(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


the apr bb fair is not the june motherhood fair - not sure abt the scale but I saw avent listed as one of the participants. These few days no energy to shop at all - wanted to get the aussino stuffs but heard that no more boy's design.. too bad lor. Luckily hv bought most of the essential stuffs so can still dilly dally a bit.

Mothercare sleepsuits r so comfy - my gal is still wearing them cos she small build mah.


I prefer the longest possible - so hv juz bought some 35cm n 40.5cm cottony soft sofy w/ wings. Can still use after stop bf mah.. Anyway daytime will hv to rest n lie more during first mth so I prefer wearing long type. Usually will still hv remaining fr hospital for those maternity pads + my sil hv another half pack pass down - I hv more than sufficient liao.


I was lucky to hv a hand down bb monitor but the best part is - my gal is a natural loud hailer so din even get to use it at all, ha. But I din close the door completely - so that could make a difference too.

Re : imsonia

my pelvic is expanding! I can hear cracking sounds when I flip fr one side to the other in the middle of the nite! Yikes!


Jojo, I just asked Mrs Wong after my class today and she also assure me that nothing will affect baby despite of the loud sound.. Heeheee .. Feeling better now after asking her and seeing ur post : )

gals, i went to mothercare today. bought 1 pack of sleepsuits at 50% off with every purchase and i think its worth it leh. after discount its only at $27.00. btw, u gals are talking about 1 malay auntie who does great massage right? after giving birth how often do we have to go for massage? 1 week how many times huh? how much she charges? can give phone no for enquiry?

Also went down to Suntec BB Fair, nothing much there and almost tempted to buy 1 combi pink colour pram which has 40 bucks off. didn't buy in the end, becos my SIL said that babies tend to be very choosy if they dun like that pram, that's it. is that true??????

Only managed to buy 2 packets of Pureen's Madame Maternity Pads with Adhesive backing. now only selling at $5.50 per pack. so grabbed 2 pkts, hot item, only left last pack, when i left the place.

koaru, i see.. but i check expo website the event is not listed leh..

my bb gal is starting her weekend "i'm lazy to move" routine again. makes mi super paranoid!!! i just causally said at 10pm+ to hubby that i will spank bb's buttock for her laziness to move, then bb gave a hard kick as if to protest, after which she keep quiet for the longest time.

later she happy kick away at 2am plus when i went to sleep. see la, happy happy lazy for long hours, den midnight come she start "i kick all i like!" session. morning 8am+ started her kickboxing again.. i keep scolding her n saying out loud "she is a bad gal, i want to spank her little buttock", then she kicked even more!!! my hubby keep telling mi offing for saying "she is a bad gal", dun let mi scold bb. haiz, hubby like sayang bb more than mi liao.


me gained 12kg at 28 weeks!! 39" and baby boy is about 1.8kg! I was like unbelievable.. but dr estimated baby to be 1.8kg. almost 2 weeks heavier than average. Ha.. big also good la.

Saw bb lips open and close during last week's scan, saw his features too. Dr say look like me. haha.. but i can't really tell. Also saw his legs moving and his private part. ;-)

ya, i'm waddling like most mums here, walking is quite tiring and sleep is not v.good. like a block in front of me and sweating despite of air-con!!

Yet to buy maternity pad and other small things.

Any recommendation for nail clipper/scissors and bb thermometer??

Thanks & take care all mummies!

Hi rainelle, I bought the maternity pads with wings

at mothercare.. Fyr..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bebe75, i got tired after ard 2-3 hrs then took short breaks to rest... was in comfy slippers so that helped i guessed.. hehe..

koaru, so ur baby monitor not used mostly? i scared if i close both my door and baby's room door, i may nt be able to hear him cry at nite..

hehe lin, good good.. i forgot to ask her also.. good that u asked and told me.. additional re-assurance.. ^^

mummies, my fren just gave me a sterilizer.. so now i have 2... wana sell my Avent Electric Sterilizer, brand new just bought in March.. Box not opened yet.. any1 interested to buy let me know kk.. thanks ya..


wow a great coincidence.. it took me a long while to find this name.. and HB was thinking it was too long at first but since can have a lot of short forms its okay lah.. in fact I think the names I gave him for bb gals are long haha... so have you thought of the chinese name yet?


