(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Hmmm as siblings,we are very close. But honestly sometimes I think that my bros do not handle this very well. There's once that my dad n mum stayed with my eldest bro cos they hv 5 rm hdb plus no kids. And when my bro goes outstation, my dad will faithfully go to his house n feed his fishes. My parents stayed with bro n sil for about a month. But relationship turns real sour after the stay because of some small problem.

After that they changed lock n all. So my parents felt v hurt.

My 2nd bro cos they are staying in 3 rm flat + 2 kids and a maid. So they said no space.

Luckily my hubby is very nice. Cos last time my mum rejected my hubby to stay together with us after we got married and house is not ready. I'm so worried that my hubby will say- see that time they don let us stay so now don let them stay.

I hope next time my 2 sons will hv their own thinking n not let their wives dictate them.


bluey, hahaha! because not your FIL pay what.. of coz can suka suka name an amt.

elise, i no helper lah.. i am just quoting a rough amt. oh TOTO draw! ok.. must send my DH go buy liao.. LOL! HUAT AH!

Jenn, kidnap? you are a millionaire? if not why scare your kids kanna kidnap? haha!

missbluey, will focus on my gal and try not tink of the past. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise, ur MIL so bad.. now modern times liao.. even my PIL are fine with me having a girl, but i dunno in their heart they mean it anot la.. for me, i siao siao tink must have boy though i prefer girl.. hahaha. my life would be complete with one each but i'm fine with 2 girls too.. can dress up matching matching like me n my sis last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


NO no. Only 2 kids are good enough. We are already trying to struggle with the childcare arrangement. Luckily my mil came to help us last time. So my dad stress my mum that she has to help when jay goes school. So now bbG is with my parents. But we will ferry bbG to n fro aljunied n woodlands everyday. And it does not help when bbG kept waking in the night.

Actually bbG is exceptional this morning. I don't think he will keep up the good work. This is the 2nd time In his entire 7months n 3weeks to play on his own. Maybe he wet his bed, so feeling guilty about it.


My heart goes out to u. U r such a super mom. It is not easy to face m/c lack alone thrice. I think ur hubby must hv felt terrible too n he is trying to find ways to console himself that's why he will make comments unknowingly that they hurt you.

My 1st gynae also like urs. When I thought my water bag leaked or ruptured. He told me that maybe baby himself feel ashamed that he has birth deformities so he decided not to come to this world. Woah we were so so angry. Some more he told me he can't checked on me immediately. Just asked me to admit hospital n stay one night. We immediately went to another gynae at kkh and examine bb. Luckily he is ok. From then on, we change to another gynae who is loving n caring.

Elise, must let your dog eat healthily, if not later fall sick *choy choy choy*, more expensive to see vet. Hahaha!

Rabbit, i think those kidnappers can sell away the children or make them beggars. Not necessarily ask for ransom.

zz also poo poo many times a day now. Think got 4 times. Waste my mammy poko...

Prewalker shoes

my mil also said cannot wear n she said she dunno the reason. I told her zz wore before already. Hahaha...

Cath, i'm not super mom la.. but lotsa family support is definately very impt, else i dun tink i ever have the courage try so many times.

Hi mummies….wow, so many posts yesterday/today.

Yest, bb had his first fall ….from my bed, and my bed is quite high abt 80cm fr floor, higher than normal.

BB co-sleep with me, when he woke up yest morning, he didn’t make noise, didn’t wake me up…..and started crawling.

Suddenly, I heard “kork!!” and “whaaawhaaaa”, my heart dropped.

Jumped out of bed and he was on the floor, crying away.

Aiyo, my heart so so pain, quickly pick him up and sayang him.

He cried so hard, grab me and his pillow tight tight, and suck very hard on his pillow too, must be very shocked/frightened.

So yest, very busy with him, monitor him for whole day. Lucky he was happily eating his cereals and drinking milk soon.

Still crawling and able to play. But fussing when abt to nap and only take short naps, keep wanting to be carried…..really tiring.

