(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


according to the pd, teething doesn't cause fever. However, teething causes the immunity to weaken, hence making the baby more susceptible to virus. my bb also have fever for a few days when he was sprouting his first tooth. The fever was as high as 38.9. anything higher i was abt to bring him to the hospital.



Actually at first I use Japanese rice is because it is short grain so more suitable for porridge than long grains. Then Cole took to the taste of it & rejects normal rice so I just continue giving him that. I mix organic brown rice & Japanese rice (soak them overnight) use soup stock put all in rice cooker, voila rice with soup (can see the rice grains & soup) Initially I steam cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, potato etc mash & mix with his rice but he doesn't seem to like it so I just boil the ingredients in his soup, at least nutrients are all in the soup. Recently started to intro back the veggies mix in his rice.

His soup stock usually I'll boil overnight so by the time I use it, it's very tasty at least 8 hrs boiling. First on stove then before going to bed transfer to crockpot.

Did any mummies blend the brownrice 1st (after wash n dry it) and cook as a porridge for your little one?

Or i should put in a rice cooker? If it is in rice, how long does it take to be ready?

Hey mummies!!

Morning!! ITs 30 December 2010!!! 1 more day to 2011!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We were all grumbling of our huge bellies and all the complications thta came with it this timw last year... but all that doesnt matter anymore after we see the faces of our tiny oness (oh well, not so tiny anymore either)...


For yourself?

For your baby?

For your family?

AND something for charity!!?

Keep it posting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me its to lose my preggy weight and hit back my wedding wgt at least. And to take off in my alternative investments that i do from home.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my baby-- To enjoy every bit he grows and to impart some religious knowledge from the time he can speak.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my family-- Hmmm.. Hope to cook more new dishes so that my hubby will be happpy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and hope we are always happy!! (AND Hoefully a holiday this year)

And for charity-- I am hoping to raise a particular amount of money and hopefully give it to some needy children for their education [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] IF God Wills.

So you're next! Whats yours?


yeah when see the temp go up really worrying.. anyway went to see PD took blood test and urine test. PD say its a bacterial infection and put on antibiotics..airborne can pick up anywhere....i am guessing from her infant care.... and her fever is now fluctuating to 38.8 and 38.9, crossing my fingers the antibiotics work faster... but she is still active and playing so i guess she isn't feeling that terrible... anyway thanks... 1st baby so feel kan cheong over everything...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any bubs here alrdy started to cruise or walk? Apparantly Charlotte has started to learn walking and cruise with the aid of the sofa edge now. Terrible and really can't imagine the mess she and her 20-mth old sister can create when they run ard the hse in 6 mths time.

Jojo, Michelle, So 9 mths full 3 meals a day huh...tsk...I really need to wake up early then..no more catching up on my sleep anymore lah. I use tht morning 7-9am plus to put bb inside playpen, let him play or shout n catch up on sleep. Think cant do tht anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Gotta start my engine early to feed breakfast liao..Sigh..

Michelle, Yes maid sent back, still SAHM, and Toshan...well nowadays Im no more bothered abt his timing and how long he sleeps. Ive given up totally on the idea of schedule, wht time how long..Its forcing him to do sumthing he doesnt want to do, makes him cry, makes us all stressed out at home. So now, I let him play n play, shoutn cry, wait for cues, then put him to sleep. And he sleeps naps so much btr. No more 30mins..its 1 hr or 2 hrs now. Its btr lah, only thing gotta keep entertaining him, but still save us all the stress! keke.

Aiyah talking abt weight. I was like 2-3kg pre-preg weight already in my 1st month. Then recently, after getting a hang of all the houesework, I put on like another 3 kg plus..so now like 6-7kg from the pre-preg weight! Arrghh...Seriously, Must do sumthing. I wish I breafed bb. Mine only 2 weeks of breastfeeding. Think if breastfeed, maybe lost alot by now. Now 9 mths can squuze anything out of my breasts or not ah?? kekek, kidding lah. I know only blood will come out! Tsk...sianz. I bgt some detox tea, see if shed abit of weight. Then if I can get abit more energy, I see if can do skipping or sumthing at home. I have totally fall ill again. Serious throat pain n red phelgm...no energy to even carry bb. Sigh. Hubby has been trying to help. Once im ok, will try to intri bb snacks.

