(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Xx, I kpo go and read their wall, they ask u to email them instead of posting at their wall! U didn't tell them that email le no reply from them!

My that lazy hb say wanna complaint thru fb also no action! I think he has totally forgotten about it!


Hope, the ball popper is 39.90 at toys r us.. Usually 59.90.. U tested alr??? Hahhahah

My sterilizer just zonked out on Sunday night and I called Phillips on Monday morn. They told me if I hv reciept warranty is 2 yrs otherwise it's only 1 year even though I reg warranty online. Obviously I don't have reciept alr ao I made a big hoo ha over the phone.. Heng I got the email abt me registering for family rewards so my warranty is 2 yrs and they gave me a new set..


Really??? 39.90? Hmm didn't rem that it was that ex eh? Cos it's from playskool.. Lesser known brand than fp or little tikes.. U r super lucky abt the Phillipa new set la!! WoohoOo!!


Haha!! I'm abit neutral eh.. Not too keen to join ur club!! Haha!! Unless it's a Bb girl rabbit!! Tersher's and tiger's babes were cute la!!! Would love to dress babes up!! Unlike the boyish Jojo.. Sry to all mummies of hunks! Haha! U gotta agree w me!! Hur Hur

Haven't buy test kit yet.. Think wait another wk see how?? Haha! Not v eager to know results =p no symptoms of preggy lei.. Except no auntie lo.. I'm only wondering if cycles screw up aft preggy.. No?

Hope, today after work I can help you buy test kit, then tomorrow when you come my house, I will force you to test hahahahha! Can't imagine if you get a girl, you need another walk-in wardrobe and a new shelf for 100 barbie dolls! Lol!

Peck, ai lai mai? Si mi museum??? Jovan is so young...museums are boring leh...go zoo also better right? Hahaha I talk so much.

xx, i also email kidpartystore they take agesssss to respond.. went down to the compasspoint store to recee also.. in the end decided to get from the parkway balloon shop.. things there slightly cheaper also..

bluey, take care wor.. nowadays alot of ppl falling sick..

hope, im still steriliing bottles wor.. too used to it.. duno when i wana stop also..

ty, im coming tml.. probably 10+.. thanks for offering to help us cook bb's lunch!! i can eat snake 1 day.. hahaha..

hope, ball popper is the one the ball slide down then fly up that one? tink little R likes the mini basketball net thing.. considering getting for him.. go buy test kit and use it at ty's place tml!!! hahahah so exciting!!

Hope, that's after I made a big hoo ha over the phone.. What weird policy.. W reciept two yrs wo reciept one yr.. And e set thing is it just passed 1 yr by a few days!

If u hv a girl u nd a whole new set of toys!

Jojo that basketball thing is v fun! It's one of my boy's fav toy haha.. Go buy that!


Tmr I come at 10a cos you know lah, I need to be home at ard 1215p latest to pick my Jeph.

Busy, busy, BUSY

God, I think I am really asking for it. Spent so much time and money practicing baking my cupcakes. Aiyo, should have just gone and buy 1 instead. Hassle-free, good to look at and yummy. But yet I have gone too far into it to pull out at this late hour. So busy don't know for what!!!!

Ty, kids art museum la... Lotsa things for him to mingle there.. Bring him to your house hor, he very chor lor one lei, all the bb around I very scared!

Jenn, u bz for your boys lor... U good la, not like me, I say I wanna bake for donkey years Liao.. Nothing come out, my hb also hear until sianz

Peck, he go camp, we go our own adult playdate la! Can come next Tuesday or we can go out with our babies. I very free leh, I just realised haha!

hope, ya man, if you have a girl next, u'll need to get her a new wardrobe and 50 soft toys and 100 barbie dolls!! hahaha....

peck, dun go museum la.... im sure u'll have more fun with us! hehe..

zinc, 39.90 also not cheap lei.. i tink tink... the disc valid till when?

jenn, all for ur 2 baobeis lo..! worth it one.. especially when u see them enjoying the party and your cupcakes...

ty, cant stand u lei! very freee...!!???!! arrghhh.. i also wan to be very free...! ~~>.<~~

xx - I am still in denial..hard to believe my baby is a toddler..hiaz..