This morning, he chu stunt again….he was sleeping in yaolan and I was on the dilam next to him.

….my dad came out of his room and was like “aiyo!!”

Bb hands grabbing on to yaolan and his legs on the floor!!! Again, he didn’t make noise!

Dun know how he managed to wriggle out of yaolan.

Now have to be very vigilant and watch him closely, so difficult to train him to sleep in cot.

Wake up very often at nite coz he’s teething….6 teeth coming out ..all at the same time.

Elise, Cath, Jus’us, thanks for suggestions on entertaining bb. I try to make his crawl more interesting.

Carrying him is very tiring coz he’s very fugitive and weighs 11kg!!


I did my reno abt 3yrs ago too, coz this resale flat needed overhaul, so reno was quite a lot too.

I re-did the whole place and everything + appliances + furniture was almost 90k!!!

Took some reno loan and I die die pay all in 2yrs, before I quit my job.

So every month, majority of salary goes to paying reno loan, so heartpain. But once paid up, feel very shiok/free.

Sheryl, u can one, just have to be very disciplined in managing your finance.

ttc-ing #2

BluBeri, what is the “opk” u talking abt? For ovulation? Where to get?

hope to have girl for #2….so have to “play” before ovulation izit?

but hubby not in town….no one to “play” with

….haha…your “go to war” during ovulation is so funny, reminds me of myself last time too.

But I tell my hubby it time to “play”, he also its like stressful “play” to him.

I also had a m/c, was very sad then too, coz I already old.

Now, I tell myself that 1st bb is now in a better place…heaven

Help me to move on and focus on my bb now.


eh, your mil really insensitive sia. never think before she said.

sometimes my mil will say to #2 aiya if you are a girl, better, can buy so many clothes. i know she just say say nia. heng, my pils still chin chye, never say boy or girl. phew.

yep, my maid from indonesia.

xiao xiin,

so how did your mil react to zz wearing shoes??


your 2nd bro really cmi, pardon me k.

my pils' 3 rm flat - pils, me, hubby, maid & 2 boys also can survive leh.


glad to hear your bb is ok.

Lilysnow, hope ur boy is feeling better now.. ur bb got 6 teeth now?? wow! my bb still none at all.. but tis 2 days my gal will go yayayayayayayayaya whole day, sometimes no sound but the mouth also moving. cute! hope her teeth start appearing soon.

if i'm not wrong, opk = ovulation prediction kit.. search the forum, should have ppl selling it.. the more u buy, the cheaper it is.. once u see 2 lines on the opk, means gonna ovulate liao.. so quickly go "play" my gynea tell me "play" fm day10 (alternate days) till next period to increase chance of conceiving.. nw so tired with bb liao.. how to "play" so much.. can "play" twice a month now is lucky liao.. hahahaha


I think my bbG can be good buddies with ur son. He also fell recently. So no more co-sleep with him. In yaolan, he can lift himself up facing downwards and wiggle out too.


I'll be blowing mad if I hear that. So terrible n insensitive. Why gals cannot show off huh? I find gals cuter.

xiao_xin, ohh okok.. i tot what.. hehe.. eh really ah.. how come ah.. maybe because we intro soilds? i kinda worry leh. but the poo not very watery type.. looks like normal BM stools leh.


oic... you already have bad experience with ikea how come go back and buy fromn them? I never like ikea cupboard cos seems very flimsy although the kids one looks nice


wah I read your story I can cry... and you can try so many times but all finally paid off that you got a healthy bb


I was told that even u are guessing that you are ovulating cannot keep "playing" cos the sperms need a few days to rejuvenate its "army" so you get healthy and matured sperms or not even if you hit on the day of ovulation also wont preggie cos sperm too "young"

Jus'us, yes.. all is paid off now that i have Cherisse. It's a joy to watch her grow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you also look young what.


nowadays not much energy to play leh...


aiyoh, what your mil said was too much. next time she say something like that, ask her to ask her son why like that lor. his sperm mah.

