(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

ty/bluberi, you all given so many foods to bb oredi!! i not even really started her on much solids. mainly only rice cereals, you all very adventurous leh.

jojo, its okay, since they are all in the past and your exboyfriends. the most impt thing is for your hubby to dote and care for you. he does so many things. he's such a great guy leh.


Elise, ya because I really believe something the PD said: the slower u introduce new foods, the more reluctant they become and will be fussy.

Elise, i tink it's my sis who is more advanturous when it comes to giving our foods to my bb.. plus my bb is a greedy girl.. when she sees us eating, she will "run" to us in her walker.. if she is in her high chair, she bangs on the table and demand for food. she's spoilt liao la

bluey, i scare the egg thingy mah.. i actually now quite lazy lor.. only intro a few things nia.. fruits only tried apple (she doesnt like), banana, avocado and papaya nia.. this week i must intro more fruits to her liao.. and try apple again.

i find it too troublesome to precook the fruits leh.. anyone give scrape the fruits to bb without boiling before?

ty, mine is very fussy. not easy to handle and whenever she sees us (adults) eating, she will swallow saliva and look at us. that day brought bb for injection, before that my mum gave Britt 'yang shen' water. it works leh. no fever.

bluey, then the bread need to soak into water or straight away give? my bb not really have teeth yet, will choke or not? then i bought 1 pkt of Pigeon biscuits. no teeth can eat oredi meh?

Elise, bread is soft mah.. i nv soak water.. so i give tiny pieces to her.. my bb has no teeth but she uses her gums to chew.. i must say her gums very strong coz she even used it to chew half of the 小曼头 before i put it into her mouth.

i'm bring bb to malacca in end mar for 2D1N trip.. the CC said bb must pay the same price $115 as a child w/o bed.. but my bb is sitting on my lap leh.. the meals she also cannot take.. i tot the most oni pay for the tax/fuel surcharge oni.. paying the price = an air ticket to somewhere in asia liao..


my bb tried the organix rice cake liao, its quite hard but when touch saliva, abit soft le. my maid pressed the rice cake (aka biscuit) soft soft then give bb eat. he finished the whole packet liao, haha.


i scrape papaya, banana give bb le. he loves banana. bread ah, for me, i never dip in water. he just suck suck bite bite (though no teeth) then no more inside his mouth le. hehe.

Jenn, we had a heated argument at ikea rem? My parents were there. It was an eye opener for them. I think it's work that changed him, maybe marriage plays a small part too.

Jojo, your hubby is a smooth round wheel! If my hubby ever packs any part of the house, I'll also be laughing to heaven.

Tywong, that's so much food! I only give cereal+one type of fresh food each time so as not to waste food as we dun cook. Can u share with me too the list from your pd?

This afternoon I chiong ntuc with zz in stroller under the light drizzle. It was so crowded. I thot I was a bit crazy.

Elise, I give zz yangshen water before his vaccine every month, n he *touchwood*, never had any fever from vaccine. He drinks it by itself, not mixed into milk, n likes it.

Tywong, can also share the list with me too? Thanks. So far my baby only brown rice cereal & banana. One time fish porridge but he doesn't like. He also don't like the organix melts...


Wah.. so mani food ur sx tasted! today i manage to scrape few spoon of mango for her, BUT haven even feed hubby's ahma ()&*(^&$^#^$^^()* away! Tmd..

My girl tasted: Pumpkin (Aust), Carrots (Aust & USA), Baby Spinach & Normal Spinach, Cauliflower, Potato, Sweet Potato (M'sia & Japan)

Oat cereal, Rice Cereal, Fuji Apples, Honey Pear,

Rock Melon (Aust), bits of bread, baked cod fish

hahahaha~ i'm more concern of the origin of food which i feed my girl!!

Two more days to cny, my storeroom is still not cleared. One wardrobe not packed, curtains not pressed, n my kitchen too. Omg, I need to learn to close one eye.

XX - I close both eyes liao. haha


my boy has tried avocado, japanese pumpkin, normal pumpkin, normal sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, apple, pear, potato.

he loves japanese pumpkin and tolerates carrots and avocado and normal pumpkin. everything else, he reacts like they are poison. haiz

Feeling so lousy. Just now Bb fall from the sofa, while I am preparing milk. Then I rush out from the kitchen, too gan chiong and step on bb's arm. Though is a light step. I still feel guilty. Then my Hubby just rush out from the bedroom and scold me lor. Say I should have place Bb on the playmat. Hello, Bb was asleep Liao, of course let her sleep in a more comfy place right. And all along she is napping there. I am so piss off. He only know how to talk. I only have 2 hands, of course I have to put her down and prepare milk. And he just goes off to sleep.

I am so upset now. Bb's head got some redness and her arm looks ok though. I so worry now. Hopefully she is ok.


Oh my! Monitor her for vomitting and lethargy. But should be ok, so don't worry too much. Babies are tougher than we think. I hope she's ok too. Hugs

Rabbit, hope Jacey is fine. Zz drop from our platform bed 2-3 times already. Now we dun leave him anywhere unattended other than the cot, playpen, n on the floor. I'm sure your hubby is not blaming you, he's probably just as worried. Dunno whether u wanna give Jacey some jingfensan or not.

