(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Dear mummies,

Anyone putting their babies at IFC? Am sad cos the caregivers at IFC is suck and there is a long waiting list at other IFC. hhummm... how i wish to be SAHM like Jenn, lilysnow & xx... whahaaaa



Hugs. I can understand how you feel. And I agree that must keep an eye on the kids and teach them not to run off, but have you considered that your fears might be slightly irrational, hence your strong emotional reaction? Believe me, I also don't want to loose my bb for any reason whatsoever, but crime rate is down, and cases of bb/toddler snatching is down, especially in Sg. I completely agree that we must still be very vigilant, and must discipline and teach, but perhaps no need to react so strongly when children do what children do, especially when they are cognitively/developmentally not able to control themselves. Then we are also not so stressed. But then, since E is still a bb, this could still be only head knowledge to me. If and when he pulls the same stunt when he is older, then see how I react. LOL.

CNY clothes

Heng my MIL did not buy anything for bbE. My hubby suggested, but got a dirty look from me. haha.


someone shared their 'method' earlier - wear the outfit to visit ILs in the morning, but spill some milk onto the outfit when feeding 1st meal, so 'bo pian', must change.


your compromise is also good.


I paid $14.90 I knw there a more ex de, diaper pants cld be the price u saw, $16+


I'm another lucky bitch! Mil din buy CNY clothes for my girl too! She has too many new clothes to wear n bought a tradition spaghetti dress for day 1 only!


Dun envy, each has it prob! IFC standard de, muz wait.. Wat to do?


you just have to keep repeating over & over again to jeph. so that he will know. once, elson also nearly ran out to the road, luckily hubby saw it & we scolded him like hell. then, my heart was thumping non-stop.


wao! your bb 11kg liao! enjoying gd food, hehe.

bb cny clothes:

i can't be bothered much, as long mil bought nice can liao. she did buy 2 sets of new pjs for both boys, said cny eve must wear to sleep liao. looks big & quite ugly, but heck lah. its only pjs. she also bought 1 set of cny clothes for #1, still not so bad. her taste keep changing, hard to gauge. i remembered she said collars tees no gd, cuz weather so hot now. i was like zz. then she bought collar polo tee for #1, pengs~~ last nov, pils went china & mil bought army-pattered sets for the boys, oh my. damn ugly.

anyway, hubby & i chose ang gong gong red traditional shirts (with dragon designs, lol!) for our boys. will def take pics. =p

Dot, i did tink of e spilling milk idea.. Hahaha

Missbluey, my mil bought 2 sets of pigeon PJs for my gal earlier also said 1 set must wear on cny eve.. But hor the size so big i tink must at least 1yr old den can wear.. I'm letting my gal wear carter sleep in romper instead.. 9mths but i tink can wear liao coz e 6mths one too short for her, best is haven wear before!!!! Gonna give to my sis fren liao.


dunno why mils' tastes are soooooo (fill in the blank).

then my mil still can say "im the best when it comes to choose cute bb clothes". my eyes auto roll by itself lor. lol.


For parents considering #2, it's a lot easier after a child turns 2.5 yo to 3. But try to hv an age gap of 3 yo cos by 3yo, that's where the child learns more abt social etiquette n is toilet trained. Some kids can even eat on their own. Kids are more independent when they reach 3 yo. By 2.5 yo , they are slowly growing out of terrible 2 age.

So explaining to them the new arrival of a didi or meimei is a lot easier. If the age gap is 2 years , u will hit into terrible 2 n a young whining baby. Very hard to manage.

But if ur child has been taking care of little animals like dogs n cats, they will be more loving n tend to be more acceptable towards a new sibling as they are not exactly the only centre of attention from the start.

My leapfrog table ok liao. Just need to change batteries. Hehe... But the work attitude of those ppl really piss me off. Reminds me of the wardrobe ppl.

