(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

jolene, me me me! my leg is like 2 small ping pong balls got stuck there. esp at the feet area on the right leg.........zzzzzz

So painful when i'm walking now. back also painful. sit down pain. walk also pain.



when working, im still ok. its only when i reach home, i feel so tired/sleepy. then all the pain come. zzzzz.

Hi Summerbel,

ok updated ur details.

wah so fast we talk abt packing hospital bag liao ar. em... i still not ready leh. so fast our baby wanna come out le. i got many thing haven't prepare yet.

Happen to read the following article on some tips to increase milk supply


So need to take care of ourselves well during confinement so that we hv the energy and positive mind to pull thru bf!

Hi Genice,

I prefer Keegan, cos easier to pronounce n only have 1 pronunciation. kieran to me is special but some ppl may pronounce wrongly end up sound like "clearance" Just my opinion. no offence k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Both Kieran and Keegan are nice, depends on surname. Kieran was on our shortlist as well but we are focussing on another name now, just not finalized yet.

Have not packed hospital bag too. Just got a very big bag which is supposed to be diaper bag, but thought of just using it as a hospital bag first. Need to buy a bag organizer though, as this one is like a travelling bag with one big empty space inside. Been procrastinating. Hope can order the bag organizer by tomorrow night.

My feet have been swollen on and off since CNY too actually. Sometimes I get indents on the calves. Otherwise feet just look like meekoo - the pink chinese bun which is white inside.

elise: yala.. i also start to feel dun want to go work.. haha.. but if stay home, dunno do what. sleep whole day? aiyo..

water retention: i read becoz not enough liquid in your body. so far *choi* so good. my legs are ok.. only big thighs.. *slaps forehead* i scared also see..but lucky cant c properly becoz blocked by tummy. but when c reflection on mirror! *GASP*

hospital bag: hehe~ i havent pack la.. still early i guess.. but no harm packing early. hehe~ feeling the excitement growing..

hi all... yesturday went for check up... bb is 1.5kg

doc comment that she is big ask me to watch diet!! but i didnt eat much le..

hospital bag: omg! so fast on that?! I haven start on my shopping, washing of bb cloths YET!!

peck, ur bb must be absorbing really well.

my fren who is due 2wks aft bb said her bb is nw 990g at wk27, mine was 1.10kg at wk28 when i went for gynea appt last wed. i wonder if my bb is abit small.

for bb clothes, my mum said not to wash so early coz wait turn yellowish (if the clothes are brand new n un-worn before). she told mi oni to start washing abt 2-3wks before EDD. and wash oni those 0-3mths one.. those clothes fm 3mths and above can wash later.

Hi Peck,

we had added few more detail on the list. would u like to let us know? i still miss out ur age, location, working status n baby's name.

bluberi, yours is in normal range.. gynae say at week 29 normal weight is about 1kg..

i've yet to buy playpen, carseat... dig out all the things...think i have to buck up and do liao..

jalgal, huh? ohh sorry... all along i thot i have given u :p

age: 39

location: punggol

working status: PTWM

bb's name: not decide yet

peck, am glad to know my bb is within normal range. at first my gynea said bb oni 900g, i got a shock, luck after re-measuring was 1.10kg.

bluberi, i was shock when he told me bb is on the big side, as for my no. 1, he is small only 2.83 at birth... gynae comment that this girl will be bigger then kor kor.. and say she is upsize too much.. must slow down..

hello gers.. forgot to add my hubby surname is chia

So either

1) Kieran chia (2)

2) Keegan chia (1)

Votes for now as above... erm.. do they match with the surname?

Jalgal.. no lah.. no offence.. my hubby says Kieran seems like the name of the death god in the death note.. thats even worse rite.. but actually Kieran's meaning is the dark skinned one.. haha.. so not much meaning.. i just like the way it sounds.

Suelynn.. can share what names u all considering.. we help to vote too.. haha.

missybluey.. i also dunno much abt their service leh, just trust the testimonials on their website. :p i chosed the therapist starting with the letter Z.. cant remember exactly, i actually read some reviews somewhere in smh.. let me try to find. BTW, what is ur #1's name? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The buddy thingy only got free gift lah.. nothing much but better than nothing lor.. hehe


I also bgt a "diaper" bag for baby use. but instead, im using it as my hosiptal bag first. hee..

I think is good to pack first, as we do not dun when is the DAY. I seriously dun think hubby will know what to pack into the bag lo. hee


i still vote for (1). hehehe. just like the name, don't know why.

my #1's name - Elson. so most likely to start with El for #2.

lol. so you interested to get buddy system?


men won't know what we want to bring unless we write down a list for them. =p


i totally agreed. haaa..

by the time we poop out, dun think we can oso think or write down wat we need lo.

so slowy start packing, at least can add on the items if we miz out anything.

Re: Hospital bag

Still yet pack but will pack maybe begining of May. Hubby will do a check just in case i forget some stuff that need to bring


I vote for (1)

Hi ladies,

Had my check up ytd. BB is 1.4Kg and i have put on 10Kgs. OMG... Confirmed my C-Sec date with Doc Khi le, but not sure she's the one who do for me as she will be onleave. If she's in the country, properly yes. Pray hard!

I'm thinking abt hospital bag too. Have not get ready for all BB stuffs yet. Haiz.. .Tired!

Genice, I vote for (1) too.


i like both too.. ha. I feel #1 will be more common as lately bb names all follow certain pattern/sounding. So if u opt for #2, chances r no one else will be called the same.

Also somehow I feel it sounds "smoother" to go with the surname for #2 - so my vote goes to #2!

