(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


We will be in Oz for 2 week leh. How to lug so many bottles there??? I intend to feed cereal and by those Pigeon Instant Congee. A friend told me is good.

During Jeph's 1st trip which was to NY, we eat out. He was about 10 months and we fed him cereal most of the time. Then sometimes feed him congee when we go Chinese restaurant. So we might do that again. Else if to feed lotsa and lotsa of milk!!!



To me it looks like medium size. Not the super large ones. But is a shoulder carry tote. Not the short handle. I can mms u. Hee hee I bought one myself. One of the few ex ex bags I hv. And this is considered ex for me Liao.

dot, bluey, jolene, ty, elise, xx, jenn, i also feel got to give my hubby due credit coz he is very involved with taking care of the hse, bb and my needs.. when he see im not doing it, and it needs to be done, he'll do it.. im spoilt la.. last time with my parents i dont need to do anything ma.. so after marriage i've still been sending my laundry back every wk and my mum's maid will wash for me.. hubby dun like me to trouble them, so he starting taking my laundry and putting it into the washing machine for me.. then when he see i never take back the dried clothes, he took them in and fold for me.. i used to bring my cat back to my mum's and she'll bathe him, same reason as the laundry he didnt want to do that, so now he bathes maomao.. then see table messy messy i never pack, so he pack.. then baby's laundry basket pile up i never wash so he wash.. in this aspect i think im a spoiled brat la.. and im lucky my hubby does all the things without grudge.. sometimes i see him playing so happily with bbR, i feel better, at least i "did" something in return for him.. haha.. think he see i nurse bbR, wake up in the middle of nite to take care of him, pump at work, wash pump, lose hair, feel fat, low morale and feel auntie, he'll try to help out wherever he can lo.. but he also got things he dont like to do, like change diapers and pick maomao sai.. so those i try to do as much as possible.. and he hasnt bathed bbR before, dont want to learn also.. so i'll do it.. but he got his weird ways too la.. if he forms an opinion abt something, very hard to change.. like i got a colleague very fake and back-stab me b4.. he hates her lo, even more than me.. i'll continue to be frens with her but just be careful, whereas he'll not like me to invite her to my hsewarming etc.. but whole bunch of colleagues very hard to exclude one person ma.. so even if she's ard he'll face black black.. so when he dont like or feels negatively towards someone, i very wei nan..

wow ty, sx has tried so many things already.. make me feel abit guilty.. i've been very lazy.. haha.. when mil takes care of him she gives him 2 meals per day (cereal + potato + carrot/pumpkin).. with me on wkends, if bbR's lucky he gets cereal, else it's good old bm.. haha... esp since i've been soooo bz at work the past month.. poor bbR.. okok i will try to go back to giving him new foods every wk.. can i have the chart from ur PD too.. thanks much...

our bbs can take those teething husks like heinz liao? tot of giving him a stick to hold and munch..

oh no rabbit, hope ur bb is ok.. shld b fine, just monitor her closely kk..

anyone knws what the insect silverfish is? its supposed to be a paper insect.. but im finding them all over my hse!! duno whr they came from..

Cath, e longchamp is very tempting!! But nw cny spent alot liao.. But see aft cny still got extra budget anot.. Dunno dat time ur fren has any left also.. Hehe..

Rabbit/Missbluey - I heed yr suggestions and ordered the sample pack of soy milk from Abbott for him to try

Dot - u are feeding using bottles? Mine will reject bottle..die die will push away the bottle when he saw it coming.

Presently, I give 2 scoops of FM and mixed with 3oz=4oz of water..very diluted liao..and hv to coerce him to drink until the cow goes home..If I give concentrated one, 2scoops FM with 2oz water, he will spit it out..I thought all babies will like FM since it is sweet???

TY - yr baby likes jar baby food?? Mine hates beef/pumpkin/potatoe one..he only took a bite and refused to open the mouth liao..I hv no choice but to dump the whole jar away.

Jolene - very dangerous act..I always have this morbid thought that I will fall out of the window when I retrieve/hang the bamboo sticks out esp after reading news abt maids falling out of windows when hanging laundry..so now I only hang my laundry indoor.

Jojo - silverfish can be found in humid areas..I used to kena a lot in my old house cos hubby liked to rear indoor plants and he had a small aquarium in the study room. I can find them on the ceiling, shelves, doors, cabinets..yucks!! And they move very fast..very hard to catch. I was advised to open up the windows and sun the place as often as I can..partly to reduce the humidity and air the room. It works but does not eliminate the pests totally.

Teething rusks - i gave these to my baby when he is teething..they re my saviour cos he likes to bite me when he is teething. I only give him a stick per day...and he can chew it for a long time..


