(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

MIL horror stories. dun start me on this.

Ty, you should be the anti-MIL President! issuing any membership? sometimes i wonder what's in our MIL's head. nowadays my MIL insists on meeting up for stupid lunch or dinner. where got so much time to always meet? and then she always want pple to SEND AND PICK HER UP. aiya i tell u, she always behave like a prima donna and if we are late for 5 to 10 mins, she would give us a black face. whereas her own dear daughter, late for half an hr, and expect everyone to wait for her. never even said a word of sorry. my MIL dun even dare to hoot 1 sound! see, the different standards?! i always say my MIL always bully my hubby. she sits near to my hubby in the car, and direct him her direct him there, like telling a cab driver how to drive. wa piang, i want to faint leh. the brainless/clueless want to direct the driver


Tiger baby, the only time i feel I'm at her mercy is when I eat food prepared by her. But so far, she has been ok. I know there is no perfect maid n I'm ok to tolerate her silliness with some ranting. When I tell her we will not hesitate to send her back if she doesn't wish to stay, we also assue her that we want her to work for us. Ok la, now she's back to normal le. Hopefully I dun see her daydreaming again.

Jojo, your MIL also another kind. luckily you are not staying with her, or else you would be bitting each other's head off everyday or tear down the roof!

xx, wah you really plan and let your zz eat so many varities of food for every meal? sounds like a spread! i think my bb would like lor, except that lazy me wouldn't do that. haha

hi mommies! i'm looking for a preowned Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. If you've one to sell, pls do let me know by PM the price, condition and location. many thanks!

MIL horror stories...

haha TY i wanna join your club also...

mummies going to Hope's house later..enjoy...too bad cannot join in.

Are we having a joint bdae bash?


ur ZZ eat sooooo many varities of food!!!

Gathering/BB Parties/Playdates

I'm gonna miss out alot alot on all these... =(

All thanks to my overwhelming rashes.. Spreading non stop & the itchyness & pain .. Accompanied by very sore shoulders.. *Sigh big time*

Jojo- Y ur MIL lyk tat de. First time hear cannot celebrate on actual day, oni heard cannot celebrate ltr. Crazy to snatch e day wif a child. For mi, I definately will say her' I tot cannot celebrate on e actual day if nt no gd' Tis is e child first birthday y make it difficult for u.

Ty- How can u exclude mi from tis ILs topic? Anyway most of u oni gt MIL to deal wif bt for mi I gt FIL n MIL tis 2 idiots to deal with. I think ur MIL def study together wif mine. Mine is e head prefect during their times. She used to tell mi how bad is her MIL to her n now didn't she think back how bad is she to mi. Next time dun even need to bother inviting them for meals.

Zinc- Dun b upset over FIL nt coming to ur boy birthday party coz mine nv once came for his any parties. When i gave birth he oso nv come at all so tis time round I dun even bother to invite him coz waste of time n saliva to tell him since I noe he wun come. Tis time round even worst MIL oso nt coming. They used to tell mi no traiditon in e family to celebrate all tis occasions so did it at my mum's place den immed call those aunties tell mi how 'hal lian' m i to do e parties. FYI, they dun even gib any pow to my boys even when #1 is e first great grandson n grandson in their family.

Bebe- Glad ur hb realised tat u n ur ILs relationship worsened. MY hb oso realised it thankfully n agree tat we will get our new flat n stay by ourself. Last time he used to b persistent tat he muz stay wif his parents since he's e oni son.

Hope- Wun b able to make it to Jojo party cum playdate. Enjoy all mummies n babies. Say Happy Birthday to Jojo for mi.


Personally, they exceeded my limits n once I explode at them n subsequently I wun give face when talking to them coz they r juz brainless people who dun understand wat e hell I'm talking bout so haf to b vr direct to them. Lately, I was vr unhappy wif FIL feeding #1 wif lots of junk food n I called my MIL n tell her straight bout my disatisfactory wif FIL n true enuff they really dun dare to give him le. Sometimes nt say trying to b bad bt some people u haf to b vr direct wif them

Xx -I also give variety of food, but no udon yet. Thinking of cooking buckwheat noodles but have not tried out yet. I also make baked normal potatoes n sweet potatoes.. Let him try different textures. My hubby said later I spolit his appetites.. I said I feed him porridge daily also will sian de mah

Cheeriois my family fav, we can eat this anytime of the day.

