(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi mummies

i am interested to get this for my bb, do pm me if anyone is interested or go to this link to place order:


Black, White & Red Infant Stim Flashcards - "Smart Art for Babies" by Genius Baby Toys. High quality laminated flashcards, with complimentary hanging clip. Front features expressive baby faces and the back side features high contrast, black white and red infant stimulation graphics. Inlcludes complimentary travel clip for on-the-go.

Researchers have discovered that infants not only prefer to look at high contrast graphics, but that such images can help:

increase concentration skills

stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)

increase an infant's attention span

calm and soothe a baby (when she is bored)

enhance natural curiosity.

one set is USD4 excluding shipping



jasmini, i went thru csect cause pelvis bone is too small. Baby was overdue for 4 days and he is only 3.1kg. But gynae said bb is too big for me.


Thanks and high five to our laziness... Me oso first time mummy and also never enrol for classes or do much research...

bluberi i got the inglesina zippy + carseat.. bought at taka fair.. hubby and i wanted to get most of the stuff before baby is out, coz with baby will have less time and will be tired to shop i tink.. the warranty starts from baby birthday so it doesnt matter even if we buy early.. now other than the small small items, only left breast pump haven buy..

the current thermometer im having is those put in mouth/under armpit de.. not those put in ear ones.. was uncertain y many mummies went to get new thermometers so tot of asking u all.. shld b able to use my current thermometer for baby rite?

lin i also very scared wor... i tink back then feel abit jelly hands and legs.. >.<saw>.<hubby>.<

irma i asked my gynae, forgot exactly what she say but tink its something like muscle or nerves or something lidat.. she says if only happen once or twice its ok.. forgot to ask her what if it happens more frequently..

anyone doing the pre-natal exercises? or kegel exercises? or stretching the perinel (duno how to spell) muscles to prevent tearing? i never do anything lei.. feel so lazy.. cant rmb half the exercises mrs wong teach also..

missbluey, i cant imagine how to go natural without epi, then still have episiotomy lo.. so scared of delivery now.. even epidural administration also looks super painful..

any mummies gave birth at TMC before and have experience with their PDs? i duno to let gynae assign or to choose myself lei.. but i duno any PDs..

im almost reaching 60kg liao.. so sad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiz though i knw the weight gain is inevitable its emotional to see the scales climbing then hit "6" range.. sob..

jojo, I've tried to use the armpit thermometer for my #1 but he don hv the patience to wait for the results. he'll move about. so I'm still for the ear or the forehead kind.


hahaa... went for my gynae checkup today!

Girl @ 30wk weight abt 1.4kg!!

Head is abt 7cm..

excited.. not much of movement during the rotuine scan today, overall she is doing good!

Juz clear some details wif gynae oso,

choosing B2 ward will give priority to the doc on call, but when complications arise Snr Consultants will be consulted.

Still so torn btw e choice of B1 (4bed) or B2 (5bed).. epidural cost is $200 @ SGH

3D or 4D Scan..

Gynae recommand 3D. he was saying 4D is scan with movement onli whereby 3D can c features of baby more clearly but scary at the same time.. LOL!

So till my 33wks for 3D scan..


hi mummies

Does anyone know whether do we need dishwashing liquid to clean the glass/plastic bottles for breastfeeding milk?

visit www.mothercare.com if u have friend at UK.. their price is exactly 50% cheaper than singapore.

Does anyone know any website to buy cheap pigeon/avent/medela ....disposable breast pad ?


I also agree that once bb is out u dun hv as much time to do shopping n compare model on big items. If the price is gd, I suppose can get first, unless got sponsor during bb full month - I always request my family to give angpow : ) else end up many vouchers!

I got 2 strollers, one Capella for nb bb, n a maclaren recently.


welcome! Mine is 4 June and my #1 gal was born 5 days later than Edd - so most likely mine shld be an early June bb boy guah! But I squat more often cos gotta bathe my gal, maybe that helps?

jojo and koaru, my hubby tinks bb 1st mth we dun go out, so can just wait after confinement den buy the pram. i tink he's hoping for someone to buy as a gift though i already told him my mum n sis will be buying for us liao. lol.. anyway, he wants to make sure bb is comfy with the pram model we choose before buying also..

wished i could go for 3D scan, gynea nv asked if i want to do also. moreover my hubby dun allow, say waste $.

sharky_siak, for infant car seat we bought maxi cosi cabriofix. can't tell now whether it is good or not, but seems like quite good reviews...

bluberi, we already bought stroller cos got promotion. however, the one we bought can only be used from 3 months onwards but i suppose during this period even if we go out we should be using baby carrier instead.

re: thermometer

want to get a ear thermometer for the convenience and so far braun seems to have good reviews. hopefully can find good promotion if not prob will buy online or from spree.