Now can feed with bottle. Initially feed with spoon - the fm was actually used to mix with cereal. But got extra, so tried to feed with spoon, and he took (i think thirsty), so eventually tried with bottle, and he accept. He used to reject the bottle too!


Still considered very good. Everyone will have some faults one. My hubby, when he sees that I have not done anything - laundry, pack up stuff, instead of doing it for me, will quarrel with me!

Jus/xiaoxiin/hope: I very lazy to pump nw. Though if Im hardworking, my bm shld b enough for my boy. Even cm to cooking of porridge oso lazy.. Haa.. Lousy me right..

My boy is down with fever n flu now. Kena virus frm my niece.. Jus fed him Medication n sponge him with cold water. Bk to his lala land Liao..

So not looking forward to this Yr CNY. Dun know y. MYb getting old liao.. Ha..


This design is the one with eiffel tower. Just let me know if u need it, then I check with her. I don't think she's actively lobbying for sales.


Gosh. I track back the posts n read yours. That s super dangerous. I'm glad u r fine. Must be careful ah. Cos I din install window frames at my place, I hv to be very careful when I'm mopping the floor or if #1 spills on the floor.


Hope 小D recovers real fast. After my #1 fell ill, now s my hubby turn to fall ill. Even when I go clinic on Monday, some flu med is out of stock!!!

bebe, did u do the bottlefeed personally? can ask somebody else to feed for you? when i was still latching, my ger will never allow me to feed her bottle. she will struggle and cry and i must be out of the room before she drinks.. so her bottle feeds are all by others then. after she reject latching on, she also accept bottle feeds by me liao.

cny- me also dun feel the mood. only happy thing is i am taking one week off to rest. hee.

Jojo, i found a silverfish at my tv console while cleaning it last week.. It was too fast for me to kill it liao.. Last yr i found one in hiding in my bedsheet!! Wonder how to get rid of them too..

Cath, ok.. Will let u koe again.

Cath, thks thks. So the measurements are as stated in the website? I go home measure first and can only confirm after CNY as I don't want to 'owe' money on the first two days of CNY. Pantang lah... If no stock by then, I will just treat it as not fated[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha! Ha!

Jojo, envy envy! Your hubby really spoilt market for most of the guys... U are one lucky gal!

Ladies, wish u guys a Happy Lunar New Year!!! Huat ah! Huat ah!

Mummies, Gong Xi Fa Cai to all of you!!! Hope the year of Rabbit will be usher us prosperity, good health, fortune and happiness.


I remember Australia is very strict on food brought into their country, even canned/bottled food, thus, it would be good to check before your travel.


when you feed sx with those bottled jar food, no need to warm up? no problem? i never try this before.

i wish i could feed my bb beef, i like beef but hor hubby & mil forbid cuz of religious issue. >.<

huh....white bread really cause myopia? those wholemeal bread leh? "mai pian" bread? i see my fil always eat that & my #1 also eat that too.


wao! you are indeed pampered to the max! still can send back dirty laundry to your parents' plc! are they staying quite near your plc?

i bought biscuits (looks like wang wang biscuits but its sugarless) for my bb, he loves it! he looked @ me, looked @ the biscuits & smiled @ me, haha!


last time when i was single, i followed my parents everywhere during cny. now married liao, i asked my parents need to follow them, they said its fine even if i don't follow them, hahaha!! my hubby's relatives (fil side) are in muar, we never go there one, only go mil's side. mil's side only a 1-2 houses nia, hehe.


hope xiao D have a speedy recovery!

bb's meals:

i also very lazy!! lol. so lazy that i dump all his veg + fish inside, keke.

Mummies, can pls advise on how to go bainian tmr? I'm quite fan over this now. Need to go hubby's grandma house in the morning, his great grandma's house at noon, then my granny's house in the afternoon, n finally his uncle's house in the evening. Told my hubby that he need to wake up early to help if we had to go out so early cos I also need time to doll up. Then he said no need to put make up. Maybe he doesn't really mean it but hearing such words make me feel so sian, was looking forward to cny actually. Now i dun feel like going out anymore. Everybody in the family including himself, zz n fifi, bathe n wear nice nice, now he tell me "不用化妆", like I'm a maid like that. Sigh, so how ar? Zz's naptime is 10am to abt 11+. The earliest i can leave is also after his morning nap.

Thanks all. Think 小D kena flu virus le. Now fever hv not subside. Shld I buy a thermo scan for forehead one?? Cos I'm using the ear thermo bug not accurate at all. One side no fever, d other side high fever.. Faintz..

N now after taking med, he refused to drink



I also rot at home. My ILs are in NY. Only visit my Mom. We don't have a habit of visiting my relatives one leh. So weather better be good so that I can take my Jeph go swimming else ah he sure very bored one.