TY - I came back from PD by 10am..did not get to ask the soft cheese query. But I think better dun give those raw cheese (as in blue cheese) yet..but those cream cheese, cheddar cheese shd be fine though my PD quite against processed food

Ok..I asked my PD abt full cow milk. Forewarn a bit..she is very pro breastfeeding..so she still think BM is the best for human. She said basically FM, fresh milk all came from the same source - cow. FM had added ingredient meant for babies..but with R&D..more components like DHA, prebiotics added in..but no evidence to show that these milk are more indeed superior than the "normal FM or cow milk". But FM was designed for babies and therefore shd be easily absorbed by babies' system. But for babies who rejected FM, fresh milk can be the next alternative, bearing in mind that, milk need not be the main food supplement if babies are doing well on nutritious solid food and has well balanced diet. She said it is better to leave the fresh milk at room temp before serving the baby.

Hope - u not kancheong meh? everyone so excited for you..have you told yr hubby?

Now I have a sicky baby at home..very whinny and kept sticking onto me..hiaz..


My Hb asked cos he knows there's one time that we din protect.. But that time when he asked, it was quite early still so I just replied no la.. Now I nv update him lo.. How's kiefer? What did PD say today??


HahAx! It's time to stock up hair clips and tutus??? WoOts!!! That's so gonna bankrupt me! 


Next tuesday playdate ar???  YeaHh!! Where? Zoo? So tempted to be Friends of zoo


Fwah! So most stil sterilizing huh? Okok! Asking cos dunno wanna bring sterilizer to RWS next wk not.. Coz will b a yr then.. Lazy ls.. Tho I'm not the one doing hehe 

Hope, I stopped sterilizing for a few weeks already. But that's bcos I dun use bottles. Feel silly to sterilize zz's magmag when all his other feeding utensils can't be sterilized.

Peck, I can't be bothered to argue with them. I'm trying my best not to be nasty.

Bebe, thanks for sharing. I gave warm magnolia n zz just played with it. He prefers it cold. I also bot magnolia uht packet fresh milk. Thinking can bring outside to drink after I stop bf totally. Can drink uht fresh milk right? Uht milk is those kind that dun have to be fridged unless opened.

Eh if your kiefer is in my class huh, I sure make him my pet student. He has the very good boy look. I like!

Jojo, I wanted to call them cos I'm orderig personalised banner which takes one week to make, but there's no phone number on their webpage!

This zz has been awake since 11.30am n still shows no signs of tiredness. Means today he nap a total of 1hr. Break record sia...

Hey how abt doing a playdate at the zoo? Photo taking, mummies eating ice cream, push our kids in the pram and just goof around? Our bb enters free right?

Hope, dun join friends of the zoo yet unless u plan to bring jojo often this year. Next year the River Safari is opening and they will have a new type of membership combined with zoo.


Wow!!!! Just read about your *ahem* "lateness". Hope it is good news ;) And if it is a girl, I suggest you look for a bigger apartment! Else how are you going to fit in the 100 barbie dolls, 50 princess gown and 150 pairs of heels! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Will be damn crowded during June holidays. The waterpark will be filled with kids. And according to my PD that's the best place to breed bacteria!!! Hahaha....


I am stopping at 1 yo. I did that for Jeph as well tho I cheated abit with Didi. When in Oz, I did not sterilized at all. And after Didi turns 1, I will no longer used those baby detergent and cleanser to wash his laundry and bottles once the current stock runs out. Big boy liao lo! =)

Ty, dont want zoo la..very hot le.. Then hor, zoo must bring jovan le.he want to go zoo and feed kangaroo

Aiyo jenn, I'm a little mad here.... I feel if I put away the sterilizer it really brings a closure to the babyhood! Aiyo!

Oh ya school holiday season....

Peck our zoo got kangaroo?!!


I am so disappointed. I still cannot pipe my cupcakes!!!! Still look like poo-poo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My Spider webs are slight better only. But my School's celebration is Superman theme leh. Jeph is so looking forward to wearing his Cape Superman shirt to school. How??? Should I just go buy a Superman cake for school celebration?

