(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


I can understand how u feel. It's quite lousy that u r seen as 'free' when others are rushing here n there. Tell ur boss that since u can't work on ur notebook, u will leave office and get a break and return when mis completed salvaging ur ntbk? I suggested to my boss when my notebook batt died. But I told him I need to do market research ie shopping and understand the retail market. He no choice but to agree, then he go and stress our IT to speed up the batt replacement. Haha.


Funny rite? His fave stunt some more. When I put him seated back facing me, he will turn over and then pulled his hands to my arms and start to use his legs to step on my tummy. Hah maybe cos my flabby tummy form many layers ie steps for him to crawl, within 3 or 4 steps, he will climb up and kiss me on the mouth , very gory one - will even stick his tongue out. Hmmm. I prefer him to kiss me on cheeks can already. He's like a French so passionate. Honestly I doubt he knows he is kissing me. Maybe for all u know, he is treating me like a mega teether!

Have everyone started to ask for milk samples? Here's some number to call :

Friso 64198484 - 900g of stage 2 gold

Similac 62776345 - look for Sean lim. Parents with older kids can ask to deliver samples for pediasure or gain iq too with discount vouchers. Mummies breastfeeding, they will also give milk powder to mummies or for lactose intolerant like me- to get ensure life samples. P.s Ensure Life is pretty good.

Enfa pro - 1800 3455213 -400g of enfa pro

Nan pro or ha - 68367200

Mamil gold - 1800 265 3188

Ask them that u wanna do a survey on baby feeding diary and they will give u 2 big tins of 1.5 kg of mamil gold + 400g and a $5 voucher. Buy 6 tins get 2 tins free.



This one I'm not too sure.. But her sis is still in the pet shop and very healthy leh.

I know abt the parasite thing. But my bro say she was very healthy n eating very well. He thinks that she licks the glass n cause stomach upset cause the glass used detergent to clean mah. She is in mt pleasant


I know abt puppy mill. I didn't want to think abt it. But puppy already bought. One thing is she is tea cup size which is bound to have alot of sickness. Cuz the are the smallest out of the litter n very difficult to tc than those normal size dogs. I tc of a teacup poodle before n she always collapse everyday. Until I cannot take it n return to the breeder n mine is a home breeder. And also cuz she get scared easily after they are separated from their siblings...


Blend the oat a little before u cook. Easier to cook in the way.


My bb also know how to kiss ppl ler... The first person he kiss is korkor lor...

Thanks Cherish.

cath, my mamil feeding diary have send back.. my survey already completed for 2-3wks.. haha.. always forgotten to post it back. i was given 4 x 400g for the survey at PD clinic.. was told upon completion and receipt of the diary, there will be another tin of 400g given.


Its 1.5 kg. Not the small can. They hv given me 2 x 400 g n 1.5 kg before the survey. After survey another 1.5 kg. Post back first n they will call u then u ask them how much they will give, just quote that ur friend gets 1.5 kg. U should get the same too. There is a promo of buy 3 cans of 900 g and get 1 can of 900 free.


I will give the notti baby a teether first before changing. But ur hands must be fast cos they will not bite long.

My friend told me to beat baby on the buttocks if they wriggle then the baby will not do stunt. I din try so I don know if it works.

I just cane my Jeph. Today they hve a school trip to Chinatwon. His teachers told me he fling off his teachers hand and ran off in the crowd. Fortunately they managed to get hold of him as he ran fast and it was crowded. I was really upset. I have already told him many times cannot run away even if he sees something that interest him. Thus to teah him a lesson,I gave him2 strokes of the cane. Am sad and disappointed.


