(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

I am fuming mad now.

Bloody Aussino.

Forgot my order and said i either wait for them to deliver tomorrow or i can go down to their shop to get a refund. I screwed them upside down and my HR manager came out to ask me who I am "murdering on the phone"

I told the stupid salesgirl by hook or by crook you get me the cot at my house today!!!!!!!! Don't come and fucking give me excuses that supplier did not get your fax order.


stupid lor.

called me back to say now will deliver by 6pm.

i told her don't ever be late cos i waiting for them at my door at 6pm...


what crap ask me to go shop to get refund!

i said if u want to refund me, you take taxi and give me the money at my office now.

elise, festive hotel.. hmm stay MBS can bring bb to do what? duno whr to go next sunday..

brambles, ritz! must be exp rite? i wana go somewhr but heartpain the $ coz sg hotels all so exp!

ty, happily watsapp-ing hor.. ya i like using watsapp too.. macham iphone msn.. and no need to pay $.. me too wan to gossip!! :p

Hmmm yalo, better not mess with ty!! but they also orbigood la, forget order still dare to say either wait or go shop get refund. these kind of cust svc waiting for ppl to scold nia..

amoroux, u open small small window to type and post is it? hahahaa....

My co is gonna have family day next month to USS. Employee has free tix but family members need to pay at 50% off the publish rate. Not bad! I check out the RWS for accomodation on that day but hmmm... no vacancy.


Yes small small window but i'm whatsapp-ing on the fone most of the time in the meeting. Bad egg!!!

Jojo, ya... not cheap. So I'm still undecided. Either ritz or HK... What's your budget? Or you can check which hotels yours or your hubby's company have corporate discounts with? The last time we did a staycation at Marina Mandarin, with corporate discount was only $200+ (can't rem exact price).

Haha... can I join in the gossip too?!

Ty, yes I agree whatsapp is gd!! U shld start a whatsapp grp man!

I like ur logic " take cab down n refund u", next time nd help in "such areas" look for u can. I am damn lousy w all these.

Next tues playdate go where, now I must block my tues afternoon coz Pt cleaner coming, I nd to open door so after letting her in can join u all for playdates.

Mezzo, bluey .. Take leave.. Haven seen u all for a while.

Re: June bash

Hope, if really do at ur place, I can help u w decor n arrangement, maybe buffet table put outside ur Hse. But u c how lah, must be comfortable w e idea. I love ur place coz really damn well equipped leh!! :D

No dragon bb...?? Try this weekend.. Haha but dragon very competitive yr.

Re: nap

Xx, my sumo also decreasing his nap time but Bo pian have to force him to nap else he not happy I also not happy. But sometimes he can be like zz, go w/o nap e whole day b that's usually when there's many disturbances. Ocassionally it's fine b still nd him to have the habit of napping in e afternoon.

Re: trips

Going m'sia for short trip tmr! Scared jam. Dot, was e jam back when u came back?

Mezzo I'm starting him in dec cos I'll b free to b ard w him then.. But then again dec is a bit disruptive cos we r planning to go hols for 1 wk and there's a Xmas wk also.. But nvm la.. Just let him get used to it.. Hw abt yours?

My boy's fever persistently above 38 even w neurofen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dunno what virus.. Haiz.. And he's nt eating/drinking much too.. Im nt gg for kindermusik Tmr le..

Hi Mezzo, can share with me the link for prada bags to be shipped to SG? Fren helped to buy my bag but didn't get hubby's wallet. How's the shipping fee like? I wanna compare and see if we shld just buy from SG store. Can pm me? Thanks thanks.


U got lobang for burberry too not?? Haha


Ryan was fine that day lei.. Y nw lydat? Aiyo.. Take care wor!!


U ready to buy Pedipeds?? I super itchy fingers le!! Haha!!

hope, my loots are here!! oh my, didnt realise i bought so much... i tot baby clothes light light de.. but my poor little niece helped me lugged back 6kg worth of baby clothings!!

pedipeds ar... aiyo i so tempted to buy more lei.. like got more designs on sale liao.. can i tompang u also? >.<

Genice, how do u force sumo k to nap? I can't leh. That day I bring him into the bedroom n on air con since 1.30pm, he also refuse to sleep. I was a good role model. I managed to nap for a short while but not him. But today he napped for abt 30mins+ at ard 4.30pm. Siao siao one. He fell asleep in his stroller shortly after we left the mrt station.

