(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I KS mah hahaha actually I heard start apply b4 e bump shows will be more effective. Anyway even if not e baby bump showing, I like tat eat oso my tummy fats will become bigger soon so might as well. But I apply abit oni lah, slowly use

I'm going to see my gynea alone tomorrow, at 6 weeks and 1 day. Very nervous cos I really hope to find that everything is going well. I wanted to wait till Saturday so that I can get a friend to accompany me, but couldn't wait. Mu hubby will only be back next Tuesday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My morning sickness started last week, at week 5. Not sure if this is normal? I've been scaring myself with all the horror stories I've been reading online, so am getting worried. My morning sickness usually starts in the evening, like 6 or 7pm, and while I don't throw up, I feel really nauseous. Also cannot eat much, find food and smells repulsive. My mom didn't have morning sickness though.

I'm also cramping quite a bit today. It comes and goes since before I found out I was pregnant. Anyone experiencing the same symptoms?

vanilla I have had alot of cramping gynae said as long as no blood should be ok, my nausa is also starting up usually around five, eat alot during the day and cook dinner but cant eat it beacuse feel so sick, good luck for your scan tomorrow, I am also going alone to mine on friday as hubby is away, feel dissapointed that we wont see first heartbeat together,

dun worrie vanilla, everytin will be all rite.

have faith and like wat they said, wat is fated to be urs will be urs. tink this way u will be more relaxed and also less stress. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


get the scan picture from ur gynae, ur hubby will love to see the image.

yeah cheer up, the next trip ask ur hubby along, he will be amazed and super surprised. even since have baby alreadly, i tend to tink a lot for my baby. i wanted to protect my baby and i strongly believe that my body is able to take the pregancy well without muchie pain heheeh hoping for a smooth delivery too hehe natural one hopefully hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you aven and sunbelle. Feels good to be able to talk to somebody, as I haven't even told my mom about my pregnancy yet. Had to hold myself back many times cos I really don't want to disappoint her. I've been married for 4+ years (though we only started trying 5 months ago) so she's really hoping to hold her first grandchild.

I'll update when I'm back from the doctor's tomorrow. If everything goes well, I'd probably scan and email the u/s picture to my husband. He was disappointed that I'm going without him, but I need to soothe my nerves.

By the way I'm seeing Dr Kowa Nam Sing at Mount E, anyone here have seen him or heard of him before?

Hi Juliiana, we are in the same situation. Just moved to Red Hill, expecting 3rd child, 5 weeks and have not visit any gynea yet. Some mummies in this thread recommended Thomson women medical. Im thinking abt that. Not sure have to make any appt if am going down tmr.

Aven, Thanks for the adv. I thou so... But my husband want a son. Always calling the baby , good boy good boy. Haven even scan yet, he already start thinking a boy's name. OMG... What to do!!! Really hope is a good boy.

Jia you gals, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u can do it .let go on the journey together and be a radiant mum.

Icey, i stay at henderson road only! very very near. I goes to Dr Koh at Toa Payoh. He delivered my baby boy. BUT i really feel like changing cause last monday i went i waited for 3 HOURS! nearly kill me and my son. I wanted a girl this time round too. My hb also keep calling baby "girl girl" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vanilla, my cousin and sil is with Dr Kowa now. He seems good. But price abit steep and package only kicks in at the 5th month. Wanted to see him but he only delivers at Mount E. I don't want to get a shock by the hospital bill as i'm prepared to go for c-sect this time round.

CJ, i still can't decide which gynae to go! the gynae i talk with through email is a gynae i never seen before. Or maybe he wants to make me kan cheong ? He charges is quite steep. About $200 for consultation, scan and medication. Am thinking twice if i should go. Plus very tight in pocket now, somemore i need to shop for new house stuff so more money will be spent this month.

Just tell myself it will be alright. If baby is meant to be mine, he/she will be safe.

Hi CJ and Sunbelle, looks like our EDD quite near,when are your last memnes? mine is 5Sep..so my EDD is 12June..

hi CJ, guess both of us the same, I've been eating and eating... getting hungry easily.. is it normal... just worry if keep eating in this rate... i will grow double in no time :p

I'm not sure how many weeks i'm in.. only see gynae on 3rd Nov

Morning gals!


My LMP is on 1st sept. cycle 33days


Cham hor, I now trying to control,cut down on having too many full meals a day. I tik its not very healthy oso, now me on mc lagi worse, nothing to do just keep finding things to eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


My hubby will help me mail out the dress by today. You shld receive by tmr. thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


3hrs to see gynae is too much lor! I will never consider such gynae, very waste of time woh.