Chill chill. Jeph is still young. Kids love to test our tolerance. I always think discipline is the toughest part in parenting. I hope jeph knows where he goes wrong. Did u talk to him after that? Why did he ran off? Wat did he see? Is that as important as losing his mum n dad n all the toys he once have had? There are bad guys loitering around waiting to take them n sell them away to be child slaves if not cut them up n take their liver, kidneys blood n skin to sell. It's a scary world out there especially when the world is developing so fast.

cath, your lobang very good. later i free, then i call the number. need to tell them your name? u mean tell them i want foc milk sample can huh? your bb is so affectionate with you. mine learned flipping but havent know how to crawl yet.

jenn, i'm so shocked. did you ask Jeph what happened? why did he suddenly run away? you must be so angry with him. did he apologize or give any reason?

cath, already tried beating the buttocks and it doesnt work for me. sometimes, i turn him so hard that i scare i hurt bb. btw, thanks for the lobang for milk samples [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey, my boy is like doing leapard crawl, using both hands to pull his whole body forward (body touching ground) so dont think he knows how to crawl yet.

Elise, u can just tell them u want free sample and they will ask u for details like nric, address, bb dob. i called friso just now. heeheeh


Call all the numbers. Cos they will deliver to u. If there are brands that u don need u can swop here or on the forum. If u don need mamil gold or nan pro can swop with me.


U r most welcome. Actually this baby, I hv been very lazy to ask for samples until I was down with flu and can do much except staring at the iPad and surf net. So decided to call for some samples. Why not rite?

Actually what u can do is also have some hanging mobiles - like wind chimes hang on top of the changing station, then the baby will stare at the hanging mobile. Or u can hang some interesting Cny deco.


Hope it works for u. And they will give a $5 voucher when they deliver. Not bad. If u buy the promo set 3 free 1 tin , they will give $10 voucher. Offer til 31 Jan


Think it's because u hv not post over 1000 posts. So can't post on WTS. I don mind to help you to post. U have to give info like ur email addy to post on the thread and expiry date n size of the formula.

Cath, i tink i will post out the feed diary asap. i tink mamail is more suitable for my girl now compared to enfa.. so i will buy mamil again to test out aft the tin of enfa finishes to confirm my doubts. for stage 1 it was vice versa.. haiz..


must explain to jeph why you cane him & what you afraid of. hope he learnt his lesson.

im sure you will sayang him when you have cool down.

cheer up ok.


@ least your bb knows how to use his hands to pull forward, mine hor, his hands still stuck to the ground/bed. haha.

Cath, i hope i remember.. tis weekend need to tabao back my bb's barang for CNY stay at sengkang.. my mum so fast asking me when i bringing bb home coz with bb around she said she cannot finish her things for CNY.

cath, i have joined nestle baby club and they have given me free samples before. will they still entertain me and give? i need nestle nan pro leh. if call other milk co and get foc samples, will they nonstop call you for sales talk?

We're back from swimming. It's fun! The pool is big n clean even has jacuzzi. Zz has everything to himself. He loves it so much.

I think my Fifi is also from puppy mill that's y she has pneumonia when i got her. Bliss, means her stomach upset has stopped? If stop then good. Usu cooked food tastes better. Warm cooked food is the best. Most appealing to them. Maybe can boil some pork or beef, without seasoning. Chicken breast is good if she doesn't have skin problems.


The other milk company won give u sales talk. They will just record ur name , baby's name, dob of baby and will send to u in 2 weeks time with discount voucher. Hmmm. A bit difficult if u hv gotten before but no harm trying. If u hv similar or enfa, u can swop with other mummies ah.


Same. My parents looking forward to Friday where they can pass jayden & Galen to me n go Chinatown shopping.

missbluey, no worry. ur bb will pick up very soon.. ;)

cant imagine next week is going to be cny and i havent really springclean my hse =.='''

bluberi.. jiayou.. u will be blessed with another bb soon. .. i think you can be a a role model for those who are ttc, heng u haven give up and heng u got gd family support thats why u have such an adorable little ger now. Jia you k. i think in general guys are very lousy in expressing their thoughts.. very poor in rephrasing what they are thinking with more enotions.. thats y ur hb tok like that.. he lacks the emotional thinking part.. my hb also like that.. sigh.. buay tahan

Bluey.. my sumo K is not crawling too.. sigh.. so slow and he is borned end may lor.. totally dun like crawling.. he can sit very well.. give him toys.. bend forward and stretch, get to tummy position, try a while.. ngek and give up.. sibei no determination one.. hope he is not like that when he grows up.

