Hi all,

Yeah i heard from my fren sleeping on the left side is good but i can't, it hurts. I guess my little prince or princess don't like the left side haha.


That was my first vomit since my 8 weeks pregnancy but i was very sick way before - strong nausea. This morning was like volcano erupt but i didn't feel the blood vessels bust, no pain at all. I have seen a GP this morning, she said if the vomiting is too forceful, blood vessels will bust lor. So you ladies take it easy ya.


Ya it's not easy. I hate it when headache + strong nausea = TERRIBLE!!!! I envy those who doesn't have a single sickness..... Thats why people say mother is the most 'wei da'


My feelings are so mixed up that at times i don't even know if i'm hungry or what...sigh

thanks for welcoming me, mommy_louis! =)

pls do take care, i do hate falling sick during preggie cuz have to take med.

i can only hope my MS won't be so bad. already start stocking up on 'hu hua guo'. =p

Hi all MTBs,

Some things to consider for the various listed issues:

a) Sore throat:

- make a thick salt solution (add a lot of salt to warm water)

- then gargle with this thick salt solution many times a day (make sure you gargle to the back of your throat)

--> this will help get rid of sore throat without medication (has worked for the longest time for my mom and for my sisters and I)

b) MS

- have healthy non-oily cream crackers near you (first thing in the morning or mid noon snack or night before bed even)

- we got the low salt, high fibre ones (which are not oily)

- first thing I do is nibble on them when I wake up

--> makes you feel more settled and less pukey

Hope the above helps.


I feel comfortable with my gynae. Though I choose him mainly for his rates haha, he is not calculative, after my previous m/c, visited him few times he also never charge me for consulation. Yah his package starts from 1st visit if you want to. Can pay thru 2 installment. He has a clinic in Compass point if I not wrong.


you visit him at cck or sengkang? will update e list tonight. Opp from you, my appetite is very good but I also feel very bloated, keep burping .. read that bloated shld stay away from spicy food.

Can check with you all, those with MS, vomit naturally? as in dun need to force e food out? I duno if mine is consider MS cos I do feel very nausea at times but cannot vomit naturally, must 'dig' out, thn aftertat more comfortable.

Dearest Mummies/MTBs

Finally i took 2 days to finish reading all ur postings.. This thread is indeed very active.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am glad to have join in. I m currently ~8weeks preggie, had a 2yo sweetie gal.. my LMP is 1 Sep but when i visited my gynae on 19 Oct, he told me according to the size, the EDD shld be ard 14 Jun 2010 (which baby center tool shows 8 Jun). He explained is due to the late ovulution as online tools presume ovulution takes place ~14 days. Managed to see the sac with a tiny embryo plus flickering heartbeat thru V scan. I m seeing Dr Adrian Tan (fm ACJ clinic located in TMC). Cant wait for my next visit in 2 weeks' time..

well, i m struggling thru with my bout of MS too. on n off vomiting n nausea most of the time.. can't sleep well at night too.. really hope to get over it soon..

Dear Bliss

Saw ur scrap pages, great work.. i been scrapping too but most of the time, i m too lazy.. so till now, only have done few pages.. hehee.. and i had ample of supplies which is lying ard collecting dust.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Koaru

May I know the full name of the Clarins tonic oil? is the oil n the stretch cream same product or separate? may I know how much is the retail prices? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks..

CJ Junior - my sickness is like yours...feeling nausea, but did not vomit out. I was like "Orhh" a few times..it makes me feel better..otherwise I feel like something hanging in my throat.

So far my appetite is okay..i eat normally..perhaps now snack a bit more than usual. And I feel very bloated...I have been burping for the past 48 hours...they were those loud burps..and even my gals find me disgusting. ENO does not help much.

koaru, i also cant eat a lot.. but i notice i cant eat much meat now.. dun seem to like it. Very good u can still eat western food.. yummy!!

Happy.. haha.. i cna understand.. sometimes.. i also dunno what i am feeling .. just disgusted and vrey uncomfortable and it totally affects my mood too.

