(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Maternity leave

Jus'us - I had my 2nd baby during xmas' eve..and I lugi a lot due to the the festive holidays, CNY holidays..and further more, my co was in holiday moods since all the expat bosses went back to their home...definitely not worth to take ML in Dec/Jan.

This time round, I am a SAHM..so no ML *sniff* *sniff*


I read somewhere that for some mummies the metallic (*yuck*) taste will come back in the 3rd trimester. Perhaps you can suck some sweets or preservatives to make yrself feel better?


*touchwood* - I do not have that yet..*cross my finger* I rem I had it when I was expecting #1..really uncomfortable..cannot focus on work n yet it seemed like too trivial to take MC and go home...

Mt A

Yesterday I visited my sis who just had her baby at Mt A..she feedback to me that the service std at Mt A has dropped, and asked me to reconsider my choice for hospital. Her main complaint is that the nurses are not attentive and 2 bedded ward were full..she had to wait at the delivery ward for almost 3 hrs before they sent her to the ward. My other sis who delivered last year also shared the same feedback.

Hubby asked me to change to TMC if really so jialat..but I was thinking that since this is going to be my last delivery and I also prefer that all my kids are delivered in the same hosp..and hopefully same midwife (my #1 and #2 had the same midwife)..I shd disregard the complaints hor???

By the way, when I saw all the newborn in the nursery room..I was so envious..wish mine can come out sooner...some of my friends had delivered in Mar/Apr..I am the only one left in the waiting games..(still got you ladies here)..


this morning when i try to clean my nipple n found the white white creamy thing inside the nipple. why like that huh i try to clean deaper n it become more so scary. not sure what is it. but thinking that next time my baby is going to suck it make me worry. will it be dirty or harmfull to baby?

Good morning mummies,

Just went to see gynae yesterday at my 31 week . I've gained 12kg but my bb gal's weighed only 1.3kg. Gynae commented that bb is on small side n bb is healthy. My friend told me that new born baby should weigh atleast 2.5kg, if less will categorized as premature bb and taken extra care. so I'm a. little worried.

Re: ML

I planned to take 2weeks before my edd.

Any ideas when can start to drink coconut?

Hi Jalgal,

Haven't spoken to you for long time - hope all is well on your end. The creamy thing on your nipple, believe it is colustrum. Just read it somewhere yesterday and tried to look for the article for you but could not find it. Maybe you can check on the internet.

Colustrum is described as thick, creamy, oily - and is good for baby.

Hi all,

it seems like very fast, we'll be due to pop... i was jus commenting to hubby that the pregnancy is like so short, havent even enjoy enough... but of cos, i am enxious to see my little one soon too...

at my 28wk check up, i realised i lost some weight... was surprised as i felt the tummy was heavier and my backaches are starting... well, now at 30wk, my stomach is really rather small, i've only gained 6kg till date and waistline is only 33inch... though small, but i already felt the inconvenience of the tummy like what you all mentioned, problem with bending down and etc...

i think i'm probably the only mum who has not bought anything for the baby yet... i've got a hand me down of baby cot, car seat, breast pump and some simple stuff.. i've not bought the rest like the stroller and etc.. a bit gan cheong, thinking i should be more active in buying but hubby too busy to shop and i too lazy to shop too.. hee hee...

Raleigh,I also thinking of taking on 1 June but my EDD on 7 June so if baby is earlier by 1 week then 1 june I will pop le..


Perhaps u can try massage that areas with light stroking upward movement... This is what I doing now for afew mins beore I sleep


I be drinking it starting from 33 weeks onward, not sure whether is it ok


that metallic taste in my mouth still manageable. *heng*


could it be colostrum that is leaking out from your nipples? just ensure you clean first before bf your bb.


i think can start drinking coconut le, of cuz moderatelly.

ps: just now, i felt sudden dizziness, feel like wanting to puke & having difficulty breathing but i didn't moved leh, only sitting on my chair. don't know considered bad anot cuz i could see my perspiration bits forming on my face.

now sucking on wu hua guo, feel slightly better le.

hi suelynn,

tHanks for the reply. oic, but the thing look abit gloss haha. but it is good for baby then i shouldn't be worry. our body so fast prepare for breastfeeding liao la.