Cath,, bbG is so sweet!!.. i wish sumo K is like that

BTW,for the mamil gold thingy.. i am already in their database as in they noe my bb drinks mamil gold.. can still get the feeding diary thingy?? what id feeding diary?


Yup already stop but after that incident she refused to eat...

Yup my bro feed her cooked/ barf/ kibbles.. Everything also dun wan....


Ionly buy 2 packs of goon lah... now I have enough diaper to last anout 4 mths.. and is to be used when out.. cos too ex.. keke


you can try using pull ups.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] normally someone will hold bb when changing or not use toys to distract and super speed change diaper.. haha


you really live up to your job!! thanks for the info.. wanna start formula when bb turns 1 yr..

cherish, my zz likes to flip to tummy once put down. so i keep complaining y diapers must tape in front, cannot tape behind? anyway, now i've mastered taping in front from behind. then flip him on his back, give him the ruyi oil tin to kok kok kok, n quickly adjust the thigh gathers. he wears his clothes standing up.

bliss, when the hospital discharge her, has she began eating? normally shd lor, if not they shdn't discharge her. if yes, then maybe find out wad they were feeding her? fifi was given science diet canned food at mt pleasant last time.

Cherish, I'm a bad mummy. What I do is to play peek-a-boo with baby while changing her diaper. So I throw a cloth on her face and while she tries to remove it, i will change the diaper. If she removes the cloth before I'm done, I'll say "boo" and then throw the cloth on her face again.

Hah Tersher

That means ur diaper changing is super fast. I tried it on Galen. He will throw it back at me n boo me first. I'm super slow always get complained by daddy.


Hmmm that's something I don know. Just call and ask to do feeding diary. Diary is a 14 days record of what bb eats and drink everyday n wat his poo looks like and what time he eats n poo. Very detailed.

Missbluey n genice

It's ok to crawl later. Now when Galen can crawl. Sitting down is no longer an option for him. He will want to crawl to explore. Playmat is non existent. He will crawl out of playmate n munch at all 'fanciful' objects, like door stopper, detect fallen hair(luckily he still not skilful to pick them up yet), grab at any loose plastic bags, goes to lit up room, including toilets(ignoring the dangers), bite at any loitering floor rugs(yuke) n kiss everyone's toes(fetish). So u know I really don fancy him crawling. He made me diligently mop the floor everyday, except today cos I'm very ill. And now exersaucer is obsolete. I hv to tell him in his face that I am going to SELL it away, then he will unwillingly play in it. Chey. Today he went over to ah gong house for half a day n give milk strike. Don wanna milk at all. Kept crying. Only smile when I picked him up. Geez. I dun Noe if I should be happy or sad.

Re Family abuse!!!

And to those mummies who got scratched or abused by ur babies. Pls do not suffer in silence!!!!

Must scold ur bb n beat their little hands, regardless whether they understand or not. I used to suffer in silence until one arm is full of scratch scars, bleeding and blue black until I ve to wear long sleeve to work. Then my colleague saw one day n ask me why should I suffer from 'family' abuse?!!! Must scold him n beat his little hands. Even if he pulled my hair also must tell him off. Then I tried n Galen indeed stopped!!!!

So mummies, we must stand up and protect our rights. Do not let our hair loss get worsen becos of our babies itching hands.

changing diapers:

mummies, thanks for ur tips. u mummies are very creative! i'm like 'wow..oh how come never thot of this way?' when reading it. i ought to speed up my diaper changing too.

cath, i realise i'm so lazy when i read u mop ur floor everyday.. i only use magic clean wiper wipes the floor on alternate days and mop the floor on weekend. too tired after back from work. 真的佩服你。


Thanks for the info on milk samples. Will call tomorrow. Your bbG sounds like a real character. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Made me smile.


Good idea. I will try!

Genice & Bluey,

Mine also not crawling yet. Like sumoK, can sit well, and born end May. Actually, I think Raleigh's D born end May also not crawling yet.