Rabbit, did u say u din manage to book chevrons? Chey I thot we cld be neighbours leh. I book 2 units on 18th check out on 19th. If i get my first choice seaview resort at changi, I let go chevrons for u want? But i will only know the ballot results by mid march.

sian, pump until overflow again.. skirt sticky sticky.. =.=

Cath, bbG sooo sweet!! I'll be over the moon if R kisses me...!! do take care of urself, cny coming le.. i wanted to post and sell the stage 1 FM i was standing by for R.. thanks for helping me post, i'll pm u the info.. victim of baby abuse? me me!! R likes to pull my hair, sometimes his nails scratch me, piak my face, recently he starting pinching also.. ya that ex-bf realli horrid.. and i trusted him 100%.. even gave him all my pay.. all-in-all 5 digit fly away, write off as bad debts liao.. common fren told me he was in a very bad accident in malaysia, think it's drink and drive.. now thinking back im just so glad i moved on.. coz of such a bad experience, i was quite upset when i realised R will be same horosope combi as him.. just didnt want to have anything in common with him ma..

xiao xiin, zz can crawl le? so fast!! R onli can inch/wriggle ard.. ya R and zz same bday.. its not the birthdate ba coz that ex-bf bday in may.. more of the same horoscope of tiger/gemini that was bothering me that time..

lilysnow, dun be sad... co-sleep too long later very hard to train bb to sleep on his own le.. anyway u need to "boot" baby to his cot if u wan work for #2.. hehe.. u can go buy baby monitor.. so u can hear baby crying even though u're in another room..

waa bluey u can watch autumn's concerto at work ar!! envy envy.. i also recently sot tio and watching this series on youtube.. i'll use iphone watch while carrying R during his naps.. haha..

jenn, can understand your feelings.. really very gek sim when kids dont listen and are at risk of getting lost.. i have no experience in parenting and discipling kids also.. hoping R wont give me too hard time.. will come ask u mummies for advice when he reaches that stage..

xiaoxin, how you manage to book? i asked my bro.. he say only can book in jan.. then i wait until 18th lor. end up he say all fully booked.

Bebe75, dot,

Hubby sure will protest directly n say ugly at MIL if we were to shop together cos typical sagitarius! Ha.. Me playing PR role I feel at times.. as I use more politically correct phrasing..


But my ger no terrible 2 but terrible 3 leh!! but I also think 3 Yr gap quite ideal


haha, cuz i want to sleep early @ night ma. plus can use free wifi in office, hehehe.

#2 3yrs gap:

i too think 2-3yrs gap is ideal.

bb abuse:

im one of them too. my bb scratch my face, my back, haha. sometimes will pull my hair. except mine is still consider a minor case.

bb Abuse!!!:

Haha I am one of the victim. My gal will pull my hair real hard, pinch me etc. When I remove her hand and hit her hand lightly, showing my angry face, she can still smile at me...tot I am playing with her...faint!!

Baby poopoo pattern:

Any baby here poo only every 3 or 4 days? Mine is like that....a bit worried n when I asked the pd, she said as long as twice a week is ok.

My gal on total breast milk and 2 solid (abt 2 big table spoon of cereal) per day.

I dun feel good that she dun poo every day(its like that since she was 2 mths.) Last time ppl said because of breast milk but now on solid alr still like that...worried worried...

bb abuse, i also kena from my Britt!! she super love to give pple a sweet smile, after that pinch on my arm. before i can even scold her, the faec like want to cry like that, scared that i scold her. soo clever!! is it typical of tigerbabies to abuse mummies?

bluberi/bluey: MIL are so ''sucky'' when choosing CNY clothes. my mil also bought a set of ugly clothes with a buddha on the tshirt. so so damn ugly lor. she turned around and asked me nice or not, i said(impatiently), she's got too much clothes and somemore the clothes not nice at all. nowadays i just tell the truth. dun bother to say some white lie to cover up. for my coward hubby, dun dare to say anything. just kept quiet


my bb also on full bm and 2 solid and she poos every 2-3 days...when bb was 1mth dr alreadt said she will be the type that poo 2-3 days once and true enough! The only thing is watch out for constipation... my bb got constipated a week back and we gave prune and apple puree from gerber... after 1 day started to poo.... rather hard and bleeding so hard pain.. but now its ok liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb will push until her face red that time..

so sleepy.. so glad today is fri.. end of work week..