HAHa SO INTERESTING SEEING EVERYBODY VOTING FOR BABY'S NAME. too bad i oredy decide my baby's name long long time ago n is only the 1 n only. so no chance to play the choosing game. is good that everyone come out their opnion.


(1) sounds nicer.. =D

Re: Hosp bag

Cannot reply on our hubby to pack.. they will knw nuts to bring along.. LOL..

esp if they miss out any impt stuff that's the end!

craving for some sweet desserts now..

chest very very stuffy feeling .. sigh

raleigh: hehe~ really? urs at west area huh? ur Adeline..erm.. right...? hee~ sorry if its wrong..

jalgal: add us in the June 2010 mtb in FB.. oops.. but i forgot the add..

hi jalgal,

tks for updating.

does any mummies any remedies to resolve "wind" in the stomach. The "wind" is causing much discomfort and pain in my tummy. N my ger is moving ALOT for the past few days ... arrrhhh....

I should not have eaten the chicken curry arrrhhh....... really regret it...

had yet to experience water retention but more of unable to sleep ard 5 plus in the morning and more intake of food lolol...

Hi mummies

Just heard from my friend that if baby is born before 30th June, u will be entitled 6 child care leave. If on 1st July, it will only be 3 child care leave. The cut off is by mid of the year.


Mummies start packing hospital bag liao ah..

Me still slacking.. My #1 birthday was just over last weekend .. Think will start on my #2 soon I guess..


Thanks for the update on the John Little Sale babe... My hubby was looking forward to it... When does it start ah??

Prenatal Massage

Finally managed to get Mdm Ida to come over tomolo.. Hope that she will relieve my backache and leg pain man!! So tired nowadays


Thanks for the info on the childcare leave... Any idea how does it work for the second child?

Sweet desserts...

Cinnammon Meltz from McDonald is back !!! And I so cant stop myself from eating it.. So addicted to it ...

icey, u how many weeks now? which date did u book with Dr khi? she's my gynae too... also worried she'll not be ard when i deliver lei..

jalgal, i just added u in FB.

Dianajs, i just had a box of cinnamon melts at Mac too. feel so happy n satisfied!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Coconut Juice >>

Actually Coconut juice has a lot of Nutritional benefits, good for us at this stage who is suffering mild heartburn and also help constipation and exhaustion. Read this link and you will understand more http://www.babycenter.in/pregnancy/nutrition/coconutwater_expert/

I already started drinking 1x a week since wk 28. Too much will get leg cramp. Last 2 wks of the pregnancy, you can drink everyday. Buy some and keep in the fridge at home.. very shiok if you drink it cold.

Drink the young Thai coconut is better, cos the green ones I saw at the market normally are old ones. Food court normally sell the thai coconut if not is in can drink.

They believe drink coconut juice, bb will not have red patches when they are born, and can prevent jaundice..Can eat the white flesh inside also.. Some say if you eat it, the bb eyes will be big..

Re: Chinese dessert: beancurd skin with ginko and barley dessert>>

Ginko nut is good for Bb’s brain.. Can take more.. very easy to cook. I DIY myself last wk, not bad.. No receipe, I just put wat I like. On top of the ginko nut, beancurd skin and barley, I added the red dates, sugared winter melon, lotus seed and quail eggs& don’t forget the rock sugar… I drank it for 2 straight days man.. Mayb next wkend i cook again..

Re: swollen leg>>

They say if you have very swollen leg/feet on both legs consecutively for 3x in a roll, that mean u are due for delivery within that few days to a wk.

i like Kieran!

any mummies leaking milk already ? i'm leaking colostrum and is not abit! my shirt gets wet after an hour if i don't wear bra .. i hope i didn't have to use breastpad this early!

anyway my bb name is Josiah. But can't decide

Josiah Tan Rui Xi or Josiah Caden Tan Rui Xi.

Find that middle name makes it very long and he is going to suffer next time ...

Morning mummies.

Re Names:

Hi Genice,

Both Kieran and Keegan are nice - could not decide too, but would end up choosing Keegan for unique factor heheh...ok.. will go back and get the list tonight - long list, but hubby seems set on one currently.

Hi Bliss,

Joshua Caden sounds nice. We were thinking of angmoh middle name as well at first but name would become very long, so we decided on one angmoh name, then use the Chinese name as middle name, then surname.

Re Cinnammon Meltz:

Wow! Didn't know Macs had such stuff! I should go try!

Re Wind in Stomach:

Have you tried boiled ginger water? Or eating lots of fresh ginger strips (with xiao long bao)?

Re Hospital Bag and Baby Stuff:

Think it is good idea to start early too, and slowly get things done, so that there is no panic later. Or if baby decides to come out before due date. Think as the days pass, we are going to get bigger and more tired, would be less mobile.

Hi Bluberi,

Thanks for the adding, will check it out to9 when i reach home. i wanna join the MTB group but dunno how. :p may be to9 will try again. i have few member in my fb but all dun show the group so can't add to the group.


can you find the june 2010 mtbs group in fb? i just sent you an invitation to join. =)


when is the john little sale?


thanks for the info! is it starting from this july???


i wish im leaking milk, keke. never had this experience before. i had to press really hard then i see some droplets of milk. -.-

re: cinnammnon meltz

does mac sell anytime of the day? or only from lunch hours? i never try before!


hi bluey,

thanks for the invitation. too bad my company dun support facebook so i can only do it to9. but i oredy know who r u haha. u dun look auntie lah. dun worry. u still look young n u should be proud cos u oredy mother of 2 leh. this is only my first 1.