My boy likes it but I scared too heaty so will only give him once a while.

My pils used to take my silence for granted, think I m so chin

chye. Until I become Sahm, I decided how to run the family in my own ways..then they realize I also can be bad

tempered n fussy. My man Kenna my complaints many times when mil did my confinement. And when he was away, I took pics to show him, not that I petty but this is what really happened. Now the message is clear to him, I tried not to complain to him too often liao. It is not worth to spoil our relationship over pils.

Maybe it stemmed from different family background. My own family is not close knitted. We still very polite to one another, n my parents do not expect themselves to involve in thei children's lives after marriage. But pils will wanna hv say in everything unless I put my foot down.


May I ask when you give bread to your LO, do you spread any jam or butter on it? Currently, I'm giving it plain and it doesn't seem to be well received.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb your thread.

I have some items to let go.

1. Desitin Creamy 4oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $8.50

2. Desitin Creamy 2oz (Blue packaging) (Expiry Jun 2012) - $5.50

3. California Baby Calendula Cream 4 oz (Expiry 2013) - $25

4. California Baby Calendula Cream 2 oz (Expiry 2013) - $15.50

Please PM me if you are interested.



Sorry to disturb Mommies. I posted earlier about the FP rainforest jumperoo but realise my PM was off. have activated it. If anyone has a jumperoo to sell, pls do PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

Amo i got the sample pack Stage 3 from Mamil Gold with the discount coupon. expiry is 31 dec 2011. do u want it?

For me, i only give plain bread with butter. didn't add any jam to give to my bb yet

Hope, thks for offering jojo's cots, but we just bought a new cot cos hubby wanted a new one.

Can I ask if cot bumpers are necessary and does it help prevent knocks?

Hope, thanks for inviting us to ur place and let us "wow!" at the amount of toys jojo has!

Ty, I only used cot bumpers when the mattress was set at the highest height. now tat it is set at the lowest, I no longer use cot bumpers.

hope, thanks for having us! we also "wow!" jojo's toys. he's such a lucky boy.

ty, i think no need to have cot bumpers anymore. i still put them since i have but it serves no purpose.

amouroux, u can cut the bread into strips n lightly toast them. they can feed themselves too.

Thks tiger and xx. I won't buy then, hope my bb won't keep knocking his head. I fed sx bread but he kept choking on it or it sticks on top on his mouth and he digs it out and paste the goo on me!

elise, ya man, cant imagine if i have to stay under her roof and see her lian se everyday..!

sheryl, u take care oki... no way to get rid of the rashes ar? any creams gynae can prescribe?

jolene, haiz i duno whats her intention la... cant tink of a reason for her other than she wana fight with little R for the actual day glam?? thanks so much for lending me ur bumbo..! have been feeding R in it at home since Thursday..! so happy with it as it keeps him inside for at least a short while so i can fast fast feed finish.. :D

amoroux, i haven given bread to R yet.. didnt let him try alot of things so far.. not been very adventurous.. stopped introducing new foods since duno when.. now everyday pork/chicken/fish porride and cereal/heinz jars..

hope, thanks for having us at ur place today... we had so much fun!! u reaaaally have alot of toys!! lucky jojo!!

ty, the bumpers didnt seem to work for us.. it'll slide down anyways and R will still knock the cot bars.. dig out paste on u, sx very funny haha.. it's his way of telling u he doesnt like bread.. lol..

hi mummies

didn't check forum past few days cos bb down with fever. luckily recovered by monday nite.


"Flex Adrian -White/Grey" is the shoe which cost alot here. yah, i know the boss but I didn't ask for discount. only ask for free balloons. but dun knw if they'll give or not cos I didn't really pester. lol. I think if taking packages from them, I'll have more bargaining power.


sorry. didn't have time to check Amazon yet. will try find time after bb's bd. U mentioned to find leap frog fm US. it's cheaper to get from there also? Btw, if someone gg there for holiday, can also collect the orders? Means I order online and state the address as the hotel's a few days before someone reaches the hotel? U know how it works?

My boy has loose bowel since Sunday evening..won't exactly say diahorrea as it was not very watery..but having to shit 4 times per day is abnormal for him, and with fever ranging 38 to 39 - I think I better send him to my PD today.