RE: hospitalisation leave (HL)

Some gynae dun give HL eg. this gynae Dr Yvonne Chan from TMC.. I was been told by one of my collegues when she asked for it, gynae asked her to use ML since she entitle for.


U work in Govt? I used to work in Govt and I do agree that their benefits are good. I left 2 yrs ago to another place.


Yup. hee.. Its good that u found a better job outside. for me, i thought of leaving, but think abt it, oso lazy lo. Think im at my comfort zone lo.

i tink can start drink coconut juice liao, my colleague's mum is a confinement lady and she also said can. once a week now is ok, but few days before EDD can drink daily. i juz drink coconut juice on Monday, super shiok!!

Hi Bluey,

ok i wil clean it b4 breastfeed baby. a bit painfull when try to clean deaper. i can imaging breastfeed is not an easy job. hope i can breastfeed atleast 4 months. tot of stop it after go back to work.

ladies.. good morning.

coconut juice: i've heard of it.. but what does it do? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies, do you have a nagging backpain that wouldn't go away? plus your leg is swollen and difficult to walk? i got that almost everyday. sleeping on all sides also very difficult leh.

elise: i do i do! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sitting in workplace chair never seem so "tiring" till recently...

leg not swollen la, but abit difficult to walk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sleeping..? i always tot that theres no way im able to get to sleep coz every position is uncomfortable.. turn either left or right, bb will kick3.. upright.. cant breathe & make the back more pain.

whatever i had during 1st tri, came back, eat small portion, still hungry. eat big portion, get heartburn. migraine comes back.. sleep also like no point! hurhurhur..

BUT! its all for a good cause.. no pain no gain... correct mummies? *giggles*


me too, had that nagging back pain. now worse, cuz i can't even crack my back. got that habit of doing that every now & then before preggie.


drinking coconut is to make bb look nicer, not to look so red??? something like that. or to bring your internal heat down. i forget the reason liao.

re:weight gain

gosh...i hv gained another 1 kg in like 4 days...


My coy aso calculate by weeks based on govt calculation....so hv to plan well else will be wasted with all the ph in line...i tink i will plan start my ML 1 wk ahead...else aso nothing to do...

think its a myth that drinking coconut juice.. will make yr baby 'cleaner' when they come out.

which is quite true.. my #1 was quite clean.. not much of a blood when my gynae pull him out.

and i think can drink fm wk 30 onwards n only green colour coconut.. not sure if can drink young coconut anot. green coconut can get fm food court

hi bluey,

u so cute. ya most of my friend not success is bf even my mum n sis not successfull in bf. but i oredy told my hubby must support me. now all i can do is pray hard the i can take the stress.

beside when u all talk abt the coconut drink is refer to the clear coconut juice rite? not the coconut milk rite? i scare i drink the wrong one haha


cuz i didn't really bf for #1, plus i put in much hope in bf then. nobody in the house supported me, hubby never comforted me on bf, mil said hurting words (i felt), always interfered when i bf. sibei sian lor. that's why i said if i can bf for 1mth, i should be happy.

yes, your hubby's support is very important during bf.

re: coconut drink

yes, clear coconut water, not coconut milk.

jalgal: aiyo! so cute... no la..n ot the coconut milk.. the clear juice.. hehehe~ u made my day la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gitz: huh? don understand.. so its a myth which is true..? or myth which is not true..? *blur*

missbluey: oh! okok.. now i noe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the reply. ya staying with in law always got problem really hope they can understand us more. i m lucky not staying with inlaw so our relationship is good. hopefully this time ur inlaw n hubby can be more supportive la.


yup, but what to do. hubby is the only child, so we move where, must bring inlaws over. got the Good & the Bad staying with inlaws. @ least i no need to worry what to cook for each meals, haha. not to say my relationship with them is not good, just that we don't communicate, don't know what to talk also, haha. in fact, my fil rather dote on me. that time when i was preggie with #1 & was unemployed, he often gave me money, scared i had nothing to eat, lol.

so this time, i don't buy any breast pump. don't want waste money unlike in #1, bought liao but used like less than 5times. hubby nagged @ me for wasting $. -______________________-"""" not pining hopes on mil @ all, lazy to explain to her. she has that "last time my son also ....., but look @ him now, still healthy etc" thinking.


