(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Cath, one hr, so long ar... I wonder if anywhere sells those rice grains that r already washed. So I can just grind without washing n drying. How come oats dun have to be washed huh?

Zoie, ya so tiring to prepare n wash up. I was telling hubby abt how ley chey it is to cook for zz n he said no need to cook, just let him eat outside food. When I tried to explain how outside food is not suitable for toddlers, he accuse me of spoiling the child. btw, I'm giving bananas now, just slice n mash with fork. So convenient. This cny, maybe I will cook ngoh fish n carrots porridge to try.


hi all

i hve 4 tins of Nestle NAN 2 probiotics @ $10ea .. just drop me a PM if keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Porridge cooking, I nv use slow cooker and nv grain the rice grains also. I just put the ingredients and rice grain into a bowl. Fill with water. Then steam it for 45 mins. Then the porridge is ready. Stir the porridge and make sure the ingredients are mash up. After that I use strainer to make the porridge more purée.

This save me alot of time. I no need to standby the stove and keep stirring the porridge and won't cook too much. Probably takes Abt 5-10 mins to do the final stir and strain, as all the stuffs are very soft Liao.

For porridge

I just tried salmon wif porridge yest my boy love it I cook over normal fire n 20-25mins it's done then I use my Phillips mini blender n blend it like puree. Depend on how thick or watery u want the porridge to b n jus blend accordingly.

When out I normally pack organix cereal only now that they r 7mths old I gave my boy the organix stage 2 cereal which is not so watery.


I'm also v bad to say or b gd when my boy hits his head against the cot railing when pulling the vertical bars up

To stand. Now his fav activity is move ard the cot by holding on the top bar of the cot


Ask yr Hubby's secretary to help u change new notes fm the bank :p

porridge preparation:

i use slow cooker but no need overnight. juz 1.5-2hrs enuff le. my bb can finish a plate.


i never buy any cny clothes dis year, sobs!


then ur pd will scold me, cuz i mix everything together. threadfin, pumpkin, sometimes potato & veg. hope ur sx is ok le. i also agree wif genice - my 3.5yrs is still drinking 3x fm a day. they still need milk ma.

Thanks mummies for asking abt sx, he's better now. Yesterday was a real scare and I even forgot that the toy rental company was delivering the jumperoo, end up they rang the door bell for a long time, my mobile was off! So paisei they had to come again this morning and the lady was still very nice abt it, I just insisted to reimburse her extra transport fee. Jenn, thanks for recommendation!

As for my PD, aiya... I also like to have my sx drink milk as much as possible, so I was just sharing PD info here but I won't follow exactly what he says. But I will be more careful when introducing new foods lor.

For my porridge, I throw in the brown rice, veg like carrot, potato or corn, and 1 lump of meat into the slow cooker at 7am, by 11am it's ready, soft and thick, then switch off the heat, at 11.30 can feed him liao. If I want to feed him fish porridge, I steam the fish with tomatoes (without skin and remove seeds also) or on a piece of cabbage, then in the slow cooker it's just rice and cabbage or spinach, no meat.

Dot, yes can share the chart, I'll get my hubby to scan in his office and then email you.

Bluey, no offense ah, but one time I also threw in the thread fin into the slow cooker with the rice etc, then the porridge became very fishy and it tastes horrible leh, I gagged and threw away the whole pot! I tried the fish and it was of course very overcooked and dry. Urgh. Maybe I am a fussy eater. I let sx try a bit and his face also screwed up. He loves beef, carrot, potato mix. I blend raw beef in the Avent steamer/ blender, then just before I switch off the slow cooker, I put the blended raw meat in for 3 mins, then turn off heat.


Haha.... That was what my hubby said as well! Plus there is a DBS branch just downstairs from his office in Suntec. I paiseh leh. She already help us to source and book hotel rooms for our upcoming trip. And she also help to scan my Jeph's year-end portfolio from school. I paiseh to ask her go stand in line [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad that SX is better. Yah, Linda called me yesterday asking if I have your hubby's or any other number to contact you at. Unfortunately I didn't have. Hope SX likes the jumperoo.


Haha... my baby still on Organix cereal and Si Sen brown rice cereal. I didn't wanna intro too much things too soon since he only started solids at exactly 6 months and he is only slightly over 7 months old. Finally my nearest Cold Storage in United Sq has Organix cereal at $6ish. So much cheapest than Vitakids. Giving Vitakids a run for their money!!!