Sorry if I am constantly whining about my cupcakes. It's just that I put in so much effort liao still cannot make it. Feel so blah :-(

mummies i wana ask, for baby's first birthday, on the day itself, have to let them chose certain items right? so what are the 'standard items'?


thanks so much! I'll check out amazon n pediped n update u. Most prob after mid june. still in time rite? hee. Wah! wait a week more. mayb it's good news!!


yah lor. too bad d design not suitable for your gal rite?


ok, no problem. jus kpo only. lol. hope things r resolved now. yah, the lady boss is now 6+months pregnant n they just got a new staff at the new shop. mayb it's the staff causing problem? anyway hope u've gotten your stuff in the end.


Thanks so much for the playdate, we enjoyed it v much. My bb enjoyed the slide [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yr "facilities" is much better than than some of the indoor playground, Jojo is so fortunate. BTW, i loved his new hairstyle, he got a v nice round head [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr cupcakes look v good, I keep reminding myself to eat the blue one whenever i walked pass the table but in the end still forget [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 加油 for yr son's parties.

Jenn my dear friend

Don b disappointed. Don b discouraged by the looks of it. Stay w spider webs. They look pretty nice already. Are there any spiderman figurine to b placed on the cuppies?

U hv already done a lot for the boys. * salute* jeph will appreciate.


Entrance fee for bb below 3 yo is free but I think u forget that U and yr MAID must pay, that means u will need to get 2 nos. of Zoo passes, hahahaha.

Also, u hv painted too good a pic for Zoo outing, the weather is hot, some animals r v smelly, lots n lots of walking (if u take tram , u need to carry yr stroller up n down), u hv to carry yr bb quite a lot if u want him to see the animals, etc. My hb and I become Friend of Zoo 2 weeks ago, the first thing we get home is always on the aircon, bath and sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So far, we visited the zoo for 2 times and still not able to cover the whole zoo.

hope, hair clips, hair bands, pink cutesy clothes and dresses.. AND shoesss... how can we forget abt the shoes..! hahahaha...

next wk im off thurs/fri instead of the usual tues/thurs.. coz little R's bday on sun, tot i take 1 stretch more shiok.. gotta give the tues playdate a miss liao..

xx, i find fb and emailing them all dam slow response de.. gotta go down to the store.. but when i enquired on personalized banners at the store, the lady ask me to email them to ask for the sample banners =.= i didnt wana be mean so din shoot her back - email u all never reply. haha.. i was contemplating doing the personalized banner also.. but hb feels no need.. he say leave it me but tone abit like wishing i wont waste $ on it.. so i gave in la.. and also coz i still have to finalize cake, guests and catering.. running out of time so probably not doing the personalized banner liao.. perhaps when he older and have fav cartoon char, then i do 1 for him..

jenn, the piping like on ur vanilla cupcakes that day? its ok ma, dun look like poo la.. they're filled with ur love lei, outside cant buy!

Yes Amy I agree! Zoo is hmmm tiring! ESP Galen don enjoy stroller. He will cry for us to carry him. Kor kor jay will turn moody cos he's not excited abt animals. But at least the playground excites him. I think we need 2 more yrs to enjoy zooing.

Hope, wahahaha. The posts sound like you are already preggie. All the best yo! Maybe u will hv the first dragon bb here? 小龙nu. Anyway, I've FB u regarding Pediped. Thx!

Hope, thanks for hosting! Yes, agree w Amy, ur place is more interesting than fidgets man just short of a ball pit , where did u hide ur ball pit? :p suggesting a lousy idea, June bash at ur place? We can help w e decor!

Btw, hope u strike toto! Not bad lah.. U still have mood n effort.. I totally sian in terms of that area..


When I read ur description of zoo, hmm.. I guess u haven Bern there for ages .. Kekeke.. Yes damn hot n no shelter!! I wanted to be friends of zoo b I decided to be friends of sci centre instead ( yawn!, boring rite) coz it's indoor, got chicks hatching to c n got waterplay. Haha.less crowded n nearer to urban life.. , zoo is nice b damn tiring...


Hope to join u all again next tues if possible. Will confirm again. Very interesting conversation abt hubs n mils.


Ur cupcakes lk gd lah, own effort somemore. Dun nd to have so high expectations, e kids will still go gaga over it one. Or maybe if u feel really bad, u can get a small spiderman cake n put e cupcakes ard it. It will look very nice that way, just get a small one, let e kids eat e cupcake, all kids love cupcakes.