Jus'us, where got ikea? Only zz's cupboard is from ikea. The other two are from Alumix.

Aiya, my zz crawling all over me. Wanna reply also so hard n

rabbit, yeah we all huat together on fri. hope to win a few k also good meh, hor?

bluberi/dot/Cath, now you know why i am joining the hate MIL club right? becos my MIL always like to anyhow talk. whenever she wana come to my house to stay over the wkend sometimes, i so xian. i act like her maid. wash her clothes, take water for her to drink. she anyhow throw things around. and i'm so pissed, that's why i dun like her to come. her son dunno why i hate his mum so much. stupid.

Lilysnow, yeah bb fall down from bed. better be careful. since our babies now can flip oredi. my gal also 'kor' her head yest night. but its tilam, placed on the floor. after kor her head she still can smile at me. haha

dot, i oredi given up on my MIL. dun expect her to say anything nice at all. becos her character is like that lor. her son always protecting and saying good things about her.

cath: i also like gals intially. now got gal, wanted a boy. haha. it always like that. the grass always greener on the other side. your MIL is really very good to you. so u must be very fillial to her hor. CNY u give her big angbao??

xiaoxin, i only joking to my dog leh. he looked at me very pitiful like he thou i really want to make him eat lesser. very cute leh he.


It's not the rich who are kidnap now. it's the "normal" people on the street. children are trafficked on a daily basis thus the stories of missing children in Disney and Thailand etc. And cos the parents aren't rich, they don't have the resources to find their kids. So I am not a millionnaire but I still watch my kids like a hawk esp when we travel.


opps I read till blur paiseh paiseh.. I thot all from ikea.. keke


that is good that bbG tooth is big cos my mil said that if milk tooth is big then adult teeth will be small my bb got small milk teeth so next time will be big hope her little mouth can tahan my niece's cant and end up like 2nd row of teeth cos mouth too small for big teeth!

Jus'us n hopecg, I dun have bad experience with ikea btw. It's just bad experience with my hubby at ikea. Haha...

Elise, my Fifi eat the raw diet until very sturdy n strong. Her ribcage like expanded. N her tiny legs can jump up the sofa now. Previously was limping. So happy...

Finally see zz can coordinate his legs n hands better when crawling.

Last call for swimming at big pool at nex tmr morning. Hope tmr's weather will be good!


If I'm u, i'ld haf fallen into depression. Not to mention r/s wif Hubby oso rocky. But god has eyes, blessing u a healthy child now..

hi mummies...i so sad :-( , after baby's fall yesterday, tonite is the 2nd nite that bb is sleeping in the cot. i miss co-sleeping with bb. difficult to fall asleep without seeing bb's face.

sigh....i have to learn to "let go"....

Cath, so funny, our boys do same stunts

Sheryl, don't be sad on the COV... u have company.. Me also paid over $50k COV for my 16 years old resale flat which is undergoing reno now... And the house is at the original cond...so need total overhaul... Sigh... I 'bo bian' cos I want to see my baby everyday just by walking over...Moreover, the area very ex... and no one selling.. 1 yr less than 10 transactions. Sigh....

Bebe75, re reno. If I were u, I wld go back to the previous contractor. Reno can be a very stressful experience if u kenan one bad contractor. For my current reno, I compared about 3 quotes. All quotes almost the same, plus minus 10%... So no point saving a few k then kenan heart attack. Aiyah, I'm like that, want cheap and good. But too cheap I also scared..

Lilysnow, y dun u get bedrail?


if the sarong is the type with both ends sealed, will bb still fall out? My zz reject confirm reject yaolan, haven't let him sleep in it for more than a week already. He prefers to fool ard

in his cot. Dunno good or bad.

Anyway, his seperation anxiety has also gotten better. After I let him cry out yesterday. I tell myself I can't keep carrying him for all his naps n sleep. N when crying out, I just keep telling us it will be over soon. I hug him closely while he lie down in his cot n cry. Very painful process. But ok leh, it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on him. During the day, he will still seek attention when he gets bored in the playpen. If he sees that ignore him, he'll whine even louder. So funny lor...