Oh... when using slow cooker to cook congee, only add the fish at the end i.e. when the congee is ready, then add the fish and then stir a few times then let it cook for another 5-10 min only. If not, will be very fishy de.


haha is it? i dunno all these. =p

so far, i c my bb eat still ok. im not really a fan of threadfin, mil is. she can buy like $30 worth of threadfin, which is how many kg? 2? 3? haha. i rarely go wet market buy fish.

Those who still want to Cheong last min cny shopping try woodlands terrace the frozen seafood n those things u put in the steamboat is so cheaP gng at 5 for $10 bot huge chunks of salmon cos the price was too gd to resist tats y my boy gotta taste salmon porridge last nite the salmon/frozen company is called fissler. There's a pastry n ice-cream factory there too which offers free sampling. Also hv Xiang wei bak kwa factory n a few others tat sell cny tidbits


Oh so organix really cheaper at cold storage ar gonna boycott vitakids for their organix cereal then.


Wat jenn/tywong said is correct to put fish in later if nt got one smelly fishy smell. If yr boy nt those fussy eat than ok if not may put them off against eating fish later. My gal's time fed her too much threadfin when she was a Bb tat she rejects eating fish now. Or maybe it's just her lo fussy eater so am gng to go slow giving threadfin to no 2 now :p


eh kovan heartland mall cold storage has organix. not sure compasspoint cold storage has anot.

oic. maybe my bb not that fussy bah, or maybe im just lazy. =p if he dislikes this threadfin in future, i dun mind, haha! till now my #1 is having threadfin for every lunch & dinner practically everyday! wad so nice abt threadfin ah, hmmmmm.


glad to hear that sx is better. and thanks in advance for the chart!


I haven't started feeding porridge yet, because I'm lazy to cook. lol

but will be getting a slow cooker from my mil, so gonna start after cny.

ty, if your steam your threadfin, do you add it to the plain porridge you cooked, or feed it like that? I'm thinking of introducing protein, but not sure how to, other than porridge

I just bought some organix cereal from nex cold storage. but they do not have the wholegrain rice one which bbE loves. $6+, and dun have to travel down to United Sq. Must go to the one at kovan to see if they have the wholegrain rice one.

Enrichment classes

Won and went for a trial class at Gymnademics. Quite interesting, but quite long at 75mins. Their trial is quite expensive, but now having 50% off, so it is $44. Not sure for how long more though.

I think I need to train zz to sleep by himself. Everyday need to waste hours n hours to put him to sleep, end up I can't do housework. I got my hubby to put him to sleep, after he woke up when I transfer him to cot for the third time. My hubby also failed n change to transfer him to our bed. Then he immediately go n take out the Alan key to adjust the cot up one level, previously he lower to the lowest level at one shot, thinking he wun have to lower the cot in the future anymore. before he had a taste of his own medicine, he only thinks I'm being grumpy n demanding when I complain that the cot is too low. I'm so glad that finally he can understand my concerns.

When can we introduce third solid meal? Currently zz on two meals, after morning bath (breakfast) n after afternoon nap (dinner). The porridge shd be given after his afternoon nap?


I ordered there Every mth. If ur bb on fm 1.8kg sure can finish within a mth. If partial bm then get 900gm

They are reliable. Is actually from a medical shop.


When I read that ur hb lower it all the way down I was like duh!! If he is my hb sure had a fight! Now mine is on the 2nd level I also very xin ku already... Going to lower to the 3rd level soon... Ya I did the lowering myself cause bb also slept when daddy reach home...

Bliss, okok thanks.. how is E? he getting better??

feeding porridge...

last time i fight with my gal on bottle war.. now have to fight with my gal on porridge feeding.. haiz.. i have to play music, distract her.. then feed her.. not easy sia..

Its been ages since i posted. So tiring lookin aft e 2boys coz they feel sick together n till now my #1 still sick.

Jenn- I can understand ur anxiety coz I lost my #1 in Kiddy Palace tat day plus Compasspoint outlet so big. He was happily trying out sunglasses while I'm frantically searching for him. Shout for him oso dun reply. When I found him he still can smile at mi n ask mi' Mummy nice?' I immediately started beating him coz I realy duno wta will happen if I can't find him.