Agginess: that what my Pd said. By 9mo, bb should have 3 full solid meals with 3 milk feed. Timing like:

6am, 3pm & 9pm: milk feed,

9am, 12pm & 6pm: solid meals

Of cos the timing is just a suggestion, that will depend what time ur bb wake up and stuff.. And maybe u may wanna give fruits and bb snacks in btw..

Now I'm slowly intro cereal meal for my girl's third feed.. After we adapt the timing for her, then will start cook and feed porridge.


My bb is a poor drinker. So I wish to give him min 4 milk feeds, unless he refuses it naturally.

But the timing you have stated is abt wht I have in mind actually. But hor, I dunt want him to wake up so early..keke. I do feed him milk at 7am n put him back to sleep. Its just tht I wish to sleep a little longer than 9am. So currently, my schedule is actually more or less the same as wht you have stated, only thing is tht the breakfast is currently being replaced by his milk feed. Then at 12ish and 6ish he has his porridge...recently I have been introducing him snacks at 5pm plus. Yoghurt. Hopefully, starting fruits n biscuits for snacks. Now I gotta get hardworking n wake up early for breakfast. Wah alot of work leh. 2 times a day I feed bb porridge, I shower bb twice, wash his plates, cups, spoons, rinse his bib, wash cloth all 2 times. I wana pengsan! With breakfast includes, it will all be 3 times...tsk..hopefully lose some weight. It wld be rewarding and wld be a good motivation of I do lose weight. ;o)

hi SN,

sorry for the super late reply...i just cant log in to SMH for the past few days...any mums encounter this? sighs

sorry im not available on the 9th jan...gt a bb shower to attend...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] any other dates that u mummies gg?

btw, mummies...

is ur bb sleeping well at night? my gal tends to whine abit at night now...vv tiring...

happy new yr to all mummies here....may the yr 2011 be a much better yr than 2010 for everyone!!

Happy New Year to mummies!!!!

May the new year 2011 brings Joy, Happiness and Prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Hello Mommies!! First workday of 2011!! Hope everyone of us has a good start!! Applies to sahm too!

Agginess: for me.. Cos my girl will wake up btw 3am-5amfor night feed.. So normally I'll squeeze in one morning feed ard 7-8am (and she usually only drink 100ml), after that IFC will feed oats porridge at 9am. Her current timing is like that even for weekends:

7-8am: 100-120ml

9am: 200ml oat porridge / 3-4tbspn of cereal (wkend)

12pm: 300ml porridge / 7-8tbspn of cereal or 2 tspn of Eys brown rice powder (wkend)

2pm: 100ml fruits (IFC only)

3-4pm: 160ml milk

6-7pm: 160ml milk (intend to substitute with solid)

9-10pm: 130-160ml milk

3-5am: 130-160ml milk

Mommies: can show me picture of the cube containers that u use to freeze the puree or stock?? Where can buy?? Finally my hb agreed to cook few days of stock supply and freeze them.

Thanks ya!!


Your girl's milk intake is almost identical to my princess as well! but then your girl can eat so much oats and porridge at school? 200ml/300ml? it's a good day if my girl can finish 60ml of puree for each meal!! I have a tiny girl who eats tiny portions.. sigh...i am seriously beginning to doubt my cooking capabilities to cook basic food...

The baby cube i am using is this one and i bought it at a bulk purchase for $12 each if i remember correctly..


Alternatively u can buy from Daiso their ice cube trays / containers which also have covers. Think they also sell small 30ml containers i saw that the last time i was there..

Hello mummies!!!

Hope everyone has had a great start for the New Year!