Anyone watched the 9pm channel 8 show? The 2 boys are so rude to their grandpa. Oh my!!! Grandpa cook for them and they called pizza in front of grandpa. I think that's becos their parents worked till very late.


Better for your bb to sleep on his own in his cot. At least u will hv more privacy. Otherwise , sleep on the dilam on the floor?

Ya my boy is horrid. He can't sit still. If he sees something fanciful, he will just fall backwards without any consideration that he will hit his head.


Really? Oh. That means my #1 's teeth gonna be big. Cos his milk teeth are rather small. Though I'm not a first time mum but seeing my bb's first teeth is still pretty touching.

TigerBaby, thanks for the website.

Jenn, after reading your previous post abt kids going missing at disneyland, i also got "paranoid" when i bring bb out for stroll everyday, i watch him like a hawk too.

BluBeri, my 2-teeth tiger is gonna be a 8-teeth tiger soon. he drool like nobody's business everyday....even bite one of his teether till the liquid inside leaked.

XX, i thot abt getting bedrail, but only my bedhead is against the wall, so 3 "exposed" sides. + my mattress is already abt 14" thick, so not sure if bedrail will be high enough to deter bb. moreover, my hubby has been sleeping on dilam in the studyroom whenever he's back in spore, guess its abt time to let hubby back into masterbedroom to "play" ......haha

lilysnow, for the safety of ur LO, u have to 'see open'. :)

bluberri, is happy for u that u finally have a beautiful baby to hug. your previous stories really sad.

having gers- i love my ger. all the pink rompers and dresses are so sweet and cute.

but i still wish #2 is a boy to make the '好'. hee.

dunno if anybody else in family mind if next one is still ger but i definitely dun mind! hee.

bebe, yalo.. i considering having a dragon baby ma.. but scared of the long queues at gynae, mayb no more single wards when i deliver, competitive in school.. so actually fake dragon is good.. haha.. but too small window period.. unless really very heng.. but cons of having a jan 2013 baby is will lugi all the CNY pub hol!! haha i very giam siap!! if given a choice, dont wan to "waste" ML esp during xmas and CNY period where there're alot of pub hols and unofficial half-days..

rabbit, oh the passport processing time so fast? good good.. white cloth can use nappy cloth? i tink not so easy to get baby to look straight at camera and smile lei..

tiger baby, u got the itinery for your perth f&e trip? if have can pm me? thanks thanks.. if dun have its oki..

cath, fake dragon hard to get wor.. and will be in confinement for CNY!! then CNy hols also lugi-ed..

y i cant post in want to sell thread ar? i've been active member for more than a yr.. emailed the admin and moderators but no one reply lei..

bluberi, i still undecided on whether to have #2 so soon.. good lei u already decided u wana go ahead try.. i tink u very strong and brave.. it must have been very very painful to have to go thru that period.. but nvm u have ur cute cute C now..!

dot, hmm that ex-bf is alot alot worse lo.. was practically lying to me 80% of the time.. kept alot of things from me.. went drinking and told me he drink yomeishu thats y smell of liquor.. and i stupid stupid believed him 100%.. kept flirting ard behind my back also.. thing is he's not ard anymore.. thats y when i had a tiger baby i was hoping not gemini, coz i paranoidal, siao siao thot of the word reincarnation. but even not for that word, i also didnt want my baby to have anything in common with that guy.. but no choice, not up to me to choose..

elise, looking at the things that was done, i tink realli tio chop big time lo.. just a 24-seater conference room with projector and lighting and nice glass, feature wall at entrance and some pantry cabinets.. never even throw in new fridge.. mayb when i free and feeling kapo i go dig the invoice out chk the breakdown.. haha!