XX - I saw yr boy drinking magnolia fresh milk..and I had the same concerned as Zoie..do we have to serve the milk chilled? I read abt alternative to FM..and seemed like full fat cow milk is the recommended type. Is full fat cow milk the same as fresh milk? Saw Bliss's commenting that growing up milk is recommended but I thought that is meant for older toddler? I am so confused. Later will ask my PD..though I know she will ask me to stick back to breastfeeding.

By the way, I saw this simple pancake recipe in one of those babies' site..u might wanna give it a try

Baby carrot pancakes


Contains iron

Good source of calcium and betacarotene

100g flour

150ml milk

1 egg

1 tsp olive oil

50g grated carrot

Make the pancakes by beating together the flour, milk, egg and oil until you have a thickish batter. Add in the grated carrot, and stir well. Heat a little vegetable oil until hot then drop the batter, a dessertspoon at a time, into the oil. Once browned, turn over and cook the other side. Cook until all the batter is used up. Serve with some soft cheese, and slices of fruit or tomatoes.


im back! hahaha.

missed 5days of these postings.

back to work but still having on-off fever. sigh. stupid throat infection.

im swearing off the tidbits!

saw doc twice le, there goes my $50! >.<

& i missed the gathering yesterday! arghhhhhh!

Mummies, I'm damn pissed with kidzpartystore. Posted on their fb page. I'm trying my best not to be nasty. Hate dealing with this kinda ppl with lousy work attitude.

Bebe, I see that stage three milk powder r labelled as growing up milk. After they had their first birthday, they r toddlers le.

Amo, i have send u an sms!

Poor bluey, have more water and liang teh, ok?

Cot bumpers, i still put them! but my bb always pulls and push it aside.


I'm PISSED!!! I called up a childcare for Olaf's playgroup and I remember during my visit in February, the lady told me there is a long waitlist of >100 but mostly for older toldders but playgroup's still oki. They'll only take in registration later part of 2011. But now it's only mid 2011 and she said is FULL?!

Thanks Elise


Thanks much for dropping by yest!! Sry for not being a good host in my cramped lil place ( the toys didnt help!) but I will strive to improve the next round of hosting!! Haha!!


I havent tried vacation type.. I'm not sure if shipping this way works.. Issues to consider is delayed shipment, delayed processing on both courier and hotel, parcel too big.. Unless it's a long stay at a particular hotel.. Otherwise perhaps can give shopping list and try to search in us stores


Wad happened? I bot those peripherals frm kidspartystore compass pt.. I ordered some balloons n banner from them before too

U coming up w our June babies bash yet?? Rem ur big big arrow u kena at the door?


I also got cot bumper.. Can pass u if want.. Btw, I may not b able to make it tmr cos helper needed at mum's place to clean up.. Not sure wad time done.. Likely 12plus.. Wad time jojo gg??

Err when should we stop sterilizing the bottles huh? I'm still sterilizing


i missed your partyyyyyy! T_T

im still sterilising my #1 bottles even though he is 4yrs.

anti-MILs club:

i wanna join in too! lol.

Amo/Tiger/Rabbit - lunch today?

Hope, my maid also still sterilizing the bottles, I let her continue lor, but when we go vacation I won't sterilize anymore. I'm still alive after shooting the big arrow to Xx, don't remind her again leh...unless Xx is happy to organize hahaha!

Bebe if you going PD can you help me ask if bb can eat soft cheese already?

Ya who's coming to my place tomorrow?

Let me know so I know how much bb food to prepare.

Jojo, Jenn, Tiger maybe

Hope, can come at 12 plus la, no prob one.

If we get bored at my "less toys" house we can go out kai kai.

Hi mummies

I've a pair of See Kai Run shoes for sale which was bought at the recent Motherhood Expo Fair and underestimated my bb's feet size. I wanted to head back another day to exchange for bigger size but was caught up with bb's fever. I bought it at $24.90 and will sell it at the same price cos they're new and not worn. Size is for 12-18months. The same shoes selling at Mothercare for $49.90 (even after their current GSS promo, still more x)

The shoes model:

Callum 12-18 mo. (Brown / White / Teal Shoe).

Shoe Design:


Please check out their sizes here in case you end up like me. Bought already but too small to fit in. End up become a display item. (Refer to first table)


Anyone interested, please PM me.

