(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

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Hopecg, xx & Bluey

Ya, good news..

Think aft this I close shop le..


Congrats Sheryl! Happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy Lunar New Year to all!!!!

sheryl, congrats!! means u will really have a rabbit baby!


thought u wanted no.4 also? hee.

happy lunar new year to all mummies!

my ger very cooperative last night theoughout the 2 dinners. she only managed to go to bed at 11pm last night but still woke up at the usual 7am this morning. her internal alarm

clock very 'zun'.

sheryl congrats!


i find that sometimes pumping = me time cos no one will disturb me during that 30-40mins and I can use com or play com games.. heheh really sad when I stop at 1 yr...


check with you arh that bag you mention blue and grey available but website is like blue and beige only how does the grey look like?



Happy new year all.. Lucky my girl can sleep while hse visiting.. Maid to carry her in sling

Porridge can't eat.. Wasted whole pot of it

Hi mummies! 恭喜发财,万事如意!

Congrats Sheryl! Pass some bbdust to me pls! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats, Sheryl!! U r the first here to hv a rabbit bb..

I'm so tired today. Bb developed the "stranger anxiety syndrome" and kept crying whenever anyone, other than hubby and me, carries her. But so many people kept insisting on wanting to carry her n say they are different!@#^* then once bb start to cry, I end up being the one having to calm her down again. Happens all day long. Urghhh why r people so stubborn.

Zz's naptimes is so messed up. Aiyo, dunno if he can sleep well tonight or not. n I think the places r quite dusty, plus he keep playing with him saliva. There're quite a few rashes on his elbows knees n face now.

Tersher, so fast got stranger anxiety. Think that they like your baby that's y everybody wanna carry lor.

Tersher, my bb also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

whole day so many pple carrying her. but then whenever she look up at the ceiling, the fans the lights is different, she will immediately burst into tears, so difficult to calm her down. had 2 tiring days oredi. tomolo will be the 3rd tiring day liao lor! bb didn't nap much and was very cranky. the relatives also, wanted to make fun of her, keep on disturbing


*pass bb luck to u*


Thanks.. Hubby taken by surprise when I shoot him e news.

Thanks mummies for wishes..

Consider Lucky ba.. My girl was ok wif most of hub's aunty carrying her other den his uncle's wife. Manage to sleep for 2hrs & I'm gambling away..


I'm the 1st w bb rabbit? Hurhurz Hubby say I gt my wish I shld be happy.. Lolx


I have a half bottle of Clarins stretch mark oil and a half tube of Mustela Stretch Mark cream. Pass to you? If you want, I can drop off one of these Monday when my boy's swimming resumes since his swimming is at Bukit Merah, not far from your place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tersher, my ger also doesnt allow 'strangers' to carry her. she scream and cry loudly with lots of tears. lucky my relatives are understanding after one or two person tried their luck. my ger dun even show enthusiasm to food offered by 'strangers'. ha.



What a new year big ang Bao! Do hv a good chat with ur hubby. Cos previously u mentioned that he does not seem v prepared as a daddy. Now that #3 is on the way, he ought to settle down quickly. It's v different to hv a baby and small toddler as opposed to hvg a 5 yo and a baby. 5 yo is already somewhat independent. Financially will be straining too. So do save ya. Are u hoping for girl or boy? Afterall u already hv Hao already.

Jus us

The col is dark graphite. There was black, navy and white but only left dark graphite n navy. The navy colour hmmm not nice. I can snap a photo for u n email u. Just pm me if interested.

Xx, bb is the first grandchild and great-grandchild. So there's attention given to her.

Elise n Sparkle, seems like our bbs are shy?!??? I just hope that this is merely a transition phase. But come to think of it, there are moments when I love it, esp when she raise her little teary eyes and raises her hands to try n reach me. Melting moments... Hehe

Sheryl, think u're the first leh. U're so young n yet you are having yr 3rd child. Makes me feel so old n rickety. Was just telling hubby that I'm so drained from just 1 child.


He hoping for a boy. Im ok w either since I've both gender oreadi.


Let u knw agn.. Now still can cfm if I'm still gng to pasir Panjang to wrk for my ils yet.

Headache. Haven tell my mum yet lehx.. She sure make bog fuss de.. Sigh..

