(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

chay Hope!!! we all thought u got a + sign. haha u no more hopes of barbie dolls, pretty pink ribbon clips. try harder next year. for a dragon girl leh!

ty, i only know its a traditional chinese thingy that baby needs to choose certain items on that day itself. but i'm clueless what items to let baby choose leh.


You very bad leh. Now I am tempted to buy the ball pit. $29.95 is a good price. Can also fill with water for water play???

Hi Mummies,

I'm back from Desaru! Looks like I missed a lot. Playmate at Hope's! Sigh, I was really looking forward to that. When can we have a mini one? Lol.

Sheryl, hope they find out the cause and u get better soon.

Desaru was quite fun. We stayed at the Pulai, and it is quite a nice place. E spent swam everyday. Now rather dark. They have an indoor playroom too! E loved the slides. Nothing much else to do there, so we mostly nua. Oh, and I got a body scrub and massage. Shiok. Best thing is that father and son got closer. Hubby more willing to help out, rather than leave everything for me to do. Yay! Hope it continues. Lol.

1st birthday bash, count me in!

Any playmates coming up next week? I'm free Mon, Tue, and maybe Friday. Will confirm abt Friday.


1st birthday bash count me in too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


those standard stuff for bb to pick when they are 1yr old... book, calculator, ruler, money, drumstick, pen. If u want to add other stuff oso can la. No fixed rule. But nowsadays seldom ppl will do this liao... I also dun knw until my mum ask me to do it for my boy.

mummies who are giving heinz splatz, must the packet be given at one go? can i give some and keep the rest for later without refrigeration?


Anyone giving ur babies(toddlers!) multivit? I have two bottles of Animal Parade Plex Plus to sell away cheaply

Mummies ah, any of your babies only take one nap a day? zz skipped his afternoon nap again today. I find it quite abnormal. He wakes up at 7am, naps from 10am until 11+, then keeps himself awake until 8pm. Children at this age shd nap 2-2.5hrs. zz only nap 1-1.5hr. Today I brot him swimming, he also din feel tired enuf to nap in the afternoon. In fact, he shows no signs of tiredness at all. I believe children need to sleep enuf to grow well leh. Quite worrying....

Bluey, heehee


We drove up. Since we stayed mostly in the resort, we actually did not use the pram at all. But I saw many other parents with prams in the restaurant.


My boy used to be like that, not sleep much two half hr nap, one one hr nap. After swim also not tired, and worse than zz, go to sleep at 9+, 10pm, wake up 7/7.30am. But now taking two hr long naps. Hope it continues.

hope, ya man, we shld drop by ur hse playground again before the june hols end!! hahaha..

xx, today R woke up at 8+... 1st nap at 2+pm.. coz happily playing at ty's hse!! haha.. slept ard 30min? then went for class, slept in the car aft that, for abt 45min.. then put him to bed at 10pm..

Hope, Hahah its really fun lor.. Jojo can watch the balls slide down frm the side.. it amuses Ryan.. But it really takes up a lot of space.. Maybe abt the whole of the empty space left in front of ur tv.. And 100 balls can barely fill half the pit. Btw the set comes with 10 measly balls. Cannt use for water play cos there's a tiny hole at the base but my friend were saying can use those waterproof tape to tape it up then can le.. But im too lazy to try.. Cos I'm lazy to clean up.. Though they bought 300 balls I only use 100 otherwise I'll b picking balls non stop!

Zoie, for me, if Ryan doesn't finish the splat we keep in the fridge but we let him consume within 24 hrs


All the toysrus carry it ar?? U make me super super gian!!! Thinking of gg town today le!


Sure come by before Jun hol end! But gotta b next wk Le.. Last wk bzbz.. And last wk Cfm Hb gg.. Got a die die must attend course! Really DIE also must go! U miss a min of it, they make u go again for that min!!! Super Anal!!


Welcome to the no-nap club manz!! Jojo wakes up at 5 plus.. Prob cat nap half hr at 9 plus.. And all the way awake till 7 plus at night.. Occasionally he is able to cat nap at 3 plus

dot, jojo, hope, cannot cannot... i cannot allow zz to join the no-nap club. i must make him sleep after lunch. arbo next time go child care how? eh, u all know why in childcare, they give milk after lunchtime before naptime? i thot they shd already have their tummies filled with solid food during lunch le. why need to drink milk again?