Xiao Xiin

Make-up fast fast lah. Hahaha.... I also don't put make-up now. Only put sun-block. Than again, when I do put make-up I very fast de. 10min done liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't tell him to wake early. Just ask him to help when it's time for you to make-up lor. If he ask why take so long, tell him nicely that if you look good, he will also look good mah. Plus it's CNY so don't be grumpy-pooh. Give him a sweet smile after that. How to stay angry with you right? ;)


Done all my shopping le. My fridge is stuffed to the max!!! The door has difficulty closing. But very happy to see so much food in it.

xiao xiin,

your tmr program packed sia! cannot skip 1 house? =p zz sure cranky before the end of the day lor. im sure alot of ppl want to carry him.

sometimes my hubby would tell me aiya, need to put makeup one lah. put liao also still the same. but i still heck care & apply, but apply @ fast speed, hehe.


those old-fashioned thermometer is the most accurate, according to my pd. currently, i have 2 thermometers - ear & scan forehead.

i remember ear must add another .5 degrees or something like that, some mummies ever mentioned before here.


i also thought of bringing elson to public pool but 1st 2 days sure close de. so well.......

xiaoxin, put on BB Cream leh. looks natural, nice and like no makeup. then your hubby can't say anything. also pretty pretty! so many places to go. then your zz how to sleep in peace like that? for me, luckily only got 1 house to go tomolo. but the house packed like xiao.

Bluey, very packed hor? My pil still want us to go more houses can u believe it? I'm going to say no way! I already skip my pil's own house n my parents own house. We bainian to them at granny's house. A bit funny right? But no choice. I'm worried that zz will be cranky that's y I'm thinking of leaving the house only after his morning nap. I shd be able to manduca him for his afternoon nap. N we'll end the day at 8pm, so that zz can sleep by 9pm. Can u imagine we've got more palces to go on chu er. N frens house on chu san. Busy busy.....

Jenn, I also chop chop one. Maybe 10mins to blow dry my hair n 10 min to put make up. Total plus minus probably 25 mins. It's not the time taken to make up that matters actually. he probably thinks by asking me not to put on make up, he gets to escape helping me. I just hope everything will turn out fine tmr. If he wants to leave at 10, he can't wake up at 9.15, brush teeth, shit, bathe, dress up, style his hair n tell me it's time to leave.

Xiao Xiin..*ah Bissh* i wanna box ur hb liao.. :p how can not make up, rarely get to have a "break" and go out as a family and have the ocassion to dress up.. plus u so pretty of coz u also wanna lk gd. Guess u have to wake up earlier n dress up lor.. then pack ur things. Actually i always do that now... makeup first before i start packing things cause i feel prettier and happier when i am changed and make uped! Fifi also going pai nian?

As for zz'z nap... ahem.. cant really help u.. guess sleep in car, stroller.. i can bring my kids out the whole day one, they just learnt to sleep anywhere,anytime. If i follow their nap time strictly i cant go out leh.. but me and my hb have this weird habit that if they are sleeping in car on our way hm and we reach our hse, we will let them sleep in car, open all the windows and read newspapers so dun disturb their sleep and have some "free' time to ourselves to read papers.. else if we shift them.. they will sure wake up one. Weather quite cooling now so quite comfy to sleep in car. .. if u dun minda , can try that if zz fallen asleep during the journey. U all take turns to go up and say hi lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xx, start packing diaper bag tonight after zz sleep. then tmrw when zz nap, quickly doll up yourself.

u still latching on right? dun even have to worry abt bringing milk feeds or hot water!

say NO! to no makeup! must look pretty!

Jenn/Amoroux, BB cream is a cream developed by a skin care doctor, when he got burnt accidentally many years ago. last year its from a real famous brand, but i forgot what brand. then other brands started to develop and copy their own BB cream. its supposed to have SPF, sunscreen protection, lighten your skin, make it more pretty and to cover up blemishes, pimples. in the long run, to make skin look clearer and prettier. good right?? u all know leh. just like iPad just launch, then other brands started to follow lor

Jenn, if you are in the city of Brisbane, can buy those jars or other instant baby food from their supermarkets, I believe they should have a good range since ang moors don't cook porridge like we Chinese do. I always see my European colleagues feeding bread, jars or biscuits.

Bebe my baby eats anything so far. I don't warm up the bottles. Just open and feed. The only thing he loses patience with is the Heinz teething rusk, it's too hard for him, then he struggles to bite it off to eat and he always yells after a while and throw the rusk to the floor, like a classic spoilt brat.