Tersher, mine is worse. He's the first grandson, first great-grandson n the first great great grandson. So glad to pass him ard yesterday. Heng he hasn't develop stranger anxiety. But his problem is he can't nap when there r so many activities going on ard him. He will kaypoh at everything. Then last night he dun wanna sleep. Was talking n making funny noises non stop.

Sheryl, u must take care leh. Rem to take your folic acid n drink more milk.


my gal also the same.. seems like not many people can carry her and one of the aunt who can attempted to bring her down to void deck to walk apparently never got a chance to get out of the lift got to take the lift up.. she was shock my gal can cry so loud like she got kidnapped!But surprisingly my gal slept on grandma's bed for 1 hr.. her nap outside normally just 1/2 hr and it was so noisy with many ppl gambling away!


I just pm you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning!! Finally a good sleep..kids are all worn out yesterday, esp baby cos he hardly gets to sleep.

XX - mine also very kaypoh..wanna see and touch and EAT everything. Good thing is that he is not afraid of strangers lah..so anyone can carry him so long as he did not see him, otherwise he will stick to me. I am also relieved that he is not afraid of dogs..ha ha. hubby's aunt has a hyperactive maltise mixed and the dog was going around barking and sniffing everyone but my boy remained calm and kept staring at it

Sheryl - glad that u have yr hubby's support. Good to have kids while younger..though parenting will be demanding for toddler and a baby, but things can be worked out lah..my #3 can be considered accident cos we did not plan for it but neither did we prevent it. However, our financial plan had never meant to include #3..now I have to revisit our plan again..at least must ensure that the nest is sufficiently provided for.

Ytdy I accidentally "offended" GMIL (MIL's mother). Actually it was MIL's fault lah. Though GMIL said never mind after I had apologize, but hubby said she is very petty one (like mother, like daughter..lol)..told my hubby to buy stuff and visit her again one of these days to appease her...but he kept saying no time no time and GMIL was in fact okay with me..just pissed off with his mum..@#$@%#. MIL might even be upset that I kaypoh go and appease GMIL.

MIL also one kind type..very blunt and no EQ, cannot stand her...anyhow shoot things off her mouth.

And yesterday MIL even chio us to do more visiting at 7pm??? I told hubby to count us out, cos my kids were terribly tired..

And the CNY clothings she bought for my son, everyone said he looks very girlish..ha ha. Told my hubbyt that is yr mum's fashion taste lor..

When the relatives asked me if I am nursing..MIL said ya lor, dunwan wean lor, already eating solid food liao still wanna breastfeeding, very ma fan. Sound as if I illtreat her grandson. Lucky, the grandaunt was on my side..older and senior than MIL..she kept asking me to continue breastfeeding esp when I am SAHM, cos breastmilk is the best, even ask me to eat more fish. But I intend to cut down breastfeeding to twice a day (morning 8am and night 8pm).

Ytdy afternoon poor baby was fussing and trying to "tear" my blouse - but I manage to delay the nursing till we reach home at 8pm. No engorgement leh...


i haven to gynae yet! Tested wif pregnancy kit nia! Aft CNY den go clinic test agn.. Folic acid? i throw all away liaox! wahahahahaa~


Same lo.. We din plan for #3 so fast & we prevent it by using condom. Onli tat fatal time he was lazy to use & HENG HENG TIO! -_________-''

Our expenses now juz nice to cover everything, wif #3, Sigh! I can cut away all my personal spendings le..


Luckily got ur gmil support. I like to be able to express as far as possible then I don need to worry abt menses. But my ss is horrid. Each pump is only 50-60 yield. Only pump 3 times in a day. Today we are going to zoo. Bet there will be lots of pp.


I've emailed u the pics. It looks v much like navy but cos I've seen the navy col, this is more towards graphite. The bag comes with the the care card that I've shown in the pictures.


Ur mil sure v happy too rite? Take lots of care. Can excuse from the early morning work? Hee hee.

Xx, good that your baby is ok with everyone, otherwise, it's so difficult when you are with family and friends...

Jus'us, i know what you mean. Relatives look kinda surprised when bb starts yelling and tears started squirting. Her volume is deafening.. But yet these brave souls just wanna try and try again... haizzz


You can get folic acid from Guardian or any other pharmacy. Actually much cheaper to buy there than at gynae cos Gynae wanna ear more mah. Few dollars only. Go get lah.