Sigh, so sad, one part of my baby cot's base has cracked. N I blame the man. Previously already told him it'S not right that the drop side doesn't drop, instead has to be pushed down n pulled up with force. He didn't listen to me n insist that it is correct n even better this way. Kns. Now all the ee ee orh orh has caused the base to crack, making the cot unsafe. I think in the future I shd just do everything myself, then I will have less things to rant abt him. =((

Dot/Xiao xin, I asked my mil to help me check if she got other injuries. She will give jingfengsan to her. I was so shock didn't sleep well also. Jacey also keep waking up. Don't know she got discomfort or yesterday day time nap too much. Morning nap Liao, afternoon sleep from 1pm to 5pm. Unbelieveable.

Babies action is really fast!


Wah... Your hubby really good! My hubby will also pack his things lah but can take up to 1 year de! Wahahaha.... Agreed with the rest that you have a great life with your hubby and baby now. Don't waste time and energy thinking about horrible people no longer in your life.


No wonder SXis his size! He ate so much already!!! Trying to give my Jeph a run for his money huh ;)

My baby still only on rice cereal and bits of bread. He likes the bread! oh...and my cordyceps soup as well. That's all.we are going on vacation at the end of Apr, I am afraid if I intro congee now he will not wanna eat cereal later and there is no way I am lugging my pot to cook congee for him! Dilemma....


Don't be guilty. Accidents happen. Hope your baby is fine.

Xiao Xiin

So your cot can still use? Will it be dangerous for zz to sleep in? Aiyo, your hubby can scold you in front if your parents. He really daring hor.

BB falling down

Mine has countless accidents since the day he starts crawling all over the places. This morning, he actually tried to support himself up by holding onto the table cloth, missed it and fall flat on his cheek..cry big time, until I had to offer my breast to soothe him to sleep. Now got slight bruises on the right cheek..

Baby Diet

I am trying to wean him off slowly..but it is very difficult when he does not take FM. hubby said I shd just send him to PILs' place for 3 days to try cold turkey method. Cuz, with me around, baby will die die reject the FM. But I cannot bear the thought of him leaving my side..what if he really rejects my breasts TOTALLY??

Right now, I am giving him FM (use spoon to coerce and force feed) at 8am in the morning. Porridge for lunch (ard 12pm) and dinner (ard 6pm). Sometimes I replace the porridge with oatmeal/multigrain/brown rice cereal. In between 12pm to 6pm, I will nurse him.

Night time 9pm - I will nurse him to sleep. As I am still co sleeping with him, so my breasts are "freely avail" for him..

Whenever I think of his milk intake, I think less than 300ml per day..I feel so gek sim. He rather takes plain water than milk..I force fed until bek chey. Some elderly said some baby eat rice better..but milk is still very essential right? Wondering if I shd try goat milk? or soy milk??

Anyone let their babies take yoghurt?

I noted that now he does not like to eat cereal liao..those soft and mushy type of food, he will take a few mouths and then that's it. He is more interested in our kinda cooked rice grain. Hence, now I only cook the porridge with slow cooker for an hour, before I scooped it and placed in the thermal pot. He likes to eat his food hot..once turned cold, he will push it away.

My baby is not adventurous as TY's..ha ha..in fact I thought I am very lax in his diet compared to his older sisters. Last time, strictly baby food until 1 yr old. Now I just let him try and taste a bit here and there.

For CNY goodies, he had tried love letter and kueh bulu, even if these had egg contents. I think exposure to such food slightly is still okay. But no peanuts and raw food yet..

rabbit, hope your little jacey is all right leh. i agree babies action very fast. my britt kor on the floor many times already. but i put her on the floor on a tilum.

xiaoxin, your bb cot sounds very dangerous. need to get a new one?

Bebe75, my boy has tried the yogurt from baby yoplait. He takes it well. I tasted it and found it quite sour but he was happily eating it so okay lor.

bebe, hmm try mixing FM with BM? then slowly increase the fm amt? you weekend still latch him fully right?

i tried giving Jacey bb yogurt.. within seconds she spilt out. she hates sour stuffs.. offer apple (steam and fresh) also like that.. i see her reaction very funny.

elise, ya lor.. maybe i should consider taking out tilum.. and place on the playmat? afterall playmat not very sleep friendly.. haha.

zoie - i hv seen yoplait selling at NTUC..tempted to buy and let him try. Can bb eat cold stuff at this age?

Rabbit - my boy simply refused to take bottle. I hv stopped giving EBM since he was 4 month old. I suspect that he does not like the cow milk formula.


you gng ozzie for your holiday rite. u staying in service apt? if yes u can bring rice there and cook congee for both your boys thats what i did when i went OZ wif Ash. Plus the poultry there is so fresh like wasted if never cook and feed them.


hope little one is ok.

yesterday i think my bb also napped alot, ended up only sleep @ late 10ish. ended up sleeping in his crankiness. -.-" always like that when he wants to sleep but can't sleep.


my hubby read what your hubby did & he went WOW! he said he also same like yours but not too hardworking to that extent & added spoilt market, muwahahahaha!! =ppp


maybe try soy based de bah. yup, milk is essential esp our babies are still so young.


bb can eat cold food ah?? never try yogurt for #1, so i damn swaku.