Re: #2

3 yr gap is gd, if not deliver at btwn 2.5-3 also ok.. older easier to 'mould' them to play with the younger one, look after them and so on. at the same time, 3yrs has slightly more mature thinking and they are more independent like what cath says. if too far apart also not gd cause they will be too mature, will not want to play kiddy stuffs with the young ones. So from my personal experience, i find that 3 yrs is gd too.


Hah suddenly I felt for ur mil. Cos I think u r also a 狠角色!haha. My mil v v nice but hmmm when it comes to clothes hor, eh, cmi. Haha. She has been buying a lot of bears, birds, weird colour combi tees n rompers which colour runs. Eh actually I v bad , I just store them then donate to the needy. My mom worse- see I hv 2 boys rite?!!! My mom will buy hello kitty with red trimming tees for my boys n pants that have pink frills at the bootleg. Good gracious! That s worse than a bad design- that simply cross dressing. And my mum will say, nice hor? I will just ask if she is desperate to hv a grand daughter? Ask my son to wear hello kitty, then got barbie doll to play or not?

bluey, my MIL got shocked and defended that her choice of clothes for my bb is very nice lor. then hubby dun dare to make a sound, while my mum is quietly laughing to herself in the background. ke ke. actually the thing that i cannot tahan MIL the most is her mouth. she shoots off without thinking and very bossy. that day ordered my hubby to wind down windows, turn left here, turn right here. i asked hubby, wow, u taxi driver huh??? very sarcastic hor??

Cath, 狠角色 means what huh? you different, becos your MIL is so nice to you, like your real mother, therefore even if she didn't choose nice clothes for your boys, you also cannot say leh. just quietly put it aside will do leh.


Orh u successfully 'hacked' into the wifi already?


Aiyo. U really must hv loved him a lot to give him ur pay- this horrible guy! Luckily u hv moved on. Don think abt the reincarnation- cos bad people won't reincarnation so fast. Must wait v v v long. Somemore R is so cute, no way R can be related. I'm sure if u tell this to ur hubby, ur hubby will scold u big time. Happy for u that now u n ur hubby so loving. I remember u said before that u 2 can't leave each other one. Oh my so love dovey!!! Heheh.

yeah Cath, that's quite true. must have your own thinking meh. i'm a Cantonese. my friend always say Hongkies talk very sarcastic. you never saw the way they talk. even more power

Rabbit, I just booked abt 2-3 weeks ago I think. The booking opens 6 months before, which means 18th dec 2010. I also count wrongly, thot it's 18 Jan. Luckily I still manage to get 2 units.

Jojo, crawl on fours not very well but still crawling on fours. He likes to pull to stand in his cot n see me run over to him to carry n hug him. Told my hubby very stressed. Need to help me lower the cot asap.


Crime rate is low in SG but not zero. I cannot risk losing my child. And I will never be able to forgive myself if I didn't do anything to stop him. So yes, I'd rather cane him and hope that he remembers this painful episode.


On a lighter note, CNY is less than a week away. I am so slack. Yet to prepare my angbao. Can't be arsed to stand in line at the Branch for new notes. Think will just go and withdraw from ATM. After all, it's really the value that counts right? Hahaha....

Xiao Xiin

One of the criteria of a SAHM is to learn to fix things on your own! Hahaha.... I have learned to fix Ikea shelves (unless needs to drill), chairs, tables, changed light bulbs, fixed door locks etc. Much faster than to wait for the husband ;P

Jenn, yesterday my hubby asked me if I've lowered the cot. I went "huh!!!" i can't do it unless I manduca bb n fix the cot at the same time? I really wish I have 3 heads n 6 hands.


no lah. i think something wrong with office inernet, that's why keep disconnecting. now should be ok bah since im able to watch youtube. woohoo~ =p


oic, hehe. poor mil. =p


oh, im still xiao jie, not a hands-on person, oopssss. hehe.


sian. no meaning now. except to stay @ home nua with my family, nth much to do le wor.

