(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


thanks for adding will go home and go into FB.. haiz co blocked it... if not no need to work already.. haha



didnt know other co also blocked FB.. -.- sad hor.. they know la, with this social network,the employees cant work. hohoho..

Ju us what is ur email? I think I haven add u yet.

Dianajs, envy hor? But I think 1 main reason is because she is slightly overwt to start w so cannot gain too much.

Re: wax

so when are we going together? U all want to go together then go for a drink? I think we can go at abt wk 36-37.Who is still keen ?Was thinking of hv strip or town. Where else got strip?

Tigerbaby. Hehe.. It's ok. Just agar break down n pronounce kieran = ki ren keegan = ki gen

re; hos gown

I dun remember tmc got provide , they only provide the gown when u deliver.

Btw, those who going MT A to deliver, remember to bring baby clothes, apparently mt a dun provide which was a surprise to me cause other hos do provide top plus receiving blankets.


yep, can ask from kkh for new gown if yours is stained. i brought my own pjs but ended up didn't used. so this time, i won't be bringing pjs.


you are most welcome!

anyway, im practically staring @ internet every moment! hahaha!!


Agree that certainly it be good to catch up before we pop.. i am keen in waxing so if we meet up. i be taking 1/2 day leave to meet up cos coming nearer to due date, i can't go home late as gynae keep telling me "Bed rest"!!!!!!!

Missbluey, if u have engorgement meaning u have milk mah.. So don't keep thinking u don't have milk. A good latch is very important!


but that time i brought my own pj, never got to use. even nursing bra also brought, but ended up never wore any bra during my stay. free & easy! =p

they will provide toiletries but of cuz i prefer to use my personal ones.


hmmm, is it? maybe i didn't latched on properly bah, didn't hear any clicking sounds when he was "holding" onto my nipples.

Sheryl, best to consult ur gynae regard to the red patch issue..

Genice, i vote for Keegan..

Re: Hospital Bag

Wah, so fast talking about hospital bag.. planning to pack only on May..

Only start to look ard for baby stuff now.. lols.. gotten a BN Avent manual pump at $50 from a mummy.. it's a great deal and saving to me! just collected it today.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] walking ard make me tired!! looking for toilet very freq today.. think got to do with baby position..

genice, i also vote for keegan, although it does sounds like some dialect pronouncation of chinese names, such as qi(2) yan(2) or ji(4) yan(2). also, next time his friends may make fun of his name as "ti geng" (hokkien of day break). oops! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey: icic.. that means they still give la.. just that maybe they encourage us to bring own for comfy..

Can someone give the name of the shop at People's Park that sells pyjamas? I've been looking around a few shopping centres and so far the patterns are really ugly.... How about the prices at this shop?

Missbluey, if got milk but bb not drinking or express out then will have engorgement.

And correct latch should not have clicking sound..


thanks for the drugstore link! I have placed my orders. Am getting fenugreek + mother's milk tea bags cos read that the herbal tea works. Hope the tea tastes nice orh, else waste lar. I notice u getting fenugreek ya? Hope all these supplements will work for us. Lets jia you for bfg!


can get fm HDB shops.. esp those that sell baby clothes/towels etc. there a few in Toa Payoh central


I hv red patches underneath my breasts too. think bcoz of our bra. and the weather makes us perspire when we wear bra

Daphne, enjoy ur 4D scan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whoo.. today is 1st day of week 32.. 8 weeks to go.. everything seem so fast! jiayou all mummies!

I saw those sore nipples on Mrs wong book i am abit scared. :p bought medela nipple protection crown to standby....

pyjamas all quite ugly...somemore got to get those button one for convenience on breastfeeding. also quite difficult to get a nice receiving blanket. one of my collegues actually got one for me from scotland...very nice design...

ZInc, i dun tink they are having discounts anymore. that day i went last wkend, its only buy any item, and buy selected designs of rompers leh.


oops..i have gotten wrong info, all forgotten liao. only remember bits & pieces. =p


no problem! i don't mind being a cow, haha. yep, i got fenugreek, not really keen in nursing tea. mil's eyes will be watching me during confinement, so difficult to drink.

jia you jia you jia you! =)

oh.. aiyah.. then i dont make a trip down alr.. no time to go down last wkend when i read abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, ladies you all got the 'washing machine' sydrome or not? at your tummy? my gal is like dunno doing what inside, making me very uncomfortable recently. my colleagues scared me, saying that i am going to due soon

missbluey, do u think i need to see my gynae for this? really very uncomfortable leh....u scared of this feeling or not huh? sometimes i even hear bubble/water sounds from my stomach!

Elise, mi also got the same feeling.. sometimes even feel abit itchy.. haha.. i'm happy with the feeling, coz at least i koe she's ok inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so far, never hear bubbles coming from my tummy. water sounds on & off, but before preggie is already like that. or you call your gynae & ask? mine is more like earthquake in my tummy, can feel his kicks more powerful now.


thanks for the link! =)


Nope. Medical is not coverd by my Company at the monemt.