Check with you guys, esp not 1st time mummies. Normally wat you all do with e scan printouts ah? Now i have 2 printouts liao & counting. So thinking of getting an album to store or do up a scrapbook? But hor, I have no idea how a scrapbook look like,neither do I know how to set up one hahahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

Morning Mummies. I AM FEELING SO DIZZY today. Like am sailing in the sea or something. Terrible! Argh...

CJ, I used to kept all the scan printout in my photo album. Will show them when they all grow up. Scrapbook sounds interesting. You may try. =)

Bliss, OMG! 3 hours!! Kill me ba... I can nv have that patient.

hi icey,

i am the same as u initially ..keep dizzy spells ..now muchie better liao

appetite good. jus finished a big packet of vegetarian bee hoon. aiyo tink i realli need to cut back or else my weight gain will be a lot lor..

yesterdae 1.5 hrs wait we realli bei tahan liao..not to tok abt 3 hrs. i tink u are realli patient leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all mummies,

i m oso feeling dizzy for the past few day. keep burping feel so uncomfort. anyone alrdy book or confirm CL?

Faithe, peck.. our EDD should be pretty close.. the date of my last menses is 8th sept...

I went for a check last fri, while was abt 5+wks... can see the waterbag.. and i'll be back in another 2-3wks to scan again.. but at least know that the sac is embedded in the right place...

I was having good appetite previously but jus a couple days back, i lost the interest in food.. now always feel that the chest like very tight and also got a bloated feel... also feeling very very tired. as i work in the lab, it doesnt help that i get so tired easily... cos i need to walk around daily mah...

last night i slept at 9plus, only to wake up 3 times to go pee.... im feeling so sleepy now... pukey feeling non stop... yes, giddy spell too... gosh, still have such a long journey...

These few days i have nausea feel but didnt really puke.. this morning once wake up start to vomit but nothing come out..

Now feel very tired, still feel hungry easily.

CJ, can control meh, once i feel like eating, i need to eat then feel ok de.. my intake double of what i normally eat!!! Think i try to eat less and more often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blueberi, CJ, Icey yes i waited for 3 hours. Nearly kill myself leh. last time when i delivery my boy i waited at least 2 hours everytime. after i deliver i did not step into Toa payoh for a year! now think of seeing gynae also sian so i'm trying to find another gynae .. now need to bring another son along. i can wait but he can't!

CJ,peck i've been eating non stop also. Feel bloated but my mouth just can't stop. My tummy looks like 4 mths pregnant liao. But obviously is the fats that i put on. I can eat my dinner at my mom place, then on the way home bought 2 waffles from those cake shop, eat while my hb drove to the hawker to buy food and my laska. And reached home able to finish my laska. And this is called my dinner! Gosh ...

CJ, i did mine printout for my son into a scrapbook. But warning! Scrapbook is addictive and expensive! But really worth to do it as now my son is coming 2 and he enjoys flipping through my album and keep saying is him!

you can take a look



Mini album for my mom



Oh my! Thats awesome! Must be hard work hor. So ur scrapbook is from scan printout to baby born all into 1 book? e link you paste is from e same book right? are you still adding now? Where you buy e material from? how come exp? Need to be creative hor.. I really like this idea. Can guide me from where start?

ps: you ate too much! although i oso lah but at least mine got 2hrs apart each meal woh. i tik you better control control abit heehee if not next time wanna slim back need double effort.

CJ, I scan the printout to my com and print it out. Cause i'm afraid printout will fade over time.

First album is a mini album recording his ultrasound and birth. 2nd album is his first year album. Now looking back i feel my layout is very newbie. haha.

I still scrap now. Now lately too busy with packing so scrapping abit on hold. Too lazy to upload in slide too. haha .. did update my blog here and there when i did one layout.

If you have FB this is my latest layout


I bought my materials in local or spree. There is a shop at PS that is called made with love. Another one at wheelock place called laines.

The stuff is expensive is because is acid free. Meaning hundreds years later the paper will not turn yellow. Which is good as a memory keepsake. You can write journal of your feeling of the photo and your baby will be able to see next time.

Papers is forom $1.70-$2.90

Stickers about $5-$14

Alpha thickers - $10-$15

First get some papers, plain cardstocks, alphas and stickers ready and of course photo. Start off by searching sketches online and follow .. Soon you will be able to do it on your own. But really be careful! is really really very addictive. I think i spend more than $3000 on everything. I kept a list of how much i spend and added up from july till now is nearly $1000! Just 5-6 papers can easily cost $10 in made with love.