jenn, i also will worry this and that over those morbid stuff.. even the tiger/gemini thingy my thoughts can run wild.. i think mommies will always worry about her children.. last time before i had R i didnt knw i can feel this way towards my child.. with R, i see him sick i wish i can suffer in his place.. i see him smile im so happy..

cath, i think our babies most difficult times are over liao? so things will onli get better? coz R also starting to be able to play on his own sometimes le.. jiayou~ waa ur 1st gynae very very bad lei.. how can say such things..

lilysnow, glad to hear ur bb is ok.. wow 6 teeth? R onli has 2 now.. hehe..

bluberi, i tink C will start teething soon.. R did the yayayayaya and mouth-moving thingy before also.. very cute..

My hubby is a fake goat. Haha!! Anyway, my CL said not good to deliver in cny month. She charges double! N request to go home to celebrate. Also, market fishes n meat r expensive n hard to get. But hor, got a lot of long term benefits if compare with real dragon.

Jojo, since he's not ard anymore. Then dun think of him la. ZZ same birthday as R right? Oh dear... =p

U shd go n check who is the real boss of the reno company. Tsk tsk....

Lillysnow, your hubby is so nice to move to the study room. Since bb is already more than 6 months, it's also time to move him to his own room. My zz also sleeps in his own room until when he wakes up for feeding, then I will carry him over to our bed n latch n sleep together. Bcos I am very sleepy n tired, I can't sit up n feed him at night. Wonder when he can sleep thru. I think never.


Is good to let ur bb sleep in cot! Een though my bb sleep better on my bed, at night we will still stick to cot no matter what.


Tml dunno can go anot.. My E start wheezin again!! Sigh..

And I wan to ask u, what can we do to make a puppy eat? What can fatten puppy faster? My bro puppy kept collapsing cuz of low blood sugar... Has been in n out of hospital. Super sad. She is 4 mths old already but still very weak. After he got stomach upset she refused to eat Liao then keep collapsing, my bro said she nearly died this morning!! Then now in hospital on drip.. Very worrying lor... Cost 3k somemore

Dragon bb

Those trying dragon bb must be really prepare for a srocnd one ya. Not forgetting bb after 1 will have terrible stage n can really handful.. So must make sure able to handle n manage to spend more time with each child.

Even now my boy is 3 I still feel quite difficult. My time with #1 greatly lessen especially now he goes Sch... I feel quite unfair for him when he wants some attention but I couldn't give cause I'm busy with didi!

Sheryl, i nearly went into depression if not for the support my mum n sis had given me.. E hubby did nothing except bringing me for a short trip aft i lost the 1st bb.. E 2nd n 3rd time was like "expected will miscarriage one" once he heard i was spotting. Still can compare me with his frens' wifeys who all had smooth preggies.. Add salt to my wound lor.. In my heart i was cursing n swearing when i heard dat.

Thanks Sparkle. My girl simply makes me melt daily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, i prefer my kids to have 2 yr gap so want to start trying liao. It indeed was painful back then but having Cherisse nw sort of compensates for all.

Nw Cherisse always want to eat our food.. She makes alot of noise when she sees us eating n she doesn't have. Dat happens even if she just had her milk/water 30mins ago! Very 贪吃!!

Bliss, no problem. Let me know tmr morning. Hope E gets better.

The puppy sounds very sick. Wad has the vet done other than blood test n drip? I think she's too sick that's y no appetite to eat leh. Even if u give her chicken rice or beef steak, maybe she also dun feel like eating. Same as human ma. So kelian... Hope the vet finds out the cause of her illness. LS in animals is usu quite a bad sign. =(


No cause lor. I think she got bait of stomach upset then refused to eat after that. My bro even bought mince meat but she still refused. And also cause she is super small size. Those tea cup dogs so she have to eat. Worse when my bro is a teacher leh and he can't be hand feeding her throughout the day. Hope she will just eat something so she won't go low blood sugar n collapse. Now still in hospital on drip lor. See already very ke Lian...