Tiger Baby, i see.. i'll be getting the combi urban stroller, can be used fm 1mth-3yrs old. hope bb will like it when we bring her for testing. :p

Welcome myfavpooh

missbluey, of cos i wun wan u to be 70kg after delivery!

babyrain, u can go to Want To Sell forum, maybe u could get good deal there? saw a lot of posts..

Infant Car Seat

If u really wan to get a car seat, u haf to start ur child from young. LYk mine, we dun force him to sit from young so now he dun even wan to sit in it at all.


I swear by Braun Ear thermometer, fast n accurat. Tried other brand wif forhead taking bt nt as accurate. For kids, u haf to do it fast coz they wun haf so much patience to wait.


I think most likely I will go thru another round of natural w/o epidural since #1 labour was fast so if nth goes wrong, #2 will b even faster to even admistered epidural. E fear will always b there.


Actually its ok if u do massage juz tat dun massage e tummy. When I did my pre-natal massage, its juz lyk normal massage juz tat I lie on my sides, no massage on tummy, tats it. MY hubby oso massage for mi. He really use his strangth to massage my shoulders lo.

Babyrain- U can try using those washing detergetn for kids. For mi, I using Kodomo Dishwashing Detergent.

MissBluey- I oso scared tat my weight will b stagnant aft tis pregnancy so keepin finger crossed. As for bottles, I oso goin for those non BPA bottles since my #1 oso use those normal 1.

Lin- Dun worry bout ur baby weight. Dr Lim was tellin mi tat my #1 is a big baby bt den when born he oni 2.74kg so tis time roung when he say my baby big, I dun really seem to bother anymore.

Car seat

Agreed with Jolene - must start to train the kids from young. My kids were placed in the carseats and they know the rules - buckle up or get out of the car. Used to argue with my father in law in the past as he always like to carry kid to sit on his lap next to the driver seat. To me, that is s very dangerous and irresponsible act.


Missbluey - I also notice that I dream less than before ..but still lacking quality sleep..

Milk bottles

Mine are avent normal bottles ..I think shd be alright since my other kids had been drinking the same kinda in the past. The BPA free ones are too expensive..anyway I usu replace the bottles every 4-6 mths..

Just now I tried to trim my toes nails and I realised it is more difficult than before..the tummy is getting into the way..and I cannot lift and hold my big fat legs for long..now I know why some expectant mummies go for pedicure...


haha i got the same feeling last week when trying to cut my toe nails. Now when things drop i also hv difficulty bending to pick it up.

Hi i have a set of good condition 9.9/10 condition yaolan to sell. Letting go at $30 with 2 sarong. 3 springs, 2 sarong and inverted U stand. Collection at Chao Chu Kang. PM me for more info


so interesting that its your HB that thought of the name.. btw I was surfing and found that ben Affleck's daughter also has the same name.. I cant remember his wife name but she was acting as Electra in the movies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw your HB or you christian? Oh you also "counting" the chinese name arh... I wanted to just give but mil insist must count... so no choice for me loh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] me dont believe in such things.. :p so cant just register baby name in the hospital liao..


I also wanted to get the stroller after confinement cos dont think will be using it earlier and wanted baby to "choose" her own... haha.. but in the end HB and I saw something that we both like (for once, cos its either he like I dont or vice versa..) we decided to just get it


we also bough a stroller that cannot be used for new borns... it is stated in the brochure 7mths but the lady at the taka fair said 3-4mths can start using liao...


was actually thinking of getting these at kiddy palace like next month when stocking up for baby wash/lotion etc... think their prices are quite reasonable cos lots of colleagues recommend to get stuff from kiddy palace and apply for the membership

Hi Jus'us, saw that you were talking about stroller. I am a 1st time mum of a 6 month old baby. My experience with stroller is i would suggest to use it when they are young for instance if you are bring him/ her out when she is 1-2 months old, do not carry her put her in the stroller. Also don't have the mentality that stroller is very troublesome. As it is more troublesome if your baby refuse to seat in the stroller when he/she is slightly older. That is when you will regret not using the stroller.