And yea i eat alot .. Abit scary to eat that much. But i just can't stop. This few days getting abit better cause i'm having very bad sore throat so control abit. haha


$3000!!??!! This is indeed exp hobby! so meaning you dun use e actual ultrasound printout to 'paste' on e scrapbook? am I getting it right? I tik to buy from spree I need to at least know what is what & how I wan my book to be done 1st. I shall check out e local retail 1st. Beside PS & Wheelock hor, any neighbourhood shop ah? cheaper mah. I certainly dun intend to spend thousands on this thing..

CJ, no other shops ler. SB shops are so expensive. No cheaper alternative. haha. You can see www.joann.com or www.yourscrapbookstash.com. Much cheaper than SG. But some things still got to buy in local shop which is nicer.

Yes i don't use the actual printout. i scan it and print it out again so will be photo instead of the printout.

Anyway able to drink honey ? My sorethroat is really unbearable. Even my chest is painful now. sigh ..

wow ladies envy u all have the passion hehe mi still feeling the giddliness leh..hope tat passes fast too hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how do u gals tell ur other collegues when u dun want to reveal this news to them huh? teach me leh..hehe next week goin back office liao hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunbelle, hasn't most of them guessed it already? For me, I don't need to announce cos everyone was asking me if I am suffering fr MS. It is that obvious for me!

Sunbelle, oh sorry I misunderstood ur question, I told those whom I do not wish to tell yet, that I am suffering fr something like 'gastric flu', and will only be fine after a few weeks..Lol

Sunbelle, like u i also duno how to say, just keep saying weather no gd, not feeling well.. hahaaa... so lame hor... and i cant hide coz my face has been pale since last week... really different from when i was well and normal...

Hi Bliss,

I'm seeing Dr Koh too. He was recommended by my colleagues. 4 of my colleagues went to him, thinking to ask him got corporate time anot.

2 weeks ago I went with my hubby we waited for 2.5hrs, I'm going tomorrow evening again, hope don't wait for too long. Coz I'm havin very bad MS now will vomit any min de...

BtW how you find him? Is he good?

Hi all,


This is my 7th week, EDD is 6th June, my first bb. My gyane is from TMC and she charged me $133 for a jab to my butt, 30 tabs of duphaston and a bottle of calcium gummy. She said that we should start applying stretch marks cream starting from 6 weeks.

I went to Watson's and bought Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula which costs less than $10. I think stretch mark is related to genes? I have a fren didn't get any stretch mark, same goes for her mum when she was preggy with my fren. I have another fren who spend hundreds on stretch mark creams and ended up with lots of stretch marks, sigh.

Hi all MTBs,

I am expecting my second bb and my EDD is 9th June, also just into my 7 weeks. I am also feeling pukey and all those MS symptoms throughout the day and its makiing me really restless too!

My gynae fr TMC din even hv a package now, so I am thinking if its worthwhile to change, though his charges quite ok I feel. Consultation + scan is $80 + GST.

Hope all our misery ends with the start of our second tri!

Hi all,

Im new here, been followed this forum for quite sometimes. Finally decided to sign up n share info wif u gals. Last yr ard Nov'08 im had MC on wk 9 due to no heartbeat.After TTC-ing for few mths, last wk just realised im pregnant & went to see my gynae. Cant see e heartbeat yet, only able to see the sac.I was ask to go back scan in 2wks time. Hopefully able to see HB, kinda of phobia due to previous MC. Currently,Im on 7th week, my edd is on 5th June. hope everyting went smoothly n same to everyone *cheers*

hi gals,

lynn & ms vain : i am at a loss of words cos a lot of caring collegues kept on sms me whether am i feeling all rite ..hahhaha wanted so muchie to share the good news but to play safe after 12 weeks then share hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yo, is near to xmas by the time hehehe

yeah this year chinese new year will have lots of questions i guess. boy or gal etc? when giving birth huh?

last nite had a dream of delivering a gal gal leh hehe so sweet hahhaha mus be me dreaming hehehehe is a sweet dream though hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shen : be positive. trust that everytin will be all rite ... i believe what is ours will be ours. dun worrie so muchie.

koaru : take some vitamins B. hrd they help on the MS .

Hi ladies, update on my gynae visit today. I thought I am at 6 weeks and 1 day today, but the doctor measured 6 weeks and 4 days. He did an abdominal scan and showed me the waterbag, embryo and heartbeat! I was so relieved I started tearing on the examination bed.