I have MIA for sometime, very busy with work. Hope it's ok that I now "re-join" this forum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, just want to check if any mummy has started to think/plan for baby's 1st year birthday? I know it's still a good few months away but I just thought I'll be a little kiasu. :p

Actually already planned to take an overseas trip but that means it will just be the 3 of us. And suddenly I feel bad for making my baby's 1st birthday so "quiet".

And then I thought of having a party at the zoo but was thinking baby may be too young to enjoy and then it will become an adult's party instead.

Any thoughts?

Helo mummies:

Everyone is preparing and feeding your little ones with semi soild food. I have been doing the same. But Im taking it a little slower pace as my little boy do not like baby food and instead wants adult food. Although we give him edible adult food, im still trying to get him to eat his food. at the most he takes 30-40ml of blended rice with 2 veg. I cook them separately and mix it little by little with his rice. But most of it are spit out and he takes in very little.

His appetite declined when he suffered ear infection and since his recovery, he does not really finish up his food.

I guess he needs more time to be used to semi soild food. His milk intake is 180ml to 200ml every 3-4 hrs during the day.

His meal time:

7-8am: 180ml milk

10am: 200ml of brown rice cereal or rice cereal (alt on days)

1pm: Rice with 2 veg (30ml to 50ml)

3-4pm: 180ml milk

6pm: Pureen fruits/biscuits

8-9pm: 200ml milk

11-12: 180ml milk

5am: 200ml milk

This week, im planning to add fish and green leaf.

Is it ok to start alittle later with fish and meat? He is coming 8mths ts mth.

Maddie: Me and hubby have been thinking abt celebrating our boy's birthday too. So we have short listed MacDonalds and made some enquires and pending for conformation as ther is still some months to go. MacDonalds arrange everytg for us from the invitations, games, presents,food and etc.

What other suggestion does other mummies have?

Anyone interested in this

Little Tikes Standing Gym $20 (Condition 8/10)

COllection at Toa Payoh MRT station

It is suitable for babies who are learning how to stand with support. It has music and attached toys to play. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4957626.jpg]

Hello Mummies,

Happy New Year!

Mrs Lee,

Yes me too, having problem to assess to this thread. These are the slots available given by BJG. Hence no other slots. Maybe you can call them and check with them.

Mummies going to BJG trial at Thomson this weekends, please check your email. I have sent an email to you all last nite. Thanks.

Hello Mummies,

Long time not in the thread.

My baby is gg to be 8months now..

i have not started my girl with biscuits or bread.

Does baby biscuits or bread have sugar?

A_R: we have plan to go cruise (International sea) to celebrate my girl birthday....

something different to celebrate birthday yah...

SN: what is BJG, can i join too?

Hello Mummies! Happy New Year!!

I din enjoyed my holiday cause sick for a week already...fever, bad cough and can't even speak haiz...

Any mummies can recommend part time maid to me?

Please PM me, Thanks so much hor (^^).

willing to work at Pasir Ris. Weekend will be the best.

Anyone know the market rate for weekend?

hi Luckyone,

recently alot of pple having cough.the person can cough till 1-2weeks. Same like yr case

Must be the weather then. did u pass to yr caretaker to take care of yr BB? So u can rest more

My poor boy diarrhea-ed for 3 days and his ass is on FIRE!

At first I thought it was teething, since he's still eating and drinking normally.. but on the 3rd day still having the runs. His backside is all red and peeling from the washing and wiping. Screamed and cried each time he pee or fart or poo. Sigh my heart aches!

Lin, I give my boy baby biscuit. There's a lot of brands, selling at NTUC or Cold Storage.

As long is baby biscuit, it should be ok bah, even with sugar, not much I think.

As for the bread, I soak with vegetables soup and mixed with 2 vegetables, fish or meat.

You can also soak in milk, mixed with sweet potato, pumpkin, apple or banana.

Good news or bad news: I think I am preggie again.

Gosh I just resume work not too long ago! My boss is going to flip...

