(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Mummies, is it common for babies to have soft stools after being fed Nordic DHA fish oil?

My Sx gave me the ultimate embarrassment yesterday at Botanic Gardens! He did a huge poop, overflowed on his clothes and on the whole pram seat and kept quiet until I smelt the mess! We were in the middle of the orchid garden so no choice we had to strip him totally on a bench and he refused to lie down, standing up for whole world to see his naked-ness! And guess who walked past? Our new HDB MP Khaw Boon Wan! So fcking embarrassing! Luckily I brought a set of clothes in the bag otherwise I really won't know what to do! Used up a brand new pack of wet wipes (big pack of 82 sheets!) to wipe and wipe his naked body and pram!! Urghhhhhhhhh!!!!!



So you have rcvd your 1st online loot?!

I'm feeding Olaf childlife, but gonna try Nordic soon. So far, did not notice any change in his stools though at times he has mushy stools... When did you start SX on Nordic? Sometimes our stools will change when we start on a new diet or supplement as our body system get adjusted to it. Observe for a week?

Think Zoie and Tiger feed Joshua and Sabrina with Nordic(?)


Extracted from from http://www.omega-3-fish-oil-wonders.com/fish-oil-side-effects.html



Fish Oil Side Effects.

Omega 3 high doses, used in some disorders, may have side effects. These omega 3 side effects may disappear after a few days, when your body gets used to it. If after a couple of weeks you don’t see an improvement, try a different brand of fish oil, it may help.

Possible Omega 3 side effects:

•Aftertaste. When you start taking fish oil you may initially feel some aftertaste but should go away after a few days.

•Some degree of diarrhea may initially show up, but not for long.

•Blood thinning effect will aggregate if you are taking other blood thinners. But if you have any heart disorder do not stop taking your Omega 3. It is always a heart healthy supplement. Tell your doctor.

•Fishy burps. Try different times of the day, before and after meals. It could also be an indication that the oil you are taking could be rancid. Or it may disappear after a few days. Last, try freezing the caps, this way they don´t dissolve in your stomach but in your intestine. One final idea, try enteric-coated fish capsules. That should do it.

•Abdominal discomfort. The same as diarrhea, it should disappear after a few days.

•Increase antioxidant requirements. Taking 400 IU/ day of vitamin E may be enough to correct this situation.

•Nose bleeding has been reported.

•If you are taking Cod liver oil supplements beware that it has vitamin A and D, so you may accumulate them in your body and, eventually, get poisoned, but you need large quantities to get to the poison level. Normal fish oil supplements do not have vitamin A or D.



bluberi! is disneyland v packed at this period of time? i'm planning to go HK nx mth or so... did u stay at disney hotel for the entire trip? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah lor. My Sat's party right, it was pouring but my Jeph was still in the pool. I asked him to come out, he refused to listen so I shouted very loudly, in front of my guests. My hb still can rolled his eyes at me. Never help to get his son out of the water still give me black face. Sometimes I really prefer he go work till late late, come back when kids are all asleep.

At the party he can still say things like if only he can be stay home dad, will be so cool to stay home with the kids blah blah blah. I said straight in front of everyone "You say only. The 2 weeks in Oz, you were shouting at the kids and kept counting down to the days to head back to SG". Again he rolled his eyes at me lor. Talk big only. Really pissed me off.

Kung Fu Panda

Mommies who have seen this, will you recommend it? If I Did not see part 1, can still make head or tail out from part 2? Thinking of taking Jeph. Is it violent? I mean are there lots of fighting scenes? Am afraid Jeph will learn and wanna "fight" with his classmates!

Ty, no watery stools for Joshua with baby dha.

Oh my, was ur pram in good condition after all the wiping? I think I would hv freaked out!!

Jenn, is thurs swimdate still on?

Jenn, I brought my gal to watch kungfu panda last thu. Yes, it's nice and not violent. I watched part 1 before but I find part 2 nicer. Shd not be a prob if u have not watched part 1.

brambles, now damn hot!!! i nv stay disneyland hotel as i stayed before liao. my MIL refuses to stay there coz she said very exp!


organise one more playdate at yr place b4 sch holiday end? each one of us will bring some food/snacks, so u oni need to open the door of yr indoor playground [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just now I went lunch at Macs, my 2 lunch kakis were happily glued to their Iphone4 and den I realised, when I read the forum, 1 was posting and 1 was placing order on BP!!!

who was placing order on BP? who who??

jenn, yr hubby jealous of your lifestyle maybe haha! maybe he thinks your life damn shiok! men are made to be assholes lah. last night 4am sx was screaming his head off and i woke my hubby to go carry him, my hubby shouted my head off! then he stormed off to sleep in the living room. duh right?

zoie, the pram was wiped many times, but once my maid reached home, we asked her to wash it thoroughly, then she told us every morning he overflow into his pyjamas. he started DHA on thursday and on friday night he pooped alot in his pyjamas halfway thru his sleep, at abt 12 midnight. he never pooped in his sleep before so i guess it was diarrhoea. now i thinking if i should let him continue the dha.

Jenn, ya but I still got 4 packs of L size pampers leh! Indeed the L size is quite small for his bum now, the back piece can't cover as well as before.

ty, u stock up so much size L pampers? the huggies promo i still have 3pkts of size L, nw i scared my gal will upgrade before i finish them coz normally i use them oni when going out.


im also keen to bring ash to watch Kungfu panda 2 but we hv never watch the part 1 so dunno if still can watch or nt.