Amouroux, that's very bad of them.

Hope, I will type my ah mah long story later n fb u if u r interested to know. I'm suspecting this store is opened by some rich tai tai whose nose is too high up in the air to listen n communicate with their customers. N too high class to admit their mistakes n offer apologies. I'm not just pissed by the problems but also pissed by HOW they handle the problems.

N oh, thanks for bringing the arrow into the forum man. Birthday bash at peekaboo/go go bambini/fidgets sometime in early July. Any strong objections here? I think ty mentioned we dun have to book the place exclusively right? Just set a date n time n we all go together. Bring a cake n sing birthday song n take photos. Can or not huh? Will we be fined by them? Haha... I dun think we can blow candles there if we din book exclusively leh.


oic. means i got to tompang u then. hope it's ok? Maybe will just get two pairs of pedipeds shoes thru u? U're getting as well rite?


Wat happen wif the store? U might wan to fb me as well. I got email fidgets but no reply leh. it'll be $8 per entry only rite? Cos adults free? Not sure abt peekaboo/go go bambini.

Xx I also bought frm the store leh.. Ok ma.. But I did send them an email before and no reply so I went down straight.,

Hope, thanks again for inviting us to ur 'toys r us' house.. NE I think I nd to buy my boy even more toys! I've been eyeing at the ball popper for a long time haha..


Okie kaypoh me wanna know!! Fb me! But that day I went compass point, the store was meant by a couple.. Wifey pregnant.. Nice couple cos I dropped in when they were almost closing..

I can also organize the bash w u.. Free now too! PG near my place.. Can order and collect if wanna..


Kk! But jojo n myself got class at 415 toa payoh hub k...

My auntie haven't visit me this mthz!! I jus realized!! -_-"


Sure!! Lompang!! I wanna ask my girlie to buy KS for me too!, a v gd pal of mine..so no need pai seh to ask! Haha!! I let u know once I go thru the site again k? Then we order straight.. Domestic charges gotta split but international no charge k.. Unless she kena for over baggage haha!


That ball popper quite entertaining! But my hb say it's a 'for carrot' toy!!! Not v ex that one.. 20++ can get for Ryan to train eye hand coordination!

Amo, come join xx and I at cherie hearts lor :)

Hope, I dun sterilize my gal's bottles for every use now. Once in a few days.

Ty, can I let u know if I'll be goin to ur place tmr? I'm still thinking if I shd bring my gal to sentosa in the morning.

Lunch @ Tj Pagar

I'm ON!!


Did you strike the lottery??


The lady called me back and apologise and Olaf has been given a slot. I'm going down to pay the deposit tomorrow.

Hope, you got preggy a 2nd round??!! hee hee

Yaozi, the shoes that you bought is so cheap! arghh i missed the fair leh. no more right?

Amo, angry for you too leh. i'm registering my Britt for playgroup when she turns 18 months near my house. i called the phone until broken, nobody ans the phone. hmm, so weird hor?


Wow!! Sentosa!! Sounds like great fun la!! Let Sab go Ty's Hse to play w frenz la?? Hehe!


Abt a wk+.. usually quite Zhun one.. Can count! But been too bz.. Wanna slot some pads to my bag jus in case, then realise smthg not right! Or aft preggy, the cycle goes hay wire?? This is to b my 2nd after preggy eh


hmm, looks like your jojo will have a sibling soon! hehehehe.

for me, that time i missed 2 weeks then ding dong le. same for my #1 too.

im hungrryyyy! but what can i eat, siannnnnn.

Hope, yaozi, I accidentally delete the long story I typed out for tiger baby. Suan le la. It's over le. Maybe they just hire the wrong staff to represent their company. Btw, I re-order from them in the end. Lazy to hunt for new store at this time. So embarrassing...

Amouroux, good for u! At least they bother to apologise. Heehee...

Hope, test le ma?

if we wanna blow candle n cut cake, we have to book exclusively. Otherwise no outside food is allowed. How to cut cake leh? Let me call n check n confirm this.


Xx, what happen at the kids party store? I also very very piss with them!!! Feel that they are not serious into their bizness.. Just shoot u off if things cock up over thei side

Ty, tml playdate at your place ah? Hmmm... I tok of bring jovan to art museum tml le..