Lin, I have no one that can help me to take care of my boy. Quite bad luck cause I'm sick during holiday season, IFC close..

So I have been wearing mask whole week loh.

My boy quite poor thing cause no solid foods for him during the week.

Today go back to work, at MRT and Office, I'm still wearing mask cause no want to spread the virus around.

bb-bao, apply diaper cream if still red and peeling, have to ring him to see doctor before it become worst.

My boy also poo a lot last month and his back side got infected, peeling till bleed..We brought him to see doctor and he gives us some pink liquid to clean and antibiotics (cream) to apply. 2 days recovered.

bb-bao..is definitely a good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..congrats ya..do tk good care of urself!!


did u bring yr boy to doctor.... 3 days of diarrhea is suffering for a little boy.so heartpain.

wow, u preggie again...


Very creative of the bread meal.How u got the time to prepare the food while u still gg to work. pls share share.

Every morning, i will just scope powdered form of brownrice and pass to the caretaker to prepare and feed her in the afternoon only

Thanks girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Not the best time, but I guess no choice... I wasnt too happy about it actually.

This monkey now is already too much to handle. I used to be very patient but now omg, I have been losing my temper like some crazy woman. No wonder the tummy refused to go down.

Luckyone, we brought him to the PD last night, he was so happy (?) to see the doctor. But screamed the house down when we tried to wash his ass with the antiseptic and apply the cream. Ya close to bleeding already, like someone whipped his ass open that kind!

Lin, I wake up at 6am, cook porridge (use rice cooker) then boiled 2 small pcs of diff vegs, 1 small pc fish or meat (when I bought back fr NTUC, cut to small pcs, wrap 1 meal portion, 2 or 3 pcs before put in freezer) takes about 30 mins to cut, boil, wash.

bb-bao, poor boy..pls use water to wash/clean his ass..i can understand ur feeling..cox i also thought i pregnant last time..hv mixed feeling cox so dif to handle my boy too..must be happy..is a blessing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why dont u see doctor again, take MC and rest at home while ur BB is in IFC. :>

Anyone interested,

i have balance 2unopened packet of Sacred Tea for Nursing mother.Per packet cost $38

anyone interested to exchange some "M size" Huggies diapers with me. Pls PM me .tks

bb-bao: u tested yet? how come u think only?

i think maybe i also wanna try for 2011 rabbit baby. left about 2 months to make it happen, but we have done no nothing to make it happen yet. hahahahaha....

Luckyone: how come no solid food for bb? can still wear mask and prepare the food mah. i was doing that while i was having chicken pox that time. wahahaha...

Lin, I see 3 doctor liao..now scare to see doctor and take med..cause my boss flying tomorrow, have to come back to prepare documents for him to sign mah.

ChloeMum, I'm sick until "bolah"..have to led on bed sleep and sleep..lucky my hubby still can handle my boy. hen ah~~

ChloeMum, heh heh tested and scanned already so it's quite confirmed.. it was a 'pleasant surprise' on Christmas. I just refused to admit only..

I do want another one in 2011, but was aiming for Nov/Dec baby, this is just shocking!

Actually we also nv really do much, my hubby very proud of himself and said "One shot, one kill!" *FAINT*

I've been bf-ing and my menses only came once in Oct. So when I missed it for 2 mths I didnt even notice...

Chloe's EDD was supposed to be 24 May right?? I rem same as my boy..

bb-bao: yeaps... edd was around 24 may. but she came 20 days ahead on 4th may. so she is 8 months old today. haha.

Chloe was also a 1 shot 1 kill bb. My hb also very proud. haha...

i'm stopping bf-ing liao. menses just came visiting ytd! 1st day of work in the new year! What a pleasant surprise! haha...

ok lar. u enjoy ur pregnancy! heee...

Luckyone: u take care! CNY coming. Must get well soon!


Congraz bb-bao, yr boy will have a bro or sister.. Don't worry too much for yr job. just enjoy preg-hood again ,which god has given u.

Chole,ganbatte for this yr baby.