Just sharing my experience. I was lazy using the stroller when i bring her out since 2 month. My maid usually carries her around. when we want to introduce the stroller at 3 months she refuse to lie and seat. Now most of the time we have to carry her and is a hassle because you wont have the freedom to shop with her on hand and she is heavy now so is very tiring for adults.

I would recommend mummies to buy stroller for infant so she cant lie down in the stroller unless you are very sure that you will not bring her out for the 1st 3 months or so.

sorry to interrupt


Gynae said it due to either poor blood circulation or the pressure adding to that area. Asked me to have lots of bed rest.


Glad to hear from you.. At least now not so stress of my baby weight.. lol


hehehee... my hubby was holding my hand, assure me that he be there and he love me & baby. This give me more assurance on the delivery process.

The exercise, I also half forgotten liao especially the exercise to prevent tearing during delivery. Some exercises I can still remember eg. the Squat, leg paddling.


wow thanks babe.. episiotomy.. OUCH!!! pain pain but I know that once we see our baby, all pain is nothing. U've natural birth with or w/o epi?? I think I better opt for Epi..


we must jia you thou scare but have to go thru it since we are 3/4 there liao

welcome myfavpooh~


i got cheap disposable breast pads in WTS/WTE thread. hehe.


im also lazy to do kegal exercises. even when i do, im not sure whether i do it correctly anot. i had epi for my #1, my son was delivered naturally. administer epi is definitely not as pain as my labour & piles pain. =p


can say what is your weight now? i just hit big "7" few days ago. quite depressed about it but if my bb is doing fine, i should be happy.

oic, thanks. then i will get non bpa bottles as my #1 is using normal ones since birth.


oops, i didn't changed my bottles for a very long time. the only time i changed was the bottle was accidentally spoilt by me. i only changed teats.

re: labour

in fact already starting thinking le. actually im still quite scare to go through it (again). haha. maybe b'cuz #1 was a lonnnnggg labour, hopefully this time will be shorter despite all that walking around. =p most likely will take epi again, even hubby see me no up saying i will definitely take. i just want to try what it is like w/o epi. to me, laughing gas is no use.

re: postnatal massage

i happened to come across this origins jamu massage, having promotions now.


but hor, the only thing is holding me back is i have to pay $200 as a deposit especially after what i have seen & heard about certain famous spas closed down for no apparent reason.

Hi releigh

Please let me know you full detail so i can put u in the list.






Baby Gender:

Expecting No:

Baby's Name


working status


high % that I will opt for epi. My mummy has been telling me to do so cos she know I got low pain threshold and she said why suffer when there is pain relive.. whahahaa

Hi Myfavpooh

Please let me know you full detail so i can put u in the list.






Baby Gender:

Expecting No:

Baby's Name


working status

Hi sberry122,

I saw you left a msg on the Mar thread. I gave birth @ MAH - double bed, LCSC with epi. Final bill came to approx $5k+ including nursery/phototherapy items. Medisave managed to cover for everything.

My anaesthetist was Dr Lim Yong Chuan. He's very good and I would definitely recommend him. But usually your gynae will have a list of anaesthetists that they work with, so you better check with your gynae first.

Hope this helps.

Hi jojo,

I cant remember which thread have the list with baby's name may be is MTB May or July. u may wanna go n check it out.


hi there, thanks for the advise... however my stroller cannot be used for new born so I guess nto much choice already.... I guess have to wait and see... if bb doesnt wanna use stroller in the end I also cant really help it.. I guess maybe I try to carry less and go out less often when bb is still young and cant use her stroller..

OMG !!

Me missed out quite a bit coz neva log in.. Lemme catch up on the thread..

In the meantime ...


My boy's name will be Joshua Samuel ;>

Irma n missbluey,

ya. i lost weight. haa..oso dun know y. maybe my appetite small. no craving too. i have 9 wks more to go. hee.. so far only put on 5kg n baby is 1.4 at 30wks.

lin: oh ic.. take care ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jalgal: thx for the update for our bundle of joy's names.. so nice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just came back fr lunch, sleepy sleepy..

Hi mummies,

Hope all are well. I'm getting big as well. Been waddling around for a while now hahha.. And find it more difficult to turn from left to middle to right when sleeping. Also have had difficulty cutting nails - i.e. lifting the big legs up and actually reaching the nails to cut them.