Bluberi, welcome back!

Sheryl, hope u get better soon.


I did not feed my boy anything new, but he also has loose stools. Everything fine in Desaru, come back, next day kena. Wonder if he caught something from his cousin because we went straight to my ILs when we came back.

Bb sleep

Want to ask if any of ur babies like mine. For the past 3 or 4 nights, bb having disturbed sleep. Often crying and thrashing about. Like in pain or distress like that. Cannot soothe onr. This morning was the worst, but suddenly he just woke up and smiled broadly at hubby. Only at night. Day time naps OK.


Wanna together? Hahaha....

This Wed - 15 Jun is Jeph's Birthday. Thought of bringing him out and maybe catch a movie lor.

This Wed is also Daniel's 1st Birthday right??? I remember he same day as my Jephie. Is Ash also a June baby?


Sure! Let me know when u guys wanna drop by.. Door is always open if I'm home hehe!


Yup yup pm me k! Should order these two days le before sizes run out =)


Should realldy get hb to try being a stay home dad! He will surrender with white flag in no time! Then will start to appreciate SAHM!!


Wad is there to order on BP? I itchy fingers lei.. Haha! I think Khaw will forever rem sx as naked bb who pooped big time! sx is famous!!!!

tywong, at home is mamy poko.. coz the huggies is korean version, more exp so oni use when going out. i tink i better start using it for everyday use instead before my gal outgrown it.

brambles, i stayed at Eaton Smart Hotel, it's in between Jordon and Yau Ma Tei MTR station.

Thanks Dot!


I wanna go holiday! Damn just back to office after 3 weeks leave and now.... *sigh* Help!!


How you know TY order on BP? LoL

Hope, I just ordered iPad cover and iPhone cover on BP. I want to order Carters PJs, you wanna join me? Anyone knows what other sites are good for ordering PJs?


I wanna screen protector for iPad! I have one, but think I screwed up cos many bubbles now sigh!! I only know Carters, osh gosh n gap


Haha I know!!! So whus e other one??

Hope, for screen protectors, cannot be keh kiang, you gotta go to a Ah Beng shop to buy and ask them to stick for you!


Can try gmarket to browse for PJs. Carters has pretty nice ones or Gap and Old Navy.


yes yes daniel share the same birthday as Jephie. Ash is also a June bb. Her bdae is on the 19. Am taking leave to bring the kids probably to Sentosa or to the zoo on wed so cant join u for movie...brot the kids to the zoo yesterday and didi had so much fun crawling ard the water playgrd. This boy is not scared of water unlike the Jie Jie. He's so adventurous and nt afraid of water getting into his eyes compared to the Jie Jie who till now still a scardy cat in water.


hehe ok la...hubby went in to the water area with the kids. Im in charge of snapping pics only. But was nice seeing the kids enjoying the water area.


Received .. Will proceed to order tonight.. Update all when I've registered purchase n also for Oos items.. I have tersher, tigerbb, Amy n yaozi on this pedipeds spree

So far tersher, original Mimi Oos k.. Lemme know if wanna replace or just take original zoe


Lol! That's wad my hb said too... Jeez!

Good news, zz has cut back the correct nap yesterday n today. He naps for 2.5hrs after lunch. Keep it up!

Bad news, he refuse fresh milk. Made enfakid for him n he gave me the "this is poison!" look. I dunno wad to do now. Either i stop completely, starve him until he gives in to wadever milk I give him. Or I play along with him n let him wean by himself.


To test for Pupps (A kind of pregnancy rashes), eczema & other skin sensitivity. =P

i saw the punctured hole when she poke .. damn gross ><"

hahahaa.. recovering good but itchy lo, as skin healing

Tersher, sorry ah I kpo.... 12-18 mnths pediped is small leh. When I measured sx's feet there was a 2cm allowance for 12-18 mnth so I bought that size. Now 1 month later his big toe is touching the head of the shoe. It doesn't help that his feet is fat so gotta squeeze his fats a bit to get the shoe in. Claire is also fat feet right?

sheryl, get well soon! saw the photo on fb.. it must be extremely itchy!

any mummies using those standing steam irons like novita or something? i nd to get a new iron and looking for something easy to use, without the ironing board..

Zinc, I'm using the philips steamer iron. It doesn't work for men shirts or office wear. It's more for those material like Lycra or silk or chiffon which you can't iron with a normal iron. The philips one is good, I tried other brands before le. And it comes with a heat glove, very necessary to have it otherwise burn your fingers. Buy at fairs, they usually give a trolley stand free, I got mine at last year's motherhood fair.


Me too! Am also planing to get those steam iron as well though I am not in a hurry. Once you get le can let me know if you recommend it?!


What did the doc say is the cause of your rash?


so much activities i have missed!! super super busy over the last one week at work thus only managed to settle cake and buffet over last weekend. *phew* now still trying to settle on balloons.

hub everything also ask me to decide for the bday. even when i have shortlisted two items and ask him for opinion, he still bochup ask me to decide myself. then when i decided, then only he give more ideas... damn sianz.

xx, u skipped enfagrow and give enfakid straight ah? i tot enfagrow is for 1-3 yrs old?

