(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


thanks for the recommendation.

do u know how much the maxi cosi cabriofix cost roughly?? I didnt check out any prices for car seats, so not too sure abt their price ranges.


missbluey, pregnancy heartburn is caused by the slipping of digestive acids through the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) back into the esophagus. mi also started to have heartburn liao, sianz!!

Jalgal, Yes pls. and thank u for the update.

Missbluey, i just hope i dun expand too much in the next few wks. hee..

re: maternity leave,

Me too. think all maternity leave includes ph and wkends. lousy.. 4 mths sound nice only, but actually not.

re: breastfeeding questions!

straw81, you can go to GNC to get the supplements to increase the milk flow. I cant recall the name, but GNC only got one type. Check with the sales person.

re: maternity leave

same as missbluey... my ML includes includes ph & weekends...


I tried twice and it seem to help abit. my bed rest is after 10.30pm cos i used to run about before preggy..

I can't walk fast.. feel clumsy and helpless sometimes especially if we need to rush for some stuff in office..Now I take thing easy cos no point add stress to myself at work. I need to consider my baby inside me now.

Heartburn from indigestion is getting worse..Never take medicine, just try to slip some hot water to reduce the gas feeling


ya lor... actually 16 weeks include weekends...

Now planning for my ML.. thinking when should I start my ML. I will take 2 days of my leave starting from 27/5, 31/5 then 1/6 onward I will take ML .... whahhaaaa

Lin, im thinking of starting from 1 Jun. easier to count too. so go back 1 Nov. but i intend to take a month leave after my ML. heee

im getting very breathless lately. Especially with such a hot weather..and sleepy too. haa.. hate to work. how i wish i could just stay home n rest.. haaaa..

Hi ladies,

another seminar coming up. Anmum Seminar - Meant for Mums - A seminar that benefits your child and You.

Date: 24 April

Venue: Suntec Level 3, Meeting room 325-326

Admission: free but need to register.

Details can found inside Mother and baby Magazine or Motherhood

Jus'us, the name is his 1st contribution and last.. lols.. he refuse to call her Seraphine.. shorter syllbus.. lols.. anyway i'm fine.. btw both of us are not christian! lols.. anyway, for chinese stroke, i rather believe than dun la.. cos no harm mah.. count strokes, sound nice, i'm fine.. haha..

Jalgal, pls help to update my Hospital to Mt A. Thanks! ^^

SueLynn, yupps.. connect to other bottles..

Koaru, i tot all milk bottles are transparent?

Mummies!! no one answered my question about how to clean our nipples before bf.. sorry hur.. need to find out if need purchase anything for it..

rainelle: dun think need to purchase anything for cleaning nipple.. but maybe you want to get nipple cream, incase nipple become sore.

my mum advise, when having shower right, can gently do circular motions at the nipple (maybe to get rid of the dirt?) alternatively, use warm/ hot towel, then dab

raleigh: wah. how many days annual leave u have? a mth??


ah yes! i remember that, just lazy to research online. hee.


i also feel very breathless lately. must breathe very hard @ times, especially when lying on my back, must lie on my sides. -.-" i hate taking bus after finish work, i have to wait for near empty bus just for a seat cuz i know nobody will give up his/her seat for me. can you imagine 2 ah pek & 1 uncle giving up seats for me?? tsk!!! shame shame on the youngsters!

re: maternity leave

to me, still sounds ok though still include ph & weekends. my first time enjoying this ma, hee. intend to take 1 week before EDD, too early take means have to return to work early, lol.


i thot so too.. its not opaque but according to the lady, its not as "transparent" as compared lor.. if not how to know how much water is being poured..

I rem at TMC, LC juz use some cotton balls n not sure if its cooled down boiled water or just tap water n clean clean only.. no need special stuff lah.. in fact u may not really need those special nipple cream, can just use own BM to "clean"/prevent sore after BF lor.

if apply cream, let's say there's dirt on it, isn't it the same.. as in nv remove the dirt? saw nipple wipe etc.. was thinking is it we shld buy and wipe before feeding.. or we can just use cloth to clean..


I am so use to it too. No one will offer seat to us. Especially women. haa.. They look at us like we are fat and not preggie. haa..

Same thoughts for ML, If possible I will take at a later date, so no nd to go back work early. haa..

Koaru, ya lo.. i only noe the yellow box one more expensive cos the plastic is more durable.. but if u are mummy that change every 6 mth.. i think the normal BPA bottle is good enuff lo.. and according to pic i see.. it's transparent lo.. y the salesgirl so weird..