Am really happy today, kept thinking the tiny embryo and the heartbeat I saw on the monitor. My EDD is 12 June 2010, and next appointment is 3 weeks later. Hope my little baby stays safe and snug in my uterus for the next 9 months.

Also, thanks to the ladies for the encouragement. Here's wishing all moms-to-be the best of luck! Think we all need a lot of support and encouragement, cos the journey to motherhood is really no joke!

Hi Ladies,

I'm pregnant!

I can't remember the first day of my last menses, 5th or 7th Sept, so I'm saying its the 6th. lol Anyway, two Saturdays ago, I tested positive and immediately made an appointment to see the dr on Tuesday.

On that visit, the normal ultrasound could not detect anything, but the dr could detect the sac thru the vaginal ultrasound. 1mm. Dr said a bit smaller than it shd be (according to dates, should be 5+ weeks, but dr said size is early 5 weeks). Because of my previous miscarriage, dr put me on hormones - 2 tablets of utrogestan (100mg) a day and injection of Pregnyl 5000IU 2x a week.

Today, went for another appt. Sac grown to 2.8mm. Had to search, but eventually, could see a slow heartbeat. Dr said it's slow because it's the beginning. I was so relieved I cried. Because last pregnancy, no heartbeat.

But I'm still a bit worried, because according to what I read, the fetus should be bigger by now - abt 2mm. It was barely 1mm.

But I know I must stay positive.

Hi dot,

congrats! stay positive.. tis preggie will be smooth for u. :p

mi had 3 M/Cs fm jun08 to jun09... am worried abt the lil one i carrying now too.. but gotta stay positive la. oni exactly 5wks today, can't wait for my gynea appt next fri, hopefully can see heartbeat by then. praying each n every day dat lil one grows well n be healthy.

Hi everyone,

I tested positive a week ago and am planning to see my gynae next week. Like my #1, I've been feeling burp-py, as though there's a lot of gas trapped! Does anyone feel like this?

My baby bump (haha.. or rather tummy) seems to be quite obvious already. So fast this time esp when i started showing at 4mths previously. Is it true that the bump shows earlier after your #1? Aiyoh, at this rate, I'm so afraid that i'll be huge at the end of the journey!!


ME too...got babybump already.....this time like 2 -4 months pregnant liao hahahha...but my #1 is only 14 months..so i havet really lost the babyweight yet.

everyone says i have been overeating that's why...yesterday ate one big beef burger and lots of fries and even had rootbeer float....

my first pregnancy i was very skinny....was underweight ...so in the first month immediately i put on 2 kg to be ideal weight and then by the end of my third trimester i had put on 22 kg....quite terrible yar?

this time i am definitely doing lots of exercise....to try and cut down the weight increase....i am still 9kg over my prepreggers weight


I go to see DR LN SIM from TMC...she was a head consultatnt at KKH and in recent years opened her own practice.....her charges are very reasonable on the low side...and she doesnt force u to buy vitamins or extra DHA unless u request....im very happy with her...my #1 was delivered by her....in less than 5 mins she had him out with forceps(with minimum scarring)..so im very impressed with her Skills =) her stitching is good too..i felt no pain...

and a few of my frens with difficult pregnancies like placenta on the floor blocking the passage out....went to her...no problems she delivered the babies all very well.

so i know her skill is very good...i highly recommend her

u can tell her Victoria and Baby Mark recommended u to see her..

hi all hi babyG

I'm hvg v bad MS too. felt like wobbling down all the food but after all the eating felt like puking.

doc says I should be edd on 16jun but still can't see heart beat. v worried. pray hard all is fine. going back to doc next 2wks.

Hi Dot, i'm nt really dat brave.. juz dat with family support and my ultimate wish of having my own kids.. i juz try n try again. to me, a family is not complete without kids.. after 3 M/Cs, one kid is a gift and two kids will be a bonus to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

poohpooh, i find dr koh is quite good and popular. he doesn't push medication to me and when i'm overdue he did not push me to induce only until nearly 41 weeks he ask me to decide so i have a c-sect instead.

I'm very sick since yesterday. Start to have high fever and book an appointment with my gynae but i couldn't drag my feet down to TPY with my son. My legs are aching so badly i went to see a GP instead. But she asked me to see a gynae so i'm going to thomson womens clinic at tiong bahru today. Hopefully can see baby heartbeat


Sunbelle and Ms Vain, so in the end, I gave up on 'bluffing' them cos like what my superior said, I can't really hide it anymore!

Like Ms Vain, I was pale looking after I came back from all the MCs...and ppl were already suspecting...