My hubby don't like de. He thinks go vacation means must eat out and enjoy, not be burden by cooking etc. Sure give me black face if I want to shop for fresh food and cook de, even if it is for baby.

Elise, jenn, Cot still can use, but must check regularly to ensure the split line doesn't get any longer, depth wise, it has cracked through. =\ Dun think i will buy a new one, so expensive leh. If necessary, I will just get the damaged part replaced.

Sahm also in cny mood. So bored... Think I'll try cooking the porridge now.

XiaoXin- Maybe u can get something to glue it back or get another wooden to support e base?

Rabbit- Hope J is ok. DO nt blame ur urself. Accident do happen!

I almost freaked out juz now as i nearly flew out of e window. Was bathing halfway den rain heavily so quickly come out n keep clothes n #2 started crying badly so didn't realised e puddle of water in e service balcony plus my feet wet so slipped n went forward tummy already bented over e ledge bt luckily i managed to hold e window grille in time if nt out I go. Coincidentally someone jumped down from my block n landed juz below e service balcony 2wks ago. Wat a close shave!!!

Jolene, that's so dangerous! Luckily u r fine.

My slow cooker shall be renamed as the damn slow cooker. I transfer to the delphin stainless steel pot, it's so much better.

mummies, what are most of you doing over the CNY holidays? i find it very xian to go hse visiting. listen to the usual kaypoh auntie talk leh. actually quite envy some colleagues who can go 'home'. they got much more stuff to do than us. drive up and down, see scenary, eat. set firecrackers etc etc


So scary! Glad your're ok though. Must be careful, ok?


better get the part replaced asap. Did you set up the cot yourself? didn't the delivery guy set it up??


You think XX's hubby is very daring for scolding her in front of her parents? My hubby lagi worse - he acutally scolded my Mum!


My boy used to reject fm too, but now he accepts. I use it to mix with cereal when I don't express. Now he is even willing to drink it most of the time. Maybe you can try.


How's Jacey today?

Bluey - No need to go visiting or you don't want to go?


1st day, visit my Mum, then my ILs, then follow ILs to visit relatives, then go to my grandma's and see whoever is there.

2nd day, visit my Dad. rot the rest of the day.

3rd day, go to a friend's place for lunch.

I'm actually looking forward to CNY as this would be E's 1st one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey, so good, can escape giving angbaos. for me even if i stayed at home also no use. have to go to my mum's house. and have to give angbaos to relatives children. so no escape leh!

Thank god jacey was fine. No injuries spotted. Can drink well also.

I also actually looking forward to cny as is Jacey's first cny hehe.

Rabbit, i do add sea salt to sx's porridge (also PD's advice to use sea salt), but other than that, most of the other food/fruits i feed him doesn't contain salt leh. As for bread, i only give him the sunshine softmeal bread, break into tiny pieces and feed him and he just swallows. My dad says white bread is bad, the processed sugar in white bread hits the bloodstream faster and causes myopia. My dad is in the food business so I believe what he says.

Someone mentioned mangoes, uhh I was told that mangoes are an allergen leh, i dunno true or not, maybe next visit to PD I ask him.

Jenn, I think sx is his size because he got daddy's genes, haha! I also kiasu and over excited about letting him eat as many new stuff as possible because I like to spoil him, I myself love variety so I promote my style to him. We are also going to Club Med Lindeman Islands in April and I am planning a stopover in Brisbane so as to break up the flight hours (to Lindeman is via Brisbane airport to Hamilton Islands). Can you recommend me a family friendly hotel to stay at in Brisbane? I love yr jephie's size, so yes i hope sx is as chubby, so cute! I don't want sx to slim down leh.

Rabbit, where do u buy the baby yogurt?

Jenn, when sx goes out in the morning till afternoon, I don't cook his porridge, I just bring those Heinz bottles, e.g. Potato Pumpkin & Beef and feed him straight from the bottle. I bought a pack of disposable party type teaspoons, so everytime we go out, I bring 1 teaspoon so I just throw away after I feed him. When we go to Club Med in April, I am going to buy a few bottles and feed him that type lor. Maybe you can consider using those in Brisbane? Anyone needs lazy suggestions can ask me, I very creative towards laziness one, hahaha!



I will also be in Brisbane in April!!! But end Apr lah.

I don't know a family friendly place to stay leh. I studied there and this Apr is my 1st trip back since I graduated 15 years ago!!!! I would suggest Brisbane Hilton just so it is right by the Mall street so should be convenient. Had good reviews in Trip Advisor as well. But damn ex at over AUD350 a night. We are planning to stay at Sofitel Brisbane which is above Central Station cos my hubby has Corp rate.

White bread causes myopia? Wow.... didn't know that. We eat white bread all the time!!!! Better change now.

Btw, how are you recovering???