Lucky u.. i din knw it could be that bad as i dont have it while having my #1 *sigh*

#1 was bad enuf to be vomiting thruout pregnancy and eventually landed up admited in hosp for drip =P


Ok. Will try that. =D

Re Coconut Juice.,

When can we start consuming it? LOL..

i always hear ppl saying drinkin it will reduce those "dirty" stuff and lesser blood on baby when they are born!


Chinese Dessert (tang shui)

Fu zhou with barely and ginko nut

it good for baby skin.

My fren told mi eating that will make baby skin fairer, whiter esp if u're expecting a girl..

Sheryl, my mum also said nw can start taking Fu zhou with barley and ginko nut liao. in fact, fm 5th mth onwards she already told me to take it. but so far i oni took twice.


wah ur fil so nice. ya lor stay with in law also good atleast now u dun need to worry whos going to take care the baby. no need to worry the maid will bully the baby or not. also save money la. em.. old generation always got this kind of thinking "last time i also like that my child all healthy then u should follow." if is not too much i will still listen to them anyway their stil more experience then us.


yup, i guess im lucky. =p

wah, your heartburn really jialat lor.

re: coconut juice

can start drinking lo. nice cooling drink especially in this hot hot weather! hee.


yep, after all they are more experienced than us. but don't really like their old pattered ways of handling kids as they are not very educated back then. actually i do have maid, my mil still prefers working cuz her back cant tahan looking after grandson, also have the Good & the Bad. i also noticed one thing, my inlaws are a little bit more dirty when handling my son which i don't really like. my maid is of cuz nonetheless cleaner than them cuz i told her to do this & that, she also understands. guess most elderly are like that bah.

re: tummy-quakes

i noted that my tummy has been 'shaking' quite obvious this week. =p

dot, i bought the Huggy... Came packaged with the Zippy stroller..

i got mixed feelings abt delivering early lei.. scared baby come when my gynae on hol.. gynae will be back 2 wks before my EDD.. so hopefully wk 38+? hehe.. but whr got can choose time to deliver de.. unless c-section.. but if i work all the way till EDD i'd have cleared most of the work i hate to do for the quarter, best is can run off abit earlier then dun need to do.. haha!

hi gers,

Din have time to log in. I think i noe what is heart burn liao. Sorry cant remember who shared abt heart burn but basically i have this uncomfortable tight feeling at my chest and i think the baby is really growing bigger pressing on my chest area.. super uncomfortable.. i believed all my organs are 'displaced' liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. been resting at hm and sleeping a lot. Sigh.. feels like i am back to 1st trimester again.. sianz..

Re[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]rigins Massage

Missbluey, i actually booked them during their last promo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope their services is good, i booked for the 10 day one but now thinking whether i shld reduce it or not. And continue with Mdm ida. I just dis a prenatal with Madam Ida, quite comfortable but the problem is she will be away from 17th to 21st june for a wedding at KL so there will be a lapse,i think i will be giving birth before my edd of 15th june.

She actually told me to continue with origins when she know that i booked them cause she says the methods are different, not gd to switch here and there. She said got gd and bad reviews lah but she will not comment much.

Anyway, i already paid the deposit of $200 so will just continue.. cause i not engaging CL, will use the $$ to do massage.

Join me lah.. and we see can get the buddy promo for both of us or not.. haha..

Re: tummy shaking

Missybluey!! Same!! My tummy has been shaking quite violently, i think he doing tsunami waves inside...

Re: Drink coconut water

They say will make the baby clean when come out.. anyway.. no harm drinking cause weather realy hot leh... but cannot overdose, 1x/week will be fine and towards the last 2 weeks maybe 2x/week.. Otherwise too 'cold' for the body.

Dun drink coconut milk k!!! high cholesterol!!!

Jalgal, can update my boy's name to Keegan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hehe.. i still thinking between Kieran and Keegan. Votes anyone???

did some one mention beancurd skin with ginko and barley dessert? Feel like having a bowl now; funny thing that I do not take ginko prior this pregnancy..but now I don't mind eating it...

