(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Bliss, my breast till nw nv leak at all.. always makes mi worry abt not having enough milk for bb when she is out.

SueLynn, the cinnamon melts at Mac was introduced last yr, but oni for a mth. nw it's available again. but do take note it's really sweet, so cannot eat often.

missbluey, the cinnamon melts tink is available aft 11am ba..



I'm now 29 weeks. C-sec date will be on the 2 week of June. Doc khi mentioned she's overseas from 5 to 11 June but not confirm yet. Good Luck to you.

Rmb someone ask abt the “jerking” feeling from our little one. I asked Doc Khi the other day as I’m having it too. She said Bb is having hiccup and it’s normal 

Sign… Now a day I keep going to toilet, always wanted to pee. Esp in the middle of the night. Really get into my nerve. Any mummy experiencing tht?

Hospital bag?!! Oh no… Totally forget what shd I pack in there? Any of you thinking abt tht already?


thanks!! XD

rarely get this comment from ppl, hehehe.


heh, didn't tried cinnammon meltz for the first time. maybe later, haha!! i have many cravings today. =p


i also haven't pack my hospital bag, but more or less know what to bring eg. basic necessities, disposable panties, some maternity pads (i'll just bring the whole pkt, my bag is big anyway), iphone charger, nursing bra (in case) & maybe my psp, hee.

yup, i also wake up in the middle of the night just to pee. now early morning also need to go toilet before i leave house for work. -.-"

missbluey, at least when u press really hard got some droplets of milk. mine no matter press how hard also stay so dry. sian 1/2.

i also have start to pack my hospital bag.. in fact, i haven even bought nursing bra, maternity pads, disposable panties, etc.


hmmm I did try too but only one side I see a bit but doesnt leak out then if left alone it kinda gets absorbs back into the nipple so strange... wonder if it means I can only breastfeed one sided?

Hospital bag

the bag is ready but only has sanitary pads haha ... the rest of the items are not in yet... btw do we need to bring breastpumps to the hospital if we are thinking of using it? Kinda confused if we should try using it there when there are lactation consultants around... first timer.. blur blur...


i heard can rent breast pumps from hospitals. you need to check with your hospital. i didn't asked or let alone think about it when i was staying there. i only asked for LC but they gave me a 'normal' nurse. -.-"

leaking one side - think its just norm bah, don't worry.


Can you also please send me the invite for the June MTB on FB? I will go in when I get the chance to. These days don't get to go on FB much as office blocks it and have to tend to ill bunny when we get back.


I'm dry too. It did cross my mind if it meant that it would be difficult for me to produce, but don't want to think about it as well. One thing at a time.

Wow! Looks like Macs will have a small surge of people buying Cinnamon Meltz heheh...


oic.. thanks.. hopefully there will really be a LC around to help after I deliver.. which hospital was yours? I wanna deliver at Mt A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes the FB... somehow I added Dianajs then after tried to find the June10mtb but keke failed.. so forgot all about it already...

pls add me too [email protected]... thanks

Evangelyn, i've added u to my FB.

SueLynn, ya.. tink nw dun tink too much abt it. but i dun dare to buy breastpump first liao.

Hello gers!! Morning.. super tired today.. see my fb post u will noe.

Sigh.. sometimes.. feel like digging a hole to get out of all this "Shxx"..

Thanks for the very warm response.. will go tally the votes.. lookes like Kieran Chia is a big winner!!! Haha

good day all.

cinnamon melts:

aiyo.. dun say abt the cinnamon melts.. the other day bluberi made me drool already. but i fat already. haha.. too much bingeing on junks.

wonder whats gonna be my weight tmrw when c gynae. -.-

Paging Jalgal. . .

Thank u for updating the table ya... Could u pls change the hosp that I am giving birth is now TMC not KKH..... Thanks in advance ya...


1) Kieran Chia (9)

2) Keegan Chia (5)

Haha.. actually not that far apart. Ok.. shall go update my hubby and we decide again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks gers.

Re: weight gain

yesterday met my fren who is due in 2 weeks time.. she only gained 4.5 kg.. basically every pregnancy is losing wt session for her, she will shed the baby's wt (3kg)_ plus all her placenta blah straight after birth... envy!!

Irma, mi already fat lor, but i still eat the cinnamon melts. hahaha.. tis sun my hubby also promised to bring to Mac for it.