Hahaha... You and hubby are young so much easier to tio! I am much older than you thus when trying for #2 must use ovulation kit lah, look at cycles etc etc. Much more difficult.

3 kids will be tough in the 1st couple of years. But when they are older will be easier so you pressed on ok ;)

Urghhhh! My first bb porridge attempt failed. Got lax and didnt watch the fire towards the end n the base got burned. Chao da...

cath, i still expressing 4x daily and my menses come liao. i was quite surprise.

sheryl, u and ur hub really very lucky! one time can be so heng! haha

bebe, your mil offend her own mother? aiyoh!

dont think too much, afterall is own daughter, dun think gmil will be upset for very long.

tersher, i feel that as long as our babies have no issue with caregivers, i am not worried. they will outgrow the stranger anxiety phase. *fingers crossed*

my mil was quite happy that my ger got stranger anxiety cos mil herself not stranger, she can carry ger around. ha.

Sheryl, just right! I've got 1 bottle of NeuroGain Purple colour one. expiry date is 2012 April. when i free, then i pass to you hor? since i've got no use for it oredi. gong xi gong xi hor

Sheryl, ya can buy folic acid from pharmacy. Watson's or guardian or unity all have. Usu they put them just at the pharmacy counter. Roughly how many weeks now huh? 6 weeks old can hear heartbeat already right? I'm feeling so excited for u!! That time I went to see gynae at 4 weeks old, cos got bad stomach cramps. Jiayou mummy!!

Sheryl congrats! So heng, big any pow for rabbit year!

Sprinkle some bbdust to me too.....

Was happy with bb's "behavior" yesterday, he was ok with strangers....relatives were like playing "passing parcel"....he was loving it and laughing away. Crawl everywhere, like mopping floor for the relatives we visited....haha. Had his first gassy drink(only a bit) and trying the new year goodies. But unfortunately, he was too excited to nap so by 5pm....cranky liao. Reach home at 6pm and he KO....


you are fast!thanks!I go see...


was wondering.. are you still brestfeeding when tio? or completely stop liao?


haha you are right.. they are very brave relatives!

How's everyone's new year?

Mine was v v v tiring. Brought my 2 kids in a replacement car in n out of Malaysia everyday from eve to cny day 1. Both kids are super tired by the time they reached home. BbG has stranger anxiety too. Anyone carry him, he'll give a very patronizing look- like ok let u carry since mummy is not around. But the moment I appear in his sight, he'll cry like there s no tomorrow. Even my mil who has taken care of him also cannot. Even his daddy also cannot. So I'm the one who needs to carry n coax him most of the time. He was crawling round the place until he developed a lot of beehives bumps on his both legs n hands. Then I got to stop letting him crawl. Poor bbG must be feeling v itchy, he scratched until his thighs bled. Hopefully he ll feel better soon.

Then kor kor jay has a minor accident yesterday. He fell n hit the corner of the glass coffee table at my mil's place. He cried badly, so we hv to carry him. When we asked him where's the pain then we realize his head is bleeding. It's really a v v bad fall. Luckily bleeding stopped. But now even if he lie on pillow also painful.

What a new year!

And now, daddy who is still quite ill is off to work.

Hi mummies, I like to interrupt. I'm from July MTB forum and like to share an activity that you can do with your baby.

My girl is now 6 months old and since she was 1-2 months old, I've been practising baby yoga with her. I've just updated my blog with pictures and instructions for some poses suitable for babies older than 4 months old. http://bbyoga-julie.blogspot.com/

I've been certified by Birthlight to hold baby and toddler yoga classes. And if anyone is keen for a trial class at your home (group/individual), you can email me at [email protected] for more details.

Sheryl, Congrats!

Cath, sayang sayang... Hope everything is okie now...

My CNY also eventful. Baby D fell sick on the first day of CNY, bad flu. At night, coughed out his feed a few times. Nose machiam like running tap... and we rushed to KK emergency this morning. Due to his mild fever, we didn't need to Q for long..everything was settled within an hr... His nose stopped liao but still cough badly...Me Very heartpain leh... Something happy is... after so many mths, Baby D finally plays with my bros and allows my mummy to carry him today and he was laughing away with my parents during dinner... My mum was overjoyed and kept saying this CNY TOTO is going to be hers liao... Ha! Ha!

