(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

jusus, me too. i also wish to go on a holiday, have been bugging my hubby, but he told me that i cannot go. becos after walking for a while, i would get leg pain. so that's out of the question for me. any mummies here plan to go on a holiday trip after the confinement month?



maybe it may help to get more comfy shoes cos it makes a difference for me when I change my shoes, can walk longer too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow so good... heeheehe... enjoy your holiday = )

Elise/ tywong,

i also can't go for holiday... have been bugging hubby also and his reply is "Dont go k, wait til baby born then go next year.."

tywong, go leh! but its only the very ex ferry tickets that put me off from going there lor. last yr dec i still went to batam for a day trip. I go there eat A&W leh, missed it so much and went to the supermarket to stock up on maternity pads.....so cheap there leh

Lin, my hubby says the same thing, then I say "ya, don't bluff me lah, with the baby around, lagi cannot go!" It's a big hassle to bring a baby for a holiday - the baby doesn't even know it's a holiday and probably won't remember anything, and you will be the nanny as usual, plus gotta bring a big big bag with nappies, milk powder, milk bottle and a million other things.

Re: John Little Sales.

Sorry Mummies for the late reply.

The sales started from 1st Apr till 11 Apr. Which means it ends this sunday. heee..

bliss_ling, tell ur hubby dun blaff leh. where got time to go after bb has come out? my hubby has also been telling me the same thing over and over again! i dun trust him at all. chay


U also Dr Tham patient ah... keke .. Din realise..

Just to share the last time I asked Dr Tham for hospitalisation leave he din not give lei.. he said that he could give MC maybe for three days but as long as no complications in the pregnancy he will not give hospitalisation leave... Sighz...

Think this time round will try my luck again see if can get hospitalisation leave... hahaha

Do keep me updated if u get urs okie....


I oso thought of going bintan for a short break. but im not sure if i will get seasick a not. haa.. so decided not to go. haaa..

So envy..


haiya, only another 2 more days nia.


ya, agreed with the rest. difficult to go hol with bb, especially newborn. think you will be looking more @ bb than scenery, keke.

re: holiday

Just back from genting last week... is very R & R.. I like.. Told hb after confinement go again with no.1 and leave bb at home... he say if wanna go must all go together.... that means not so fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz

Batam has A&W?!!

SURE?!!~ I've been craving for that soooo long ago.. KL is tooo far for mi. I tend to have motion sickness easily!

Will the boat ride be as bad?!

Agree with all.

Gt baby lagi cannot go holiday~ the attention wun be at the relaxing place but on our nb!!

Hospital Bag,

I think what we need in the bags are:

1) Sanitary Pads/Maternity Pads

2) Nursing bra/pad

3) Disposable panties

4) Set of pajamas (depends on hospital)

5) Toiletries/Towel

6) A set clothes for going hm

7) A set baby clothes for going hm.(booties/mittens/etc)

8) All documents from checkup/NRIC/Hospital administration letter.

9) Hp Charger

10) Slippers

Haa.. cant think of any liao. Did I miss out any. hee..


my hubby's colleague went to the extent of going to KL just to get A&W for his then-first-time-preggie wife. so sweet lor!

not to see my hubby no up, but i know he won't go to that extent de. >.< now even asked him to go down buy zi char hor fun must asked so many times, sobs. unless he pass by a certain place which i happened to have craving for.


maybe can bring bb receiving blanket. scare bb will be cold ma. if you are afraid of cold, can bring socks too.

one of the must-have for me, lip balm. else my lips crack like crazy.

oh btw, anyone will be showering/bathing during hospital stay? im still thinking whether want to bring some shampoo & conditioner.


I was browsing through the Expo website then i saw it. heee.. 2 days oso good lah.. maybe last 2 days items more cheap. haaa.. Im going on sunday to check it out too. hee..

can i check if we shd bring new set of baby clothes to hospital or those hands me down to change our baby before discharge??

and i also rmbr must bring our marriage cert to the hospital right? think i did that for my #1

I confirm wld be bathing in hospital.. so will prefer to bring own toiletries.

and also our receipt for the gynae package we paid so as to claim medisave

Sheryl, confirm confirm have A&W. its so shiok to eat the curly fries and drink the ice cold root beer float which i have been craving for long. before that i used to go to JB to get my fix, but now that outlet has closed down, JB still has another outlet, but quite far away lor.

Talking about Root beer float, i am craving for one right now

wow, mummies.. only 2 days didn't log on, the thread ran so fast n long.. :p

genice, my vote goes to Keegan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: pyjamas

i been searching for nice ones, in the end, decided to purchase fm taobao website(china), not ex. plus nice designs. interested mummies, can pm me, i will give u more details..

re: hospital bag

i oso haven't pack, intend to get one oso fm taobao.. :p

re: GNC

i usually purchase GNC pdts fm drugstore USA, prices r much cheaper compared to singapore even after the VIP discounts. average 50%-60% off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m currently helping some friends to purchase fm USA, so any mummies who is interested, can let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lor, I also tell him dun bluff me..how to go when baby is born..so many things to bring eg. milk bottle, baby clothes etc..