Xiao xin, Okok. I think I am late lah. That day I early morning SMS my bro. He busy in camp so only manage to help me look at the system at nite. But already fully book.

Jenn, same here but my dh already prepare new notes Liao. I thinking maybe later or tml can prepare ang bao. I think if I should get new tops lor. I got new bottoms, new shoes but no new tops.


Dun mention, I haven been buying NY clothes for abt 3yrs excluding last yr pregnant. Dis yr no clothes too.. Not necessary I think.. Other den new undergarments outer layer nutting new.

bluey/sheryl, yeah also very xian for me. CNY no meaning now except to eat and sleep. and worse still, must give angbaos. now hate CNY lor. not like when i'm small, look forward to wearning new clothes, eat bak hwa and all the new year goodies and to get red pkt. our tradition is dying off soon liao leh.

Why everyone so Sian of cny?

My family is big. Ard 40ppl so still very happening during cny. This year I've no time to do anything even spring cleaning so my hse not open for cny visiting.

But every year we will be busy until last day of cny for all the weekend!! Cuz we have over 10 family to visit =(

I think when my granny not ard then won't be so happening Liao..


When still kids, look 4ward cos gt angbao take, gt many nice goodies & no ppl will scold us during CNY period!!

Now, sian is cos muz give red packet, amt does matters somemore, lug kids n bags all ard SG machiam gng travel lykdat.. Kids wear wat clothes muz MIL (for most ppl) decide..

Hot weather n long waiting time for public transport..

Warroz, heng dis yr my mum's side skip(granny pass'd away in april) Arbo I'll find excuses

Jenn, can you believe I queued nearly 2hrs last week at the far king bank for new notes to give ang paos to irritating people?

Anyway I have a food story to share:

I regret not following my PD advise to intro new foods slowly and not mixing. This morning, I fed my boy pork and cabbage porridge, brown pear and milk. After a couple of hours, he suddenly developed allergies, his whole face including eyes, and his scalp ballooned up and was totally red and he started rubbing his eyes non stop until it teared it badly and it was just terrible, rushed him to PD and mummy here ken a lectured big time, the doctor really knows how to make me feel so guilty. And I had to promise him I will stick faithfully to his style of feeding new stuff by teaspoon everydayyyyy. No more easy way of stirring everything into the porridge. The PD also said my boy should have long ago weaned off 1 bottle of milk and by 1 yr old he should only have 1 milk bottle a day. I told PD that sx is still crying for milk even after a solid breakfast or lunch and PD said he still wants milk because I'm feeding insufficient solids. Supposedly not good to eat insufficient and replace with milk because now the babies need more nutrients than what milk can offer. So theory is cut the milk now and increase solids according to a food chart he gave me.

tywong poor baby. Hope he is better now.

Yar, shld slowly introduce food to ur kids cause dunno what they can be allergic to.. but to be honest i dun really agree with what ur PD says abt 1 milk a day ( though i am not a PD). Just sharing my personal experience.. even my ger (3 yrs old) takes in 2 milk bottles a day.. sometimes she drinks only a bottle but up till 2.5 yrs, she was still on 3 bottles a day ( total of abt 600mll) in addition to her 3 meals.I feel that milk is very necessary to fulfill their calcium needs at this stage where they are growing. And realistically.. up till 2 yrs, my ger still needs to drink milk to sleep/nap.. so depriving them of this because of what the pd says is going to cause a lot of frustrations/cryings. Just hope u wiill be prepared for it.

I think ur pd is prob gd and very cautious and follow the textbook closely. from what u have described previously abt the feeding schedule.. can see that he is not very flexible kind. Sorry.. not trying to say that he is not gd or what.. just sharing what i feel.. certainly i dun want to see u getting into a struggle /tussle with sx cause he can only have 1 milk bottle a day at 1yr old..