Zoie, no leh. Not overstimulated. He is used to going out everyday. Btw, I can confirm zz 99% refuse the manduca already. I dunno to feel happy or sad cos it means he has "grown up" n also means one less 法宝for me to use in settling him. Same feeling when he refuse the yaolan at 9months.

That partystore din reply my email again!! Ty, u teach me how to screw them up if they fail to deliver zz's personalised banner on time ok?

tresher, today is the 2nd day.. so tmr if still persist i'll bring him down again. cos sunday no pd.. haiz.

hope, dunno leh.. suddenly like that and dont want to eat somemore.. u know hw he hardly rejects food.. so everyone's worried..

burberry lobang? i also want to know!

Zinc, hope Ryan recovers soon. If you are able to take MC for Ryan, Kindermusik will waive that lesson and refund.

Is he drinking water? if he is not.. buy electrolyte from the pharmacy and feed..

Jojo/ Tersher

Gimme yur orders.. I told the bro abt 6 pairs of shoes.. I think he will faint at the sight of the parcel! Btw cos we asking my fren to put in luggage and bring back.. The shoe boxes I told him can discard to save space.. Ok w u?


Noted =)


Ware can i get those remote control pouch that hangs over the sofa? Other den Ikea, where can i find.

BTW, i discharge from hosp le =))

Rashes all well, non itchy (slight) other den skin flakes & very dry areas.

zoie, i didnt know abt the MC part.. so we didnt take one when we went to the PD on thurs night.. nvm ba..

what is the electrolyte you are mentioning? he's still refusing food and drinks, but luckily fever is nw low-grade.. abt 37.5...


Hope your boy is feeling better.

I'm undecided to send my boy to childcare or nt or jus rely on enrichments then when he is 3 send him to Kindy


I dnt have lobang for Burberry leh hehe.

Tesher I pm u on mon can... Using iPhone now hard to tell u in detail wif website link


Plan for July playdate then I apply leave cos nx wednesday am taking leave for my boy's bdae already

Genice, the jam back was ok. A tiny one between M'sia and Sg customs. Abt 15 mins, tops. We came back at lunch time.

Of no, so many such bbs again. Hope they get well soon.

I an also not feeling well. Hope I dun pass to E.

Whatsapp seems fun. I go download n see how.

Zinc, u go to pharmacy and ask them for it. Take one tube every half an hr. Force feed water with syringe if need to. Check how frequent his pee is. My boy had to be hospitalized the last time cos he refused to eat n drink.

Mezzo, sure. Thanks! In the past, hubby said people paying so much for a bag are shallow pp. But now, he kept bugging me abt his wallet. Duhhh ah...

Zinc, maybe give him barley water as well. My nanny tried barley plus green bean water before too. Try feeding every now and then instead of feeding more each time.

Zoie, enjOy yr staycation!

Sheryl, hope you are feeling better now. for your q, u can go to Daiso to buy or else go to those neighbourhood shops (no brand types) where they sell an assortment of household utensils, cups, plates, tissue papers etc. u will find it there

ty, sigh. so bad svc! so in the end did they deliver it to your house?

u having fun with the whatapps?

xx, the kidspartystore is damn jialat leh

Sheryl, I hv seen it in Court, maybe u wanna give it a try? Glad to kn that u r feeling better now.

Zinc, how is bei bei now? My boy has no fever but still has runny stool, ESP aver meal. I am giving him plain porridge with light soy sauce. His appetite also no good.. But I m glad that he is drinking water, at least no worry about dehydration. Prob he will hv runny stool until the virus flushes out from his


Try to make some porridge water for yr boy if he is still not eating or drinking much.

Xx you must already ensure they deliver the banner! It's too late in my opinion to scold after the party. Call them everyday to confirm reconfirm double confirm!