Re: Tum-quakes

I am having them everyday! Like spinning in washing machine kind! I hope this doesnt mean she will be a naughty girl o

Re: preparation for bb

Anyone pack their hospital bag already? Cos me not yet! havent even buy any disposable panties or maternity pads, dint have front-open pjs too. Sooo lazy to do it.


me also dint bf successfully for #1. So hope this time round, got more success *fingers cross* that why thinking of getting the milk supplements ready, to pop them on day 1 of hospital to boost supply mah :p

i think i am being drowned in work. or rather, too tired to do work, hence work is piling and i am drowning in it hahaha

Coconut Juice

I Check wif my gynae. He say its ok to drink it on weekly basis. Some say its to prevent baby form jaundice.

Heart Burn- MY heart burn seems to decreased bt den theres tis burnin sensation at my throat whereby its lyk burning hot whenever I try to swollow saliva. Anyone encounter it?

Labour- Anyone hubby nt accompanyin them into labour ward? I'm vr worried now coz hubby most prob need to outstation begginin of e month even thou my due date is 23 june. My #1 was born 3wks earlier so high chance is tat #2 oso will b early. Gosh, I so afraid to enter alone.

Swollen LEg

ANyone start havin water retnetion on ur feet? My oni 1 side. Now my right feet look a little lyk pig trotter. Gosh. I feel pain at my ankle. NOw walkin lyk I sprain my feet.

MissBluey- 1 more kg to hitting my Big 7. Within 1 month I gain 3kg. Gosh tats terrible. All thanks to my #1. Always wan to go Bubble Tea shop c them do ice blended so everythin haf to buy n drink. From now on, no more le.


finally!! i found someone who booked origins! hehe. been searching around in forums like mad for the past few days. tempted to use but scare their services. anyway, who will be your therapist? so you already paid your deposit liao? how does the buddy system works like? read the link, but only stated can choose gift???

i like kieran more than keegan. i nearly chose kieran for my #1, chinese jie ren. sounds rhyme ma, hehe. in the end, didn't chose that.

re: tummy-quakes

haha, i wonder what are the babies doing inside? dancing? shaking bom boms? =p


you intend to buy what milk supplements? fenugeek?

re: hospital bag/bb preparation

i haven't pack mine yet, think just throw a few necessities, think will be lighter than first time. haha. i haven't wash my bb's clothes yet too! tsk.


yes, im having water retention on my legs too. hais. can see my calves are becoming like pig trotters (with muscles), hahaha. can feel my thighs are rubbing against each other. >.<

haha, same here. my son always drag his ah gong to mac, ended up i eat most of the fries. hais. ice kacang also.... T_T


bb as long as cross 37 weeks will not be labelled as premature. My gal was 2.35kg only at 37 weeks consider v small but as she hit 37 weeks so consider full term and she didnt need any special care. just that small babies harder to take care. So this round i also hope bb can hit 2.5kg and above.

Re : Heartburn

hv to stick to smaller meals and dun gobble down too fast. Just complete my meal with a gassy cold drink - burped and feel so shiok in this hot mad weather! Sweating like nobody biz..

Coconut juice

only green types ah.. aiyo, i prefer the young small type leh.. anyway i wont be drinking excessively, so i guess shld be ok guai.. I din drink a lot for my #1 but i will consider my gal "comes out" quite clean bah..


maybe can share with us his surname, so that we can help to vote??


I only start to feel my shoes getting a bit tighter but got thunder thighs now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I know some hospital dun allow others except hubby but in yr case maybe can check if someone else like yr mom ys sibling can accompany u instead? I sure would prefer to hv someone accompany/talk to me - muz take pics wat.. Good Luck!

Then u got share yr bubble tea drink wif #1? Maybe wanna invest in a small ice crusher or smtg instead to amaze him. Dun ask for pearls - they r sinful!

Irma & Ms Bluey, haha, we are in the same plight. all my colleagues saw me walking like an old woman yesterday with hunched back, and asked what happened to me? i said, the usual stuff, and i seem also to get back the 1st trimester symptons.

Always feeling so tired, sleepy and sore. keep on wanting to eat certain foods, but cannot eat much again now. no energy for a lot of things also....zzzzz feel like not going to work anymore and only staying at home to sleep. u gals get this feeling also?


Koaru- I think my mum will scream more den mi. She more emotional type so was thinkni if she go in will b a good idea for mi. MY #1 dun drink he juz wan to c them do e ice blended so everything end up in my tummy. GLutton mi!

My #1 oso haben 37wk when born bt nt name premature leh.