Me too! I also dunno when I can tidy up. I think can forget about spring-cleaning liao. Haven't bought stuff for my mother or MIL either. Just realised this morning that CNY is only 1 week from now!!!!


What's wrong with your leapfrog activity table?

xiao_xiin, can exchange ur activity table? endure few more days and all the bad things will be gone. a brand new year is coming for you soon!

dot, now that u mentioned, i really forget about the dry goods which i will buy for my mum and MIL during cny. this weekend will be very busy. havent even go for a hair cut yet. *faint*


Can feel your heartpain. But remember that he is still young, so cannot always remember what you've told him (actually, my hubby not so young, but also cannot remember things I tell him, but that's another story :p)

But of course must discipline, otherwise he will not learn.

Not sure if this will work on Jeph - timeout. Put him in a timeout corner/mat/chair and make him think about why he's being disciplined. At the end, he must apologise (and know what he is apologising for), and after he has apologised, you give him a kiss and hug, so he knows that you are unhappy with the behaviour, but still love him.


I use the 3M cloth mop. Then just dip into baby bath water and anyhow mop the floor. My hubby always complain I do a slipshod job. Hah so he will do a good one in the middle of the week.

Oh n one impt thing is my house super duper small only 2 bedroom, one tiny kitchen n one small living rm. Mopping the whole house only needs 15 mins.


I have used timeout or naughty corner when he was only 20 months. I also used the stars system ie he gets a star for each good thing he did and a star taken away when he misbehaves. Of late I am using he revoke privilege technique. All doesn't quite work completely. I do understand that he is only 3.5yo so might not be able to control himself but this is really seriously. He really needs to know the pain so that he will remembers and avoid such stupid behavior.

Jeph is a very emotional boy. He really goes by his emotions and liking, will forget everything and act on his impulse. Even my hubby agreed he needs to be caned.

But guess what? He ran away again in the afternoon!!! After sending him back with cane marks on his ankle/ shin area, he can quickly forget! When I went to pick him at 5p, his teacher told me he ran out from the classroom to the playground! I scolded him in school. Was screaming like some crazy woman. I brought him home and gave him another 4 strokes. It really breaks my heart when I did it but I really cannot risk losing him.

Jeph can really be a handful. He understands or at least is able to tell me why Mommy cane him - that he ran away. I scare him by telling him he will be lost, will have no daddy and mommy, some bags guys will take him, chop off his limps etc. He is scared but at that point in time, his impulse takes over. I am really at wits end.

Mommies, you all "fan" about your babies. Wait till they become toddlers then you know what "fan" really means.

Cath - I am also being abused by my baby..kept biting me and hitting me. I think he is enjoying it as he will give me his gleeful grin whenever he sees me in pain. Scold and beat him also no use..@#$@#%. I hv to put him down, then he will sense that "oh oh" and give me his bewildered look..

Mine is now crawling round the house and will use chairs, coffee tables, sofa, TV console for support to stand. He is learning how to walk with these supports..my current place not very child friendly, hence I cannot leave him alone for a second. This afternoon I was keeping the laundry and when I came out of my bedroom, I could not find him in the living room. Then I realised he had somehow squeezed himself in between the sofa and the balcony door and was trying to touch the power plug. Very dangerous leh..gotta go and buy those power plug thing to cover the pin holes. Then my balcony door cannot be locked as the owner has lost the keys..hence I am using the coffee table to act as a barrier to prevent him from going to the balcony door..however I did not expect him to "squeeze" through the gap..@#$%#@

My mil said she has never seen such active and itchy baby like my boy..ask me what I eat or do during pregnancy??

Hi mummies, thanks for all the advise. Yes, will ren xin and let bb sleep in cot, its for his good.

I, on the other hand, will need to sleep on dilam next to his cot, coz I can’t hear him from my bedroom.

Last nite he ngek till my mom woke up to make milk and feed him…..and I was sleeping like a pig….haha….

XX-my boy has never slept thru’ the nite, I also hoping for that “nite” to come….soon


Sad to say that PILs are no longer around to ‘hint’ to me their bb gender preference. MIL even told me its ok if I do not want kids!!!