My Hubby say don't bring E out today for swimming cause he start coughing last night. What a stupid weather. Even I started coughing... I think the air is just too cold.

So maybe another day then we go together. Plus my grandma in hospital n puppy in animal hospital... Seems like not a very good year for us.

Bliss, the vet got do stool test? Puppies can have a type of worm which they got from their mother's milk n this parasite is harmful to humans. I forgot it's called wad already. When Fifi stomach upset with pneumonia, she had this type of worms in her poop. She was 3 months old then. But u know the pet shop cld lie abt their age, the puppies need to be at least 3 months old before they can sell them in the shop. Btw, which hospital she's in now?

Poor E. Better stay at home in this cranky weather. If it's not raining heavily later, I will go down myself since I've already packed his swimming bag. Hehe...

Bluberi - I read yr posting abt miscarriage and I felt like hugging all my kids liao..now u got yr baobei Gal, so quit thinking abt the past and look forward bah. Relax and try not to get too paranoid...hope pretty Cherisse will have her sibling soon.

Whenever I read abt abandoned babies I will be pissed off by these irresponsible parents..others long to hv kids to love and cherish and yet these pple can just dump the babies like rubbish...@#$@#%@#$


Although PILs did not say much when I had 2 gals, I knew MIL wanted to hv a grandson esp Hubby is the only son. She did not spell it out but her actions said for all leh. When we told her that #3 is a boy, she had the "triump" look..as if we won the war. And she followed us to the gyane check up, my gynae purposely enlarged the "penis" shot for her to see..ha ha..For the past 6 yrs, all my CNY visits, i had endured those naggings from relatives...this year I can spare my ears liao.

Elise - not easy to ignore all those remarks..esp come from elderly. Once a relative asked me if #3 is a boy or gal, when I said boy..she said "gong xi gong xi, got a boy liao" Really TMD, what if I said gal?? Isn't she herself a female too?? really bo liao..

Now I go shopping for bb clothings..I am so tempted to buy gals' clothings..so many choices and accessories. PILs said my boy cannot wear pre walker shoes before 1 year old, cos he had not learnt walking. My baby can crawl abit on all fours now..and MIL said he will prob walk before 1 year old...still cannot buy pre walker shoes meh??

Really no fun buying clothings for boys..only top and bottoms..

Lilysnow - yr baby is 11kg??? Mine is abt 9kg and I already cannot tahan carrying him for long liao. 6 teeth at one go...must be really hurting then. My boy's top 2 teeth are cutting thru..and he kept biting me. I gave him the teething rusks to relieve a bit..and yes at night, he kept waking up..hope this discomfort will end soon...

Oatmeal porridge recipe

Anyone knows how to make oatmeal recipe for 8mth old baby? Still need to grind? How much water to add? I think my baby is getting sick of eating oatmeal cereal liao..thinking of making oatmeal porridge for him instead.


Ur ex bf is horrid n must hv hurt you very badly. Glad u din marry him else life would be like hell. Reminds me of the ty's friend. Why did u say he no longer around? He passed away quite young? My ex is equally as bad. And I'm glad that he's my ex n not my hubby else I think I'll hv a lot of problems. N now I may not even enjoy parenthood. Though gemini is the often misunderstood astro, there are the good ones too. Being a tiger Gemini means they will be a more decisive n hv good leadership Gemini unlike the usual ones where they are more indecisive. I can't believe that at my age I'm still pretty into astrology.


yes same reaction when I saw the 9pm show.. but I think the mum also a bit too kiasu lah boy dont like piano keep forcing him to take exam and blame him when he fail.... haiz sometimes u got mo musical inclination means dont have mah but the kids attitude really bad!

yup I waiting to see the the top teeth come out but nothing yet!


my hb also fake goat!