A question for mummies who have given birth or are giving birth at TMC

Can I check if we have to get our own pyjamas and if yes what kind to get ah??


I am with Dr Benjamin Tham , I delivered my #1 with him last yr and hope to have my #23 delivered by him too..

Dr Tham will be transfering to TMC in May.. Thus me decided to follow him there.. Din make sense for me to change gynae as I feel that Dr Tham is a really good gynae and din want to get another gynae and go thru the ' getting to know' phase again..



oh ya.. forgot abt Dr's move.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

& thank you for the compliment. i love it too.. hehe~


yes tmc dun provide hospital gowns. Only let us wear their gowns when you are about to deliver. Can't be wearing it for 3d 2n. Is those type that need to tie at the back one. Not convenient to breastfeed.

You can get it at people park complex can't rmb which storey. but you can find pyjamas & sleepwear there.


er, what is your name in facebook? got a little confused, i only remember a few in fb. =p

evangelyn & jus'us,

done! sent invitation to you gals liao. =)


i delivered @ kkh. still sticking to it this time.


your #23??!!!! tink you typed too fast liao, hhehehehee.

Missbluey, blueberi: u are not leaking doesn't mean that u won't have milk! I have plenty when I had no 1 but I don't leak during pregnancy.

This time round I leak maybe due to the milk supply yet totally cut off from breastfeedin no 1. Still remember I am able to squeeze out milk even after 10 months of weaning off and soon I got pregnant.

Now I'm more troubled about leaking as if it really leaks alot I got to use breastpad.. Breast is so swollen now.. Wearing bra is so uncomfotable ..


Hahaha.. Gosh #23 !! Having two and am already thinking of how to handle it ... #23 haha mux have typed too fast la...


Thanks gals.. will go check it out at PPC... ;)


heh. the only time my breasts were swollen was engorgement, machiam having stones on my chest.


cant imagine your life after #23! chaotic!


any mummies experience red patches juz below the breast and chest area.

I have dis problem since abt 4mths back. its On & Off..

Sometimes it even appear very very dry and skin peeling off + PAIN!!

Sometimes juz red patches, slight itchy but painless.. ><"

diana: ya.. #23..? hehe~ didnt noticed too when you replied. haha..

sheryl: ouch! hormones i guessed? i dun experience that..

After you gals mentioned ginkgo barley dessert..I contemplating to cook it today..so after sending my gal to sch..I went NTUC to get the ingredients..but alas! They have run out of the beancurd skin..hiaz...too lazy to go to the wet market to buy too...


totally no idea.. Sigh!


how to prepare?! wanted to try to cook for ages liao..

I juz want the simplest receipe.. =P


just sent you an invitation liao. go check your fb k. =)


could be hormones like what irma said. or maybe your skin there is very dry? use moisturiser?

genice, actually i dunno how to pronounce both names. ;p

re: childcare leave

for my co, if i am not wrong, for bb born in the first half of the yr, childcare leave entitlement for the yr is 3 days. on the yr bb reaches 7-yr-old, entitlement for tat yr also 3 days. for bb born in the 2nd half of the yr, there is no entitlement for the yr. on the yr bb reaches 7-yr-old, entitlement for tat yr is full 6 days. on a fair side, total child care leave is 6 days x 7 years = 42 days regardless of which month bb is born.

re: hospital bag

i am almost done with my shopping, however i've yet to pack my bag. am hoping KKH will provide us with a list of wat to pack. thot we will be wearing the hospital clothes... do we still need to bring pyjamas?


From my last stay at KKH, I din bring the pyjamas.. They will give u a fresh set of hospital gown every morning. Even if ur gown gets stained in the middle of the day u can request for a new set...


Hi Sheryl,

I had the rash like redness/skin peeling on the boobs itself. But mine was recurring yearly even before being preggers. Skin sometimes also became raw.

Scanned a few times cos was worried it was something else, but good thing not. Skin specialist said eczema due to stress, triggered by heat. I was given mild anti fungal cream and even mild steroid cream for it (though I've not used any during preggers period). It's gone off by itself at the moment.

If you are not feeling comfy not knowing what it is, best to go see doctor since medical covered by company. If it is been a long time since you've had it, ask doctor to refer you to skin specialist.