Just read about your test results. Are you disappointed?

Birthday Bash

Haha.... Looks like my Function Room very popular. Unfortunately Jul n Aug are busy months for me. My brother's family and my eldest nephew will be back for Summer so lots of family gathering for me! Thus I will not be able to join the Bash leh.

Toys R'us Ball Pit

I also very, very tempted. But ah when I think of having to pick the balls for my didi and how much space it'll take, I hesitated. Thus am refraining from going to Toys R'us for now.


A lot of children don't nap well at home. But when in cc they will nap cos all the children are sleeping. Sometimes even need the teachers to wake them up! Then on weekends they don't nap again. Cannot explain why like that.

Hi Mummies - MIA for 3 days cos my boy was down..fever and loose stools..finally last night no need to take fever med. For the past 3 days, super clingy and cranky..hiaz, cannot tahan. And he did not wanna eat or drink except my breasts..super tiring.

Robisnson sale

Robinson having GST free + 20% sales..feel like choing down to get some kitchen sets n bedding stuff..Check with you mummies who are holding to Robinson card..Is there any change in the card? The other day I was at John Little and they told me there is a new card and mine was the old one, could not be used. I had not received any mailers on such changes..This robinson hor..if you dun go and shop for quite sometime..they dun send mailer to update you..very jialat..


I prefer my boy to take nap..at least he is not so cranky during meal time. Usu he will take nap abt 1-1.5hr ard 9am, 1pm and 5,6pm. Usu morning nap, he will kwai kwai sleep..guess he will feel relax after his morning bath. Afternoon nap..sometimes he will skip but will take cat nap abt 45min ard 3-4pm.

XX - u try to give me a quick wipe down in the afternoon and see zz will nap or not..

Xx, they feed my gal porridge at 11-11:30am and then milk again at 1:30pm before putting her to nap when her feedin interval is 3-4hrs. I guess their aim to to let the children sleep as long as possible and thus dun wan to take the chance of a waking child due to hunger. U know lo... If a child wakes up, high chance will wake up some other sleeping children as well.

Hope, my gal survived the kungfu panda. I suppose she caught 50% of the scenes but still remained 100% of the time on my lap. Hee hee. The movie is nice. I think better than the first.

Hope,jenn, go buy! Ya toys r us have them all.. Jenn, jeph can help u pick the balls haha but really nd abt 300 balls to make it look like real ball pit.. I thinkcan take up to 500/600.. Cos my 300 when spread out it is barely half the pit!

Xx I asked the cc also y milk after lunch.. They say kids sleep better after milk leh.. And lunch usually they dont eat a lot also.. And they told me milk v impt for growing kids so they give.. But it will seem like they are eating/drinking a lot..

My boy's turn to b sick.. Suspected viral fever again Haiz..

Bebe, I'm thinking of holding back his morning nap or wake him up after half an hr so that he can nap again after lunch. He seems to be tired now le.

The robinsons sale is for card member only? I feel like getting raycorp.

Zinc, I see... But if it's 2hrs after lunch like tiger baby's, i find it ok. They're eating every 2-3hrs now anyway.

Ball pit

I'm thinking of using the playpen. No need to buy the pit.

thanks Irene. then your bb choosing which item? so maybe i can put 1 piece of UK Pounds, 1 piece of USD, 1 piece of Sin and 1 piece of Euros, see which one my bb Britt choose?

bebe/Zinc, take care and speedy recovery to your boys

Tigerbb, but if she sleeps too much in the afternoon, will there be a problem when she sleeps at night? u know. my gal sleeps too much in the day, and dun want to sleep at nite. sometimes struggle until 12am then sleep

xx, get raycorp leh. the bedsheets and all these things in the house feels so fresh. my hubby also used raycorp for my doggie's bed. haha

hope, next wk i off thurs/fri lei.. then trying to psycho hb to take leave on fri we go gai gai.. thurs before class can? aiyo anal lei.. miss 1 min also must make-up.. so ngiao!! omg jojo wakes up at 5+am???? what time he sleeps at nite? R used to wake up at 7+.. then i started dragging his sleep time from 9pm to 10pm.. now he wakes up 8+am..