I have the same thot as you.. create the hao word!

fake dragon

hmmm dont like the idea leh cos people will just say snake when see the year... so the dragon is like kena camo by the snake liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Must take care of itself n LOs. I'm down with throat inflammation n fever n hv been on leave since Monday till today still unwell. Bbg passed a viral flu to me cos one of his stunts is to crawl up to me and kiss mouth to mouth with me. Very gory rite? Since he's ill, I've forbidden him to do that but he will sneak attack on me. Hope I can go back n work tomorrow.


take care... I greedy ate some cny goodies and now also down with flu... so staying away from bb les i infect her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks bebe75, hopefully will have a sibling for Cherisse soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bliss, i suspect the puppy may already have genetic problems in the beginning. you heard of puppy mills? they just non stop make the mother pup to breed and breed nonstop. not giving enough water, food and rest. make them like machines and sell those puppies with problems away. really hate these breeders. no regards to the puppies life and the mother pup. so how's the pup now?

bebe, we are under the same lor. older generation always wants boys cos they think boys tend to follow the hubby's surname meh. so they think gals when married out, is water being splashed out. alamak, they woman also say this kinda things. i heard bad stuff happens to bb in china. esp rural area. my hubby's friend ever saw just newborn girl babies being throw into a half tub of water, just to drown them!!!! really inhumane right! after that incident, his friend everyday kena nightmares. so poor thing.

Cath, your bbG sounds so cute. u try to take a more good rest, okie? i also watched the 9pm show on channel 8. very nice show. the 2 teenagers are so ill-mannered. shouted at their ah gong. when i saw that, i'm so worried that next time my gal is rude to me also.

jus'us, cheong for the goon sales. very worth leh!

jojo, i totally agree. luckily he's your ex, or else you vomit blood.

Morning mummies

I'm "shaking legs" in the office cos my laptop kena virus, Trojan and i have more than 200 notification! So now MIS dept to resolve the issue.

Re the tiny shop ovulation kit - I have bought it before and I tested myself Almost everyday after my menses for 2 months before I got preggie. I always get a negative result and I was very paranoid. So I called my gynae and told her. She told me to try again for another month cos the chances of me not ovulating is low as I have regular menses. I tried but still negative and was arranged to do a blood test after my menses, ard the estimated ovulation period and it was positive. Thus, from then I dun buy such kits from Internet. I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I know quite slot of people bought from them.

Finally my Carters order arrived yesterday. Did not expect it to arrive before CNY but I'm so glad and excited on my new purchase for the little rascal at home.

Any mummies taking leave for CNY? I'll be on leave till 15th Feb. Hopefully can visit 3 cc during that time.


if my office pc kena virus, i think i will rot, haha!

you taking so long leave? must enjoy k.


wah bbG knows how to kiss on your mouth liao? my bb still dunno how to crawl, so slow! =p

im trying to teach him how to do hi-5, haha.

currently multi-tasking - youtube watching autumn's concerto, work & of cuz net! muwahahaha.


I'm rotting now and dun like the feeling cos everyone is busy except me! Clearing my annual leave for last year and taking a break cos hb also on leave.

Sigh... No Internet no laptop really can't work at all.

amo, free not good meh? surf net with your iPhone leh. or go shopping nearby have an early lunch. good hor, taking such long leave.

shiok hor.. i working my ass off! i am soo tired.. my LO was wide awake from 2.30 to 3.30am!! *cry*

btw, are we going to have bday bash??

i end up could not book any chalet at chervon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so decided to just have BBQ cum catering at my parent's condo. tell my dad to book down the whole area, aka 2 bbq pits!


few days didnt login and sooo many threads. unable to read thru all as busy working and 'sneaking' to read the threads meantime.

lilysnow. my boy fell down from bed when he was 5mths old. must be careful now as their action is very fast. if put bb sleep on bed, need to put mattress or any protectors around the flr to prevent. glad that ur bb is alright.

bluberi , you're such a brave mummy... jiayou for ur dragon bb =)

Changing diapers: mummies, can i ask how do u change diapers for ur bb nowadays? i can hardly change mine!!! turn him over and he straight away flips and trying to 'crawl' away, and bb strength is getting stronger. haahaah