TY- My #1 oso haf allergy reaction ytd. Mine was coz e beancurd was placed beside those canned type of peanut n think e beancurd did touch e peanut n same swollen eyes, itchy everywhere,swollen scalp. Didn't noe he can b so serious. It can b vr scary. Bt den i remeber gt once when he was 1.5yrs i gave him peanut b4 bt no such reaction oni now den start.

MissBluey- Compasspoint ColdStorage does sell Organix bt den ytd i went nt alot of stock let, quite a no. of flavors OOS.

Re: Obiang MILs

I wun haf tis problem coz my MIL can't even b bothered to buy anything for my kids. She wun spend more den $10 to buy any clothes for my kids so I rather she dun. She dun come n tell mi she no money I already vr happy le.

Tokin bout her was so super pissed off. I have nt been stayin at her place for 6mths already n yet tat day when i went back she passed mi e Internet bill n say cut off n ask mi to pay. Oni her younger daughter using so y shd I pay. Its under her eldest dotter name n they chalk up till bout $400 of bill n ask mi to pay when I'm nt using n nt working. Raining heavily still die die bring my #1 go out den now he flu again. Duno their brains stuff wif sh*t or wat. Definately brainless.

Re: CNY Clothings

I bought mine from tis shop at Raffles The Arcade cheap n nice. Tops $10, jeans $15. Dresses I buy from www.loef.sg their clothes is instock n u get wat u c, no gimmicks. For those mummies last min maybe can try.

Re: CNY Visiting

I oso no mood to go visiting, still muz hear those relatives gossip n compare my kids wif others. Hate it. Worse still we haf to b in his rich uncle house e whole day n tat theres a swimming pool so dirty coz they rarely used. Last yr #1 still duno how to walk now he noe le n get fascinated by e site of swimming pool so scared he will jump into it. Sianz. He dissapear vr fast type.

Re: Milk intake

I do agree wif e rest of e mummies nt at least 2-3x aday milk intake is required. Most of e time I'm still giving my #1 3 milk feed thou hes nt a milk monster. Best to continue drinkin milk till old. Milk nt oni haf calcium bt other thing lyk DHA etc.

Rabbit- I buy my milk powder from tat webby. Normally I buy every 2mths n always bout $500. Bt one thing is tat e price now oso nt as cheap as b4. some brand of milk powder they jack up e price.Depending on how many feeds per day u givin Jacey if 1 feed per day den I suggest u to get 900g bt if almost all on FM den 1.8kg ba. Its written tat once open can last oni 30days bt I dun bother.

jolene.. the website that u recommended is gd!I love the dresses! and the px very gd too. i got this dress too.


But i bought from city plaza.. haha.. they have a lot of cheap dresses as well.i bought only $23 but for $4 more i wouldnt mind ordering online. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Thanks!

rabbit, hey no problem. i have not ordered from that webby before, becos i found that there's 1 old run down provision shop selling Nan, that is way cheaper than NTUC. so i bought from there. 1 shot i always buy 4 to 5 tins, ask my hubby drive me there to buy lor.

Genice: u went to Cityplaza? i thought there are so many foreign workers lurking around there? last time i always went to eat their nice indo food called Esteler. u've tried that before?

Jolene, your MIL got problems huh. how come your SIL used the internet, asked you to pay. so funny lor

Jol, okok.. i think i buy 1.8kg put at my mil hse.. then i get 900g, since most of the time jacey is at my mil hse. i also thinking if i should take over my friend's open fm.. though is over 3 weeks but not expire yet..

elise, oh okok.. now i started to feel shiong even though i haven start buying fm... still using the samples i had..

elise.. noe leh.. never try b4.. always eat the ban mian above at the food court and arnolds chicken. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Where is esteler?

Xiao xiin.. ur hb is really that kind must experience it then can understand.. next time before u "complain" anything get him to try it first lor.. :p


i have actually started to feed K all kinds of stuffs that we are eating for dinner. :p Like carrot cake, mac egg, pancake, hasbrown, bread.. whatever i can compress and it becomes mushy. I realise for #2 i really very bo chup, for #1 everything also avoid till she is above 1 yr old. Really a big difference.