Genice/Elise, I learnt to be a bitch after being a secretary/personal assistant for 7 years! A long time of experiencing cock-ups and I really learnt how to push people. They delivered the cot yesterday 30mins before the time deadline of 6pm. I called the shop 3 times followed by a final call to their management office. I don't care who will lose a job etc, as long as it makes convenience sense for my target. That's y I declare I'm a bitch.

thanks tresher/bebe/mezzo/zoie, my boy still refuses food, drink, milk.. really nd to trick him into eating/drinking.. i brought him to gp and he can only conclude lost of appetite due to fever. flu and phlegm is developing so maybe that why it's v xin ku for him.. we tried everything we can think of, frm barley water to electrolyte to heinz splat to milk to water to glucose to yakult etc etc etc.. haiz.. hope tmr will b better..

bebe, hw's ur boy?


use syringe to force him drink. die die must hv some water/milk. or his throat dun feel well?


i should really learn frm u! ^_^

Zinc, be careful and reduce feeding him adult food e.g cream puffs lol! I wish he gets well soon.

Missbluey, u gotta get old like me first, bitchiness develops with age. And just remember you rather screw than be screwed. I will get karma though cos I am always bitching.

sheryl, glad that u've recovered from ur rashes le..

hope, i not buying pedipeds le.. hb nag me bought so much clothes and 3 pairs of pedipeds already, no space to store them liao.. he was on reservist and i spent US$400+ hahhahaa... now he's back, i kena restricted liao, cant buy freely >.< hahaha.. but also good la, i always impulse buy, then he super careful, so we balance out.. else i'll be dam spendthrift.. today i went to get the ball popper..! hb almost didnt wan to give in.. i told him its our bday present for little R.. then i sulk sulk, mop ard.. then he gave in! haha!

zinc, hope ur little R recovers quickly.. kelian.. pat pat him..

hi, i am selling gifts from friends that do not fit my baby girl. mostly brand new baby girl clothes, shoes, towels, etc. including baby gap dress, camper baby shoes, oshkosh romper. also, some pre-loved & freebies. prices from $1 incl free normal postage. pls PM me if interested.



Zinc - my boy slightly better as in now he can eat more than the previous days. But I am still giving him smaller meals cos my pd said smaller feeding to spread over shorter hours help him to digest better. His tummy still a bit gassy, only Lao sai once yesterday. I hv been giving him electrolye water instead of milk or water since tue. When he refused to drink I offer him colored straws to drink from our cups. So far, the trick works.

Ty- welcome to iPhone club. I am a converted user now, a savior to kill my time when I m stuck with my boy in bed.

I m older than u, still hv not yet mastered the skill of bitchiness. Wish I can be as shrew as u, so that ppl will not take me for a ride. That is y I cannot survive in big MNC, cannot proceed past those managerial position, left right always ken a screwed by top n bottom.

My boy is 1 Liao,, my man reminds me when i wanna go back to work... Errrrr...the thought of going back to corporate working life really scares me.. No confidence to manage a team like I used to..technical knowledge also outdated.

Hi ladies, i back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Weather at Hkg was freakingly hot! Got sunburnt badly when i went to lantau island to visit e bid buddha. Best of all, e top i was wearing had a slant collar n so is my sunburnt area!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bb was quite ok on e plane, she slept almost throughout e plane ride to Hkg since its a midnite plane. The CX plane was full on our way there, bassinet seat space slso tight!! Can u imagine putting bb in bassinet means u r stuck in ur seat??!! no toilet breaks coz u r stuck..we ended uo asking e stewardess to remove e bassinet n carry bb to sleep ourselves. Nothing fm CX for kids on board, bb gets on a pack of diaper with mustela diaper cream.. o_O return flight much better... U can still walk normally with bassinet down, lotsa leg room n seat is slightly wider, tink e plane was newer compared to e midnite flight to Hkg. Return flight wasn't full so we were offered 3 rows of seats.. 2 to a row with 1 seat empty.. Bb got her own seat n damn happy sitting n playing ard with the inflight magazine, table, etc.. Btw, she knocked over her bb food n got it all over e blanket..Ooopp..

Hkg really nt bb friendly enough, lotsa staircase though the MTR stations r upgrading e exits with lifts. In the stations, if u dun take e lift with pram, u wun find a exit with wider berth, gotta carry the pram over.. Disneyland oni 1 bb room!! Rest of e toilets has changing stations but its oni an area with no cushion.. Just plain solid top.. I see PRC ppl throwing tissue there!!