Cath, haven thank u for e great party n most imp, e can never be beaten goodie bag. Ur goodie bag is like those generous door gifts from big companies!!! No wonder u r in marketing, u will make a gd event planner too!


Haha!! I wanted to get a ball pit from toysrus! But was stopped by you-know-who.. Haha! cos I saw how much fun jojo had when he was in the ball pit at fidgets! I dun mind providing the space for June bash but really think too small le.. Great if have function rm.. *looks ard and gaze stopped at lucky Jenn!* hahaz! But sure! If u all decide wanna have my place, feel free!


I wonder too! Good if have a bb girl like Claire k!! Feisty!! I like!! Haha!!!


Drop by anytime this hols for yide to try on the slides again! Great that he is walking alr! Can enjoy better! Can also come before their shichida class too.. Anytime! Jojo come along if time permits for you!


Congrat me again when it is cfm k! Haha!!


No worries la! Take ur time! But pedi Ed having some promo nw le.. Check them out before stock runs out k!


Haha!! Y u specify me fir the furniture huh?? My house got no more space!! -_-"


No need cook jojo share of porridge today k.. Helper cooked his already! She forgot I think.. But it's ok too! Cos not sure wad time reaching.. Need to wait for my mum to give green light =)

Thanks all mummies who provided info abt sterilizing!! Think I will also use hot water to just clean clean ba.. And mayb lesser frequency to sterilize since like wad xx say, no pt sterilizing some, n not others.. When he goes mum's place or mil, also not sterilized cutlery

there's one on sale at toys r us.. with the slide.. only 29.90... it's super fun! there's 2 slides to slide down the balls! but it's so huge that it filled up the remaining space in my ironing rm.. and nd abt 300 balls to make it look filled.. this one: http://www.toysrus.com.sg/toysrus/specialoffer/jsp/newSGListProduct.jsp?keyword=ball&action=KeywordSearch&lang=en&individual_product=true&skn=913502&startIndex=0&rows=5&positionIndex=3

u can sit inside and play w jojo too! haha


looks like everybody hope you have a girl! hehehe.


your cupcake is nice! im sure jeph will be proud of his mummy & appreciate your efforts.


did i see a playdate next tues? where ahhhhh?

my fever still refused to go away completely leh. my throat hmmm is like starting to cough, itchy throat. -____-" why im so sway ah.

i take medicine until my hair is dropping like crazy again. sian.

No playdates on weekends? sob sob...

can have the joint bdae bash on weekend?

TY - the swimtrainer trial has the place been fixed huh...paiseh if have and i overlooked.

Hopecg- Congrats if u r preggy. Dun wait till next wk den test. Everyone is oso kan cheong for u. Dun keep us all in suspense.

Jojo- U're welcome. At least bbR appreciate e bumbo seat. Jayven will nv sit in there for more den a min. Its always him beside e bumbo rolling it everywhere n nt him on e seat.

Jenn- Dun b demoralised. Its nv ez to bake n tat wif e results u r showing, really vr gd le. Once u put e cupcakes on e stand, it will def fit in to e theme.

Bluey- Think u need antibiotic to fight off e virus.

Re: Playdates

Next tues at where? Really love to go bt def haf to bring kor kor along.

Re: Zoo

Agree wif e rest of e mummies tat going to Zoo is indeed a vr tiring thing to do. Actually theres tis motorised car tat u operate urself in e zoo bt den rental think nt cheap. Weather nowadays is lyk crazy so haf to think twice b4 going.

Re: Barney musical show

Theres a Barney musical show going on at Marina square till 11 june. weekdays 2pm n 7pm, weekends 1pm,4pm n 7pm. Went ytd n can say e show nt bad coz lots of dancing n singing. worth going.


thanks. these 2 night i have been drinking the "smelly gassy" water. the name "snake water"??? its a grey colour soft drink can.


i taking 3 types of antibiotics, 1st type not so strong. then went to see doc again, now taking 2 stronger ones. sigh.



only brot my p1 kids there before. Super smelly n hot. Ended at abt 5pm n the sch still put us Ts down for some course. Was damn pissed with them cos i was so tired n sticky n all I wanted was a shower n sleep. The thing is I'm the only one who grumbled. Pls let me go to a better place next yr. *cross fingers*