I agree with bebe.. you sure have a lot of energy.. I feel so tired everyday already... feel like just lying in bed all the time and feeling sleepy all the time too... normally its also max 2-3 hrs and then I become like no energy liao... just wanna collapse and sleep.. haha

jus'us and bebe, today i woke up feeling sooo tired... mayb coz last nite dreaming whole nite and woke up 4-5 times to pee (drank a big cup of ice-milo at dinner >.<).. then it was an adventureous long wkend for me too, friday nite go concert, sat shopping spree, sunday pre-natal classes.. now at work so tired.. was trying so hard to keep alert when driving to work.. i tink awhile more i go drink chicken essence.. today will be very busy somemore.. so sian...

morning mummies!


i bought pigeon nail clipper (scissor-looking pattern), very easy & simple to use. till now, i still using that on my son. as for bb thermometer, tried various type. pd told us those traditional types (got beep sounds when temperature is taken) are better, can put inside mouth & can kiap in armpits, more accurate. currently, im using ear thermometer, cannot remember the brand name. so far so good. i find that laser thermometer isn't very accurate, had to take several times.


you can find shower gel & ginger cream in this link:


re: loud music

when i had my #1, i have quite alot of karaoke sessions during my last tri. not sure its linked but my son seems to like singing lately, hehe.

re: shopping sprees aka long walking hours

i give up! too tired. back pain, pelvis pain, left leg suan (sore) for no reason. hais. fri & sat were quite bad, walking is a chore, lying down is quite pain, only sitting down w/o moving is the best, haha. don't remember feeling so pained in #1. T_T will definitely skip all those sales (sad!!!), really buey tahan.

now even when i want to stand after sitting down, it is also becoming a chore! trying to sit up after lying down on bed is a problem too. omg...hubby was telling me this is how i will feel if im weighing @ 70+kg. -.-

i think im going to look like fat penguin now, haha.

re: dreams

noticed my frequency of having dreams had dropped drastically, which is good. but i still don't get enough sleep leh.

re: weight gain

just took my weight when i was @ my parents' house on sat. 70.4kg! last taken @ gynae's was 68.5kg. boo hooo~~ i think im gaining faster than #1. cham liao. hopefully, the excess weight can pass to bb. =p my maid said i look better with my round face. -.-""" i hate it lor.

oh i realised my appetite is getting better. good or bad thing? hahaha.

measured my tummy & hips last week - tummy 40", hips 41"!!! eyes wanna pop out le.


I think I still hv the pamphlet given to me at tmc by the organizer - let me check the details later cos now waiting to see GP for a bad sorethroat! At least my gal is back at cc today so can hv more rest.


maybe also cos my room is next to hers - but I can assure u when they wail, it's hard to miss! Unless both of u r so tired that u can't be stirred. I think it's more useful if yr house is big or the 2 rooms r far apart.


most active bb won't like to be confined in the stroller - so muz get those 5 point ones n hv to put up wif their cries lor. But they will love it once they master walking again - like my gal's case.

koaru, no problem.. u check and let me know later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: bpa bottles

i think only lately the milk bottles come with bpa free labels right? realised my avent bottles don't have this label about 2yrs ago.

Monthly Checkup

Hi ladies, I went to gynae checkup last thurs, baby weighs 2kg and I was at my 30 weeks.

Times flies and soon all of us will be counting down to see our baby. Accroding to my EDD, I still got 9 weeks since I am at my 30 weeks now = )


it says "Baby Expo" - slotted for 30 apr thru 2 May 2010 at Singapore Expo Hall 4A. Some of the participants anticipated are Pampers, Peg Perego, Avent, Stemcord...


cos all along those on the shelves hv been mainly non BPA free bottles mah.. only recently dunno US/EU that side a big hoo-ha on this, they big on "health hazard" mah.. but it costs almost double lor.. ouch!

Got some inflammatory medi for my bad throat - can feel i am losiing my voice gradually.. i ever lost voice due to sorethroat, and its so exasperating when u can't verbalize yr thots!


ok i must also confess i hv been eating deep fried/grilled food too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i personally like the normal nail clipper tho i hv frenz who swear by scissors type too. I am using safety 1st clipper (dun need to get the fanciful type IMO) and it has been cheap n useful for me till now.. good size n grip for me.

While ear thermometer may not be the most accurate, but i think ear/forehead type still most practical n easy to use. All schools/clinics are using these anyway.

Hi mommies, I'm from Jan 2010 thread.

I have the following I wish to let go:

Via post or Self collection will be @ my place in Aljunied.

Nursing Bra size 40C (Nude(brown) and light beige) - $8.50 each including postage

Washed not worn. Bought wrong size. Ribbon in the centre has been removed.