Next trip i better find a more bb friendly pl to go. We walked so much until my MIL n mum BTH!!

Sheryl, glad to know u r better nw.

Hope babies who are sick now get well soon!


So many complaints on them? I order balloon package fm them for bb bday party next sat wor.. I better keep calling them to confirm.

Recover le, but body as bad looking during rash.

Dark & red patches all over body~ *Blah*

Plus stiches on thigh makes me hard to move ard & even stretch.. 17 June faster come!!


was Disneyland fun? child rides alot?

Sheryl, how come u got stitches?

Lemme rant a little. I'm so tired of managing everybody's time. Everyday I need to manage the maid's time, the baby's time n lastly my own time. During weekends, i need to manage my hb's time with us like he is a baby!! Wah piang, I feel like banging the wall. Planning everybody's time is ok for me. But not when I need to nag n nag n nag at him to get his things done! Nag at him to bathe, nag at him to have his car washed, nag at him for eating lunch etc etc Somebody pls save me. I really enjoy my weekdays more than my weekends.

Sheryl, i nv walk the whole pl coz my MIL sian liao... Keep telling how nice the one in tokyo is. Lucky we went before le.. Have kiddy rides.. But we nv go on any.. Weather hot, super sian.. We keep on going to the shops, cafes n theatres for aircon.


Haha.... my hb is the same. I will indirectly say to jeph why you so naughty when daddy is home?! Cos he disregard my routine and let Jeph play and play. No shower and sleep until damn late. I must shout and shout. Everyone not happy. I also prefer it when he is traveling or come home really late. Then at least my tight ship runs swee-swee. Say him, then he gives me black-face.


2 down for me. Ytd's was a BBQ but it was pouring!!!! So machiam exodus - move to some common lounge room before being kickout so no food allowed. So finally squeezed 30 people in my tiny apt! Again, my hb just walk here and there. Look busy but never do anything. I so pissed off with him. This mornig's party was also by the pool. The kids had a lot of fun. Today's is Jeph's school friends. My hb was so anti-social. Sat at another table and didn;t mingle much. Pissed me off again.


They did skin biopsy for mi. Use a tool to punch a 1(+/-)cm deep hole into my thigh to get skin tissue. Tat's y gt stitches..

Sheryl, omg, sounds sooo painful. Glad that u r better now.

Jenn, I also told my hb I prefer my weekdays. With him ard, I gotta re-plan the day n nag at him to get things done. So fed up. I just told him I dun wish to nag at him again. He's flying off again soon. =p I have BBQ this sat too. Must pray for good weather man.

Bluberi, I also hope everything will go smoothly this sat. So many things to prepare!! I need a huge lugguage to pack i think. Luckily my pil r very helpful.

Anyone if got nothing to do this sat evening, come to zz's party ok? Just drop me a pm. It's at chevrons.

Sheryl, it sounds so scary and painful...hope you are recovering well!

Jolene, that balloon is so nice. and your mum is so friendly also. the kueh she made are so nice, she can set up shops oredi, haha.

Bluberi, sounds so tiring, your holiday! bb Cherisse enjoyed it right? they should build more ramp free places like in SG. i'm thinking of going for a short trip with bb. Phuket is baby friendly or not?


yikes! hope you recover soon.

but hor why did a skin biopsy? cuz of your bad rashes?


haha, i guess im still the same in 10yrs time. always kena ppl shite.

xiao xiin/jenn,

sometimes i tell my hubby jokingly pls go & work, he is disrupting my nicely-planned bedtime for #1!

and, nowadays i realised im shouting @ #1 for eg. not washing hands after pee. hubby buey tahan me say can don't shout @ small little things anot. zz.

shopping malls with events:

mummies, how to know which shopping malls has kids events??


Elise, going holiday is more tiring compared to staying in Singapore for a staycation. Cherisse super happy, she was yeah yeah-ing away on the ride to airport.. everyday she look at the streets in Hkg also so happy.. see the disneyland parade n listen the music also move her hands n legs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup, they need more ramp area to be child friendly.