Re Chinese Herbs During Confinement:

Got the following link from colleague for those who do not plan to get own separate herbs from medical hall. I hear it is average and acceptable. I'm likely to just order from them as well since we don't know much of what we need to get. Any thoughts welcome. http://www.pemconfinement.com/herb.php

HI Rainelle,

The adapter for the Medela pump, is that for connecting the pump to other bottles? Will try to get glass bottles from the hospital too, but think NUH is not the regular baby hospital and may not likely have glass bottles to give away.

hi poohgirl..

thanks alot for ur advise..

i tink medisave coverage for LCSC is much higher for natural. hopefully i won't have to fork out too much cash tis time..

so coincidence.. my gynae oso got me Dr Lim Yong Chuan for my first birth. i find him good oso, tink tis time will get him oso.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]thanks alot for ur help..


Go for pedicure to pamper yourself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just went over the weekend and the feeling was great! They will scrub away the dry skin, dig out the unwanted dirt from the nails, trim it evenly and it was a relaxing 45 mins of treatment.

Envy u ladies who can lose weight... Mine piling up ... Colleagues and brother commented my face look more and more chubby & me now like auntie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Can't wait for my delivery due date....

i always go for medi n pedi. except the first 3 month which my hubby not allow me to go. i cant imaging myself cutting toes nail. it's difficult for me to band for more the 30sec now.


same here. got difficulty turning from left to middle to right before i go to sleep. already have difficulty when i get up from bed. hais. yep, also struggling to cut my toe nails, anyhow cut lor, haha.


i wish i have small appetite. it looks like my appetite is getting better now. -.-" trying to stuff myself with fruits & plain water so i don't get to eat junk food.

re: maternity leave

i just check with my HR. they said my ML includes ph & weekends leh. boo hoo.

breastfeeding questions!

I rem some experienced mummies mentioning some supplements will help to boost supply? Any idea what kind of supplements to get?

I am thinking whether it is time to stock up now so that can start eating them immediately after delivering bb, so as to let the milk kick in? Does it work this way?

Hi Ladies,

finally get to shop a bit earlier.. checked out Aussino, thot the gal's design set is really sweet, so tempted to buy for my boy since only $45+.. ha. Then went to Mothercare n bought some stuffs for my gal, dun dare to buy more clothes for my boy - realise i hv bought quite a few liao.

And i found out there are 2 types of BPA free bottles fr Avent, one is the yellowish packaging ones which is double the price of the old non BPA ones, and one is in between, ie altho its BPA free, the sales gal claims that the plastic material is "softer" n its not the usual transparent bottle that I am used to. For 4 x 260ml packaging, its going for $42.90 nett. I don't recall seeing these at the departmental stores tho.. anyway juz FYI.

My SIL is giving up bf when her gal reaches 6 mths cos her working hours need to move abt and irregular as well.. so i will prob be using her Medela PIS - no excuse to buy Avent dual liao.

Re: car seat

I also cant tahan when MIL wants to carry my gal instead of letting her just sit in it.. and after which my gal will demand to be carried.. duh! So now i heck care, will insist her to buckle up, juz gotta bear with some pleas n cries n till now she will guai guai sit on it.

Re : Stroller for NB

I guess really depends on yr lifestyle - cos we dun stay with in laws, so when we go out during wkend for some dining/shopping therapy in the first 3 mths, stroller is impt so my gal can lie n sleep longer. Of course they will fuss a bit after some time, but if u intend to stay outdoors for longer hours, it is better to lug it IMO.


i dun aim to lose weight but will be glad if can maintain.. hee so far still hovering at 63kg+

oh ya..

mummies wif heartburn can request for gyane to give some medi to ease the feeling.

i was given some but was told ONLY to use it when it is at its worse stage -.-

cos i told him my heartburn recover slightly better onli when i puke out everything =\


Does it help? my bed rest onli can be done aft 9pm.

otherwise is walking all ard non-stop even @ work.

im oreadi walking like 1 big fat penguin liaox.



im planning to buy some fenugeek from spree. you can try searching in the bulk purchase or overseas threads. not really keen in nursing tea as im lazy to make tea, hee.

not sure whether it will be a successful bf for me as i didn't bf fully in #1.


yea, i heard some med can ease heartburn. but hor, how does heartburn really feels like? gassy feeling in the chest? been having that on & off especially during office hours, i wonder why.

haiya, i forgot what i want to type after my last sentence. zzzzzzzzz!!!