For pictures, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/23825906@N03/sets/72157623457485138

Brand New Unopened (without box) Medela Purelan $10 including postage

37g Expiry June 2012

Brand New Unopened Avent Nipple Cream $14 including postage

30g Expiry June 2011

From Little dreamers

Healing bottom spray $13.50 including postage

Brand new unopened 120ml bottle Expiry Sep 2011

I had to go for c-sect thus selling this off.

Dry confinement Powder (for hair) $7 including postage

3.4oz bottle Expiry Oct 2011

Used 30%. Tried using during confinement but end up washing my hair. :p

Do PM me if keen.

helloooooo mummies!

Been MIA for so long cos super bz over work + taking care of #1 after work. Come to think of it, i am now officially in 3rd trimester, which means time to countdown!

If this bb same as her gor gor, i will be delivering at least one week earlier than EDD lor, this means 11 more weeks to go. Super scary to think of it, cos still have so much work to clear.

I heard mummies who had #1 before will experience a faster delivery this time. True a not huh?

Hi mummies,

Did not get a chance to post lately cos been quite busy at work and wow! the thread moves! Hope all are hanging in there well.

Re mummies with sore throats:

Best non-medicine cure is to gargle with thick salt solution many times. It really works.

Re BM storage, mummies who are using breast pumps:

I got the Medela quite some time ago.

- Was wondering if the Medela pumps only fit the Medela bottles when you pump, meaning can only buy Medela bottles to pump milk into?

- Then transfer to other bottles for storage?

- So no need to buy so many Medela bottles, only enough for pumping milk into? Otherwise quite expensive

Do you think we will get to also have a thread meet up before we pop? Don't mind including future kids names in the list but we haven't finalized our name too. Quite last minute yah?

Hi Mummies,

My checkup is now every 2 weeks. Went for my checkup on 1st April. Was suppose to be 29 wks ++ during the checkup, but after the scan, I am actually 30 wks , and tmr will be my 31 wks. (Haa.. Had mis calculate it.) Which means that I am left with 9 more wks to the arrival of my BB.

I have lost 600gm during the weighting. Which means that I have only gained 5kg. But lucky is Baby is now 1.4kg. A small baby, but healthy. =)

Bought most of the baby stuffs and decorated his room. Now is waiting for the day to come.

So Excited.

Help: Pelvis size for Natural birth!

Any mums had to go for C-sect for a previous labor because the pelvis is too small for natural delivery? Or any mums-to-be are told by your gynae of the same?

I'm very worried that my bb is too big, and that my hip/pelvis is too small to deliver! Wondering if hip exercises do genuinely help....

oh no koaru, looks like i buy the baby monitor for nth liao, just got it over the weekend.. baby's room will be next to mine.. but i scared with both doors closed i may not hear him so i bought.. aiya nvm la.. buy le bobian.. will just try to use it more lo.. mayb in the day also can use..

for thermometer, cant we just use the normal adult ones? i have 1 thermometer at home already.. the ones GPs normally use.. abit puzzled how come so many mummies specially getting thermometers...

during ytd's pre-natal class mrs wong let us watch a video on delivery.. abit scary lei.. i watch liao feel abit traumatised.. haha.. then keep telling hubby i scared.. how ar.. >.<

bluberi, i tink ard 28 wks babies weight ard 1 - 1.2kg.. then at 32 wks abt 1.8 - 2 kg.. these are averages i sort of derived when reading ppl's posts on how heavy their babies are.. so for the new 4 wks our babies will grow alot, double in fact..

re: baby thermometer

i bought the Cadi baby thermometer during the expo fair - it's a very versatile thermometer becos it reads the temperature from the forehead, ear and other times, it reads the room temp too. we tried on ourselves - works perfectly!

guess the downside of using an adult thermometer is the size of the bb's ear hole. somehow i'm not sure if the normal adult size can fit into the tiny ear of the bb nicely.

hi mummies: how are you...?

the thermometer hor..to me, i dun trust the forehead thermometer. coz that time during the h1n1 thingy, my co took everyone's temp using that.. happen to be, my hubby (then we were working same co) had fever. but the thermometer read not having fever. we had an "emergency" thermometer, and indeed he had high fever..

now at home, i have the one that u put in the mouth. but do you know what's the thing called that (the plastic) thing used in doctor/ polyclinic?