But i find that when i start to let K taste a little of our food, our life is actually made much easier/happier. Eg. last fri we were out shopping, K's milk feed was at 10 pm b we were still walking to hawker centere at 9.30 pm, so we ended up ordering carrot cake for my ger and ourselves and K looked at us with the "tum jia" face so we fed him some too.. he was happy that he got food to eat and we were very happy that it was a peaceful meal too... hb and me were saying that just a few more mths, things would be so much easier for us.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] looking forward!

I noe some of u may think i am a "lousy" mummy exposing babies to this kind of food but since i only let him taste so i am not very concern plus he will eventually eat all these when he grows up plus if it makes all of us happy.. y not. :p

genice, haha.. i also not a good mum, i end up feeding jacey papaya from my papaya fish soup.. end up she loose stools for 1 week.. but heng nothing serious.. we stop liao.. then pooing frequency also reduce..

yeah rabbit, feeding bb on FM is damn siong. nowadays milk powder are so ex lor. unless you wana take the risk and drive to JB to buy lor. its cheaper over there.

genice, arnolds chicken is very nice!! but always damn long q. esteler, is outside. there's a small 'xiao ting zi' there. u try leh, the last time i tried, the food is very nice.


i always order my diapers from the website, but not fm cuz hubby not comfortable buying fm online. very reliable.


ehhhhh, but the food you let sumo K tasted got salt right? you ok ah? maybe im just paranoid. till now, i still haven't really let my bb taste salt. cuz #1 touched so many seasonings, so his taste got abit heavier for his age, i feel lor. so that's why im quite strongly against my bb having all these seasonings.

but then again, im so looking forward he eating same food as us, haha!


thanks for your info & website! i will go check it out.


dh = dear hubby.


me too stopping bfing soon.. nw it's a pathetic 3 times a day (wake up, reach hm from work, and before slp), total is a pathetic ~250ml. but bb needs at least 800ml each day.. using up my fbm supply soon.. getting more and more lazy to pump.. hehe


where's e city plaza? the one near paya lebar mrt?

bb food

yest watched the news,they were saying should let bb expose to eggs between 4 to 6 mths, to prevent more allergic reactions when they grow up.. sigh.. there's a lot of should-nots and shoulds going ard.. maybe it depends on individual children?


totally no mood for cny manz.. look at e weather.. whole day my eyes are droopy!

Genice, bliss, haha... Wun quarrel with him, used to it already. Outsiders always deem him as the good tempered n I'm the bad tempered. But the truth is, he only shows his bad temper to me (his closest kin that's y can bully), n it's much much worse than mine. My parents have witness it before, they also agree with me. Before i know him, i was very very xiao jie. Dunno y now I allow him to bully me. Maybe it's my retribution. Hahaha!

Genice, no la u r not a lousy mum. But my hubby is a lousy father when he said he will let zz eat outside food everyday for every meal. I'm sure u wun agree with him right?

So bored, when will the rain stop so that I can go out? I want to buy some foodstuff to store in the fridge for cny. Eh, I think the rain has gotten lighter. Hooray!!

hope, City Plaza is the direction towards Singapore Post centre. after u see SPC, walk straight down towards the 2nd chance building direction. City plaza is that building. very old and run down building but with plenty of HK, taiwanese style clothings if you know how and where to dig!

xiaoxin, that why they always say men and woman behave differently. before marriage and after marriage. totally different.

cath, yalo, tat time duno y eyes tio ta stamp also.. he's actualli quite horrible and didnt treat me well, but duno y i stupid stupid trusted him so much.. hmm good point that bad ppl dun reincarnate so fast.. now im feeling better.. that time when i just gave birth i was quite bothered by this.. dont dare to tell hubby!! he knws i've had a very horrible ex-bf before but i din tell him what i was worried abt regarding the horoscope.. actually i've had 2 horrible exs before.. the other one not as bad but $$ wise i also "wrote-off" 5 digit, coz he wanted to go into some small biz venture and borrowed from me.. borrow liao domp into ocean liao.. when i tried to get it back from him he can still scole me for calling his hse.. think when i in a r/s i always v trusting.. then not so ji jiao on $$ matters.. so end up also chi kui.. lucky met my hubby.. he's not the romantic sort but at least he's down-to-earth and takes care of the family.. i've always been feeling guilty that he does his own laundry, irons his own clothes, washes toilet, packs the hse and he even puts bbR and my laundry into the washing machine and hang it up for us.. he even auto change bb bedsheet, lower his cot, tidy his room, arrange the smaple diapers by size and bring out all the M size ones for me to use.. i told myself the $$ i lost for those past r/s just forget liao lo, dun tink le.. anyway impossible to take back liao.. glad that i have hubby and bbR now..