Can be rather serious at times when the entire area can be rough and dry flakes of skin can be seen.


ok.. got the receipe. Maybe dis sat go back my mum's place and try to cook.!

Thinkin of visitin the doc but =\

Skin specialist is rather steep isit?

Hi Sheryl,

I find skin specialist steep - could be like $80 for consult at National Skin Centre. But only ended up there after mammogram/scans etc as mine got really bad (was very worried it was Pagets), skin peeling and raw and it was for a very long time and on the boob and around the areola itself, recurring each year.

I find meds from the GP are good enough, if it is not a serious case that makes you worry it is something else. Often it is due to sweat like one of the mummies mentioned. GP should be able to detect this. Why don't you consider this option. Alternatively when you go for your next gynae checkup, you could tell them about this concern and ask them to refer you to a doc.

If you feel better I can go back and tell you what creams I got from the doctors.

Hello other mummies,

I'm also happy when there are washing machine movements in my tummy. Still trying to show hubby since he got back to Singapore but baby not moving as much when hubby is around to look at night. He moves in the afternoon when I'm in the office so far. Have bubble and water movement sounds sometimes as well. All I can say is enjoy it while it lasts! It's really special and only expecting mummies can experience this, no one else - isn't it so special?


Get referral from polyclinic first to go National Skin Center. After that, consultation fees at the skin center would be much cheaper

Oh yah.. sometimes when baby moves he will press on the bladder, and momentarily you would feel like you want to pee. When I first got that I was looking for a toilet and sat on it for a while but no pee, but now I know there is no pee, just baby pushing against the bladder hahaha...

baby movement

Ya..I am also experiencing stronger nudge and kick this week...and sometimes the kick is strong enough to wake me up from my sleep..and the washing machine movement..frankly speaking..I prefer the kick to the washing machine movement cos I worried that the baby will turn and entangle himself in the process..I get worried if I do not sense any movement after those turning stunts..


Gynae sounds like a better idea..


Visit to toilet is more frequent at night now..

And its always full bladder.. LOL..

think shld reduce drinkin lots of water before bedtime!


Same same. Her kicks will wake mi up in the night. Nv sense any washing machine movement frm her but there's alot alot of stretching movement frm her!

There was dis day ware she hardly move, i panicked in the night when i recall during the day i dun sense her. Hubby was sooo calm saying that she mite be tired and asleep so dun worry! The next moment she starts her kicking and stretching.. -.-


ME ME ME.. I wanna go waxing... Just went on Mon.. To their outlet at Wheelock Place.. Was quite quiet... Then got their package .. So me will definitely go before EDD... Maybe we can have a waxing date followed by tea?? High Tea at Carousel Royal Scotts anyone???


My last stay at KKH din bring pyajamas at all.. They provided.. Now I dunno if there is a change.. They also provide toiletries and a small face towel.. So if u wanna bath thenhave to bring ur own bath towel..


You ordered fenugreek from online ah??? Safe or not ah?? and are they cheaper than GNC..How much u got them for...

Me so happy...

Today is the last day of work for the week and I am gonna be on leave till 20/4... Hehe

Gonna take a short break with hubby to Bintan on Mon .. Really looking forward to it !!! ;)


alot of mummies order lor, from drugstore online. Shd be safe bah? i personally find GNC overprice lor.

Enjoy ur babymoon oh!

Dianajs, I plan to go waxing on 3rd June, probably at Paragon outlet. Hopefully I still have energy then! Nowadays walk for less than 30 mins in a shopping centre, already get sore legs.... I feel like a pig, lazy and slow and sleepy. Envy your leave...now I really hate to sit in the office, very sleepy and no mood to work. 5 more weeks at work, I'm gonna ask Dr Tham for hospital leave w.e.f 17th May. Don't care liao, already told my boss my last work day is 14th May haha. I just suggested to my hubby to go Bintan on 20th May (wedding anniversary), our last trip as a couple - he wasn't very keen, thinks that I shouldn't travel by then. Sian. I'm stuck till god knows when before my next holiday, maybe when baby is 2 yrs old!! OMG so depressing!!


yes me too... its like a storm in the tummy.. but agree with bluberi/suelynn, i rather feel baby move then not and sometimes the kick can shock me... I woke up in shock last night cos think got quite a kick.. haha


thanks for adding me.. I guess I too slow in responding for the email.. haha :p


Im envious cos I wanna go for a trip too... was just telling my hb when will be our next trip.. kinda bored staying in singapore and been so tired that its always work then home.. Enjoy your trip!


wah dianajs, i really envy u! remember to take some pills/sweets along to eat. my Brother in law who always go to indonesia, told me there are bugs on the ship! so be warned