Bluey, my hubby and his family also doesn't eat beef. But I do, and sx is my baby, my responsibility to feed him, make sure he has good balanced nutrients, eats whatever so that when he grows up he can adapt in a social environment, so I feed him beef without consulting my hubby. I feel there is no need to ask him if sx can eat beef or not. I don't agree with their ridiculous beliefs anyway. If it's true that eating beef brings ill luck, then 3/4 of the world will be unlucky.

So far, my fav is skinfood mushroom bb cream.

Genice, my mum says she has help me packed yaolan to bring over to my grannies' houses. Mummy is the best leh. I will chiong to granny's house by 3pm for zz's afternoon nap.

xiao xin, ahh.. not bad leh.. your mum..

i thinking of bring bumbo seat over to my parent's hse.. because i thinking to put the bumbo seat on the normal chair.. then bb can seat with us while eating.. heh~

White bread is ok to eat, but not in large amounts, and comparing with grain bread, the latter is the better choice. Mummies can google "White bread causes myopia" and there are quite a few info on this refined/processed sugar subject. Obviously we can't follow these info religiously otherwise there would be nothing left to eat. Moderation is key I guess. I believe people have to rear socially adapt children so they blend in to forming relationships easier when they grow up. I have known people who have very funny or precise eating habits and I don't enjoy eating with them.

Bluey, I agree it's difficult for you and you definitely cannot cook beef at their home. Maybe next time when he grows up he can make his own choice to eat beef outside lor. Mcdonalds! Beef hor fun, beef balls soup! Yum yum!

xx, my fav is skinfood mushroom bb cream too! but ever since pregnancy, nv use liao. ;p

tywong, am impressed by the amount of hard work u put on sx! u sure dun sound lazy as wat u have claimed!

amoroux, when i entered perth last nov, they weren't really tat strict. i just declared the milk and they didn't even check.

and yes, those bottled jars were so readily available in the supermarkets, and could be cheaper than here too as many of the organic ones originated from aust.


Buy those bottle beef. I did that too, cos cant cook.. But maybe seperate pot lo. Otherwise i buy those glass bottle type,heat up & feed..

If can cook i'll buy my own beef, minced cook & blend slightly to feed.. So ya~ =(

BB Cream

Is it that good? but i gt no habit of putting makeup. Still thinking to doll up anot. Hahahaha!


Sian. Dis yr red packets change onli $200. Still not enough. (&*)^^*$^%$#


HUAT AR! For those who gamble yearly~

though i am quite fair but bb cream does not work for me. i tried a couple of brands but it just make my face looks very white and obviously different colour tone from the neck. no choice have to stick with foundation.

tonight going to bring my LQ for 2 rounds of reunion dinner. hope she coorperate and not be cranky at her usual sleeping time which is 730pm. *pray hard*


congratz!!! hehEz2! should be good news??


haha.. i nt v diligent either.. so thinking of stopping soon lo..


i know wad u mean abt e BB cream too fair thingy... i used to have it too and i always find it too fair for me too! haven't managed to find the right brand for me.. bt i now using bobbi brown tinted moisturser with SPF.. hoping to get more of the moistursing bit lo.. part of my skincare regime.. so far no complaints!


how's ur new job?? u seemed to b missing e kids hor?? that's one drawback of sahm going back to work? ehz.. wads ur job scope? publishing line u mentioned?


i got 2 houses to visit tmr and that's it for my new year!!! i like lydat.. go one time, finish.. then again, also means nt v v close to my relatives lo! i see some of u more than i see some of my relatives!

loving the cny break la! sch is getting onto me!!

everybody... happy chinese new year!!! have fun with your lil ones as this's gonna b their first time! i'm excited abt dressing jojo up!

Only managed to leave office 15min ago! Urghh...

Anyway happy new year to all n may rabbit Yr bring u n Yr family gd health n $$$!

Xiao xiin,

I only hv to go 3 places tmr n it will be a full day event too! I Also will juz let my boy catnaps here n there ;) now rushing home to go for 2 reunion dinners!

Me also going for two reunion dinner now. Just packed cereal, steamed carrot n broccoli, going to feed zz them later. I dun wanna replace with milk feed bcos when I will get engorgement when he goes back to solids.

Wish eveybody huat huat huat!!

hi mommiess..

hope you and bbies are doing well..

happy lunar new year to all and may all of us be prosperous!

huat ah! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy CNY everyone!

Had 2 reunion dinners, E slept on the journey between the 2 and fretted at the end of the 2nd. Hope tomorrow will not be too tiring for him, especially since his nap times will be affected.

Happy Lunar New Year to all...hope this yr will be a yr filled with happiness, health, prosperity n luck for u n yr families..


was the 2nd person to woke up dis morning. 1st apparently was bb. his leg kicking my back woke me up. -.-"


gd news??? keke.


happy cny! 发大财!!