oh no, pls take care and hope u get well fast fast.. try to rest as much as u can so can recover..

ty, hope ur bb is better now.. i'm quite slow with introducing solids, in the beginning very enthusiastic but now lazy liao.. haha.. only gave him sweet potato, potato, apple, carrot, pumpkin.. sx seems to have tried alot of things already..

xx, R also starting to pull himself to stand using vertical bars.. i just keep watch lo.. at least he wont be able to jump over the railings.. i try to position him at the middle, so even if he fall sideways he wont hit the sides coz not "long" enuff yet.. sat i tried puttin him in the playpen, he held on to the side and stood for v long.. then after that fell sideways and hit the open drawer, coz no space the playpen was very close to the cupboard and i was packing his clothes so drawer open.. feel so bad.. but i think not too hard knock ba, coz he fell from standing position only, and he's not so tall ma.. >.<

rabbit, R's milk feed still 3 hrs apart also.. sometimes during wkends if busy then i never give solids, whole day bm.. >.<


wah, your hubby so good! I wish my hubby like that so auto also! Your hubby is your reward for your 2 horrible ex-bfs. Yah lah, forget that man and enjoy your 2 blessings now!


your hubby super sweet to the max!

anyway, what past is history liao. money can be earned back, but if you marry the wrong man, it is really irreversible lor.

i too met quite a few of bad men before i met my hubby.

genice, mi same same as u.. i also feed Cherisse with those things we eat outside.. hashbrown, whipped potatoes, bread, scrambled egg, carrot cake, hotcakes, etc.. i will mash it and she happily open her mouth.. even banged table if we dun give to her. i very scared she become very greedy when she grow up.

Genice- I love their clothes so much. Nice n e pics is exactly u get wat u c. Nt alot of blogshop haf instocks. Bt if wan to get b4 CNY muz use courier service. Last time wear their dresses nice now wif flabby tummy, elephant trunk aiyo muz choose those loose cutting de.

Elise- Coz i last time stay there ma n I used to pay it coz I gt use ma so she tot still can ask mi to pay lo. Hope they cut e internet soon n lawyer letter sent to her eldest dotter...

jojo- envy u!!! u gt such a wonderful hubby. God noe u suffer so much tats y give u something sweet to forget e past.

Re: Milk Powder from Jb

Try nt to buy from JB coz I noe some brand Spore wan produced in Ang Mo country bt theirs is nt. E nutritional value is diff too.

Dot, when I steam the thread fin, he eats it plain, the "soup" from the fish is tasty because of the natural sweet sour taste from the tomato. Then 1 spoon fish in the mouth, the next spoon porridge, then tomato and so on.

Jojo, luckily those bad guys are ex boyfriends and not a husband, so you are right to not dwell any longer, and you have a good hubby now. He sounds like an angel. If my hubby even packs his own underwear, I can laugh to heaven liao. Sx eats beef, pork, chicken, cabbage, spinach, sweet potato, potato, corn, carrot, tomato, fish, apple, papaya, avocado, green pear, plum, peach, apricot, cereal with real raisins which I wash and cut, cashew cookies, pineapple tarts, bread...hahahahahah! Good life hor? My hubby said sx got a mother like me, next time he goes army he will cry. So spoiled.

Ya blueberi, I follow the chart my PD gave me, what he can eat 6-8 months, then 9 months, then 12 months. Easy. He also eats pumpkin, turnip, cucumber, yam, watermelon, broccoli, cherries. Of course pineapple tarts and cashew cookies not on the list but we give a bit haha! My naughty brother also drips yakult into his mouth with the straw. Grape and apple flavors!


tywong, the PD at KKH did gave me a chart with the food to start bb on.. but i'm not sure if it did stated which are for which period.. haiz.. must go home n check again. dat day my sis bo liao go n put the straw of her iced milo into my bb's mouth to see if she can sip from the straw anot.. my bb managed to sip from the straw n gotten a sip of iced milo.. see her reaction very funny.. but feeling guilty also. lolx