bebe and zinc, hope ur babies recovers quickly...


sometimes my boys don't really nap well on weekends, especially my #1. cuz to him, weekends are like holiday as house is packed with people. now it is his school holiday, he don't really nap in the noons nowadays, can even tell to my maid "auntie, "school holiday no need sleep ya."

as for my bb, he is mostly taking 2 naps. i too prefer my boys to nap as they won't feel cranky. mil think its not that important. -_-"

anyway, my maid will make bb nap about the same time everyday. morning nap about 9am+, afternoon nap between 2-3.30pm. but sometimes his nap can only be 15mins & refuse to nap le.

heinz splat:

is it yummy? been wanting to buy & let my boys try.

xiao xiin,

usually i will give bb drink some milk before his afternoon nap.

Zinc - I think my boy also kena viral fever again cos today I saw rashes on his tummy, neck n forehead after fever subsided. Saw yr boy's stat on Fb, yr boy is almost 10 cm taller than mine. My boy is 75cm tall n weighs 10.2kg.

Hope - still got time to make dragoness, jia you!

Hope- Maybe tat pregnancy kit nt accurate? LOL! For my #1, e 1st time I used oso negative bt aft 1wk positive. If late, try again.

Elise- I dun even noe when is my boy Lunar Birthday le bt den saw some of friends did, seems fun. My friend put abacus, paint brush, money, drumstick, books. Realised tat b4 choosing she let her boy stepped on 2 'ang ku kueh'. Aft finish let him eat mee sua.

Xx- I oso asked my #1 CC tis qns before. They too tell mi for lunch they dun give alot so aft bath they give them milk to make them fuller thus easier to slp n some kids haf a habit of drinking milk b4 nap else they can't slp.

Re: Ball pit

I used to haf 1 bt den e picking up e balls really make mi so sian thus wrap it up n kept it in e store. Balls all roll under e sofa n hard to take it out le.

Re: Naps

Mi too think naps is vr impt for our kids else they will get vr cranky in e noon. My #1 everyday standard take 3hr nap n #2 usually takes 3 naps, 9.30am, 1.45pm, 6.30pm.

bluey, the splat is quite yummy.. my boy loves it if i put it in the fridge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

basically my mil, mum and i train my boy to sleep during cooking time so that we can cook his porridge.. so he wakes abt 7.30 and will nap frm 10.30 to 12 to wake up for lunch.. then abt 4.30 to 6 to wake up for dinner..

bebe, i dunno whether the chart accurate or nt leh.. i dont think he's that tall lor.. we just lay him on the mat and he was squirming abt.. when i use the measuring tape he's less than 80cm leh.. so ur boy developed fake measles? that means recovering alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise, she doesn't sleep a lot actually. She usually wakes up at 8am, naps at 10:30am for 45mins - 1 hr and then at 1:30pm for 1.5 - 2.5 hrs on infant care days. On wkend, she can go out whole day and only take short nap during car ride. At night she sleeps at 10am and through the night.

I also belong to the 'must-nap' club. My boy wakes up between 5.30 to 6am n he takes 2 naps - one in morning n one in early afternoon. Even then, by 6.30pm he is ususlly v tired cos he woke up fr his last nap at 2+. I wonder how he can sustain when they only take one nap at 18 mths onwards in childcare.

Contrary to what Jenn said, my boy sleeps better at home and I m suspecting the naptimes that the trs write in the handbook is not true. When I pick him up, he does not behave like he had a 2hr nap lor. Tsk tsk.. Think they write for the sake of writing only. My friend picked his son up earlier than usual and he was drinking milk then but the tr could write in the book that he had drunk 100ml for that feed. Seriously @.@

elise, he choose calculator. Y must put different currency money leh? One pc will do cos it sort of symbolise next time counting money non stop if bb pick. keke.. I think so.. U check wif ur mum or mil mayb they know all these.