CJ junior.. i vist him at cck... actually all very far from my hse.. i used to work at pasir ris so will see him at sk. Went to him since he was my 1st gynae and i am ok with him.. cause its my 2nd one so i am fine with his 'chop chop' style. U visit which one?? can c u at CCK if possible.

CJ.. i feel the urge to vomit.. but sometime sjust saliva or gastric juice if its in the morning but at times i have to dig.

Hi sherry welcome.. i am also new here.. realise the thread moves quite fast in 1 month too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pls avoid soya products like soya bean drink, toufu and stuff.. they tend to cause more bloatedness.. take it after 1st trimester better.. This is my personal experience.. its true and doc also advised me this

hi kaoru and genice

me too cant reali eat well..am preggy 7 weeks now..asking my MIL to cook those sour and spicy foods for me or else i coudnt eat at all..but i do drink anmum milk twice a day...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2 wks ago (5wk+) my morning sickness was quite bad. vomited a couple of times after breakfast, and could feel tummy bigger. appetite super bad. spotting too.

however this wk (7wk+) i'm feeling better. no more vomitting, though occasionally still feel nausea and giddy. somehow also felt tummy got flat and lost weight. appetite improving. no more spotting.

this worries me as my gyane said if ms suddenly stops, its not a good sign.

anyone experiencing the same thing?

hi everyone welcome new mummies

cj junior made an effort to sleep on my left side last night thanks for info

genice I also cant eat meat, I was like this for my other pregancies as well with my first I was anemic and bled a whole lot straight after delivery, It went unnoticed during the pregancy,

so If ya not eating meat at the moment make sure your getting iron from elsewhere,

feeling really crappy today, want to throw up but cant, only four weeks to go then out of first trimister cant wait


are you the Tigerbb fm the 2010 TCC thread?

Ya i also interested in the clarins oil leh anyone has the full name?

hi mezzo17, no I had not participate in the TCC thread. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The oil is called Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil. There is another cream type, when I brought mine, the sales recommend cream for morning & oil for night.

I remember reading someone going aboard soon & getting at airport. Wanted to share with you, beginning of this yr, my frez asked me to help her buy the cream as she is pregnant. I brought for her at our departure terminal, if I rem correctly its $80. However when I went (can't rem its Seoul or Jeju airport) its only SGD$60! so you might wanna check ur destination airport see if its cheaper.


I went cck de also. I am staying in Jurong, not exactly very near too. You usually go which day? My next app is 9th Nov but I am known to visit him every week hahahaha duno leh, like wait 2 weeks too long for me. Maybe this time will try to tahan.

Hi CJ, these are my details:

Nick: dot

EDD: 18 June

Gynae: Dr Kee Wei Heong

Hosp: TMC

Gender TBC

Expecting: #1

Strange, I posted something yesterday, but cannot find it now. Anyway, the message was for

BlueBeri: hang in there and think positively. My thoughts are with you.


I called the clinic abt my spotting, and they told me to monitor. If nothing, then go for my appt as scheduled. Nothing happened, so I did not go down on Monday.

On Tuesday, I went for my appt and the Dr scanned me again. My sac is abt 2.4cm and the fetal pole is 7mm. This time, we heard the heartbeat. Wah. So fast.

Very happy and relieved, but then still somewhat apprehensive. So keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the good thoughts girls!


thread is going very fast!

have MIA for 2 days. feel like vomiting all day long. throw up a few times though. feel giddy yesterday and i thought i will really faint.

sberry, thanks! but i think can't scrap another month since all my stuff is in the boxes.

CJ, please don't force yourself to vomit. will hurt your stomach and throat. Is natural to feel like vomiting and nothing comes out and at times will really throw up. during my first pregnancy i keep throwing up water. and after that will feel better. soon it became a routine to throw up before i go shopping. haha. try to eat some sour or sweet stuff (depends on which one you prefer) to ease the terrible feeling.

mommylouis, have be very terrible when you are sick. i'm having fever and bad sorethroat last week. whole body aching so bad. i even tell my hb i don't want to go through this pregnancy cause it was so bad that i can't take it. until now i'm still coughing. take care and get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