Most of the times if my kids dun wants to eat, i will quickly supplement with milk cause they are many nutrients in milk which i beleive can make up for some of the solids that they are not eating. Of coz dun make them rely too much on milk as they grow older. Just sharing my experience.. hope u dun mind.

See the link below:


Don't let solids replace formula too soon

When you introduce your baby to solid foods at around six months, breastmilk or formula should still constitute most of his nutrition until he's a year old. Most babies, when they're getting used to solids, do not eat a wide enough variety of foods to satisfy their growing bodies' nutritional needs. At this stage, his daily intake of formula should still be about 720ml / 24oz. Avoid juice, which doesn't offer nearly the same nutritional value as formula.

Genice, tywong

Agreed with genice. Until now I'm making sure #1 having at least 2 feed of milk. If he don't eat well, I'll quickly supplement with pediasure Liao. I feel they need to drink milk as log as possible. Best to have a habit to drink milk. Even when we are old we should still drink.

Solid before 1 yr is like a supplement. Don't worry abt that. Baby E not eating much too. Probably 10 tiny cube of carrots a meal. PD say ok not to eat a bowl of cereal or porridge now. Just need to continue so he will learn to chew n swallow.

#1 nv take porridge until 1. And he survived on milk..

For taking care of bb must be flexible cause all babies different. Some like milk don't like solid. Some refused milk like mad so got to follow baby cues.

And kids phrasing that they refused food and can don't eat the whole day but they will be still as active. Is a phrase so best way is to supplement with milk.


Give angbao also will collect back right? Cny is the only holiday I look forward. Haha. But abit sian to entertaining some ppl lar... At least my mil is not getting involve in what my boys wear so still ok.. I think this year I look forward more cuz I don't have to go back ILs place.

Missbluey, my cny is also quite happening, at hubby's side. Own side is quieter. I think bcos they r teochews, they have to go everywhere during cny. For my wedding, we almost invited every singaporean with their surname to our banquet. This yr, my pil want us to bring bb to those places that we have been skipping for the past few yrs, just to show off the first grandson in their extended extended family. I ask them, do they have multi million of assets for us to inherit. Hahaha!! I already told hubby no way, bcos zz will be far too tired to go to so many places.

Cny preparation

I'm quite lucky in this area. My parents will help us change new notes n give us new angbao packets. My pil will help us to buy goodies n drinks. I got the pt helper to do spring cleaning for me. I only need to get new clothes. Also yisi yisi buy a few pieces only. N slot money into angbao. I will get my hubby to give out.

We r going to eat reunion dinner with extended family now. N it's going to be zz's bedtime soon. Dunno later how...

Jenn don't get me wrong. Not saying not to discipline him, but for you to relax a bit so that you're not so stressed. Like you, I also cannot imagine losing my boy.

Lowering cot, I asked my hubby to lower, but in the end did it myself too. Wait dunno wait until when :p

Ty, oh no! Poor SX! Hope he feels better soon. Is he ant better now? Dis pd give anything to relieve the swelling and discomfort? BTW, can share the feeding chart he gave you?


I also agree with genice n bliss tat one milk feed is too little in fact I hope my kids can drink milk for the longest time as milk is packed with many gd nutrients. Even my gal who is gng to b 5 tis yr still needs a min of 2 milk feeds a day.


Heng I'm also free to dress my own kids though mil hv been buying cny clothings for the past few yrs for my gal but her taste cmi leh n I never gv face to even wear once so I think she kinda give up hsha.

Dot, my hubby lowered all the way to the lowest level, for his own convenience. Now I gotta bend so low to pick him up from cot. He still say, not too low for me cos I'm short ma.

Rabbit, I see. I checked that I booked on 18 Jan. So heng... But my family complain chevrons is too far away. So they also hope I'll get the changi chalet.


Is sx feeling better now? Ya don mix better cos our bb are still v small. I hv given white porridge for 3 days then move on to threadfin porridge then carrot porridge. Bbg no need the super mashy porridge, so easier for me to cook.