21days shiok hor? to me, its quite alot le.

ya lor! don't understand some of these womens' thinking, just stare @ your tummy, then stare @ you then back to your tummy. -.-" they don't know what is preggie????

the cream are to be apply right before breastfeeding, it actually help to soothes sensitive or dry nipples.

it is make of ultra-pure natural lanolin and helps replenish the natural oils depleted by frequent sucking.

Re: Fenugeek

thanks for the fast answers, mummies! So is it recommended to take them immediately after delivering bb? How many days does it take to see results?


My company policy on ML is that it can only start either from the EDD date, or immediately after delivery, No advance use lor. Urs so flexible ah?

so to clean use the nipples b4 feeding is use wet cotton ball, den is up to u to apply the cream to protect ur nipple b4 and after feeding? am i catching the right ball? lols.

raleigh: 21 days..? wow.. u fr gov sector huh?

maternity leave:

my hubby ask me to take 1 mth b4.. i dun want..i think can go crazy! planning to take maybe 1 or weeks b4 EDD.

straw81: my co too let us choose whether we want to take advance ML or not.. urs cannot...? wah.. meaning you have to work all the way till you give birth..? taxing right..?

rainelle: maybe can use the warm/hot towel and wipe around nipple b4 u bf...


oh is it? nobody in HQ bothers to tell me, hmmm. else i just use my leave lor, hehehe. don't care.

as for when to start taking fenugeek, i can't advise you. not so sure of myself, scare give wrong advise.


that's why i prefer govt job.


ya, if take ML too early, end up in house staring 4 walls. so sian!

missbluey: yala.. becoz his colleague's wife gave birth a week b4 her EDD.. so he scared i'd be in labour at work.. haha..


never heard b4, sorry.. ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharky_siak, the retail price for 2009 series is $358, which i bought at $259 from Spring Maternity 2 wkends ago. the promotion supposed to have ended last sun. i saw on another website (need to find) selling 2010 series at around $289 though.

re: maternity leave

if i am not wrong, the first 2 months paid by company are counted by month, i.e. if you go on leave on 5 Jun, 2 months will end on 4 Aug (any PH/weekends during these 2 months will not be paid back to u). the extra 2 months given by govt are actually counted by weeks, i.e. total of 8 weeks. most companies allow you to convert these 8 weeks into flexi leave. for me, i will be taking 2 months + 4 weeks straight aft delivery. the remaining 4 weeks will be added to my annual leave as 20 days. for my ex-company, the 8 weeks can be converted to flexi leave, but everytime you take, you must take in blocks of 5 days. so do check ur company policy.

my EDD is on 14 Jun. I intend to start taking ML on 7 Jun if I haven't delivered by then. Reason being that if I take on 14 Jun, 2 months + 4 weeks will end on 10 Sep, which is a PH (means i will "lose" one day). if I take on 7 Jun, 2 months + 4 weeks will end on 3 Sep. means i go back to work on 6 Sep and thus still gets to enjoy PH on 10 Sep. ;p

Re maternity leave

think can ask gynae to give MC or hospitalization leave before you are due so dnt hv to eat into your maternity leave. But check with your HR if they accept hospitalization leave without physical admission into hospital.

Think i will plan to take hospitalization leave last week of may :p

EDD is 15 june but always keep revising to earlier cos of the size of bb plus my no 1 came out at 37 weeks. Hope no 2 can tong till 1st June then can be same bdae mth as no 1

tigerbaby: my co gives in weeks.. not months..

not being alarmed.. but i went to pee just now.. then the lips (well, not really the lips of vagina, quite at the back) there's blood when i wipe... dunno why...

abit concerned.. wonder why.. friction?

Mezzo17, mi also tot ok taking hospitalisation leave before i start my ML. but dunno my gynea is felxible to give it anot.

hehe~ i also want to take the hospitalisation leave. but paisey to ask gynae lei.. hehe~

wonder this fri's appt how.. whether EDD become earlier or still same..

Re: ML

i think for my case, I will need to use personal leave if i want to rest any time earlier than EDD lor.


Better see gynae if u are worried, ok? Peace of mind more impt

Irma, think it shld be fine if it's a bit.. think known as bloody show? normal in 3rd trimster.. our cervix are getting thinner to prepare delivery path..


You pass your mucus plug or notice "bloody show."

You may pass your mucus plug — the small amount of thickened mucus that has sealed your cervical canal during the last nine months — if your cervix begins to dilate as you get close to labor.