Morever, he going to do his MBA this July, how to go??????????? Maybe i asked him help me take care then i go with my parents.. wwahhahaa... at most I go next yr April lo cos I want to go to Japan again


True.. sob ... sob.. no freedom and need to wait dun know how long then can go.. If couple go better, can go anywhere also can. With baby is be hard to enjoy...


mine is netbook, so small. hee.. bring laptop can oso upload photos of baby on facebook. hee..


It depends on your believe. Some people say new set, some say old set cos when baby wear old set will feel more secure, blah blah blah...


I going to deliver in TMC thus not sure abt MT A. I also not sure whether must I bring my own pyjamas???? With new charges, maybe they should provide hor.. i must be dreaming cos it TGIF...woohhoooo


han nor, no choice. kids grow up very fast de. as long as they can walk & run by themselves, can bring them go hols liao.


yup yup. i'd feel lost w/o internet, hahaha.


have to pack pjs lah. I rem when i delivered #1 at TMC almost 2 yrs ago, the hospital gown was those open and tie at the back type (surgical gown mah). U wont want to walk ard the ward in that lor, cos will expose back and butt if not careful haha


can pm the website for the pjs?

dianajs, my 2 colleagues asked him for hospitalisation leave and he did give leh...

i think next time i go see him, i will "keng" big time - you know he always asks "how are you feeling", so far i always say "i'm fine doctor"...this time i going to grumble & complain until he gives me just to get rid of me. LOL! If i succeed i tell you, my appt is on 29 april - going alone so pathetic, my hubby travelling alot for work this month.

Do you think Doctor is abit crazy sometimes arh? He siao siao one i think, gotta catch him in the right mood. I will also ask my colleague when I go to her baby's first month party next sunday, how she asked Tham for the leave.


Im afraid i cant even tahan the boat ride!! Too jerky and shakey -.-

My gynae told mi pregnancy could make it worse and will live for life!


that's a good pack list, thanks! I am thinkg whether to bring netbook or ipod lor to surf.

Anyone knows whether the room at TMC has internet connection and if we need to pay to use it a not?


LOL. same fate ba.

The other nite i was craving for cheezle (the cheese ring in blue packing)

He keep dragging until 2 days ltr i finally get to it!

He will do it almost at once onli when i am feeling at my worse that day he will curb my craving almost 100% without delay..


MUMMIES add mi on FB!!!~

[email protected] =P

Sheryl, i just send u a fren request in FB. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks sberry122 & straw81, I better go buy it next month = )

straw81> wow if I wear that gown later expose back and butt not good leh.. expose back ok but butt so ugly got so many fatty meats.. ehhehehehehee

Wow! Envy the mummies going on leave and holiday soon. No holidays for me too, and I have to work till I deliver since my leave is only 8 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Re: Baby Movement

Sometimes when i suddenly realise baby din move much, she will suddenly just go active.. and her kicks are powerful.. i wonder is it she can read my mind.. cos i was thinking and there go her kicking.. got twice she kick so hard that i can't sit up straight..

Sberry, can pm me the link for pjs? thanks.


Got but then becos I have been told by my gynae to have alot of bed rest thus hubby dun want to go in JB to eat.. not going anywhere except this little red dot..

My Hosp Bag shld be alot lesser =\

1. Set of Baby Clothes (top & btm)

2. Botties and Mittens

3. Swaddle Blanket/Reciving Blanket

4. Pads

5. Bath Towel & toiletries

6. Set of Clothes for Discharge

7. Undergarments

8. Psp =P

other den that Original Married Cert and necessary docs for admission.

Oh ya, does anyone knws if SGH provide

hi ladies..

very fast lei the thread..

from hosp bag to pjs to a&w to skin rash.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had a hard time yesterday. maybe got food poisoning/ diarrhoea. was already asleep abt 10+ when suddenly i cant breathe properly. pain all over, on tummy (growling), back (lower), legs go weak.. for a moment, i was thinking, dun tell me im giving birth.. *scary*

sat in the toilet for quite sometime, until argue with hubby, coz he like keep nagging.. argh!

then (sorry if i grossed u out), came out all liquid.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still feel the pain even aft tt. then hubby went down to buy h2o & 100+ for me coz i can feel myself dehydrating.

my mom had to slowly massage my back. was very very sleepy thruout, but i just cant sleep becz of the pain..

duno what i ate.. sigh.. lucky today Im off, going to gynae later.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

oh dear irma.. do take care...

sheryl.. added you in fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Ladies

The thread is going so fast..... Guess we are now anxiously preparing our big day! Just collected my Seahorse customised mattress for my Cot bed and very happy cos for $80 plus... I think it's very worth it... Remember that someone asked how the design is like... Here are the pics:-