If they are still around, they must love my bb to bits coz he’s the first and only grandson of hubby’s whole extended family.

I hope & pray for my #2 to be normal & healthy, if it’s a girl, then it’s a bonus for me.

My hubby’s cousin’s bb is not normal, its truly takes a lot of patience, unconditional love, family support & $$$ to tc of him.

I think the husband-wife r/s also has to be very strong too.

So whenever is see my bb, though not very “handsome” looking, very naughty, at times difficult to tc, I thank GOD that he is normal & healthy.

Bebe75- yeah, my bb is 11kg, in the 97th percentile, but a shorty….height wise only 50th percentile.

My boy is too fat to stand, not enough strength to pull himself up to stand…whaaahaaa

Cath- your bb so cute. Bb “abuse” me too, always trying to pull away the nappy cloth on my shoulder so that he can bite me!!!

After beating his hands, he will smile and resume biting.

Thanks Genice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiao_xiin, i tink e leapfrog activity table have 3mths warranty. Or can u bring it back to where u bought it fm for an exchange?

My mil bought a cny pattern romper for my girl today but i had already bought a cheongsam top n bloomer set for my girl earlier. I prefer e set i bought coz wear liao ppl sure wun say my girl is a boy, if wear e romper one sure gt ppl will mistaken my girl as a boy. My hubby said die die cny day1 must wear e set mil bought!! Grrrrr! He said if i want, just bring e set i bought out to change for second round.

bluberi - same lor..my mil also bought a set for my boy and hinted that it will be his CNY clothing for day1 - her set does not fit my casual theme leh..cos of that, i got to go and buy cheong sam for my gals..

My hubby also suggests that I bring my outfit for him to change after we are done with the morning visiting..very ma fan le..

Bluberi, bebe75,

Luckily my hubby was the one who commented mil bought ones r very ugly n insist dun make my ger wear.. I compromise n make her wear for reunion dinner, ie CNY eve.. Since only hving dinner at home mah, haha.


so scary! ESP after all those talks abt losing kids abroad... pls hv the teacher be more vigilant. I nearly lost my ger in shopping mall n she reappears holding a lady's hand behaving normally - who would hv known she is not related to the lady! So I scold her big time n told her abt the baddies out there n how she wun see daddy n mommy again, etc.. N I also hope I wun hv to resort to caning shld this scare tactic fail... sigh... We juz hv to remind ourselves they r still kids afterall n not expected to exercise much self control at this stage


Same same.. Spenc will oso run off on his own regardless wif us or Sch outing. But he understand if he gets lost no more mummy or daddy. He understand the term 'death' .. But same as well he dun rmb for long.

He use to do dangerous act, I once left across road & I cross over myself w/o him as he shake off my grip. Cry At the other end but I din bother abt passing eyes..

Babies at current nuttin to fan lazzz.. Enjoy their current growth, when reach toddler stage the true truthly 'FAN' will come..


Juz place order 3pkts! My girl upgrade L size without mi knowing..

Jenn, oh my.. i think toddler just put FUN at no 1. parents scolding only comes in to no. 1 at the time of scolding and is shortlive..

yesterday i asked dh what if we have #2, how to cope? then he say by then baby J is much easier to take care.. SAYS WHO? guys~ always think that kids very easy to take care..


how much u paid for goon diapers? I just went into gmarket to check status of order and realised the price went up to $16.10! like stock market... price go up n down!

bebe75, i confirm will change e romper off once i go off fm her place since its e first stop.. Maybe change in e car... Hahahaha.. Actually my earlier idea was for bb to wear traditional clothing when visiting relatives then eveninv when we go over to our frens then change to casual dress.

Koaru, my hubby wun say e cny romper ugly coz he was with mil when she bought it yesterday.. *bleah*



understand your ache but sometimes we really need to cane them hard to make what we say sink into their head.

My gal also recently in her rebellious stage everything wants her way haiz...think v soon i will need to flash the cane out again but she is going to be 5 this year and dont wish to cane her to make her listen to me. So hard right- cane also not right dont cane also like not good.

Parenting really not easy.