The plug may come out in a lump or as increased vaginal discharge over the course of several days. The mucus may be tinged with brown, pink, or red blood, which is why it's referred to as "bloody show." Having sex or a vaginal exam can also disturb your mucus plug and cause you to see some blood-tinged discharge, even when labor isn't going to start in the next few days.

hi mummies,

do u have the website for the Want to sell?

Any recommendation which disposable breast pad is good?

Any recommendation on which nappy liner is good and soft?

Wa so many post to catch up, now I hardly have time to go surf the net...Congrats cellow and those mummies who had popped...

vicma, thanks for helping in updating...

gbh, maddie, I also only manage to get 10mls max and its like pumping for an hour...

I supplement my bb with FM, latching so far ok juz that milk tink not enough, after latching for 20mins on each breast, she still crying so I fed her with FM...

ic cath, so thats y ppl specially buy ear/forehead thermometers..

kk thanks jalgal, will go check the May and Jul threads..

koaru, ya Avent got 2 types of BPA free bottle.. 1 type is where the plastic is yellowish in colour (box is yellowish/golden), the material is stronger and wun "cave in" when u press hard.. i bought 11 of those bottles at the robinsons sales in Mar, got 20% off..

i bought my infant car seat together with the stroller, inglesina brand, paid $201 for it.. think quite reasonale price.. maxicosi ones cost 300+ i tink..

ya the ML includes weekends.. but i tink if u use partial, then partial stagger for shorter work wks, may be able to lugi lesser pub hols then if u take 4 mths one stretch..

straw, i tink MOM website got say can take advanced ML lei... rmb reading b4... u can go check..

Hi Jojo,

I also bought an Inglesina carseat. Which one did you get? The Huggy or the Marco Polo? I got the Marco Polo. Hope no one (grandparents) insists on carrying the bb on their lap.


Its like those stuff up feeling at the chest.. have to breath very hard.. mine comes along with those puking feeling..

Super xin ku lor..


hmmm~ maybe i shld try to be on bed as much as i can.. to see if it helps anot.. Sitting down for too long a period or rather more den 30mins, or those sit for no longer den 5sec den gettin up agn will cause sore to the area as well..

tried drinkin milk / warm water to ease the heartburn but cannot.. i even ate lesser portion during dnr but No no.

Until i resort to no choice i told doc its soo bad until i haf to puke to feel better den he gave mi medi!

morning all,

haha I guess its time that all of us are planning the maternity leave. just like many of you are counting the days and trying to ensure dont lugi the public holiday.. haha.. my edd is 21 jun and I intend to take 1 week earlier.. like many my mum also ask me to take a month earlier.. I was like huh.. so boring to stay at home... if take 2 mths or 8 weeks I will not lugi the national day holiday

actually our materinity leave timing is good cos its the time of the yr with the least public hols... hahaha imagine if its before xmas till will lugi xmas/new yr and cny and maybe even haji

so depends on how you plan it those who take like all 4 mths/16 weeks max will only lugi 2 day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oic. mine is still not so bad, just keep feeling gassy & wanting to burp.

re: metallic taste in mouth

any mummies still have that? sometimes i have mild metallic taste especially after having chilli (not alot) & certain food.


Gynae sure flexible to give MC or hospitalization leave hehe..

ask my doc last sat she say she can give either one subj to company's acceptance :p

Mezzo17, tink maybe during my wk32 appt i will ask gynea abt the hospitalisation leave prior to ML. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies,

For more on your rights, maternity and childcare leave you could check out http://fcd.ecitizen.gov.sg/profamilyleavescheme/

I unfortunately only have 8 weeks as we are not Singaporeans, so will be working till the day I deliver, otherwise leave will be too short. Taking hospitalization or medical leave before is a great idea! Thanks for that, will explore if that would be an option. Otherwise may be tired.

Thanks Rainelle, think I need to go check whether I bought the adapter, I think likely not.

For nipple cleaning, the lactation consultant at our course said no special way of cleaning, just shower with warm water (which also apparently helps stimulate production) or wipe with warm water. Apparently even said no need for soaps as it may dry the skin. She also mentioned the use of breast milk as a natural nipple cream.


Good morning All,

I agree with Jus, our timing for pop is good cos only 2 PH. un like my friend she give birth end of Nov the she wasted all the season ph. i think total of 7-8days plus yr end normally more relax so i dun mind to go back around oct then can start to count down for x'mas, new yr n Bonus leh... hee hee. also atleast we show face b4 bonus the can get better bonus mah.