Jojo, i see.. i hope my bb dun bcom too big until muz c-sec.

how many of u bought bb prams liao? was intending to get the Capella S705 earlier on, but has now decided on the Combi Urban Walker. but my hubby still wants to wait till bb is out then get the pram.

raleigh: wah.. u lost weight..? anyway, how far along are you now..? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluberi: hubby n i dun intend to buy the pram now.. maybe only aft my confinement.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u lost weight?

re: thermometer

i will be sticking to my current thermometer unless it decides to fails me then. hehe.

re: pram/stroller

will be recycling my lucky baby stroller for #2.

boy, im feeling sleepy again...

Missbluey, hehhee... very fast

and now getting scare after seeing the video on methods of different delivery yesterday.


yes, when my gynae told me, I was surprised... maybe i eat too much fried beancurd too much, drink moderate milk and calcium food..Think my baby will be big when i deliver..

sore feeling:

mummies, some of you mentioned got the sore feeling at the pelvis.. y eh, any idea, or anyone happened to ask gynae? coz i dun seem to have that feelin.. which is i believe is good.? bad?

but my back & lower back is killing me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


mi too... during pre-natal class yesterday, mrs wong showed us the video on delivery.. my tears abt to come out lor... my hubby told me not to be scare cos he be ard

But I still scare leh & traumatised by it now... very scare.. scare of the pain and the tear if we unable to control the pushing urge..

Re: Sore feeling at the pelvis

I do have it everyday and it so painful. Asked gynae and he told me to have alot of bed rest. I will lay on sofa or tried to massage the area before sleep..

Since yesterday, I've been trying to do some light stretching to reduce the strain.. I got alot of purple and green veins.. so ugly...

Starting to have abit of backache if I stand too long. Try to stand straight & dun lean forward while walking.

lin: u got happen to ask gynae why have that pain..?

veins: i also got that "colorful" veins at the back of my knees. no way to get rid of them right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you shd count yourself lucky if you don't have sore feeling [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

its difficult to walk and painful too.. and end up walk like a penguin because BB is pressing on the nerve

and not all women have this.

gitz: ya..thats y..i was wonderin y.. hehe~

oh! ic.. so its becoz bb pressing down.. ok tq. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i don't have pelvis pain for #1. this time round, i think the pain is to make up for #1, quite painful lor. lucky you!

yea, my lower back is killing me @ times. gynae even asked me whether i wanted painkillers but i refused to have it. scare no gd for bb.

as for colourful veins, i heard better don't cross your legs (in ladylike pattern) when you are sitting down. i always try to stop myself from doing my fave position. but not sure whether can cross legs when sitting on the floor, i still do leh.


heh, the delivery process is indeed scary but the moment you hear your bb's cries, i can say its the most blessed moment even though you are still in pain, sweaty & exhausted. i had episiotomy then, to me, the snitching wasn't as bad as compared to the pain during my labour & piles. small case nia! keke.

missbluey: aiyo.. dunno if it helps if hubby massage our backs hor..?

the crossing leg, i think i've heard of it. but that one is to prevent right..? but to let 'em go "free"..? can massage do? hehe~

sitting on floor, shd be ok right..? *raise shoulders*

delivery process:

i'd rather not know how it is.. want to experience first hand. hehe~

*back pain* OUCH!!! hurhurhur...

hi mummies..

anyone seeing or heard of these PD: Dr Chan Kit Yee (Singapore Baby clinic) and Dr Ong Eng Kleow(previously also fm Singapore baby clinic)? any comments? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sberry: i think one of the mummies (or 2) were discussing abt PDs earlier and i happend to read Dr Chan Kit Yee.. but oops! not sure. sorry..

Jus'us, for my case is HB very fond of the name afterall is he think out de.. lols.. and i was the one worry too long etc.. hahaha.. we two oppsite.. haven tot of the chinese name.. only will decide after baby is born.. cos my family got count the strokes in chinese character de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u?

Missbluey, tell ur HB if u really weight 70kg cos of fat, u wun feel as tired as preggy.. cos mainly our burden is our big tummy!! hahaha..

Friends, koaru, take good care ah..

Suelynn, that's one of the method to transfer, or u can buy adapter?

Bluberi, i oso intend to get after baby birth.. afterall, 1st mth wun able to go out.. no worry now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo, Lin, dun worry too much.. i oso 1st time mummy.. franky speaking i oso worry, cos we dun hab the experience b4.. dunno wat to expect.. but i believe nature will take it's course.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, wanna ask u girls, how do we clean our nipples b4 bf? sorry ah, nv go classes and lazy to do research



don't dare to ask hubby to really massage, scare might hurt bb. just grit teeth & bear the pain/ache. >.<


hahaha. i don't know about that, i hope i won't be 70kg after delivery!