Speedy recovery for lil babies/toddles that are unwell!


Like that not trustworthy lei.. Lucky u thinking of pulling josh out frm there alr!


Haha!! Accurate!! Cos auntie finally decided to visit today!! Yea!!


Haha! I din know cycle will be disrupted aft pregnancy.. But nw based on this first time, I think my cycle is like every 6wks? Instead of previous 4.. But will monitor in case it's simply anomaly.. Actually nw I super gian for girl la!! Saw tigerbb pedipeds yest.. Then tersher initially wanted to to get a girly pedipeds too! Fwah!! All so pweeety!!! Will aim for girl!! Hehe!! Next time got REAL gd news wil share k!! Haha!!


I'm gg paragon toysrus to check out ltr!


I also wanna jojo to nap.. But he refused.. Wad to do?? Haiyah

Mummies I just got myself on board the iPhone Club. My dad bought me one as he said he couldn't stand my white elephant. So maybe I will be asking lots of stupid questions here abt applications etc, bear with me!

For now I can't even get the fcking sim slot to open with the fcking needle.


can give splat direct from the fridge? or leave it outside first?


welcome to iphone family! so nice of your dad wor.

i never install the sim card by myself, the shop did it for me & since then, i never touched that sim card.


Welcome to the iphone club hehe...go install watsapp..can have grp chats there haha...


I also belong to the "must-nap" club. Think the kid wont be so cranky if they have their naps.


Are u sending your boy to Character?

Mezzo I installed whatsapp already but dunno how to use haha! People tell me what "contacts will auto sync into whatsapp" but don have leh! Anyway gotta go change my SIM later so I will ask the shop to teach me.

Bluey I give it straight frm the fridge leh.. ESP nw my boy throat inflammation don't want yo eat anything.. I think the cold drink soothes his throat cos he'll drink it more willingly..

Mezzo ya I paid alr.. Too lazy to source for more ><

ty, lucky u!! have fun with ur new phone.. u'll get used to it one la, then u'll like it better than the samsung i tink.. im waiting for nov to get mine.. looooonnnnggg wait.............

xiaoxin... yeah, i agree with you that babies need enough sleep to grow well. my #2 naps at least 2x a day and my #1 still naps once a day for usually an hour or so. when both don't get their usual naps, they get v cranky. then the mummy will sweat. haha! maybe try to lower the curtains in the room when it's nap time so that he knows it's time to zZzz? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zinc... my bb is not well too. had this flu that won't go away. hope she recovers before her jab next week.

ty... have fun with the iphone! i nv thot of switching to apple but when i got one, i never want to switch to other brands! or at least, that's how it is for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

by the way... has anyone tried tiger air or jetstar to HK before? is it ok for the kiddos?

brambles, tiger is worse than jetstar, and both are horrible. does this answer your question? haha! the budget terminal has no shelter from boarding gate to aircraft so if it rains its really annoying. and the seats are really made to give you cramps. i think its only bearable if you take a veryyyy short flight, not further than 2 hrs. can't imagine flying to auckland on jetstar.


when are you starting yr boy?

TY - its fun bitching on watsapp haha...welcome to the grp....i see if ive yr no hehe..

ty, good to get yourself on what's apps. mms/sms are free with that app. my only complain is sometimes i need to resend a few times before the msg reaches my recipients.

Brambles, i can tell u jetstar is 5.5 marks out of 10 and tigerair is close to fail. i've ever encountered waiting for 1 & a half hrs for nothing when they never announced why the flight got delayed. no explanations no nothing. just imagine taking it with a cranky baby! seats are not really comfortable, it gives you leg cramps permanently

Elise i m already on whatsapp haha, gossiping with my friends until i got neckache now from looking down at the phone for so long

ty and elise, thanks! shall just stick with CX. planning a trip to HK with my babies! :D

jojo... ritz carlton! i was tempted to book their room to c the NDP fireworks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Price for babies on CX is high..


Include me in your gossip!!!

I'm now sitting in a meeting postingn in forum with colleagues sitting beside me... Dunno how to die ah