Cath, every year must travel in out of Malaysia so many times? Aiyo, so shag... Hope korkor is feeling better now. Zz's skin also got worse these two days due to dirt n dust.

Today a bit sian bcos there're some family conflicts in my mum's family which split them into two parties. So childish lor these adults. Got nothing better to do to quarrel over the tiniest matters. Sigh

Cath, poor Jay. hope he's okay now. of course travelling in and out of msia is tiring. we go house visiting, i also very tiring oredi. my britt is super tired at the end of the day and when reach home, cried a lot. gave her some milk and she very fast KO oredi

Sheryl, thanks for the bbdust! hope i huat soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's CNY for everyone? my girl was quite ok yesterday.. but i had to lug along a carebear plush n dat mcdonalds mini collectible filet to keep her happy. both are from my hubby's cousin who gave it to my girl on CNY eve.. reason being, my girl oni allow hubby's cousin + family to play with her with these toys around. prior to that, she was crying her lungs out whenever she sighted them, esp hubby''s cousin.. tink my girl targeted her.. even hear her voice only also she will look around to find, eyes all wet n preparing to cry *pengz* i just randomly grabbed the new carebear hubby's cousin bought n played with my girl to stop her cries, who knows it became an immunity item in order for everyone to play with her. CNY 1st day when hubby's aunt's place.. she was ok with everyone due to the carebear + filet. haiz.. all except aunt's daughter.. see la.. my girl changed target person to cry liao.. same behaviour like CNY eve.. went over my aunt's place later on.. my cousin took the carebear fm my girl and my girl will make noise for it to be returned. nobody can take from her.. even sleep must have the carebear beside. lolx.. day 1 seems super tiring for her.. she slept at 12am and woke up oni at 10.15am today, had her milk and doze back to lalaland ard 11am, woke up oni at 1pm!!!

today went to the house of another aunt of mine, tis time without the carebear (finally) since she see tis aunt weekly.. heng she was fine.. still can play.. haha


I think now only abt 2wks ba.. Lolx.. Drag long long den c Gynae.. But aft CNY muz go gp cfm pregnancy, mil request. Juz like #2

ur spring maternity card can lend mi le.. =P


Thanks.. Ur bb will be fine, juz extra tired ESP during CNY..


Any bump on his head? Muz sor lehx.. Monitor him closely also.. I heard beehive can use ricewine to wipe body, will lessen itch..

Back to wrk!! Damn tired

sheryl, should be 4 weeks pregnant le cos usually gynae will count the weeks from last menstrual date. when u miss ur menses, usually is at least 4 weeks liao.


wow thats so fast!


oh dear hope both your boys ok liao... what a yr for you... hope things will go more smoothly for the rest of the yr!


so cute.... so young can "own" her toy my bb is when angbao given to her if you take it away suddenly she will scream! and she only like the red ones.. the gold ones she not interested.. keke


Ya there's a bump on his head. And he has difficulties lying on his back to sleep. Poor little fellow. My first reaction is to scold my hubby. Cos jay climb up to daddy's side to get some cny goodies but daddy say cos he's holding on to the cny goody that he can't let go n catch jay. At that moment- I told him off in front of his parents. Oh oh. Immediately his parents (ie my pil) quickly jumped to his defense n said it's accident. My fil repeated many times that it's not his son's fault. Actually I also think it's not my hubby's fault la- just that at that moment, I was so upset that he fell so badly. ESP his daddy is literally right beside him somemore. I said my hubby is like a hungry ghost- rather hold on to the food then his own son. I must hv offended my in laws.

The younger one 's bumps getting lesser, but I supposed still as itchy. Hope he'll get well soon. My heart goes out to all bb with sensitive skin. I see bbG with beehive , n scratching his legs, I very heart pain. Xx , must be really difficult to take care of ur little one too cos of his eczema.


Ya, what a way to start. Rather sianz. Hopefully it is blessing in disguise.


Sheryl, u miss for one week already right? Shd be 5-6 weeks now lor. When u see gynae can hear hearbeat already! No problem, I go dig out the card first. Haha!

Cath, ya his eczema is expensive. He used 3 tubes of physiogel AI cream n 1.5 tubes of physiogel cream in Jan. The stock I bot from ttsh online pharmacy last month can't even last him till end of this month. But then again, as long as he is healthy n growing well n happy, the rest r secondary.