Very tiring. I'm ill, both Galen n jayden are ill too so no spring cleaning, din buy new clothes. Hubby's car got badly hit n hv to use a replacement car that we are not very confident of the performance n still hv to go Msia on eve n cny day 1 & 2. Feeling worried abt it. Looks like tiger year end is not good for us.


I used to have happening cny. Mahjiong, open hse got gambling. This yr don't thing will open house because got Bb Liao.

Tywong, actually I also didn't really follow intro new food every few days. End up now I realized papaya cause my gal having loose stools. I been feeding her papaya last week. Then keep pooing 3-4 times daily.

Abt milk intake, my gal prefers to take milk than eat solids. She only takes Abt 2 tablespoon of porridge, after that still ask for milk. And I purposely feed her solids before milk feed after 3 hrs. She still not keen on eating solids. I still have to feed her every 3 hours lor. She small tummy, unable to drink more and unable to stretch her feed.

Sparkle, ok to stand ar? bcos he can't stand very steadily now, but actually his standing has gotten better today compared to yesterday. Then I think I better let him practise standing more so that he will not fall sideways n bang his head against the cot. I scold him orbi good when he bang his head. I'm a bad mummy. Heehee...

Mummies: Finally I can relax myself frm work.

My office major event is over on tue n my company D&D on thurs. Now I can start my spring cleaning..

Only manage to buy a top for CNY leh.. Sianz..

Where u all buy ur clothes frm?


My 小D is now 8 mths n 3 days old. Weighing at 9.5kg.

Brought him to pd as he kena bitten by some insects at my mil plc, causes his upper eye lid to swell. His body oso kena

bitten. Haiz..

Porridge: iS it oki if I dun give porridge everyday? Smthings go out so didn't prepare. Anyway, he dun really enjoy it. But he loves biscuits. He oso know hw to drink frm the spoon.

Still got no sign of teething n crawling but he can sit up on his own without support. Now he know hw to smile more too.. Haa..

As for me, Im stopping bf soon. Now cutting dwn to 2 pump each day. Which only enough for 2 feeds. Going to let him try FM b4 CNY so easier. If not I dun know hw to bring out my fbm for him..

Gathering: anymore gathering or trials pls let me know oki. For those who hv my mobile no can call me ya.

Gd night!!


how come you wanna stop? I also pump x2 a day but lucky its enough.. also helps that my bb loves her porridgex2 a day too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I find bring out the milk out quite easy leh... let keep it cool like when I pump milk at office and bring home and heat up when bb hungry using thermal cup and hot water.... nu fuss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya hor Raleigh, u can bring up to 4 feeds of ebm out, since u can store 2 feeds a day. Let xiaoD drink the fbm at home.

Mummies how do u all cook porridge huh? I rem reading cooking in slow cooker overnight right? Or wash the grains, dry them, then grind n keep, cook only when needed. Which method is easier n better?


I know what you mean. But I am your typical Type A personality when it comes to my kids. So it is hard not to get work-up and stressed out esp when I also have an active imagination [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the ATMs that I went to yesterday have at least 8-10 people in line!!!! Aiya, how to get $???

Xiao_Xin: you've just asked the questions that I wanted to ask regarding porridge. My baby has been surviving on cereal and Ang moh porridge. With the long weekend, thought of trying it out. So busy n tired from work on normal days that I don't feel like cooking. The Philps steamer cum blender is really god-sent!!!


I'm very sure if u drive out to my office building the comtech at Alexandra. Sure no people q- ing for posb ATM at all. Or square 2 leh? The posb looks like they hv more ATMs.

Re porridge

I just cooked longer on normal stove using a normal saucepan. Rice to water proportion is 1 layer to 6 layer if u all know what I meant. If brown rice must add more water and cook longer. Then stir after water boils n keep stirring so it will break up the grains. After water boils, I'll stir every 15 mins. Takes no more than 1 hr to get the pasty look of porridge.

